Horoscopes for Full Moon in Cancer 2023

This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Cancer, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The last lunation of 2023 arrives on December 26th at 7:33 pm EST. This sweet Full Moon in Cancer is one the most intuitive and generative Full Moons, as the Moon herself rules Cancer and loves to be in her domicile. There’s also a layer of abundant energy, as the Moon is in a favorable aspect with Jupiter, affirming and solidifying her intentions and creating an air of celebration and deep connection with the beauty and bounty of life. What are you learning you can appreciate and honor during this Full Moon? What’s coming to a point of completion that should be memorialized and reflected on? Think in terms of your emotional attachments, sense of security, and deeper understanding of how the world functions. 

While there is a feeling of softness and connection within this Full Moon, Mercury is still retrograde and meeting up with Mars in Sagittarius, who are both coming into a square with Neptune. This reflects back to the Full Moon in Gemini at the end of November when Mercury first made this aspect with Neptune. There's a review of what started a month ago, and we are revisiting this initial idea to find new information and potentially unknown frustrations or actions we have to take. Again, it's a review process, so be mindful of pushing forward new projects too quickly, as they need some time to germinate. Sit with the emotions and feelings instead.

Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically. 


The final lunation of 2023 is all about celebrating you, yourself, your identity, authenticity, and how you have grown throughout the latter half of this year. The Full Moon in Cancer wishes to you to honor yourself, and the material and emotional effort you have put into building up who you are, your beliefs, affinities, and how confident you feel at presenting this version of yourself to the world. This has also been a very personal journey, around how you nurture yourself and establish safety nets through emotional turmoil and tragic events. Take the time to remark on how far you have come. What does it mean for you to feel solid and stable within yourself? What beliefs have you come to protect and feel unmovable on? How does this create security?

Daily work matters and responsibilities are still an important aspect of this lunation, speaking to your daily work tasks and obligations. There may be more of a review in this space now, reflecting back to actions and decisions made in late November. More information has come to light and you may be potentially shifting your original work plans and schedule. Neptune will still confuse the overall direction, so don’t feel too attached to unfinished projects or unclear agreements. More information will come once Mercury moves direct in January.


Your internal world, mental health, feelings of loss, pain, and loneliness are all the focus of this Full Moon in Cancer. In this liminal, meditative space you pull away from work obligations and recenter your focus around your mind, inner world, and feelings you have been suppressing. This lunation wants to highlight the tremendous growth you have experienced in this space, the work you have put into self-healing, establishing security, and finding stability when others may not see or directly understand what you’re going through. There’s a peak point here, of perhaps realizing the isolation and pulling away can be completely necessary to work through the more challenging pieces of life, and even more healing when you allow it to just be. This isn’t about controlling the unknowns, it’s about accepting what has been presented as reality.

In the more material realm, your creative projects and relationship with fun and pleasure, are back under review and evaluation with Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius. This will reflect back to the end of November when the first ideas and action plans were created. Now there's a review of what worked and what needs to be cut away. Neptune is still squaring these planets, leaving the clear resolution behind foggy mirrors. It may feel necessary to take impulsive action now, but allow things to sit. The last piece of the puzzle comes in mid-January.


Community, friendships, and the ways you have fun with other people are illuminated by this sweet, connective Full Moon in Cancer. What’s coming to a high point or celebration with your favorite people in your life, and how are you feeling more supported by the community you’ve created since July? There's a flow of abundance, of seeing how life works out and relationships are solidified, especially with the aspect to Jupiter. This can be a very creative and fun time, particularly if you can share that adventure with other people in your world. Get out and try something new. How are you recognizing the ways your sense of security and comfort is related to those you surround yourself with?

Conversations and action are still ongoing in home and family life, and the square from Neptune to Mars and Mercury here will pull you back to the Full Moon in Gemini in late November. There's a review of ideas and discussions within home and family, what needs to be done, and what's still a sore point or frustration. Again, be mindful of the confusion from Neptune. All the details are still unclear and will continue to be so until Mercury finally stations direct on January 1st. Rash decisions and actions may backfire as it comes to light that it wasn’t necessarily a problem in the first place.


