New Moon in Aries 2023 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Aries and important astrological events up to the Full Moon in Libra in early April. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The New Moon in Aries greets us with the fresh start of Spring on March 21st, 2023 at 1:23pm EDT. If the previous Virgo Full Moon was about clearing away to set the stage for a monumental shift, this New Moon symbolizes a more actionable and cardinal energy of change. There’s a desire of wanting to take the initiative, and control the reins of life a little more, especially now that the fog has cleared and the road is open. It’s a feeling of a big breakthrough on the horizon, particularly as this New Moon brings a few major planetary shifts into play.
Whatever potential nervous energy there was under the prior lunation about understanding the direction and control in life is slowly dispersing, and there’s finally a feeling of clarity, power, and certainty with your path. Even if the details aren’t finalized, there’s so much more confidence and ability to figure it out on the whim. The warrior energy is coming back to life. With the next New Moon being in the same sign, but an eclipse, this is a good lunation to intentionally think about the path you want to forge for yourself and how you want to grow over the next few seasons. The upcoming eclipse will take this energy and intensify it over the next year and half as we continue to have eclipses in Aries and Libra.
The first major planetary shift occurs on March 23rd as Pluto enters into Aquarius. This is a short-lived transit as Pluto will only be here until the first week of June, but this change is a heavy foreshadowing of the transformations and power shifts that will be felt more deeply next year. This transit will most likely intensify what Saturn brought to light while in Aquarius – systematic changes of work/life balance, the growth and development of the internet, AI technology and how that will continue to play a huge role in in our lives, and what governing and control factors need to be implemented for this unknown territory.
The next planetary shift occurs shortly after on March 25th, when Mars moves into Cancer. Finally, after nearly eight long months Mars will leave Gemini and change signs. Mars in Gemini has been quick to make moves and think about it later. Words get spoken without regard for consequences. Mars in Cancer will feel very different. Slow, soft, hesitant, moody, and encouraging more action and intention within the body and how it feels, more inward work and needs versus outer reflections. While things will be moving forward, they may not be taking off at the pace we want. Steady building and being less focused on results is more important right now.
March 26th opens our heart for deep conversations regarding wounds and areas we need to heal as Mercury meets up with Chiron in Aries. This is a good day to address whatever hurt you have been burying and pull it out to be examined, reviewed, and dealt with either through trusting another person or writing it out.
Mercury will then conjunct Jupiter in Aries on March 28th, which is a beautiful moment for expanding the mind and finding ways to establish more abundance in your life. This adds another layer to the hopeful optimism we are experiencing under this New Moon.
A small disruption or innovation with connections and relationships may occur on March 30th as Venus meets up with unpredictable Uranus in Taurus. This is good for finding those people in your life that will help you further meet your goals and grow steadily. Mars also connects with Saturn, which is extremely helpful for growth and building a foundation. Although, with these two in water signs, it may be more about the feelings of alignment versus concrete practice.
Mercury will enter Taurus and connect with Pluto in Aquarius on April 3rd, which gives us a more grounding and fixed mindset on life. Notice what you have learned about yourself and what intense conversations arise about money, stability, and feeling supported with your direction.
Finally, the Sun will meet with Chiron in Aries on April 5th, which is another good day for recognizing and clearing wounds within yourself and seeing what it is you really need to keep going and moving forward. This clearing of away of blockages will work with the upcoming Full Moon and help you align more deeply with yourself.
Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Welcome to Aries season, and this New Moon in Aries is going to be loud and all about you! There’s a feeling of a big restart and refresh in the air, and this translates to how you want to grow and change this year. Pisces season has been dragging up the past, hidden thoughts, and needs, as well as having you reflect on loss. Now through the initiation, how do you want to advance yourself? How can you practice more deeper authenticity? How are you hiding yourself behind the expectations that others put on to you? There is a sense of sudden growth and optimism here, of taking charge and seeing what you need challenge and transform. And the planets are in alignment for it to happen. Make sure whatever you start is intentional and true to you, because the upcoming eclipse will take this growth and run with it.
Mars is finally departing Gemini after a seven-month long transit. This has been a cycle of transition, conflict, and action within your neighborhood, siblings, close friends, and also within daily rituals and the ways you communicate your needs. Reflect on what ritual and routine now looks like for you, as well as what has changed with your close relationships and partnerships. Mars in Cancer will pull more attention and energy into your home life, family, and how you feel more at home or what needs to be removed here to have that space for yourself.
Mental health, spirituality, and your behind-the-scenes projects have a seed of optimistic new growth planted under this New Moon in Aries. This Spring is all about what you have been working on behind closed doors, keeping away from everyone else. There may’ve been some self-doubt and uncertainty with your goals, but this New Moon encourages you to trust yourself and the trust the process a little deeper. Whether it’s expanding into your spirituality and self needs, or taking the time you need to heal whatever you’ve been holding onto, this New Moon gives a hint of promise and true transformation that may start occurring. Leaning into the darker parts of life become easier when you realize they are just trying to show and heal something for you.
