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Maddie Sloan Maddie Sloan

Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Virgo 2024

The Full Moon in Virgo arrives on February 24, 2024 at 7:30 am EST.  Ruled by Mercury, this typically meticulous and highly analytical Full Moon gets a dose of mystical imagination as Mercury sits in the sign opposite, Pisces, with the Sun and Saturn. Staring opposite Pisces, the Virgo Moon is reminded of all of the ways life happens in inexplicable fashions -- through synchronicities, coincidences, and unexplained crossing of timelines. Somewhere in your world you’re being too strict, too logical and realistic, to even allow space for this magic to unfold. This lunation may encourage a release of the grip on your material world and a step into a more trusting and universal experience within your feelings and emotional understanding of life.

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Forecast Maddie Sloan Forecast Maddie Sloan

Full Moon in Virgo 2023 — Forecast

The Full Moon in Virgo is here, starting off a big astrological month with a bang. This lunation is squared by Mars in Gemini, which will encourage us to take action and go after life, but it may conflict from the fact we don’t have clear direction and understanding thanks to Neptune. Saturn will enter into Pisces on the same day as the Full Moon, which will be one of the many major transits we have occurring in March.

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