Your career, work, and public reputation are illuminated during this Full Moon in Cancer, highlighting your sense of security, stability, and abundance within this space, as well as all the work you’ve put into your career since July. This area of your life may feel like it’s coming to a point of completion and celebration – how are you being recognized for the work you have done? If that’s not that literal, how can you reflect on your career and how it has supported or balanced your life amid everything else unfolding? This may also be a powerful moment for introspection, of reflecting what work brings you the most emotional fulfillment and satisfaction. It’s not all about the material grind and reward for you, there has to be a feeling of deep inner-knowing and warming connection for your work to last long-term and have the meaning you crave.

Within your daily life, a significant review and potential reconstruction is occurring with Mercury and Mars still lingering back in Sagittarius. With the square to Neptune, this speaks heavily to the last Full Moon at the end of November. There is a need to review and revisit your daily routines and responsibilities, what work you take on as habit, and where you're also creating fun and pleasure in your rituals. Review your current schedule and cut away what isn’t clear or satisfying.


Your long-term vision, five-year plans, philosophy, beliefs, higher education, and any future travel plans are illuminated by this sweet Full Moon in Cancer. The path you are walking down and your perspective of the future now may finally seem clearer and a little more promising. Although you may still be stuck in a lot of the heavy daily obligations and responsibilities, you may also be able to see the solid “why” behind all this work and planning. There's something that's now paying off, and it can feel especially powerful and as well as connected to your relationships and partnerships. Celebrate the important people in your life and celebrate your future. What can you see and trust by the way life is unfolding? How does this bring you security and closure?

Money and income are still a big part of the current astrology, especially now that Mercury retrograde has moved back into Sagittarius with Mars. The square from Neptune reflects to the end of November, where you're now reviewing those initial plans and making adjustments as more information starts to flow in. You may feel very driven to take action or make a significant change during this period, but move slowly and read over all the details. Neptune is still creating confusion and fogging the vision until Mercury stations direct on January 1st. It’s okay to leave things in draft for right now.


The more hidden aspects of your life, collaborations, work you perform with other people, finances, loans, and all the resources you share and support yourself with are illuminated by this Full Moon in Cancer. It may not be a very obvious lunation for you, but something is coming to a peak or high point around money, financing, and work with important people in your life. This material area also speaks often to the process of death and rebirth, as when something is closed down or cleaned out, the space for something new to be reborn is now created. It’s the in-between liminal space where anything could happen or grow, and you have to be willing to trust and believe in the unknowns. What agreement or financial obligation now feels a little more secure? How are you trusting your forward momentum?

This lunation still plays into a lot about who you are and how you are growing and reaching your vision and goals. Mercury and Mars back in Sagittarius reflect to the Full Moon at the end of November, about what you're continuing to understand about yourself, your dreams, and overarching authenticity. It’s okay if you don’t have a clearly defined definition of yourself yet. The square to Neptune will ask you to pursue the path of the journey, not the outcome. 


Relationships, partnerships, and the closest individuals in your life are the focus for celebration and recognition under this Full Moon in Cancer. This lunation highlights the folks that are the bedrock for your foundation and support system, those people you choose to keep in your heart and help you see yourself for who you are. This may be a moment where you're able to look at your close connections and celebrate the people who have always been there, how they love and support you, and how they lift you. They may also be going through a peak moment in their own life, stepping into new opportunities, and you are taken along for the ride. What does it mean to honor and celebrate the people you love? How do you feel nourished within a relationship, either friendship or romantic? What is becoming clear about the people you need in your life? 

Your internal world and mental processing are still going through a bit of an overdrive with Mercury and Mars back in Sagittarius. The external world may look and feel different than how you are working through life within your mind. The square to Neptune can also dissolve this process more, leaving a feeling of loneliness or isolation. Move slowly through the unknown waters, nurture your meditative practices, and reach out to your support system as needed.


Your daily work responsibilities, routines, overall relationship with work, coworkers, and bosses as well as your overarching body health and wellness is a topic illuminated by this Full Moon in Cancer. Pets and animals are also a subject of this space - essentially all the daily obligations you have to fulfill. Under this auspicious lunation, there’s a feeling of wholeness and completeness around your daily life and how it nurtures and sustains you. Perhaps you’re discovering a new routine that promotes your body health and pet relationships first. Maybe more frustrating work responsibilities have gotten passed on and you are finding yourself with more time in your schedule. Even if it isn’t literal, what are you realizing you need from your daily work relationships and routines? What does it mean for you to say no to what drains you, and yes to what fills your heart?

