Horoscopes for New Moon in Capricorn 2024
This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Capricorn, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The diligent New Moon in Capricorn arrives on January 11, 2024, at 6:57 am EST. A stark contrast from our last lunation, this New Moon is not all about the cozy comfortable environment and nourishing feelings. Instead, there’s a notion of urgency and desire to work or build up your life, to get more serious about your desires, and become driven to allow them to manifest. There’s a heavy focus on the material and practical side of living. Perhaps you are becoming aware of what’s needed to sustain you emotionally and spiritually, and this can help you realize how your material world and practical routines support this dream or hinder it.
This is the lunation that’s perfectly in between eclipses. Whatever significant timeline shift or directional change you’ve experienced in the Fall from the previous eclipses may finally be turning a corner to finding a resolution. Even if not, there’s a certain level of acceptance occurring now. You aren’t in the same place you were before. Maybe you are finally recognizing and accepting what has changed. What is the new direction you wish to forge now, knowing this information? Where is there energy that's ready to expand out from you and grow into something beautiful, supportive, creative, and exciting?
Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
It’s your season, Capricorn, and the New Moon in your sign invites a refresh and reframing of all your old beliefs, stories, and views you have about your life. Major parts of your world have shifted since the eclipses this Fall, all around your work, public roles, as well as the creativity and fun you have in between these spaces. Now that there's more stability with your outer obligations, this lunation calls you into introspection. What about yourself and your life is due for a change? Where do the personal boundaries need to be strengthened and fortified so you can create and build what you wish to manifest? This can be a pivotal movement for your personal development, as there’s a choice you can make around your overarching direction.
If you’re seeking more inspiration for what you’re trying to grow, pay attention to what’s also expanding within your creative projects and hobbies. Exploring the ways you have fun and feel yourself develop through enjoying life is important during this lunation. Pursue more of what genuinely excites you and fills you up, and you’ll discover more about yourself along the way. Not all growth has to be so serious, and part of this New Moon is trusting yourself and what feels right.
Deep into your inner world, mental health, internal processing, and everything you are experiencing alone and away from others’ understanding is the seed of growth planted by this New Moon in Capricorn. The eclipses in the Fall have shifted and transformed your long-term plans, future orientation, direction, and potentially even your home life. With the foundation and future of your life finally settling, the focus is being asked to return to yourself. Who you are, how you have overcome challenges, the way you heal the past, and how you nourish yourself emotionally and internally is the intentional start needed from this lunation. Allow yourself some time to pull away and retreat from other’s obligations and external needs. You’re asked to sit with yourself to see if these changes were right for you.
If you’re seeking extra comfort and support during this period, turn to your home life, family, and people who support your overall foundation. Mars connecting with Jupiter during this New Moon can provide you with stability, hope, and affirmation that giving yourself a break is necessary and “allowed.” What does it mean for you to truly experience rest? How are you able to nourish and appreciate your home space for what it brings to you now? Through the space of no expectations, new awareness can arise.
Community, friendships, and the adventures you experience with other people out in the world is the space for intentional growth and exciting action under this New Moon in Capricorn. The eclipses in the Fall have shown you parts of your life that were under pressure and stress, and probably involved situations you couldn’t directly control. Now that the extra concerns are finally settling, this New Moon wants you to turn your attention to the fun aspects of living, especially the way you create within your community. What new entertaining activity is coming up involving your friend groups that's exciting? What does it mean for you to have strong boundaries, but also strong connections and loyalty, with the people you spend time with? Utilize this New Moon to get clear on how you’d like to see your support system grow over the next six months.
The second part of this lunation wants you to also look for the fun, blissful moments in your daily life and within your routine. Mars making a trine to Jupiter during this New Moon brings some of that action-packed excitement occurring in your friend groups into your everyday rituals and space. What can you change in your day-to-day that makes you excited for existence? Where can you learn to appreciate the busyness?
Your career, public reputation, and work in the world is in for a restart and fresh beginning with this New Moon in Capricorn. The eclipses during the Fall have spoken heavily to your personal side of life, relating to your relationship with yourself and also your partnerships. This lunation puts the spotlight back onto your work and overarching career path, and what you're trying to create in this space. It can speak to a literal job change if that’s what you're craving, but often there may be a fresh focus on boundaries and separating yourself from unnecessary stress in the workplace. What change is feeling extra important for your work and career as of late? Where are you reimagining the time and energy you are giving away, and how can you balance it within your partnerships and your relationship with yourself?