The shift of Mars from Gemini into Cancer wraps up a long seven-month cycle of spending time working through your money, resources, and income. What have you learned about what it means to provide for yourself? Where has money been stable, and where have you been asked to lean into more trust and other help? What does generating an income look like now? The movement into Cancer will put more attention to your neighborhood, community, and the people you spend time with during your daily rituals and routines. Connecting deeper with one another and sharing your ideas here will be important for you.
Community, friendships, and the people you adventure with is the focus for new intentional growth and change under this New Moon in Aries. You have been learning so much about yourself in the past year, and now it’s time to see that reflection of self growth in your friendships, community, and the ways you have fun with others. This is a good time to plan new vacations or make plans with friends that gives you a break from work and other responsibilities. If something is starting to shift or change in your community, take notice of it. Potentially you are becoming the thread that brings everyone together and encourages a sense of connection with the people around you. Whatever starts under this New Moon will continue to grow and change under the upcoming eclipses next month.
Mars will finally be departing your sign and entering Cancer. This long seven-month transit has been quite an overhaul for you, who you are, and how other people see you. How have you changed since August of 2022? Has there been physical changes or more internal ones? What are you learning about who you are and what you need in your life now? The shift of Mars into Cancer will pull more attention to your work, money, and resources. Something may start to change with your money, or you may be more motivated to bring in extra income and more stability for yourself.
Your career and/or public roles are the focus for new growth and fresh transformation under this New Moon in Aries. This Spring, there may be a drive for change in either your career roles or with a new job — anything that helps you feel more excited about life and better in alignment with your needs and who you are at your core. Even if the change starts small, like switching up work responsibilities or moving departments, there’s a need for a new adventure and excitement in this area of your life. Look for relationships and people that help you feel more in alignment with yourself, and see where you can more clearly express yourself through your work. Whatever seed of new intention you start now will be picked up and grown upon over the set of eclipses occurring in this sign and area of your life.
Mars is finally leaving your house of mental health, loss, hidden dreams and ideas, as well as spirituality, and battling issues alone. What have you learned about the ways you handle loss and discomfort? What does it mean for you to take care of your mental health and heal yourself? Mars entrance into Cancer will bring another sense of renewal, but this time to yourself, how you perceive who you are, and how other people see you. Authenticity is the key here, the more you can grab onto it, the more you will be rewarded.
Long-term plans, goals for the future, philosophy, higher education, and even astrology is the focus for new growth and adventure for you this Spring. The New Moon in Aries invites a welcoming change around how you want to see yourself in the long-term and what new paths you can take to get there. If life has felt a little stuck and uncertain, this lunation promises an opening of doors and newfound desire of a directional shift. Pisces season has been heavy about letting go of the past and accepting the choices that have led you to where you are today. Aries season is about taking that information and implementing it, setting new goals for yourself, for your life, and how you want to learn and grow in this world. Whether it be learning something new, setting up a vision board, or changing up your daily routine – the eclipse will take this energy and run with it.
The departure of Mars from Gemini wraps up a long cycle of you taking action with your friend groups and community, maybe changing things around there, or letting go of some relationships. How have your friendships changed or grown since August 2022? What have you learned is important for you to surround yourself with? How are you growing here? The entrance into Cancer will pull you a little further out of the public eye, into your own mind, mediation, spirituality, and the ways you tend to block yourself from success.
The New Moon in Aries plants a seed of new optimistic growth in the area of your life regarding collaborations, group work, and partnerships including the ways your partner (both business and romantic) bring in money and resources, and how that impacts you. There may be a shift occurring within your one-on-one relationships regarding their income, or you may be finding new connections that allow you to dream up projects and exciting ideas together. Whatever it is, this Spring is all about learning to work with others and support others in their endeavors, and how that support will eventually impact your resources and feeling of security within your life. The best way to work with this energy is to be open to receiving gifts and blessings from others when it’s offered.
The shift of Mars into Cancer wraps up a long cycle of Mars churning through the area of your life ruling your career, work in the world, and public roles. What challenges or battles have you overcome regarding your career and life balance? What does it mean for you to feel fulfilled with your work now? What has changed here since August 2022? With Mars in Cancer, this will shift energy to your friendships and community. It’s all about having more fun with others, going out, exploring, and being a part of your community. Practice saying yes to those invitations if they feel right.
One-on-one relationships, partnerships, and deep connections is the focus for new growth and excitement this Spring and under this New Moon in Aries. This is all about the “other” in your life, and how you can start to find growth and adventure with them. There’s a sense of optimism about finding deep and meaningful connections, or starting a new journey with someone else in your life. The most important part is that your true self and authenticity can be seen in these relationships. The partnerships cannot be one-sided, you must be able to fully express yourself and not have to hold back your beliefs, opinions, or needs. Whatever intentional seed you can plant here will be grown and expanded on with the eclipses in this upcoming season.