Community and friendships still have an increased amount of activity with Mars and Mercury back in Sagittarius. There’s a review and revisiting of conversations and discussions in this space, perhaps evaluating what friendships have been cut away and which are still lingering in uncertainty. Neptune may create confusion in this area as well – what one thing someone said was not what they truly met. If it feels unclear, it’s because it is. Allow things to be explained and expanded on again.


Your creative life, fun experiences, hobbies, personal projects, and relationship with children are the focus for celebration and growth under this Full Moon in Cancer. A certain creative project or journey may be coming to a high point or release under this lunation, perhaps a long-term vision finally being completed and or reaching the end stages. Or maybe there has been a bit of a personal drought lately for your creative side, and this lunation encourages you to jump back into the ways you have fun and bring pleasure into your world. The Cancer Full Moon is all about nourishment, security, and stability. Only when we feel supported in our foundation can more creative ideas and experiences grow. What does it mean for you to create from the heart and soul? What are you yearning to make and share with others that nourishes your authenticity? 

Of course, work and career is still a major topic under this lunation. Mars and Mercury back in Sagittarius have been reviewing the conversations and action plans relating to your work and profession, especially reflecting back to the Full Moon in late November. There may be more review and revisiting around previous decisions made in this space, and evaluating what worked and what hasn’t, especially now that you may have more information. Neptune is still squaring these planets, meaning the full picture won’t be understood until mid-January. 


Home and family life, relationships with parents, your childhood past, and living environment are the focus for nourishing growth and celebration under this Full Moon in Cancer. Being nurtured and supported by your home space and connection with family, whether blood or chosen, is incredibly important for your sense of well-being, safety, and security. This Full Moon may highlight a peak or high point of your foundational life, perhaps reflecting on how your home has transformed in a way that supports you, or how you have reached new understanding and growth with your family that allows you to leave wounds and pain behind. Even if this lunation just brings appreciation about how home has transformed, what are you learning about the non-negotiables around your home life? What about your home life do you feel the need to protect and keep safe? 

Mars and Mercury are still lingering back in Sagittarius, promoting action and discussions around your long-term plans, five-year goals, and overall vision for life. There may be a point of reviewing and revising your initial itinerary for future travel and learning, reflecting back to the Full Moon in late November. There may be new information, or you’re seeing things in a different light. With Neptune still squaring these planets, know that the end goal is still a bit of a mystery.  


Your daily life, rituals, routines, and the ways you nourish your world outside of work responsibilities are highlighted by this Full Moon in Cancer. There’s something magical about stepping back into the mundane, appreciating the sweet little gifts of life, and not being so attached to major goals or accomplishments but instead allowing things to just be. It’s very important for you to have a daily life and schedule that nourishes you emotionally, physically, and intuitively. This lunation will push you to reconsider how you structure your days, and what's missing for you to tap into the mystical realm of living. What's working within your daily rituals that you appreciate and want to celebrate and continue to practice? Where are you giving your emotional energy away and how can you reclaim it?

Money matters, contracts, and collaborations are still a major focus of attention and energy as Mercury and Mars are lingering back in Sagittarius, reflecting back to the Full Moon that occurred in late November. Now that Mercury is retrograde, this may bring a review and revisiting of finances and what agreements fit here or not. However, Neptune is still forming a square, meaning the uncertainty and confusion will still linger. You won’t have all the answers now and that’s okay. Work with what’s present, and clarity will arrive in mid-January.


Money, income, finances, your overall sense of self-esteem, and security are the focus of attention under this Full Moon in Cancer. Something is coming to a high point or moment of completion under this lunation around the ways you make money, support your life, and feel secure as you move through the motions. Whether it be a better understanding of finances, a new income flow, or more appreciation around how you’re able to support yourself at the moment, the Cancer Full Moon wants you to be selfish about your inner comfort. You have to feel supported materially and emotionally to be able to show up fully for yourself and others. Where do you feel a little more uncertain or where do you need additional support? What are you realizing is a major source of security and comfort, and how can you celebrate it?

Relationships and partnerships are also a major focus occurring during this lunation with Mercury and Mars still lingering back in Sagittarius. Conversations and ideas you have with or around important relationships are up for review and being revisited during this period, especially if something began in late November. However, the details and plans are still murky due to the square from Neptune. Promises made may be a little over-optimistic and idealistic. Factual answers may not come until the fog clears in mid-January.

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