Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Virgo 2024
This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Virgo, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The Full Moon in Virgo arrives on February 24, 2024 at 7:30 am EST. Ruled by Mercury, this typically meticulous and highly analytical Full Moon gets a dose of mystical imagination as Mercury sits in the sign opposite, Pisces, with the Sun and Saturn. As with most Full Moons, this lunation brings a purge or peak point of an area of your life you’ve been particularly zeroed in on and owning all control. It’s where you feel like you have the most awareness, understanding, and tracking of movement. Where it’s been consistent and established for the last half of the year.
This Full Moon highlights that energy, but also shows the culmination point, of where it may not matter anymore, or you’re asked to release some of this control, planning, and oversight. Staring opposite Pisces, the Virgo Moon is reminded of all of the ways life happens in inexplicable fashions -- through synchronicities, coincidences, and unexplained crossing of timelines. Somewhere in your world you’re being too strict, too logical and realistic, to even allow space for this magic to unfold. This lunation may encourage a release of the grip on your material world and a step into a more trusting and universal experience within your feelings and emotional understanding of life.
Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Sitting in your sign, the Full Moon in Virgo highlights your sense of self, identity, and personal beliefs that guide your decision-making, actions, and inner motivations. There’s a big moment of recognition in this area of your life, shining the spotlight on all the ways you have grown and stepped into your personal authority in the last six months. With Mercury in Pisces, however, you may be asked to look at yourself through the lens of your partnerships, relationships, and personal connections.
Our inner work is often reflected to us through the close people in our lives, and this Full Moon will ask you to step back and analyze not just how you feel about yourself, but what others are showing you. Is it time to let go of some of the overly analytical and stringent parts of yourself to step into more mysticism, fun, and play? Where can you start to implement more creativity, feelings, and intuition into your life? The detail-oriented aspect of yourself is necessary for many pieces of your growth, but it’s also okay to explore a more profoundly reflective, softer side that’s willing to receive creative energies.
Mental health, inner awareness, and how you process wounding but also bring healing into your life are highlighted by this Full Moon in Virgo. Throughout the last six months, you have been carefully breaking down the pieces of yourself that sit in isolation, away from external activity, and spending more time healing yourself through alone time and inner work. This lunation may highlight the way your mental health or spiritual connections have strengthened. Mercury in Pisces also reminds you that it’s okay to not be so strict or precise about the routines or practices you follow.
There doesn’t have to be a separation between this internal healing and your external work responsibilities or schedule. Pisces season is increasing the time and energy within your day-to-day work life and relationships with coworkers, which may disrupt your schedule or challenge the consistent routine you maintain for your healing. Allow yourself to be more fluid during this period of your life. Just because something worked then doesn’t mean it can continue to work now, it’s okay to let go of old beliefs or practices to try something new as your mental health or work routine demands.
Friendships and community are illuminated by this caring Full Moon in Virgo, showing you the external assistance and connections that have supported you or have been built up over the last six months. At the peak of this lunation, there may be some old friendships or connections that are let go of, however, perhaps because they have drifted away due to life changes or experiencing different paths of understanding. There’s no reason to get too caught up in the relationships that come and go, as with Mercury in Pisces, the majority of your energy may be focused on creative projects and relationships with children.
Your priorities may be shifting around what you’re giving your time and energy to –what truly matters or feels fun to engage in during your free time. With that in mind, allow yourself to be more flexible with practicing your artistic expression and enjoyment. It’s natural to feel the need to pull away from more external socialization and focus more on your inner creations and needs at this time in your life if you feel that calling. True friends and community will understand and respect your space.
Career, work in the world, and your public reputation are highlighted by this Full Moon in Virgo. In the last six months, you have been meticulously building this area of your life, selecting the work and careers that fulfill you, putting all your energy and service into them, and perhaps seeing great growth and transformation. This lunation represents a peak point, a moment where you can look onto the growth and recognize what you’ve accomplished, but also what you’re ready to let go of.
Mercury is in Pisces, sitting in the area of your life governing home, family, and your living environment. During this Full Moon, you may find yourself shifting focus away from growing your work reputation to instead just maintaining it. Or priorities are asking you to clear away work you don’t enjoy. Energy and intention may instead dive into your private world, home life, and place of healing and regeneration. Is your schedule making it hard for you to enjoy time for yourself? Where can you start to put yourself first, trusting that the energy will be returned to you double?
Your long-term plans, dreams for the future, and overarching direction are highlighted by this Full Moon in Virgo. Your path in the last six months has been filled with evolutions, and this lunation represents a peak point of that energy. It may be a time for celebration, but also clearing away. New information has come to light that may result in an unknown understanding of how the world works and what you truly need from it.
With Mercury in Pisces, your day-to-day life and responsibilities have been increasing in activity, filling your schedule up with to-do lists and errands. Part of creating your future also involves becoming clear on your vision for daily life. It’s okay to dream big here, as it's never helpful to limit ourselves when it comes to the beauty we desire to create for the future. At the same time, it’s okay to name the limitations and restrictions that make it seem impossible, this allows us to imagine ways around them. What's important for you to continue to put your time and energy in? What's begging for you to let go, release, and change?
Shared resources, finances, loans, and collaborations with others are illuminated by this Full Moon in Virgo. These agreements or commitments you made six months ago are finally coming to a culmination, showing you the ways that working with another can be powerful and shape your growth. But as with most Full Moons, there’s also a clearing away and removal of energy. Something may be stagnant and ready to fall off your focus, perhaps relating to the transformation you’re also experiencing.
