Horoscopes for New Moon in Sagittarius 2023

This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Sagittarius, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives on December 12th, 2023 at 6:32 pm EST. Continuing the theme of the prior lunations, Mars persists by traveling in close proximity to the Sun and Moon, increasing the drive, passion, intensity, and overall desire to make strides with our dreams and direction. As with all Mars transits, there's increased pressure to perform, succeed, and accomplish what you set up to do. On the other side of the coin, there can also be increased frustrations and challenges, difficult people to contend with, and battles that require an exuberant amount of energy.

Neptune is also an active player in this New Moon, forming a square aspect to the Sun and Moon, creating a feeling of fogginess around our decisions and actionable direction. There is a layer of nebulousness whenever Neptune is in the picture, as Neptune dissolves all meaning and sense of reality, as well as boundaries, blurring not only the start and finish line but the entire journey in between. If you prefer control and grasping the entire layout of the situation, this can be a time when you will be forced to lean more on your values, beliefs, trust, and faith instead of what seems practical.

To top off the entire feeling of slowness and uncertainty, Mercury is stationing retrograde right after this New Moon. Moving at almost a standstill speed during this lunation, there is a feeling of messages, technology, and general movement of information either lagging or being missed completely. While this is not the New Moon to move full speed ahead, as signals will get crossed and conversations will veer off-course, you can still utilize the reborn Moon to analyze and review your overarching direction and knowledge of life. Maintain a sense of curiosity and willingness to learn something new or challenge your dogma. Nothing is set in stone.

Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


Welcome to the New Moon in Sagittarius, ushering in a fresh perspective and outlook onto your life, your identity, who you are, and how you present yourself to others. The past three weeks have put increased emphasis on how you show up in the world with your work and vision, what’s changing in terms of desires, and where your boundaries sit. This New Moon is working to solidify that growth by creating an intentional beginning that initiates the foundation for you to build your life upon. What have you learned about who you are? In what way is this deepened understanding helping you see what old beliefs or identities you also need to let go of? Neptune is making a square to this New Moon, which can create a feeling of ungroundedness and uncertainty. You may be holding off on decisions to wait and see what happens, but clarity isn't visible. Leaning more on trust and your deep intuition is how you can navigate these changes. 

The day after the New Moon, Mercury will station retrograde in Capricorn, adding another layer of slowness and review into your life. This first part of the cycle will lean heavily on your money, resources, and how you generate wealth and stability for yourself. This is a good time to review your finances and pay attention to what has been missing, but not the best time to make any major changes to your income flow. More information will be available later.


Deep within your internal world, your mind, and overall mental health a new beginning is forming under this New Moon in Sagittarius. For the past three weeks, a tremendous amount of focus has been placed on your own inner life, pulled away from what other people may see or notice externally. This may involve working through past trauma, pain, and hurt as well as learning to heal and nourish your inner world a little more deeply. This lunation encourages you to implement what you’ve learned into an established plan and foundation to continue to grow upon. How do you work through, process, and heal when life is difficult? What have you learned throughout these past few weeks? Neptune is making a hard square aspect to this New Moon, potentially creating an illusion or angle that can leave you a little more frustrated or unable to grasp a solid understanding in this space. Leaning into others, and trusting the process, is part of this cycle.

Mercury will also station retrograde the day after the New Moon, adding another layer of confusion or slowness to this cycle. In Capricorn, this retrograde is heavily around you – your needs, desires, presentation to others, as well as the boundaries you uphold and the beliefs you maintain. You may find yourself reviewing what you thought was stable about yourself, and make necessary adjustments that lead to more authenticity. Try it on, if it doesn’t fit, let it go.


Your community, friend groups, and the activities you enjoy with other folks are in for a bout of regeneration under this New Moon in Sagittarius. With the Sun and Mars traveling through this sign the last three weeks, there has been more energy and activity with your local community and friendships. Whether it’s been putting more effort into having fun in your life, or restructuring your friend groups so you’re removing old energy, this lunation wants to solidify whatever is “new” here. How do you wish to see the people and ways you have fun grow and evolve? What is important for you here? At the same time, Neptune is making a square to this lunation, blurring reality. Be mindful that some plans and agreements with others may not be as solid as you think, as people may have their minds set on another matter. Staying flexible and not getting too attached to a certain event or group will be helpful during this period.

Mercury is also stationing retrograde in Capricorn the day after the New Moon, further applying another layer of confusion and uncertainty as well as stagnation in your life. In Capricorn, this is heavily within your internal world and inner processing, the thoughts, ideas, and visions you have brewing behind what everyone sees externally. This is an ideal time for self-reflection, meditation, journaling, and even therapy. With the review process, allow yourself to dive into the mental health spaces you have been neglecting.