Reflecting on your work and career may also involve looking at the whole picture of where everything sits for you financially and materially. The helpful Mars trine Jupiter during this lunation means the actions you take within your career will be affirmed by the stability and financial support you feel that you have. This is a powerful time to take stock of your money and where you feel there's enough, and where there's not, to help you shape your work growth.
Extended learning, higher education, expanding your beliefs, philosophy, and long-term travel are all illuminated for fresh growth under this New Moon in Capricorn. The eclipses in the Fall may’ve brought changes and challenges to your body health and day-to-day routines, filling up your responsibilities and schedule with to-do lists and tasks. Now at the halfway point, you’re asked to bring the attention back onto yourself and your long-term goals and overarching direction. There’s a resurge of energy to your future, and you’re asked to step into the role of creating life how you wish to be. This is a powerful New Moon to map out your five-year goals and also your self-development - what you’re excited to learn about and how you’re ready to step into this new path for yourself.
Jupiter is bringing some optimism and an energetic boost to this New Moon, especially with Mars in Capricorn making a trine to the planet of abundance on the same day. If you’re looking for inspiration for your planning, pay attention to your own needs and expansion. What new growth are you experiencing that feels exciting and necessary to continue? Where are you learning to have a little more faith in the process and how can you trust yourself to move forward? This can be an exhilarating time to try something new and see how it fits for you.
Shared resources, finances, loans, contracts, and all the heavy foundational support that's part of your life but potentially not directly controlled by you is the seed of fresh growth from this New Moon in Capricorn. The eclipses in the Fall have spoken heavily to your fun, creative projects as well as your mental health and inner processing, all the personal aspects of yourself. This New Moon finally pulls you out of the deep inner world to the more practical and material aspects of your stability. This is a powerful lunation to get clear on shared resources with your partner, or another business partner, and reflect on what it means to evolve together. This area of your chart also speaks to deep growth and transformation by allowing the old aspects of yourself to fully be dissolved, so that the new growth is ready to be ushered in during the spring and has space to plant roots.
Mars in Capricorn also making an aspect to Jupiter in Taurus during this lunation, meaning therefore it’s still an ideal time for rest and retreat, or maybe finding solutions for more difficult situations by using inner reflection and letting go. Through trusting your process and intuition, how are you feeling about the stability and structure of your life right now? What old stories or beliefs are ready to be released in due time?
One-on-one relationships and close partnerships both romantic and platonic are in for a fresh restart under this New Moon in Capricorn. The previous eclipses in the Fall have greatly focused on your home and family, living environment, and the ways you feel supported through your foundation. This lunation turns the attention back onto your close personal relationships and the people that support you in life. There may be a new beginning in this space, perhaps relationships reaching a new milestone, or maybe even different connections are beginning to blossom. This can also be a useful lunation for reestablishing or setting clear boundaries within relationships as you need, especially if a role or dynamic has been unclear or foggy to work with. There’s now the power to make this space how you need it to be.
Additionally, this can be a fun and exciting time to spend with others in your community. Mars connecting with Jupiter around the same day as the lunation is great for taking action with your close friends and relationships, and feeling some optimism, excitement, or just fun in this area of your life. How do you wish to see your time with others grow or expand? What does it mean for you to let loose and experience bliss with other people in your world?
Daily work routines, responsibilities, relationships with coworkers, and even pet needs are all in for a new beginning during this New Moon in Capricorn. The previous eclipses in the Fall have spoken heavily to your daily life, perhaps throwing a wrench in what has been consistent and stable, and challenging your overall flow. This lunation works to bring back stability and to help find ease within your daily responsibilities and structure of your work routines. This is an ideal time to reimagine your efforts and what your daily work life could truly become. You’re asked to find more time for yourself, and cut away old routines and habits that no longer serve you. How would you like to spend your day when it comes to work tasks and flow? What does it mean to have more time for your exercise and body health this year?
