Horoscopes for New Moon in Aquarius 2024

This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Aquarius, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The start of the Lunar New Year, the New Moon in Aquarius, occurs on February 9th, 2024 at 5:59 pm EST. With Pluto’s entrance into this fixed air sign, there’s already been a significant amount of change this year but this New Moon tips the scale with a square from Uranus. Somewhere in our lives there’s been a discontinuity, separation, or disruption from the norm that’s forcing us into a new beginning whether we necessarily wanted it or not. This unexplored direction we’re facing centers around trying out new technologies or innovating the old systems that no longer meet our needs. There will be resistance, but there's a higher need to get creative and let go of what doesn’t work anymore.

Mercury in Aquarius is also connecting with Jupiter in Taurus on the day of this New Moon, a foreshadowing of April’s significant Jupiter / Uranus conjunction. If Uranus represents the technological breakthroughs and changes, Jupiter will only expand the presence of this disruption in our lives. This New Moon shows the ways our foundational beliefs and understandings of how our material world works must be challenged and transformed to be ready for the next installment of our lives, coming this Spring.

Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


Disrupting your old patterns and beliefs about yourself is something you aren’t unfamiliar with, and that individualized work becomes more apparent under this New Moon in Aquarius. Pluto moving into your sign has intensified the need for you to get serious about yourself, your needs, and how you want to forge the path of your growth and development. This New Moon takes that energy and solidifies it into an official beginning and moment where change will really start to take root. This lunation is all about how you’re disrupting the old identities and beliefs you’ve had around your life and what it should look like, especially compared to your childhood, family, and close examples that have modeled life for you. The New Moon is a reminder you aren’t here to follow in their footsteps. This life is for you to create and mark your own, which can be exciting, but also a little intimidating. Lean into all the feelings.

This New Moon is making a square to Uranus in Taurus, meaning some of the disruptions in terms of your personal beliefs may stem from the chaos and changes taking place in your home and family life. Jupiter and Uranus will be expanding and transforming your definition and understanding of home and family until May, so your private life will be gaining a lot of attention between now and then. Get clear on what skeletons you’re ready to clean out of the closet.


Mental health and inner healing are the focus for fresh growth and awareness under this New Moon in Aquarius. With Pluto entering this sign, there’s an intensification around your private world, inner spaces, how you deal with loss, and also how you equally heal to bring yourself back from setbacks and pain. The human experience is a vast one, and sometimes it takes a period of stepping back and reflecting on the entire journey up to this point to learn the lessons and information you most need. The New Moon in Aquarius wishes to create a stable and structured foundation for the ways you heal and handle loss or pain. What rituals, routines, and practices are becoming non-negotiable when it comes to taking care of yourself and working through the inner abyss? This lunation is a reminder that while life becomes busy with errands, to-do lists, and running around in your every day, it’s still important to carve out alone time with no obligations.

Uranus is squaring this New Moon in Aquarius over in Taurus, creating more shakeups and discontinuity within your daily routines, rituals, commute, and relationships with close friends and siblings. Jupiter and Uranus will be expanding and disrupting this area of your life until May, so this New Moon is a great point to get extremely intentional about your self-care and scheduling downtime for yourself. What obligations are you ready to remove so you can step into something new?


Community, friend groups, and the ways you have fun and create with others are the areas of intentional growth during this New Moon in Aquarius. The need to branch out into your community has been activated with Pluto entering into this sign, and the New Moon wants you to get clearer about the friends and people you keep in your circle. Part of this year is a reminder that experiencing the fullest and entirety of what life has to offer is not centered around work or output. Instead, the notion of community, relating to others, and lifting each other up has more intrinsic value than we tend to give it. This lunation wants you to look at your life holistically and notice what’s missing from these lenses, not just from work but also from friendships and having outlets of fun and creativity. Where can you prioritize more of that in your schedule?

As this New Moon is squared by Uranus in Taurus, work and money are still a lingering topic in your mind. Jupiter is also in this sign, and these two will continue to expand your income, resources, and stability until May. The conflicts come in between tending to these material focuses while also giving yourself enough opportunity to have fun and enjoy relationships. There’s a balance to be found here, and you may have to get more creative. Don’t look to what the outer world expectations are, but instead tend to your own individualized needs.