Work, career, and your public reputation are in for a refresh under this New Moon in Sagittarius. There may have been a lot of pressure and activity in this area of your life, perhaps a desire to change careers or to cut away an aspect of your public work life that is no longer serving you. Under this New Moon, you’re asked to solidify a reinvigorated vision of your career space. This process may manifest as approaching your current work differently, stepping into an entirely different role, or mapping out a long-term plan for yourself. While this can be exciting and feels overdue, Neptune is making a square aspect to this New Moon, creating a sensation of being more ungrounded, destabilized, and uncertain about how this process will ultimately play out. There won’t be a step-by-step guide and you will be asked to trust the process with a little more faith than you may generally be comfortable with. Know that it’s encouraged for you to pursue your dreams.

Mercury will also be stationing retrograde the day after this New Moon, adding another layer of slowness and stagnation against an already uncertain and unclear lunation. The first portion of this Mercury retrograde will be in Capricorn, which will review your friend groups, friendships, and overarching community of folks you have fun and spend time with. Plans or discussions may be revisited here, or your friends may be experiencing their unique process and priority review. Allow things to remain open-ended.


Your long-term plans, faraway travel goals, overarching beliefs, and life philosophy, as well as how you learn and expand your knowledge are all in for a new awakening and regrowth under this New Moon in Sagittarius. There may be a lot of activity in your life centered around your future direction and vision, of what you wish to see grow in the next five years, and how you picture your life to unfold. With Mars near this New Moon, the pressure may be increasing to make a major move or change in your life so you feel like you are making strides and efforts of improvement. However, with Neptune making a square to the lunation, this increased effort may feel disingenuous. There are a lot of unknowns and uncertainty floating here, and it can take letting go of control and having every detail in place to just going with the flow. A general vision is helpful, a rigid plan of attack won’t be of assistance.

Mercury stationing retrograde in Capricorn will add more confusion and disorientation in the mix, especially as it pertains to your work, career, and public reputation. Discussions around new jobs, roles, or responsibility shifts may be in the works, but be mindful that they will be revisited and reviewed. If work projects need to pick up the pace, still try to move slowly and review every detail. Something is certain to be missed, so allow for extra time for a rework as needed.


Finances, money, shared resources, loans, contracts, and inheritances are all the focus of renewed growth and attention under this New Moon in Sagittarius. There has been an increased need to be more practical lately, to maintain a greater understanding of the money you have as well as the money around you, and how you can find stability and comfort for yourself. This is also an ideal lunation for working with another person, collaborating, or creating something that excites you but also provides a material benefit. The square from Neptune during this New Moon may confuse this process, however, and add a layer of uncertainty and messiness to these plans and ideas. This is an excellent time to create from feelings and vibes, much less on data points and logical reasoning. Allow the art to flow with others and stay detached from the outcome.

Slowness and uncertainty continues as Mercury stations retrograde the day after the New Moon in Capricorn. This first part of the retrograde will review your long-term plans, long-distance travel obligations, as well as your overarching beliefs and philosophy of life. Be mindful if trips get delayed or future responsibilities appear out of nowhere, as Mercury will be retracting their steps and picking up the missed details. This is an ideal time to examine plans and reflect on your life up to this point, and where you want to go from here, but hold off on any major action. 


A refresh and new beginning is initiated around your one-on-one relationships and close personal partnerships, both romantic and business, under this New Moon in Sagittarius. There has been increased activity here lately – perhaps in the form of spending more quality time with those important people or they may be going through their own transformation and experiencing important shifts. Under this lunation, you’re asked to reflect on what a deeper level of commitment and attention looks like for you. Are you able to trust and believe fully in someone other than yourself? While there is a tendency to want to know all the details, facts, and information about these relationship dynamics, the square from Neptune is asking for a trust fall. Decisions have to be made on what feels right and intuitively safe, not on how the situation looks practically. If it feels uncomfortable and unstable, pay attention.

The day after the New Moon, Mercury will station retrograde in Capricorn. The first half of this retrograde review will be around your money, finances, and shared resources aka the money your partner(s) bring in or how you collaborate with them. This can be a more positive time of finding flow and gathering exciting new ideas around the work you wish to create with another or understanding this area of your life better. However, it’s not the best time to sign onto a loan or another contract without first pausing and rereading the details. A knee-jerk response will certainly be revisited.


Daily work routines, responsibilities, relationships with coworkers, and the ways you prioritize your body health are due for a refresh under this New Moon in Sagittarius. The past few weeks have put the spotlight on your regular work responsibilities and activities, showing how your priorities shift when the pressure increases and what other obligations break away under excessive stress. While the activity doesn’t slow down, this is a good time to rethink the ritual and routine of this space. What do you want to have more time for? What can be delegated or cut away so you have more space for your passions? As this New Moon is squaring Neptune, it’s okay to envision a more idealistic approach. Just recognize that the plan to get there will be foggy, and compromise may be due when the time comes.