By approaching your day-to-day with more heart and love, expansion and growth will equally be felt in your career and public reputation. The Mars connection with Jupiter around the same day will show you how your actions and efforts in creating your routine will be affirmed and expanded on within your overarching career role and visibility. Hard work does pay off, and while this can be a high-energy expenditure period, the efforts will be rewarded highly as well.
There’s a big burst of energy into your creative world initiated by this New Moon in Capricorn. The previous Fall eclipses have been heavy on your long-term direction, money, and all those practical, work-related matters. Whatever has gotten shaken up and moved around in those spaces may now be settling, opening up your mind and energy to imagination and creative pursuits. There’s a big drive to try something new in your life, to have more fun, to create in a new way. Or perhaps there are lingering projects and hobbies that haven’t had the necessary time to reach completion but are now vying for your attention and motivation. Utilize this New Moon to get clear on the end goal for creating something new for yourself, but also make sure it’s fun.
To further your expansive creativity, Mars is trining Jupiter during this lunation. What big picture and long-term direction do you feel yourself moving towards? What is starting to feel exciting about the future? And what can you create in this space to feel more enthusiastic and motivated to achieve your end goals and overarching dreams? Not only is the focus on material creative projects and dreams, but this lunation is also all about how those dreams fuel your motivation for knowledge and long-term growth.
Home and family life, living environment, and relationship with your family both chosen and not is the focus for action-oriented change under this New Moon in Capricorn. The previous eclipses have heavily involved yourself, who you are, and how you feel supported by others in your life. Now with this new understanding, you’re asked to bring this energetic shift into your home life, living spaces, and connections with family. This is a practical New Moon, meaning these changes may not necessarily be fun or easy, but they are completely necessary for making sure you have the supportive foundation you need to expand. If something isn’t working in this area, if boundaries are incomplete or missing, utilize this New Moon to get clear on what an intentional home space is for you.
Thankfully, the support you need during this lunation is present, especially with Mars connecting with Jupiter. Setting the necessary structures and borders in place doesn’t have to be done alone or in isolation. Jupiter here encourages you to seek support from your partner and others who encourage you. What old beliefs and stories around family are ready to be removed from your life? How are you learning to challenge the aged definitions and start to build your own?
Your daily life and routines are in for an overhaul during this New Moon in Capricorn. The previous eclipses in the Fall have spoken to your inner world and one-on-one relationships, highlighting how the internal workings of your life shape your reality and well-being. Now you’re asked to take what you’ve learned regarding healing and growth and implement this knowledge into your day-to-day living. What does it mean to create a life you enjoy experiencing every day? How can you connect more deeply to your close relationships, siblings, and conversations that carry you through? The New Moon in Capricorn wants you to reenergize your routine and passion for life. Although things can get busy, you’re asked to step away from the overload and focus more on what is truly valuable and important.
If you’re needing any extra affirmation or help with the never-ending tasks and responsibilities, turn to your close partnerships and one-on-one relationships. Mars connecting with Jupiter during this lunation will encourage you to put your trust in others when life becomes too overwhelming or out of your control. Seek out external support and love when you need a boost to your system. Delegate tasks if you can, and take breaks to support and appreciate what you have flowing in your life now.
Money, income, resources, and all practical matters needed to support yourself is the intentional beginning created by this New Moon in Capricorn. The eclipses in the Fall have been all about your community, friendships, and daily work life – transforming your outer world and daily tasks in new ways. Now the dust is settling, you’re asked to turn to personal finances and feelings of stability. Where are you feeling more driven to take action when it comes to generating income? The old ideas and creativity that have been lingering in your mind, perhaps inspiration from your friends, or a realization of what needs to shift, are ready to be put into action. This is an ideal lunation not just for work, but to get clear on your efforts and how they sustain you.
If you need a spark to get going, reflect on your daily life, routines, and daily work responsibilities that you truly enjoy. Mars trining Jupiter during this lunation wants you to pursue the work that nourishes your heart. Reflect on what this contains, and find a way to make it profitable. If stress gets thrown into overdrive, release some of the pressure through exercise or spending time with your pets. Making money doesn’t actually have to be about work. Can you see how that plays out for you?
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