Mars is wrapping up a seven-month long journey in Gemini, where it has been asking you to reflect more deeply on your long-term plans, philosophy, beliefs, and goals for the future. What has changed about your overall direction and path in life? What have you learned about life, and what plans have you let go of during this transit? What do your future goals look like now? Mars entering Cancer will put more emphasis on your work, career, and public roles. A new goal or challenge may present itself here that you will have to work through. Notice what “feels right” in these settings and what needs to be let go of.
Spring brings a fresh new burst of inspiration and motivation in the area of your life ruling your daily work routines and tasks, along with coworkers, body health, and pets. The New Moon in Aries is all about feeling motivated and encouraged to chase after new work projects with a vengeance, and will bring a renewed sense of satisfaction that comes with getting things done. If work has felt like a grind lately, try to change up your routine or find something exciting to include in your days. There is an optimism around growth and expressing yourself through these practices – and potentially a new start for collaborating with other people or getting involved with group projects. Overworking is a potential threat, so be sure you’re giving yourself enough time to move your body and take care of your own health as well.
Mars will finally depart from Gemini to Cancer, wrapping up a long cycle and starting another. What have you learned about working with other people – either through business partnerships or with your own committed partner? What do you realize you need from others to help you feel more successful? How has sharing resources changed for you? Now in Cancer, Mars will be motivating you to take action and focus on your future, long-term plans, and goals for the next five years. There’s a desire to really start planning your future and go after it.
Creative projects, how you find inspiration, how you share your creations with the world, and how you have fun with yourself and others, is the focus of new growth and intention under this New Moon in Aries. Creating means everything we make without the focus on work and income. There’s a big pull this Spring to put more energy and time here, and to feel more passionate about the way you spend your days and your life. Whatever it is you start to make more time for, make sure your self-expression and inner needs are the forefront. In a way, this New Moon is all about how you can share what you know and how you can enjoy life a little more deeply and more intentionally. Whatever gets started here has the potential for long-term growth under the eclipses next month.
Mars is finally leaving Gemini, where it’s been pulling attention and focus on your one-on-one relationships and partnerships since August of last year. What have you learned about your partnerships and your role in them since then? What relationships are important for you? How have your current connections changed? As Mars enters Cancer, more attention and focus will be on money and resources – especially those shared resources with others. This may include your partners money, or other loans and financing. Leaning into feeling supported and stable by outside partnerships will be important here.
Home life, family, and where you spend your time privately is the focus for new optimism and intention for this New Moon in Aries. This is a great lunation to give your living environment a refresh and rejuvenation, whether it be doing a spring cleaning or redecorating the space to make it more yours. If work and outer world responsibilities have been taking up most of your time and energy, see how retreating to your home and inner life can replenish the reserves for you. If you feel the need to pull away from work and focus more on your own needs and living space, honor it. Notice what feels like it needs a change or redo in this area of your life, because the upcoming eclipse in this sign will start to escalate that transformation.
One major change of this lunation is Mars finally leaving Gemini and heading into Cancer. Mars in Gemini has been all about your daily work life, routines, and responsibilities, as well as body health and practical needs. What has changed with your daily work life since August of last year? What are learning about what you need to prioritize for yourself, especially when it comes to body and mental health? The shift into Cancer will bring more attention to relationships and partnerships, both romantic and platonic. If this has been lacking lately, there’s a renewed sense of energy now brewing.
A shift in your daily rituals, close friends or siblings, and the way you share information with others is the focus for optimistic growth under this New Moon in Aries. Whether it’s reconnecting with the close relationships in your life, or getting more involved in your immediate community by sharing your gifts, it’s important for you to feel more alive and present in your day-to-day life. This may involve initiating a change, like forming a new daily ritual to help put your goals front and center, or restructuring your days so you have more time for yourself. With the first eclipse occurring in this sign in April, it’s important that you start a good routine and structure in your life so you’re supported when things start to get busy and demanding.
Mars is wrapping up a long cycle in Gemini, and this has involved your creative projects, self-expression, children, and overall the ways you have fun and enjoy yourself more presently. What have you learned about creating during this time? What does it mean for you to just have fun and let go of work? How has that helped you or has it been a challenge? The movement into Cancer will shift emphasis onto your daily work life and work routines, including the people you work with. The most important part of this transit is to give your body the attention it also needs.
Money, resources, income, and how you feel secure and stable in your life is the focus of growth and fresh energy under this New Moon in Aries. This lunation may plant the seed of growth for a new income source, changing up the old ones, or a new take on what it means for you to feel more secure in life. How can you start to align your self expression with the ways you make money and support yourself? This is also a good season to reflect and review your spending habits, how money flows out of your life, and evaluate whether it’s in line with your true needs or not. The first eclipse in this sign occurring next month has the potential to create a lasting change and growth with your income, so set your intentions now and you will be rewarded.
Mars has been digging around the area of your life ruling home and family for the last seven months, and it’s finally wrapping up its lessons and restructuring there. What has changed for you in your home and family life? What does it mean for you to feel at home and what does that look like for you? Mars’ shift into Cancer will pull more attention and energy into your creative projects, the ways you have fun, including sex, and children. Taking some time away from work and money to just enjoy life will be important and necessary for you during this transit.
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