Ruled by Mercury in Pisces, aspects of this reflection have been fueled by your income, money, and resources you've gathered alone. Perhaps you're focusing more on constructing your sense of stability not dependent on another, or maybe there’s a new understanding of what you truly need financially, and this is now challenging the way you approach your external financial agreements. Utilize this lunation to get clear on your expectations for yourself and others. You can’t expect them to change if you don’t also change for yourself, and that's the gift of this awareness. What bouts of transformation are you ready to create for your life now?
Relationships, partnerships, and all one-on-one connections are illuminated by this analytical Full Moon in Virgo. In the last six months, this area of your life has been growing and experiencing an evolution, perhaps relationships coming in and out or current ones experiencing periods of intense growth. This can be a moment of celebration with your partners, but also a moment of reflection. Full Moons represent the height of the energy, but that doesn’t define them as good or bad. With Mercury in Pisces in the house representing yourself, you may be becoming more aware of your own needs outside of relationships, which can bring a clearing away or revaluation.
You must find your desires, dreams, and visions matched by the partnerships in your life, as that’s how we find community and closeness. Do you feel seen and heard within the current important relationships in your life? Is there an assumption that you’re placing on another that isn’t necessarily fair to them? Sometimes we have clear expectations of how we want people to show up, even if that’s not their natural tendencies. It may be time to sit back and listen to what exactly is being said and shown to you.
Daily work routines, responsibilities, relationships with coworkers, and pet needs are illuminated by this Full Moon in Virgo. Your day-to-day work life of clocking in and out, and your life outside the work schedule, are coming to a culmination point from six months ago. This may be a high point of satisfaction, finally finding a routine or structure that meets your needs, or one that desires a change and release from your current system. With Mercury in Pisces, much of this evaluation may stem from your mental health, inner world, and hidden personal desires that aren’t visible to others.
Pisces season is asking you to pull back from your work routines and come back home to yourself, to how you’re feeling, how you emotionally process, and what healing is needed from you. You’re asked to look at your daily life through these lens and see if they still fit. What obligation or responsibility are you ready to remove from your life? What feels stagnant when it comes to taking care of both your mental health and body, and how can you start to make a positive change to initiate that?
Children, creative projects, and the ways you have fun with life are illuminated by this Full Moon in Virgo. In the last six months, there has been more focus on the beauty and creativity that you produce, as well as your time with children, and how they shape your life and create more enjoyment. As a Full Moon, this may result in a culmination point, a big release, and sharing of your creative works with others or perhaps even a clearing away of old hobbies and practices that don’t bring you the same happiness. With Mercury ruling this Full Moon in Pisces, there's some involvement with your overarching community and friendships.
This may be a time to stop separating your creative life from your community and begin to share your ideas more clearly with others. People want to hear your magic, even if you have a lot of self-critique and fear of judgment. Part of sharing your creations with others also means removing the direct control you have over them. It can be scary, but also freeing to put yourself out there. What are you ready to share? What are you ready to release out into the world, and trust that your fullest self-expression is being recognized?
Home, family, and your living environment are highlighted by this Full Moon in Virgo. Over the last six months, there has been a big focus and growth around your home and household relationships as well as what brings you comfort in this area of your life. This lunation delivers a peak point, or moment of celebration of how far you've come regarding how you define home and take care of your life privately. It may also bring a clearing away, or an ending, to a certain era of your home and personal life that's thoroughly shifting your foundation.
With Mercury in Pisces during this Full Moon, you may be asked to let go of control and careful planning to instead trust the process. Pisces is heavily focused on your career and work life, which may influence your overall life and what changes you can freely make. What do you need from your career to allow your home feel more comfortable? Or, if your foundation is feeling stable, how can you start to look more outwardly in your life around what you wish to change? There doesn’t have to be a clear plan, but instead, allow yourself to explore.
Daily life, rituals, community, siblings, and close friends that feel like siblings are highlighted by this Full Moon in Virgo. In the last six months, the ways you manage your daily life including the time you take for yourself to enjoy life, have come to a peak point or culmination event. This may be a point of intensity, but also a clearing away of the countless obligations you have taken on and defined for yourself but no longer seem to hold the same magic. With Mercury in Pisces, there’s also a big focus on your long-term goals, future orientation, and beliefs of the world. Allow the future to shape the vision of your daily life.
The first step into creating your future is bringing it to every day, and with this lunation, you’re asked to create some space. What obligations, activities, or daily communications are you ready to release in your life? What has been feeling more stressful lately that can you simply just let it fall away? Not everything has to be so carefully controlled and contained. It’s okay to allow routines to flow in what you need out of a particular day, while still keeping the main vision in mind.
Money, income, resources, and the ways you find consistency and stability for yourself are highlighted by the Full Moon in Virgo. In the last six months this has been a large focus of your life, all about how you build up finances and wealth for yourself. Now some of these visions may be coming to a peak point or culmination, perhaps representing all the effort you have been putting into this space, and how it has paid off (literally). However, Mercury in Pisces may create feelings of less consistency and stability. Maintaining perfect control over your money won’t always be possible, there may be some events and situations in your life that will start to ask for a release of your grip on the funds.
Part of this Full Moon involves letting go of all the control you have been building, and learning to trust that you'll be supported through the ups and downs. Pisces season is heavy on shared resources and collaborations, reminding you that you're not alone in your efforts. How can you start to reach out for help when you feel that you need it? Notice what emotions come up during this process, like fear or uncertainty. Trust the unfolding.
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