Full Moon in Virgo 2023 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Virgo and important astrological events up to the first New Moon in Aries in late March. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7th at 7:40am ET sets a definite tone and shift to the year as it kicks off a month of major planetary movements. There is a feeling of a pressure cooker about to top off – the Full Moon is applying to a square with Mars in Gemini and opposite Neptune in Pisces. Mercury, the ruler of the Full Moon, is in its fall in Pisces, which adds a layer of confusion, misunderstanding, and fogginess especially with Neptune present. And there’s Mars, who is really pushing forward a desire for change and encouraging motivated initiative in our lives. Mars has been in Gemini for several months, and after its recent retrograde it’s only now gaining speed. This is planet is finally inspiring us to take action and make decisions against conflicts or challenges.
While in a way this can be a source of relief, especially if the first two months of this year have been slow and dragging to you, the issue comes in with Neptune and Mercury in Pisces. We are being shoved into a rock and hard place, asking to move forward to plant a seed of some change, but we are also in a deep ocean, it’s dark, and we can’t see which way is where. There is a feeling of uncertainty and confusion, of trying to make a decision and directional change with a blindfold on. We want to move forward, but we don’t know where or what these decisions will bring yet. Being deep in a mutable season, the best way to manage this is to stay flexible and be prepared to jump to different paths when new information starts to reveal itself.
The same day of the Full Moon, Saturn will move into Pisces. This is a major ending to a Saturn-ruled cycle since late December of 2017. While we are soaking in those lessons, changes, and transformations we are also beginning a new five-to-six-year cycle with Saturn and Neptune in conjunction. In a way, the Full Moon is a precursor to this experience, except instead of action we are encouraged to feel the weight of new responsibilities and limitations but within foggy waters and with an unclear understanding of reality. Saturn in Aquarius and Capricorn was very strong and clear on what is reality and where our society is growing from it. Saturn in Pisces (especially with Neptune) encourages one to question reality — where does this implied structure have to exist, and where is it made up or false?
Luckily, we have a few planets in Aries that will help us feel more confident and motivated to tackle these challenges. On March 11th, Jupiter meets up with Chiron in Aries, which may expand and pull at a wound we have kept hidden regarding meeting our needs and putting them first. However Jupiter also offers healing and the ability to understand more deeply the lessons associated with feeling uncomfortable and having to make a change from that place.
On March 14th and 15th, Mars in Gemini completes the square to Neptune in Pisces and the Sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Whatever the Full Moon started for you or brought to attention will be punctuated today. Again, it’s another time of needing to make a change or take some action, and being completely uncertain and confused of the overall direction – or thinking you have an understanding and it’s not what’s actually happening. Know that just because something doesn’t work out doesn’t mean nothing will.
The Sun will complete the square to Mars in Gemini, and Mercury will conjunct Neptune, extending the few days of driven confusion on March 16th. However, on the same day, Venus will enter Taurus. This gives Venus more power as she rules this sign, and provides a sense of grounding and stability that we have been missing so far this month. Of course, it won’t be perfect, but it gives us a moment to stop, pause, and appreciate our life and where it sits currently.
Mercury and the Sun meet together in Pisces on March 17th, still in a tight square with Mars. However, this day has the potential to reveal more information to you regarding what changes need to take place and what you need from yourself to initiate the necessary action. Venus makes a sweet aspect to Saturn that will help give some structure to the necessary plans and goals in place.
Early on March 19th Mercury will enter into Aries followed by the Sun on March 20th, wrapping up our time in mutable signs and putting us solidly into the cardinal energy, where we will be encouraged to take action and start something fresh and powerful within our lives.
Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Your personal growth and own transformation is illuminated under this Full Moon in Virgo. What have you learned about yourself in the last six months? Where have you been encouraged to change or pivot? There’s a new understanding arising regarding who you are and how you want to continue to express that individuality. Mars in Gemini may create some conflict with this need, however. For the last six months Mars has been forcing attention onto your career, asking you to separate from old jobs and find new ones, or take on a new position that changes how you are seen in the world. This Full Moon may emphasize any tension or gaps between the public roles you are coming into and who you are truly, and what you really want for yourself. There is a need to recognize that you aren’t just your work, and whatever conflict or battle is present is simply temporary. Try to give space in your life where you can still be proud of your output, but also fully enjoy what it means to be you.
The ingress of Saturn into Pisces will put a long-term focus and need for responsibility within your one-on-one relationships and personal partnerships in life, both platonic and romantic. Your partners may begin a journey of growing and changing their life, and your role in the relationship will be pulled to the spotlight. What would you like to grow with another long-term?
The Full Moon in Virgo places the spotlight on your dreamscape, hidden spaces, mediative environment, and how you spend time alone and within your thoughts. What has been growing and developing that you haven’t shared with anyone yet? This could be about yourself, your past, and what you are uncovering about how you want to change and transform. The square from Mars may generate some conflict between these hidden thoughts and what plans you are trying to create and push through regarding your long-term visions, goals for the future, and perhaps even personal beliefs, or a need for some travel plans this year. There is tension with wanting to create a solid direction for yourself after so much has been cut away, conflicting against needing to step back and deal with these hidden battles and personal areas you need to heal. Give yourself grace and recognize how the two are also connected. Healing within will eventually reflect in your outer world and direction.
