New Moon in Pisces 2023 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Pisces and important astrological events up to the Full Moon in Virgo in early March. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The New Moon appears at 1° Pisces and occurs right after the Sun enters Pisces on February 20th, 2023 early in the morning at 2:06am ET. The sign of Pisces is somewhat a stark contrast from Aquarius. We leave fixed air into mutable waters, where change, connection, and intuition are welcomed and needed. On one hand, this is a sweet and lovely New Moon. Venus is still present in Pisces right as the New Moon goes exact, although she will move into Aries within the hour after. Neptune is in Pisces as well, and overall, this creates a dreamy and romantic vibe, borderline overtop in fantasy, but very much idealistic and hopeful. This New Moon will heighten our emotions and connections with others, and we may feel things very deeply and intensely.
On the other hand, this New Moon sits close to Saturn. Although they are separated by a sign boundary, we know that Saturn will enter Pisces in just two weeks and 1° Pisces will be a retrograde/station point for Saturn. This is where the grey area comes to play.
Saturn is our harsh reality. The systematic structure of time and space, and how our society that defines reality controls us on some level. Pisces, and especially with Neptune, is very much about how nothing is real. Saturn is about how everything is real, and that must be the only thing – the reality we can see, taste, smell, touch, and hear.
Therefore, this New Moon is a beginning of a theme we will start to see with Saturn in Pisces. It is about the nuance of life. The grey spaces. We have big dreams and ideals we wish to manifest and trust in our hearts we have the power to control, yet we live in a society that often restricts those dreams or requires us to play by certain rules and laws that deny those inner needs. Yet, if we live too much in the reality, depression and anxiety is a sure side effect.
How can we still dream and believe in our free will, but also recognize our free will is limited by the structures and systems outside of our control? How do we have faith but also recognize that some things live outside fairness and trust? What does it mean to walk in the grey space between and within both physical reality and the interconnected energy we all share?
Venus will move into Aries shortly after the New Moon early on February 20th as well, joining Jupiter in the fiery cardinal sign. While Venus isn’t as powerful in Aries as she is in Pisces, this duo together is still extremely helpful and provides a source of pressure release for any tension we may experience trying to juggle two opposing views. They will help us anchor more into ourselves and our needs, and give us the energy and motivation to deal with any challenges that may appear.
On February 21st, Mercury in Aquarius will make a disrupting square to Uranus in Taurus – the same one the last Full Moon made. This day brings the potential for groundbreaking conversations and new levels of growth around ideas and goals, especially those untraditional in nature or encourage more freedom against the status quo.
The energic momentum continues, as Mercury then makes a powerful trine Mars in Gemini on February 22nd, which helps to align our thoughts with our actions and intentions. We may have more motivation and energy to go after what ideas have been brewing since the beginning of the month, and the ability to see the course of action out to the end.
The skies get quieter around the end February, and isn’t until March 1st and 2nd that we get another flow. Venus and Jupiter meet up together in Aries, and Mercury will meet with Saturn in Aquarius. These combinations are sort of a double-edge sword, where two sides of us need to be satisfied. Mercury and Saturn will want some form of stability and double-checking your numbers and facts, while Venus and Jupiter in Aries will want adventure, fun, and excitement. Try to find a way to give yourself both, take care of work and go out and explore after.
Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Welcome to the New Moon in Pisces, asking you for sweet reflection and inner evaluation about who you are and how you have grown throughout your life. This lunation may be bringing focus onto finding exactly what motivates you, excites you, and encourages you to share your light and knowledge in the world. How can you find new ways to express yourself or feel more authentic? While Saturn moving through Aquarius may’ve encouraged you to spend more time working through your mental health and inner healing, this New Moon asks you to start sharing what you’ve explored internally out into the world. There is value in truly being the individual that you are, and it shows how that self-expression can help other people find their voice. While it may feel a little more uncomfortable, it’s important to lean into this space as you can.
Venus moving into Aries to join Jupiter is great for your further expansion, and may even continue to bring more gifts of income and resources to you. Work may be increasing, or you’ll find new opportunities that help you develop a more secure foundation in life. Take the blessings as you can, and this duo might have you ready to spend a little more or have some fun with the money in your life. It all comes back to alignment – how can your material world help align you more with yourself? And how can you share that?
What does it mean to heal yourself? What does it mean to look at your inner demons and challenge them head on? This New Moon in Pisces will push those questions into the forefront and ask you to reflect within your mind, inner spaces, and overall mental health. Life can often get busy and it can be easier to neglect our own needs when everything else requires attention, but this New Moon will require you to return back to your core. Of course, work and community responsibilities and other obligations still have to be taken care of, but you are asked to find a balance and spend some time away from the outer world. See if you can tend to your personal healing through dreaming and maybe a little more escapism. Be mindful to not stay stuck there, but definitely give it the attention it needs.