Career and work are the focus for intentional growth under this New Moon in Aquarius. This area of your life may feel more pressurized since Pluto entered this area of your chart, asking you to get more serious about your future and dreams for your overarching career and public reputation. Much of your work here is to challenge what the “norm” is. A career doesn’t have to be defined the same way it was twenty or even five years ago. Normal doesn’t exist anymore, and from that space, you can create anything. What does it mean for you to disrupt the boundaries and understanding of your work? How can you look at your work and role in the community differently? The New Moon in Aquarius is all about using your out-of-the-box inspiration, technology, and innovating the old to pave the path for the new.

Part of this work in your career life stems from the disruptions and revolutions you are having within yourself, your identity, and how you want to show up in the world. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus are squaring this New Moon and will be continuing to expand and shake up your sense of self and how you present yourself to others. An element of the image rebranding will filter into your work and career, as it’s extremely important to maintain authenticity in this part of your life. Explore yourself for all the answers, no one else can tell you what to do.


Long-term plans, visions for the future, and your forward direction are all in for a restart under this New Moon in Aquarius. There’s been a lot up in the air about what the future looks like for you, what your five-year goals are, higher education visions, and long-distance travel plans. Even if that hasn’t been a hot topic, there are potential shifts around your beliefs, philosophy, and understanding of how the world works. All of this may be coming to light now because the old visions and dreams for yourself were stagnant, traditional, and ready to be discarded. You’re not here to follow in the footsteps of your family or what expectations others set for you. Instead, this is the opportunity to forge your unique path and direction that, most importantly, satisfies your innermost desires and dreams. Perhaps this disruption can now allow you to create something bigger.

There’s also a lot going on mentally with these changes as the New Moon is squared by Uranus in Taurus. You may be experiencing these disruptions and frustrations more internally, showing battles perhaps with mental health and how you work through loss and healing. Jupiter and Uranus will continue to expand this area of your life until May, so it’s important to get comfortable clearing space in your calendar for yourself. Time alone and in reflection may help you get clearer on your long-term direction and what you’re ready to change for healing.


Collaborations and major financial commitments are ready for a fresh beginning with this New Moon in Aquarius. The more abstract side of money, dealing with loans, financing, and shared resources including your partner’s (both business and personal) funds are asking for a refresh and revised beginning. There are the traditional methods of investing and sharing resources, and then there’s innovation. This may be a moment where you’re required to stop asking for external opinions about what you “should” do and work directly with your close relationships to figure out what solution meets everyone’s needs. This means breaking away from what may feel safe and stable and trusting that doing things differently can be scary, but not necessarily wrong. This may bring the practice of stepping into community and moving away from the individualized loner mindset we have been taught.

Community continues to be a theme for this New Moon in Aquarius as Uranus squares this lunation, showing how financial patterns and planning can sometimes conflict with, but also be supported by, community and friend groups. Jupiter and Uranus will continue to expand this area of your life until May, and you may be asked to balance between tending to them and your personal life. Don’t be afraid to use your community as support when it becomes necessary. There's more power and assistance by reaching out for help, and in this world, it’s important to create a less lonely space and mindset.


Relationships, one-on-one partnerships, and all close connections you have with another are the focus of this New Moon in Aquarius. Since Pluto entered this sign in January, you may have noticed more intense energies around your personal committed relations and how they're playing an important role in your life. An element of your life focus is to approach relationships differently. The traditional definition of marriage may not be the one you choose to expand on in your life. This New Moon is a good time to question what an equal partnership truly means to you, and if you feel comfortable in the roles of traditional expectations. If not, it’s time to get creative and reimagine what it means for you to share your life with another. It doesn’t have to look like anyone else, and it’s not supposed to. You know what you need from another, the support, love, and care that motivates you. Pursue that connection.

Career and work needs may challenge relationship obligations or refocusing further, creating some disruption or intense energy as well. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus will continue to put pressure on your work needs until May. The task for you is to juggle between showing up publicly and making sure you’re feeling fulfilled within your relationships. Putting too much time into one will hurt the other, so getting clear on your priorities will help you set the strong intentions needed for this New Moon.


Daily work routines, coworkers, reoccurring responsibilities, pets, and your body health are all in for a shakeup and fresh beginning with this New Moon in Aquarius. Perhaps you’re stepping into a new role, office change, or your job responsibilities have transformed in a way you can now reimagine how you want to spend your limited hours during the work week. This restart is partly fueled by a disruption or adjustment to your long-term plans and five-year goals. The vision for your future has been under pressure, asking to you to step away from what dreams your family or even old versions of yourself had held onto, and allow yourself to believe in more possibilities. It can feel a little risky because you're moving into uncharted territories in terms of being able to rely on familiar past experiences. But in this uncertainty you can start to forge a daily life for yourself that actually feels enjoyable. What old tasks, commutes, or relationships are you ready to drop?

