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Mars Retrograde Through the Signs
Mars rules our actions, desires, and the way we intentionally move through life. Currently retrograde in Leo, we’ve been reviewing what it means to put our passion and drive into the world, and how our actions mirror our true intentions or understanding of ourselves. Mars will retrograde back into Cancer in January, repeating themes from the Fall of 2024, challenging our health, our comfort in our bodies, and how we care for ourselves. Read your Mars horoscopes below to get a sense of what this review is asking of you.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Virgo 2024
This September we welcome energy we haven’t experienced in several months - the last and final return of Pluto to Capricorn (at least in our lifetimes) and a new eclipse cycle. Pluto’s revisitation to Capricorn is here to tie up loose ends around those practical life themes, and your duty will become more pronounced with this New Moon in Virgo that starts off the month on September 2nd. This Summer we experienced a lot of air and fire energy, the kind of excitement and flourishing that keeps us passionate about life, but also our heads a bit in the clouds. This return to earth signs will allow us to pull out the hammer and nails and make the vision a reality.
Horoscopes for 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn 2024
The second and final Full Moon in Capricorn for 2024 arrives on July 21st, 2024 at 6:17 am EDT. We are right at the end of Cancer season, gearing up to change signs and move our focus to stabilizing the energy that's been initiated. But before we begin that journey, this Full Moon in Capricorn asks us to clear away the last remaining sludge and energetic essence that’s ready to be discarded. This may correlate to a major ending or wrap-up in your life, where one method of practical nurturing has served its purpose and is preparing to be released, or perhaps there's a realization of a new adventure slowly unfolding in front of you. Pluto is also in Aquarius, but is retrograde toward the Full Moon in Capricorn. This is the last time Pluto will enter into Capricorn in our lifetimes, and it may correspond to an equally significant spark and redistribution of power and control in a particular area of your life.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Cancer 2024
The early Summer New Moon welcomes us on July 5th, 2024 at 6:57 PM EDT. This New Moon in Cancer is a sweet one, right in the middle of the season, that marks the halfway point between the two Full Moons in Capricorn. Sitting opposite the sign of Saturn’s rulership, this lunation acts as a balancing point between what we're clearing away from Capricorn so that we can nurture a more personal dream and connection in our own life. This New Moon functions as a marker for this shift, asking you to become more intentional about what structures you’re removing so that you have space for this refreshed intention to blossom.
Horoscopes for 1st Full Moon in Capricorn 2024
The first of two Full Moons in Capricorn arrives on June 21, 2024, at 9:07 PM EDT. Capricorn Full Moons are always more intense, as she now sits opposite the Moon’s home in Cancer. The Moon wishes to find comfort, stability, and consistency aka the “home” of self, but in Capricorn she is far removed from the home and placed out into the world, put to work, and asked to tend to the systems in place. And something about this assignment or structure is ready to be released, but slowly, and over time. The other piece of this Full Moon involves Neptune, sitting at very last degrees Pisces and therefore forming a square aspect to this lunation. Neptune can be a source of inspiration, magic, and desire that shapes our inner reality. Perhaps this Full Moon release allows for a clearing away or redistribution of responsibilities so that you can step into your yearnings.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Gemini 2024
The sweet New Moon in Gemini arriving on June 6, 2024, at 8:37 am EDT ushers forth the energetic shifts we’ve been experiencing the last two weeks. On one hand, this is a beautiful New Moon for setting fresh cerebral intentions that Jupiter will work to expand significantly over the following year. But on the other hand, this New Moon also sits in a square with Saturn. There’s a lingering sense of obligation and responsibility behind the New Moon, creating a dark corner in an otherwise bright and expansive party room.
Horoscopes for Full Moon in Sagittarius 2024
The Full Moon in Sagittarius marks a significant shift in terms of long-term planetary transits that are preparing to unfold in late May. Arriving on May 23, 2024, at 9:53 AM EDT, the first step we are tasked with before we begin a new cycle is to clear away the old projects, ideas, and beliefs that shape our current one. Some theme of your life is reaching its peak point, and ready to be released out into the public or cleared away so you can start to build anew. The reasoning behind this clearing away and expansion point is brought by the upcoming shift occurring when Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25th. Jupiter spends twelve months in each sign, so whenever the largest planet shifts across another sign boundary, it begins a new twelve-month pattern and period of growth for ourselves. As the Full Moon in Sagittarius sits opposite the sign of Gemini, this clearing away and releasing is needed so that fresh expansion and growth can unfold over the next year.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Taurus 2024
April’s astrology has been likened to being put through a cosmological madhouse, where pieces of our life that have been traditionally stable and consistent are no longer so. This sweet New Moon in Taurus occurring on May 7, 2024, at 11:22 pm EDT flips the script by providing a refresh of ease, beauty, and flow back into our lives. Although the recent chaos of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction still lingers, this New Moon has the support of both Venus and Jupiter, which allows us to build anew and restabilize the necessary safeguards in our lives that permit us to feel supported, loved, and comfortable. Saturn is providing a supportive sextile to this New Moon, meaning the fresh intentions planted here have the opportunity to explode in potential over the next six months, and even build into something that withstands time. But to get there, you must first create the intention, and build upon it with purposeful action.
Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Scorpio 2024
The deep, brooding Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on April 23, 2024 at 7:48 PM EDT. The astrology of April gives expansion, growth, and shake-ups of the traditional comforts. This Full Moon may highlight the frustration that’s starting to arise from these transitions and challenges, showing you what to remove or shed to keep moving forward. Lately the astrology has been challenging the norm and introducing something new into your life, perhaps a fresh idea, a unique approach, or an exciting dream. This Full Moon in Scorpio will emphasize the emotional current surrounding a recent destabilization in your life. Whenever we’re jolted into unfamiliar territory, our emotional body needs some time to get comfortable. The lunation will shine the spotlight on where a little more elbow grease is needed with your emotional fortitude as these ever-expanding transitions have the opportunity to sweep us away.
Horoscopes for New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Aries
The New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse occurs in Aries on April 8th, 2024 at 2:20 pm EDT. This eclipse will appear over the United States, with complete visible totality stemming from Texas to Maine. Astrologically, this eclipse highlights wounds, pain points, or potential frustrations in our life with the presence of Chiron right at the exact degree of this New Moon. Chiron is represented by the myth of the wounded healer and tends to highlight the deeper injuries or pain points within ourselves that we hide from others and our own awareness. This eclipse is also ruled by the fiery and go-getter Mars, who is currently in between a rock and a hard place sitting next to Saturn in Pisces. Typically eclipses like to rush in changes, new beginnings, and great endings, but we may feel a little more stagnant during this period of time with the slowdown from Mars.
Horoscopes for Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2024
Eclipse season 2024 begins on March 25th at 3 AM EDT with a beautiful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. This Full Moon is paired with the first eclipse we had in this sign, a New Moon that occurred on October 14, 2023. This eclipse is ruled by Venus, and during October, Venus was in the sign of her Fall. Now, during this Eclipse, Venus sits in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation. This is a complete 180 flip from the energies of the Fall. Practically, we are being linked back to the eclipse in the Fall, but in a way that's much more whole, loving, and softer. There’s a big release because the journey has progressed, we have learned the lessons, and it’s time to let go. It’s not a release that was forced upon you, but one you may gracefully accept and embrace, as it allows for a big weight shifting off your shoulders. You may not see the effects immediately, as Pisces is technically “hidden” from Libra, but you may notice a more subtle flow.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Pisces 2024
The last New Moon before eclipse season arrives on March 10, 2024 at 5am ET. This lunation is in Pisces and nestled between Saturn and Neptune, making an aspect to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. The rest of the planets are left blind to the creations happening behind the mysterious veil of possibilities and extraction from details. Neptune invites us to think about life through a more imaginative, exciting, and slightly delusional lens while Saturn will encourage us to get more practical about the structures and responsibilities needed to actualize those visions. Jupiter has been in Taurus since May 2023, but during these next two months, he will creep closer and closer to the planet of disruptions, innovations, and major breakthroughs. Whatever we wish to create or feel heavily attached to during this time may stem from a subconscious patterning around a significant change or expansion point we wish to explode from in the next few months.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Aquarius 2024
The start of the Lunar New Year, the New Moon in Aquarius, occurs on February 9th, 2024 at 5:59 pm EST. With Pluto’s entrance into this fixed air sign, there’s already been a significant amount of change this year but this New Moon tips the scale with a square from Uranus. Somewhere in our lives there’s been a discontinuity, separation, or disruption from the norm that’s forcing us into a new beginning whether we necessarily wanted it or not. This unexplored direction we’re facing centers around trying out new technologies or innovating the old systems that no longer meet our needs. This New Moon shows the ways our foundational beliefs and understandings of how our material world works must be challenged and transformed to be ready for the next installment of our lives, coming this Spring.
