Horoscopes for Full Moon in Leo 2024

This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Leo, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The vibrant Full Moon in Leo arrives on January 25, 2024, at 12:54 pm EST. Fresh into Aquarius season, the Sun, ruling this Full Moon, is sitting in close conjunction with Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. There's a hidden power dynamic involved with this lunation. Introspection and inner awareness are on high alert, asking you to reflect deeply as to where your power lies as an individual and how it serves or mirrors the collective overall. This is a moment of celebrating and honoring your unique essence while also recognizing your role within your community, friendships, and society. Pluto here may uncover uncomfortable and hidden information or secrets, perhaps around where you're obtaining or fighting against excess control or influence, or where you are disowning necessary responsibility.

While deep inner discernment and secrets are bound to come to light under this Full Moon, Jupiter's also making a square to this lunation, adding a layer of encouragement and promising reward to the hard work laid before you. By stepping into the unknown, and working through the more difficult and ugly pieces of life, you’re shown the path to light and fulfillment. Shielding yourself from fear will keep you in the safe and comfortable, albeit boring and stagnant way of life. But using your inner power to face the dark side of what you don’t wish to see shows how you get in your way, block your path, and what you need to do to overcome these self-binding challenges.

The power is found within the promise. Keep moving forward.

Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


It’s the middle of winter, but the Full Moon in Leo lights up your sign, your identity, self-expression, and individual understanding of yourself. You're reaching new depths with your character development and how others know you. Pluto entering into Aquarius is heavy on your relationships and one-on-one partnerships, putting much of the energy and emphasis on the others in your life, and what balance they bring to your world. But for a moment under this Full Moon, make sure you celebrate yourself. While attention is needed elsewhere, you can still find a balance between giving yourself away and respecting the relationships and others’ needs. Take a moment to look back at your life in the last six months and appreciate the growth you have undertaken. You’ve made major efforts and it’s paying off. Acknowledge that for yourself. 

Jupiter is also squaring this lunation, reminding you of the ever-growing and expanding career changes you’re experiencing. Just like your close personal relationships, it’s important for you to maintain your authenticity and true sense of self, even in the workplace and as your roles grow. What is non-negotiable for you when it comes to staying true to yourself, at work, and with others? How can you make sure you put yourself first in these situations? Because in reality, this work expansion is happening because you believe in yourself first.  


Your mental health, inner world, dream space, and the area where you store previous wounds and pain are illuminated by this Full Moon in Leo. Pluto entering into Aquarius has brought more intensity and focus to your daily work life, work responsibilities, body health, and pets. You may notice your days getting busier and the schedule becoming full. This lunation calls you back to your mind and asks you how you're feeling right now. What sticky point, fear, or lingering self-doubt has made its way into your mind? Pay attention to what needs your awareness. It’s okay to block off some time in your calendar to make sure you have what's necessary to feel supported, loved, and refreshed for your hard work. Time with yourself is priceless, don’t try to compare it to something else.

Jupiter is also making an abundant square to this Full Moon, reorienting you to the bigger picture in life. Your long-term plans, goals, and future dreams have been expanding rapidly and Jupiter wants to remind you the reasons why you're putting in all the work currently. Perhaps you're seeing some of the fruits of your efforts, or maybe that reward appears to be a distant goal. Trust in the daily routines and steady work that everything's moving to higher alignment. What you focus on you will receive.


Community, friend groups, friendships, and the ways you have fun with other people in your world are the intentional highlights of this Full Moon in Leo. Pluto entering into Aquarius brings an intensifying focus onto your creative projects, pursuits, and art that you wish to share with the world. You're slowly shifting away from a heavy emphasis on the material/practical world to the potential of the unknown. Part of the creation process can be a little lonely and isolating, and this Full Moon in Leo wants to remind you of your community and friend groups. How can you prioritize time with others to help you loosen the grip of control in life? How have your friend groups changed in the last six months? It’s time to change the mindset from always being productive to allowing time and space to have fun and just be. Great transformation begins here.

Jupiter is also squaring this Full Moon, meaning the practical matters and financial planning are not completely off the table. There’s been expansion lately in terms of overall finances and group collaboration in your life this year, and it may be fueling some of the need for you to find release. Even if it’s just for a moment, allow yourself to be supported by others, and take the gift. It’s always a balancing act and you’ve done your part, so have fun with it now. 