Slowness and confusion continues as Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn the day after the New Moon. The first part of this review cycle will begin with your relationships and one-on-one partnerships, both romantic and personal. Conversations, plans, ideas, and goals you may have made with another are up for reevaluation, and not necessarily in a negative way. There may just be a little extra detail you are forgetting that gets added. Approach this transit with ease and curiosity to its gifts, and you may learn something new about those important people in your life.


Creative projects, relationships with children, and the ways you have fun with life are all under a fresh restart with this New Moon in Sagittarius. The need to release a little more control and experience more enjoyment and pleasure in life is present during this season and felt more heavily during this lunation. What does it mean for you to appreciate the life you are living? What creative projects are ready for a more energetic restart? Utilize this New Moon to lay the foundation of what you wish to create in your life, whether it be a new hobby, project, relationships with children, or having more fun in general. It’s time to get serious about finding your self-expression and authenticity through creative enjoyment. Neptune is squaring this New Moon, so the need to be mindful and not get too carried away is important. It’s necessary to chase after your dream, but also spend some time thinking about what is truly practical for yourself and ambitions, and what will need a little more time.  

Mercury will also station retrograde in Capricorn the day after this New Moon, adding another layer of stagnation and slowness. Here, Mercury will review your daily work life, work routines, priorities, coworker relationships, and overall body health. This is an ideal time to adjust your schedule or try out a new routine that allows for more fun and play. Stay flexible with these plans, however, as they will naturally be reviewed and switched around with this transit. 


Home and family life is in for a significant update and transformation under this New Moon in Sagittarius. A consequential part of this season is the emphasis placed on your home, family relationships, childhood past, and everything in between. What are you learning about what home means to you? What are you trying to change or update in this space that gives you freedom and pleasure? This lunation is a good time to really envision or prioritize an adjustment or new routine here, as your home life is the foundation upon which everything grows. Neptune is squaring this New Moon, however, which may make this process slightly more disorienting, confusing, and destabilized. While it’s important to get clear on your dreams and truly allow yourself to envision the impossible, it’s also equally important to not be too attached to the result. Neptune isn’t very practical, so along the way, adjustments may need to be made. Find your flow here. 

Mercury will also station retrograde the day after the New Moon, adding to the slowness of Neptune, and forcing logical and practical decisions to be put on pause. The first part of this retrograde occurs in Capricorn, which will review your creative projects, pursuits, the ways you have fun, and relationships with children if applicable. This may be the time to dust off the old hobbies or anything that allows you to have a little more fun and play.


Daily life, rituals, conversations, neighbors, siblings, and close friends who feel like siblings are all in for a shift under this New Moon in Sagittarius. This season with Mars in Sagittarius has put so much of your energy and motivation into the daily routines you wish to create for yourself that provide nourishment and connection. What excites you for life and living every day? What little sweet nothings provide you a sense of meaning and appreciation? Utilize this lunation to get clear on what non-negotiables you need to change in your day-to-day so that you can feel some excitement and adventure again. The square from Neptune to this New Moon may also cloud or confuse the process. While it’s okay to idealize and create a fantasy, some pieces still have to stay grounded and supported. Reflect on where the balance sits in these spaces, and step back if the end goal seems frustrating or foggy. 

Mercury will station retrograde the day after the New Moon in Capricorn, which initiates a review and revision of your home life, familial commitments, and living environment. Conversations or new ideas may start to form in this space about how you wish to see home life change or be rearranged. There may be slowness here at first, but notice during this period what is missing and what needs more attention. Just be mindful of making any hard or major commitments, as these discussions will certainly be reviewed.


Money, income, resources, and feelings of stability are the focus of growth and regeneration during this New Moon in Sagittarius. The direction the last few weeks has been heavy in this area, potentially taking a significant portion of your time, energy, and drive. There’s been a tremendous focus on money, making money, and also how you need or want to spend it, and everything that comes with managing your material life. Under this lunation, this is an ideal time to intentionally reflect on what new foundation you are creating in your life when it comes to finances. What stressors here are you ready to be done with and let go of? What are your new intentions when it comes to money? With the square to Neptune, this can add a layer of confusion, uncertainty, and frustration. There may not be a clear path forward at first, and it may feel scary to make material decisions based on feelings and intuition, so pause and go slow when necessary. The answers will form over time.

Mercury is also stationing retrograde the day after this New Moon, creating more delay and potential miscommunications with this lunation. Be mindful of signing contracts or making any significant decisions until January, as Mercury may create more misunderstanding and confusion around these arrangements. If you’re unsure, seek out another opinion. Your sanity is worth the extra time to double-check the calculations and agreements.

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