Venus will then join Jupiter in Aries and will provide a wonderful boost to yourself, your body, and overall ability to attract others to you. You’re on fire right now, literally! Spend time with those who make you feel more like yourself, try a new hobby, move your body, do whatever you need to do that puts yourself first and makes your happiness a priority. The right people will join along and be ready for the adventure.
The New Moon in Pisces wants you to dream up and imagine your ideal community, friendships, and those you surround yourself with in the outside world. You have changed so much in such a short period of time, and your community space needs to reflect that growth. What would your ideal group of friends look like and how would they help you continue your path of self-growth? The need to still maintain a separate and certain image in your career may conflict a bit with this fantasy, and it can be a limitation. However, you can still learn to put up boundaries between your friendships and your work so you can have both, without giving up one for the other. See how you can seek out the relationships that make you feel seen and at home, and maybe make that community a greater priority when you have the opportunity. Say yes to more fun and love.
The shift of Venus into Aries with Jupiter will ask you to continue to do more deep, inner reflection about yourself and who you are, and how you process life on the inside. This brings up themes of healing through the past, dealing with your mental spaces, and spending a little more time alone. With Venus here, it can be a good idea to focus on close and personal relationships that support the more hidden and quieter version of yourself, outside of the larger community.
Work, career, and your public roles are the seeds of growth this New Moon in Pisces plants for you. It’s a great time to dream up your ideal role in life, how you make a difference to other people, and how you want to be seen for your work. If something is brewing underneath, try to reach for it. Of course, our work in the world is often limited by the structures or companies we work for, and sometimes our dreams don’t align with what work we are offered. Recognize it’s okay to accept a role or change in your career even if it’s not perfectly “you,” but as long as it’s getting you a little closer to your ideal future. Accepting some temporary placements for the betterment of a stronger future is sometimes necessary, but don’t let your dream slip too far from reality. Anything can be possible, but sometimes it’s a matter of timing.
The planet of relationships, love, friendships, and connection will then shift into Aries to join Jupiter. Venus here will further help to expand and attract you to a loving community and friend groups that overall help you feel supported and fired up. If work life gets to be a little demanding, try to escape and adventure with the people that want to explore with you. It will bring fresh ideas and a welcomed release.
Long-term plans, five-year goals, and overall visions for the future is the new growth and focus this New Moon in Pisces is bringing to light. In an ideal world, where do you see yourself in the long-term? What do you have? Where do you travel? What do you want to learn? This New Moon is all about the need to expand your horizons and mindset in way that supports and excite you. Of course, there are still some limitations and frustrations in place. Sometimes we are limited by our money, our job, or whatever responsibilities restrict us from a completely free and expansive dream. The challenge is to acknowledge those limitations, but also look for creative ways forward and through. Sometimes time gives more answers, sometimes it takes looking at your goals and life in a different perspective. This is a great time to read and expand your mind through new beliefs and philosophy.
The shift of Venus into Aries to join Jupiter will help bring new answers and a series of growth and expansion within your career, public roles, and overall work in the world. If the distant future seems uncertain, lean into the ways your work is expanding and growing and see where it takes you. Look out for new connections or even a new role that helps bring some excitement, adventure, and purpose into your life.
The New Moon in Pisces pulls you internally and asks you to reflect where you are bordering the space between life and death. This can be aspect of yourself, a belief you once hold, or someone in your life may be dealing with an illness or internal struggle that you are helping to hold that burden. What does it mean to be intimate with life in a way that helps you see what it means to be truly alive? How do you recognize the cyclical nature of life and death in your own life? This is the true paradox – to love someone and appreciate them means it will hurt when you lose them in any form. But to live life without love is painful as well. To live means to hold both the love and pain in unison. This New Moon is a great time to spend with loved ones, to reflect on your ideal life together, or dream projects and collaborations. But also recognize the pain where it sits, and give it space to be and heal.
Venus moving into Aries will pull you out of that space to join Jupiter and encourage more learning, expansion of the mind, understanding new cultures, more education, and maybe even placing some travel plans into your life. Be on the lookout of others who want to teach you something, or those you can start to have some fun and experience life with.
Relationships are the focus of new energy and intention under this New Moon in Pisces. Here, you’re asked to reflect on the close connections in your life and how you want to see them grow and develop over time. If you’re single or needing partnerships, this is a great time to dream up your ideal person and people you wish to spend more quality time with. How do you want to see your life flourish with another, either romantically or through a life or business agreement? Of course, personal needs and other responsibilities can make tending to relationships harder. We still have to manage our other obligations and sometimes there’s just not enough time. But if you find the space to shift priorities around to really work with what you want the most out relationships, the right people will help you see it succeed. And it may help you bring more balance back into your life.
The planet of love and connection moves to Aries shortly after the New Moon and joins Jupiter. This adds another boost to your relationships, especially to any collaborations or group projects you may have going on with another either personally or through work. Look for new ideas and boost of creativity, and let yourself get carried away with fun challenges or shifts in thinking with another. Let other people help you when possible, they are ready to give you gifts if you’re ready to receive.