Career, work in the world, and your public reputation deserves time for celebration and recognition under this Full Moon in Leo. Pluto entering into Aquarius has intensified your home life, living environment, and relationships with family. Your energies may be more condensed and focused on building your foundation, but this lunation reminds you it’s okay to celebrate your hard work and creations. How has your career changed or grown in the last six months? Where are you able to step back and appreciate the work you’ve been putting your heart and soul into? Take a moment of pure reflection and honor yourself for what has been created and established in the world. You deserve the applause and to be recognized, even if others aren't doing it for you, do it for yourself. 

To add to the celebration and feeling of abundance, Jupiter is also forming a square to this Full Moon. Your one-on-one relationships and partnerships have been rapidly expanding this year, and have really started to shape these major changes taking place in your home life and work roles. Part of this lunation involves reflecting on those important relationships and connections in your life. If building a life around them is essential, how does that shape your home and career? Think high level how everything is intertwined, and work backward to figure out where the holes are.


Long-term plans, future goals, visions, philosophy, beliefs, and expanding your mind as well as your cultural knowledge are the focus for celebration under this Full Moon in Leo. Pluto in Aquarius has brought up intense feelings and focus within your daily life, rituals, siblings, close friends, and routines. You may be experiencing some busy days and lots of new discussions that take up your time and energy. This Full Moon encourages you to look at the big picture of your life. What are you working towards and putting all this effort in for? What is your big overarching goal for yourself and how is your daily life building it? This lunation also speaks to your beliefs and self-awareness, of the higher understanding you have of the world and how you’re reaching new heights in what you believe is possible.

Jupiter is squaring this Full Moon in Leo, continuing to expand your routines but centered more around your daily work responsibilities, obligations, relationships with coworkers, and pet needs. While you have your plate full, also see where you can pick out where you give too much energy and time to. Fill your daily schedule and rituals with things that support the future you envision for yourself. It’s okay to be a little more selfish in this space. Taking care of yourself shows how you can also support others.


Collaborations, shared resources, loans, debt, inheritances, and all the financial obligations you share with another person or group are illuminated by this Full Moon in Leo. Pluto’s entrance in Aquarius has intensified the pressure and awareness around your income, money, and resources and how you generate wealth and stability for yourself. But this Full Moon turns the attention to the bigger picture, what are you working to save up for in the future? How does this affect or relate to your close personal relationships? What agreements are finally coming to some form of completion from six months ago? This is a more practical part of life, but a big piece of how you feel supported, seen, and understood is through financial understandings and commitments. Honor the promises made to you and respect those who kept theirs.

Jupiter is also squaring this Full Moon, competing with the material and practical parts of life and asking if you can also just have a little more fun and enjoyment in your world. Your creative life, inspired projects, and ways you enjoy living have been expanding quickly this year, filling up your calendar with new opportunities and adventures that help establish your sense of self. Find some balance between the two sides of practicality and fun, knowing that you can release stress more when you understand you’ve done all you can.


One-on-one relationships and close partnerships are illuminated by this vibrant Full Moon in Leo. With Pluto moving into Aquarius, you're stepping into a long period of deep self-growth and transformation in terms of your identity, self-understanding, and how you present yourself to the world. This Full Moon pulls the spotlight back to those important profound connections in your life and how they're shining the path for your own inner work. Through the past six months, what has come clear to you regarding relationships and the ways you need others to support you? Have you realized how your opinions and understandings of those relationships have evolved over time? Who has truly shown up for you and made this journey worthwhile?

The Full Moon is also squared by Jupiter in Taurus, meaning part of this personal expansion and awareness around relationships is fueled by your home life and the expansion you’re experiencing by tending to your living spaces, home environment, and relationships with family. A component of working with these energies is being completely clear on what you foundationally need from the major pieces of your life to complete your self-expression and deep study of who you are. Staying with the old comforts will not support you. It may be time to overhaul the traditional steady parts of your home life.


Daily work life, your day-to-day schedule, responsibilities, relationships with coworkers, pets, and body health are illuminated by this Full Moon in Leo. Pluto entering Aquarius activates your mental health, inner processing, and the ways you work through past wounds and hurt. You may be coming intensely aware of what needs to be addressed and nurtured in your private world around the activity and stories that you don’t share with other people. The Full Moon in the sign opposite demonstrates how your daily life is fueling, supporting, or agitating your internal world (aka, work/life balance.) What's coming to a peak point around your daily responsibilities since six months ago? How are you learning where you need to increase boundaries and fun in your daily world? What can you remove so it doesn’t feel like a dread?