Saturn’s movement into Pisces will bring a long-term focus and slow development of your daily work environment, work routines, and your coworkers as well as your body health. You will be encouraged to structure and slowly change your day-to-day responsibilities to carve more time out for yourself and make sure your physical as well as personal needs are met, and where the boundaries sit between the two.
Community, friendships, and those you spend time with for fun outside of any family and partnerships is highlighted under this Full Moon in Virgo. This is a good time to reflect on how your support system and the ways you have fun have changed in the last six months, and who’s been there for you in the long haul. The Mars square may create some conflict and confusion regarding collaborations with others. Or perhaps there’s a feeling of being a little more separated from your friend group as you focus more on the work-related group projects or building resources up with your partner. Notice when you start to feel pulled into separate directions – between tending to the fun relationships and tending to the more serious ones. The key here is to be able to shift directions when attention is needed in one group versus the other.
The ingress of Saturn into Pisces finally takes Saturn out of your home and family life and into the focus of creativity, sex, fun, as well as children. This cycle begins a long-term development of your responsibilities regarding your creative projects birthed into the world, whether it be the responsibilities of being a parent or other duties and creative inspiration you provide to others. The next few years is a focus on a slow and stable build of this life and how you find love and joy within it.
Career, public roles, and your work in the world is the focus and point of celebration with this Full Moon in Virgo. Reflect on how your responsibilities and what you have achieved has changed in the last six months. What else would you like to see grow and develop here? With the square to Mars, there may be some conflict and energy that influences your work through your relationships and one-on-one partnerships. For the last six or so months, focus has been on your relationships and what they need out of you. These partnerships, in turn, affect how you show up for your career and home life. Reflect on what is being pulled out into the open regarding what your partner is going through, and notice where in your life you’re asked to make a change to help ease the tension. There is still a balance required, especially regarding the need to take care of yourself and grow through your work life. Try to find time for both.
The shift of Saturn into Pisces will pull more attention to your home life, family, parents, and living environment. For the next five-to-six years, energy will be around building a stable foundation at home and with your family, and what they may look like for you. You’re asked to imagine the ideal private life, and start to implement the small shifts to build that up, while including the necessary boundaries.
Your future, long-term goals, and overall philosophy and belief about life is highlighted under the Full Moon in Virgo. There’s an itching of wanting to go somewhere and make something happen with life – perhaps through higher education, traveling, or making a move – but your daily work life and responsibilities may be stealing most of your time and energy. What does your five-year plan look like now, and how has it changed in the last six months? Where you putting most of your time and energy into lately, and how can you start to shift that energy to help you get one step closer to that future goal? This may involve letting go of something, cutting off a work responsibility, or starting to delegate extra responsibilities away, but whatever actions intend to put your health first is what needs to be the focus for this lunation.
As Saturn shifts into Pisces on the same day, a new cycle begins with your communication projects as well as your daily life and rituals. This includes any relationships with close friends, siblings, and the neighborhood you live in. This Saturn transit is all about what you consume in your daily life, how that has the power to help you get closer to your long-term goals and overall visions. Slow and steady builds the best foundation.
Virgo’s Full Moon is all about your hidden partnerships, collaborations, and how you earn money and resources through working with another. This may be through a business agreement with a coworker or with your own life partner and their resources. How have your duties with others grown and changed in the last six months? Mars may generate some frustration or conflict here, asking you to choose between work with another and your own need to do something fun and create with your life. There is a push-pull dynamic with responsibilities and collaborations against a desire to stress a little less and move forward with passion and creativity. Mars may’ve made it difficult for you to have the space to create, pulling more of your time and energy into putting out fires. Now as this planet moves forward, see if there can be a little more time spent that is purely just fun.
Saturn’s entrance into Pisces will start a long-term cycle around your money, income, and resources you generate for yourself. This is a period where you’ll be asked to slowly grow and develop income flows that help you feel supported and stable with your life. It may be solidifying something that was a short-term resource to a longer-term potential, or it may involve limiting one or more areas of your life to prevent yourself from stretching too thin. The goal is to have boundaries and stay flexible with them as you can.
One-on-one relationships, committed partnerships, and any deep connections you have with the important people in your life is highlighted under this Full Moon in Virgo. Who keeps you feeling grounded and supported? Who helps you actualize your dreams? These relationships may’ve hit a bit of a push-pull dynamic between needing to care for them against tending to your home and family life. Perhaps there are differences between what you want in partner and what your family sees for you instead. Or maybe the responsibilities and potential conflicts in your home and family life are taking your time away from growing and spending time with your one-on-one relationships. With this aspect from Mars, something may need to be cut away or removed so there is more space. Or look for another way around the blocks so you can still have what you’ve been dreaming of without causing too much inner drama.