What is your ideal work routine? What do you dream of being able to do every day that makes you excited to live the day versus drag through it? The New Moon in Pisces asks you to examine your daily work life and structures, and see what new energy you can bring into that space. If it’s something small, like changing the time you get up or implementing a new morning drink into your day, this New Moon wants you to feel more excited about the grind again. Obviously, it can’t be pure bliss and fantasy. Work is often just that, work. Sometimes it isn’t pleasant and you can’t change what has to be done each day to earn a paycheck. But whatever pieces you can control deserve to be uplifted and focused on, and especially if it brings attention to your mind, mental health, and how you take care of your body. Reflect on the little ways you can put yourself first.
Venus will enter Aries shortly after the New Moon, adding a little more love and connection with your one-on-one relationships. If you need more support, know that it’s only a phone call or conversation away. Try to spend more time with close partnerships, and know they can be a place of excitement and fun if work and creativity feels a little harder to tap into lately.
How do you have fun with life? How do you create and spend time with your loved ones and even children that doesn’t require you to actually produce output or objects that you need to sell? This New Moon in Pisces is all about the way you can just enjoy life and living, to see the beauty in the mundane, to see the way art speaks for itself without needing to be manufactured by capitalism. Of course, work and responsibilities still demand a lot of your time, and it may be difficult to find ways to just experience pleasure without worrying what has to be done next or what’s still waiting for your attention. But this New Moon will really remind you that stopping to smell the roses and letting your mind relax will actually help you with productivity. Giving yourself a break doesn’t have to be so hard, it can be smaller, little moments you can start to implement in your life. And you will be rewarded.
Venus moving into Aries to be with Jupiter will expand and grow your work life, connections with your coworkers, and overall daily routines. Work may be flowing and moving more quickly, and exciting new projects may present themselves to you, or new relationships have the potential to grow. Try to have more fun and adventure out of your normal routine, and see if you can bring a bit of the New Moon creativity to your work.
Home and family life is the focus of new intentional growth under this New Moon in Pisces, especially asking you what you want to see grow and flourish there. What is your ideal living environment? What do you love about your home life now, and what do you want to see change? Think about the big picture and dream, even if parts of it seem a little unrealistic. There are societal and structural constraints still apparent, like housing accessibility, money, mobility, and even family obligations. Maybe our days are so busy we can’t keep the home the way we want and like it to be. Sometimes we have to recognize our responsibility and limit our dream space to meet those needs, but there are also ways to find a life here that feels fulfilling and enjoyable to be within. This New Moon asks you to dig deep and really reflect on the value of home to yourself, and what you need here.
The shift of Venus into Aries to join Jupiter will bring expansion and connection to your creative projects, passions, and ways you have fun with the mundane. Look for artistic outlets and find some space to create beauty in your world, and bring in some close friends into the mix. While things can be heavy with the day-to-day tasks and needs, how can you still have fun?
Your day-to-day life, rituals, and deep conversations with close friends and siblings is what this New Moon in Pisces is budding for you. What is your ideal daily life and routine? What can you do every day that makes you excited for life and also encourages you to grow as a person? Who do you want to spend more time with each day? While responsibilities and other practical matters tend to be the continuous focus – going to work, making money, paying the bills – it’s important to find ways you can also bring a little more joy and light into the mundane. Ideally, how do you want to spend your valuable time? Dream the ultimate ideal routine, then try to find little ways you can add that sweetness in a more practical way. It doesn’t have to be perfect at this exact minute, but it is important to find ways you can start to put yourself first.
Venus and Jupiter together in Aries will bring sweet expansion and connection to your home life, living environment, and family including the people you live with. Whether this means changing up your physical space, or spending more time there, see how you can enjoy this area of your life. Also, look for deeper connections and moments of adventure with your roommates and/or family. Let them inspire you to also transform your daily rituals.
The New Moon in Pisces is all about your feelings of abundance and support, both financially but also emotionally, and with your self-esteem. What does it mean for you to feel secure and safe, with both your resources but also with your sense of self? This is a great lunation to dream up your financial goals for the year and longer, to really imagine your ideal income flow and the sense of security it will bring. Of course, money doesn’t just grow on trees. To bring in abundance often means to sacrifice or exploit something. What level of oblation are you okay with? When does it start to eat at your conscience? Reflect on this and recognize it’s okay to want the best for yourself, but sometimes the path has to be a little more creative to get there. And sometimes, it is not money we are lacking, but a core sense or need that money tends to fill.
Shortly after the New Moon, Venus will join Jupiter in Aries, keeping your days busy and promoting your conversations and day-to-day rituals. If there’s something you’ve been meaning to say or share with others, the dynamic duo in early March is a great time to release your work into the world. People want to hear your experience and ideas, especially if it helps to align pieces of yourself to the outer world.
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