Jupiter is also squaring this Full Moon in Leo, pulling your attention to your daily life and close relationships with siblings or ride-or-die friends. This also speaks to your commute and errands. You may be feeling extra busy with schedules that are overloaded around this lunation. With the Moon in Leo, how can you make these necessities fun? How can you put yourself first so that you enjoy your daily “grind” knowing that it fills you up in the best way possible?


Your creative life, relationships with fun and pleasure, and all your favorite hobbies are illuminated by this playful Full Moon in Leo. Pluto in Aquarius is moving away from career and work discussions to the part of life that truly lights up your soul. You may notice an intensification or more energy around your friend groups, community, and social circles. While it’s important to feel supported and loved by your peers, this Full Moon wants you to feel inspired by noticing your own creative projects and how they play a central role in your community. What special projects or creations have you been working on in the last six months? How are they coming to a high point or culmination, and can you shine and be applauded for your uniqueness? This is a lighter lunation that encourages you to pursue the more fun and inherent pleasures of life.

Jupiter is also squaring this Full Moon, adding more to the excitement and need for an abundance of joy and fun. Here you may notice the expansion of money, resources, and stability in your material world has the ability to support and prop up your creative endeavors. There’s also the potential to spend more money than particularly necessary, but as long as you feel inspired and passionate, there’s also no “wrong” decision here. Take the risk, and enjoy what's present. 


Home and family life, living environment, and the foundational support you feel you have in your life is the spotlight placed by this Full Moon in Leo. Pluto in Aquarius brings an intense focus and awareness on your career, public reputation, and work in the world. While it may feel like work is picking up speed and gaining momentum, this lunation encourages you to pay attention to your inherent structure. Where in your family life and home space can you find awareness and appreciation? How does your living environment look different now than where it was six months ago? Having a space that's uniquely yours and allows for your unabashed self-expression is important for you to maintain strength and energy in your work. Feeling suppressed in the most supportive structure of your life will quickly leak negativity elsewhere.

The square from Jupiter to this Full Moon means this lunation is extra important for you. Jupiter has been expanding your sense of self and identity, what it means to take up space, and how you can truly feel your authentic self. What are you learning from your personal expansion that you can bring into your home life? Utilize this lunation to create a home and living space that supports and reflects the person you're growing to create and become.  


Daily life, rituals, communications, siblings, close friends that feel like siblings, and your overall neighborhood are reaching a high point of celebration and awareness with this Full Moon in Leo. Pluto entering into Aquarius has intensified and revolutionized your long-term plans and five-year direction, potentially opening up an entirely new path for you to explore down. This Leo Full Moon pulls you back to your daily life and conversations. Now that a reinvigorated future is starting to expand in front of you, how is this going to change your current routine? How has this space already changed in the last six months? If there are new goals you want to see come to fruition in the long term, part of the work means moving it into your daily schedule. Get clear on what needs to be let go of as well as what you're now ready to bring in.

Jupiter squaring this Full Moon in Leo makes an important reference to your mental health, inner world, and internal processing. Expanding the time you create for yourself and the ways you heal through loss and hardship is very important during this lunation. Even if your daily world and long-term direction are going through a major change at this point, it’s still important at the core that you feel supported.  


Money, income, resources, and financial obligations are illuminated by this Full Moon in Leo. Pluto in Aquarius has gotten serious about your overarching financial situations, including loans, debts, financing, inheritances, and your partner’s money. This Full Moon pulls the spotlight onto yourself, what you are bringing in terms of monetary support and gain, and how sustained you feel by that income. What has changed for you financially in the last six months? What does it mean for you to feel established in your world, and able to accomplish all that you’ve set out to do? Utilize this Full Moon to clear away the financial obligations that no longer cater to your development and make space for the money to start to work for you.

Jupiter is also making an abundant square to this Full Moon, shifting your orientation to focus on what truly matters to you. Yes, material matters are still heavily important, but it’s also equally if not more important that you have fun and appreciate those that surround you. Get out and enjoy expansion and pleasure with your friendships and community, however that may look. Money and work issues will always linger, but the present moment is right now. Find abundance in the relationships, connections, and adventures you can take with those who matter. This is true sustainability.

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