Saturn moving into Pisces is all about you and the development of yourself as a person. This includes your goals, beliefs, and desires as well as how you take care of your body and mental health. The practice is all about taking more responsibility for yourself, and how you can put yourself first in a way that is constructive and helps build a stronger foundation about who you are as an individual, and how you what to share that with other people in your life.
Daily work routines, coworkers, your body health, and pet needs are highlighted under this Full Moon in Virgo. What is starting to shift in your daily responsibilities? What is taking too much time and energy that is unnecessary? The deep work you have been doing internally during Pisces season needs to be reflected and continued through your daily work life and routines. During this Full Moon, there is a need to bring out externally what you already know internally, and start putting it to practice. Mars in Gemini may create some conflict with this, perhaps giving you too much on your plate, or making the process of actualizing and expressing your needs harder than it needs to be. Notice what conflicts and discussions arise around your daily life and rituals, and be open to listening out the concerns as well as clearly sharing your own. Keeping things pent up will not be helpful during this month.
Saturn’s ingress into Pisces is all about your mental health, inner spaces, and dreamscape. This long-term transit will encourage you to deal with the past hurt you have pushed down for so long, and confront the ways you may tend to undermine yourself when it comes to healing and growth. There is a need to take responsibility with putting this area of your life first, and build a stable foundation from the inside out.
Making changes with your creative projects and endeavors, including the ways you have fun with life and enjoy being alive, is what this Full Moon in Virgo is illuminating for you. What does it mean for you to create and express yourself without the need of other’s eyes or opinions? With the square from Mars, there is a big push for you to find separation between fun and the need for income and money. Mars’ trek through Gemini has really shown the different revenue streams in your life, motivating you to take action for some and separate from others. Now, you’re asked to have fun and enjoy life without tying that to money or resources. Recognize the need to not monetize every hobby and cherish what is there. If money has been a stressor, give yourself permission to stop worrying about it for a least a few days. A clearer direction will eventually present itself, just not right now.
Saturn’s shift into Pisces will start a new cycle of responsibility and growth, as well as new boundaries, in the area of your life regarding friendships, community, and those you spend your time with. There is a potential to develop a strong support and village in your life through this transit, but it will ask you to make sure boundaries are strong between your work and your friendships, and to be mindful when they overlap.
Home and family life, as well as your internal and hidden spaces, and the time you spend away from public attention is the focus for you during this Full Moon in Virgo. This lunations highlights how important it is for you to have a space where you can retreat and heal, and spend time with those that are not impacted by what output you choose to give to the world. How has your home been that space for you, and if hasn’t, what needs to change? The square from Mars in Gemini may make inactivity a little difficult. Mars encourages action and movement, maybe pushing you to release tension through exercise or self-expression. There may also be some internal conflict regarding who you are discovering yourself to be and how that self is shared through your career and your home life. There is an increased need to truly be yourself in all areas of your life, but a natural tension with that need as well.
The ingress of Saturn into Pisces will put further emphasis on the need to build and grow a strong and stable career for yourself and for the future. This is a long-term transit, focusing heavily on what you imagine yourself doing the most in the public eye, and then what steps and building blocks you need to implement to make that happen. Slow and steady growth is the key, and any limitations that arise just move you closer to the right path.
The Full Moon in Virgo highlights your daily routines, rituals, communications, and close friendships and relationships with your siblings. It showcases your neighborhood and the little things you do every day that bring you comfort and security, as well as create happiness and motivation to wake up each morning. What about your daily routine and rituals have changed in the last six months? What has transitioned around the way you share information? Mars in Gemini may bring some conflict and pull your energy away to tend to your mental health and inner world. Mars has been providing a long journey of tackling issues behind the scenes, and this Full Moon may conflict a bit with the healing and focus there against what you have to do each day for work and life. See if you can remove some of the tension by sharing what’s going on to the external world for some help and validation. Release the stress by knowing it’s short-term.
Saturn entering Pisces is all about your long-term plans, goals for the future, and how you want to build your life and mind especially within the next five to ten years. This passage encourages slow progress, and setting short-term milestones that help you reach your long-term goals for yourself, whether it be a big change or a more personal and internal one.
Your income, money, and overall resources including the ways you bring stability and security to yourself is illuminated under this Full Moon in Virgo. How has your income flow changed in the last six months? What does it mean for you to feel more stable in your life? While so much attention has been on work, collaborations, and money – Mars in Gemini will pull at your energy reserves and encourage you to spend more time with your friends and community. It’s asking you to have more fun in life. There is a potential for some conflict of doing what you need to do to ensure you are supported, but to also not spend too much time with responsibilities and enjoy life as well. Sharing moments with friends often means spending money, but it doesn’t always have to be. Find a balance between what you’re comfortable with letting go of to still make sure your social needs are being met.
Saturn’s movement into Pisces will continue the theme of money, but less about how you make money for yourself and more about your collaborations and work you do with others to generate resources. This can be through a business collaboration or your partner’s changing resources impacting you. The long-term transit will be about how you can grow with another, but also set up boundaries so that there is still separation between yours and theirs.
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