Jupiter and Uranus overall will be expanding your visions, mindset, and beliefs about how the world works until May. Part of your challenge for this New Moon is making sure your daily life has enough space to explore this growth. Your mind is craving new fields of knowledge, cultural expansions, and unlimited possibilities. Make sure your schedule reflects allowing yourself time to adventure these avenues. Maybe add some travel plans to your calendar soon.


Your creative projects, passions, and pursuits are all in for a disrupting beginning under this New Moon in Aquarius. Nourish the impulse to dust off your old hobbies and bring them back out to the center of your life. This lunation in Aquarius wants to remind you of the overflowing creativity and inspiration welling up inside you, ready to be nurtured and released. Creativity is an important aspect of life as it allows us to find an avenue of self-expression and identification, as well as creation reminds us of how much beauty is in every little thing we do. The New Moon is a personal reminder to have fun and to use your creations as a tool to help you articulate and understand your needs and desires. Sometimes words don’t make the cut, but the energy and emotions still need to be released. What are you ready to create and express for yourself?

Challenges and disruptions to the creative process may come in the form of financial obligations or external commitments that feel weightier. Generally having fun costs money instead of creating it, and that’s a dilemma in a world so heavily tied to stacks of paper. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus do want to remind you that it’s okay to rely on external support and help if it’s available. It’s okay to want to have the pressure to provide off your own means for some time. Humans are collaborative beings, and having the necessary external foundation moves us forward.


Home and family relationships are asking for a disruption and restart under this New Moon in Aquarius. Here this lunation is lighting up the undercurrents of your life, your childhood history, how you grew up, and your relationships with home and family. This very foundational part of your life has shaped a significant portion of who you are and how you move about the world now. Under this New Moon, you’re asked to reflect on what pieces of your childhood you wish to keep and nurture, and what aspects you’re ready to release and move away from. This can be a moment in time where you’re creating a home space just for yourself, and you now have the power to envision how you want that project. How has the definition of home changed for you over time?

Part of where this change and disruption stems from is through your partnerships and one-on-one relationships. Those you choose to spend your time with and build a life together are helping you become more aware of the space and energy you also build into your home life and foundation. Jupiter and Uranus will continue to expand these relationship themes for you until May. Knowing those you are with have your back in everything you do, what are you ready to overhaul and create again in your vision for home and family? There are no limits except the ones you artificially assign, so think bigger.


Daily rituals, local community, speaking engagements, and how you spend your day-to-day life living, breathing, and moving are under a fresh beginning with this New Moon in Aquarius. The old, tired routines need a disruption, and that’s the purpose of this New Moon. You are stepping into a refreshed understanding and path for yourself that brings excitement and change, starting with the way you move through life every day. What rituals are old and ready to be removed? What would you rather focus your energy on each day? This New Moon may also highlight beginnings around teaching projects, or conversations you’re having within your community and teaching others. This is a very social area of your life, so make sure you’re also being recognized for the work and efforts you put into your community. What would you like to see grow in this space for the next six months?

Part of the reason why your daily life needs a restart is brought by the disruptions and challenges Uranus is creating in your daily work responsibilities and routines there. Work is expanding greatly, and Jupiter and Uranus will continue to expand and shake up any consistent and stable jobs in your life until May. Doing a hundred things at once can only last for so long, at some point, you have to be willing to step back and trust the systems and processes you’ve been building can hold the workload. Your daily life needs to be created for you.


Money, income, resources, and feelings of stability are in a for fresh beginning with this New Moon in Aquarius. There’s been a lot of pressure on your resources lately, and this lunation is no different. Aquarius ruling your money wants you to recognize your duties of making, earning, and spending money differently than those around you. You are not here to follow in the footsteps of everyone else and earn wealth for yourself in the same fashion. Instead, you’re tasked with the need to create, generate, and establish financial stability in a way that maybe hasn’t been done before. During this New Moon, you’re asked to look at your finances and meticulously cut away the old beliefs about spending that don’t match the energy you want to maintain in 2024. How are you redefining stability?

Getting clear on your financial needs and obligations may partly be related to the disruptions and shakeups occurring within your creative projects and personal relationships. Jupiter and Uranus will be expanding and bulldozing through Taurus until May, emphasizing your creativity and the fun nature of life. Naturally, some of this may cost money, so you need to get clear on where your priorities lie. Life should not be all work and no play, because then what is this all for? Instead, evaluate what is the most important to you, and make sure enough is allocated for it. Everything else will fall into place.

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