Horoscopes for Full Moon in Leo 2024
The vibrant Full Moon in Leo arrives on January 25, 2024, at 12:54 pm EST. Fresh into Aquarius season, the Sun, ruling this Full Moon, is sitting in close conjunction with Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. There's a hidden power dynamic involved with this lunation. Introspection and inner awareness are on high alert, asking you to reflect deeply as to where your power lies as an individual and how it serves or mirrors the collective overall. Pluto here may uncover uncomfortable and hidden information or secrets, perhaps around where you're obtaining or fighting against excess control or influence, or where you are disowning necessary responsibility. By stepping into the unknown, and working through the more difficult and ugly pieces of life, you’re shown the path to light and fulfillment.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Capricorn 2024
The diligent New Moon in Capricorn arrives on January 11, 2024, at 6:57 am EST. A stark contrast from our last lunation, this New Moon is not all about the cozy comfortable environment and nourishing feelings. Instead, there’s a notion of urgency and desire to work or build up your life, to get more serious about your desires, and become driven to allow them to manifest. There’s a heavy focus on the material and practical side of living. This is the lunation that’s perfectly in between eclipses. Whatever significant timeline shift or directional change you’ve experienced in the Fall from the previous eclipses may finally be turning a corner to finding a resolution.
Horoscopes for Full Moon in Cancer 2023
The last lunation of 2023 arrives on December 26th at 7:33 pm EST. This sweet Full Moon in Cancer is one the most intuitive and generative Full Moons, as the Moon herself rules Cancer and loves to be in her domicile. There is also a layer of abundant energy, as the Moon is in a favorable aspect with Jupiter, affirming and solidifying her intentions and creating an air of celebration and deep connection with the beauty and bounty of life. What are you learning you can appreciate and honor during this Full Moon? What is coming to a point of completion that should be memorialized and reflected on? Think in terms of your emotional attachments, sense of security, and deeper understanding of how the world functions.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Sagittarius 2023
The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives on December 12th, 2023 at 6:32 pm EST. Continuing the theme of the prior lunations, Mars persists by traveling in close proximity to the Sun and Moon, increasing the drive, passion, intensity, and overall desire to make strides with our dreams and direction. There can also be increased frustrations and challenges, difficult people to contend with, and battles that require an exuberant amount of energy. Neptune is also an active player in this New Moon, creating a feeling of fogginess around our decisions and actionable direction. To top off the entire feeling of slowness and uncertainty, Mercury is stationing retrograde right after this New Moon. Moving at almost a standstill speed during this lunation, there is a feeling of messages, technology, and general movement of information either lagging or being missed completely.
Horoscopes for Full Moon in Gemini 2023
The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on November 27, 2023 at 4:27am EST in the early degrees of Gemini, sitting opposite to the Mars and Sun over in Sagittarius. The ruler of this Full Moon, Mercury, is also in Sagittarius and afflicted by Neptune in Pisces. While Full Moons usually mark the completion and peak point of some event, this one has a feeling of being unfinished which can distill some frustration. There’s a desire to keep working or moving forward but confusion around what exact path to take or what is truly missing. The big picture may be clear but the details are showing the holes in the plan. The world is full of possibilities, and learning to trust that process will allow this lunation to move more smoothly, instead of trying to maintain an iron grip on the production.
Horoscopes for New Moon in Scorpio 2023
The New Moon in Scorpio arrives on November 13th, 2023 at 4:27 am EST, the first non-eclipse lunation after our final eclipse season of 2023. Usually, this is felt as a relief, being the first New Moon that is not obscured by darkness or dimming of the Sun or Moon. However, this New Moon sits directly opposite the planet of disruption, chaos, uncertainty, and challenges – continuing themes the October eclipses dragged up from the shadows. While we are marked for a fresh beginning, this New Moon will remind us of the unfinished business and the decisions we have to keep moving forward. This is a powerful lunation moment.
Horoscopes for Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 2023
The last eclipse of the year occurs at 5° Taurus on October 28, 2023, at 4:24 pm EDT. This is the final eclipse we will have in Taurus, marking the ending of a major cycle that began in November 2021. There’s a feeling of being affirmed of one’s direction and achievements, as Jupiter, the kingly planet of abundance and recognition sits close to this Full Moon eclipse. While we need to recognize the progress and commemorate the work we have done, Mars positioned in such a close opposition to Jupiter will create the feeling of not enough. There’s an awareness that this isn’t the end, that while the eclipses have ramped up the energy there’s still work to do.