Full Moon in Leo 2023 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Leo and important astrological events up to the New Moon in Pisces in late February. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The bright and vibrant Full Moon in Leo arrives Sunday, February 5th, 2023 at 1:28pm ET. This lunation signals the halfway point of winter, and provides us with a burst of energy to our hearts and inner passions. The Full Moon in Leo is all about your needs and how you shine within the group. The heavy Saturn aspect of winter generally encourages tending to everyone else and the overall environment – work, structure, taking care of necessities. Leo and the Sun instead pull the attention more inward, as well as to the ways your light shines outward. How can you fully express yourself, your desires, and dreams? What have you been holding back?
This Full Moon has a catch, however, as it’s closely squared Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the planet of upheaval, disruption, and all things chaotic. It has the tendency to shatter plans and expectations, and throw things off the steady path. In a square aspect, this may present in the form of some sort of conflict or challenge that pushes you in another and unexpected direction. As these planets are all in fixed signs, there is a tendency to fight against change and want stability, which is just not available right now.
Luckily, we have planets in other signs that help to balance the uncertainty. On February 6th, Mercury in Capricorn makes a dreamy sextile to Neptune which opens up our conversation flow, and finds us new ideas and ways to overcome challenges under this Full Moon. This also marks official end of any Mercury retrograde review and revisit, as Mercury finally leaves its shadow degree.
The most help and flexibility will be brought by Venus, who makes a healing sextile to Uranus on February 8th. Whatever got shifted around under the Full Moon may feel a little stuck and at loss for a bit, but Venus in the mutable sign of Pisces will open our connections and our minds to new approaches. Our close and loving relationships are our power center during this lunation, and it’s important to ask for help when needed.
Mercury will conjunct Pluto on February 10th, before shifting into Aquarius to join the Sun and Saturn on February 11th. This weekend allows for deep conversations that may unearth some new information or any new realizations that may’ve been kept secret or just not common knowledge until now. Take note of what arises, as it’s an important foreshadowing, especially as Pluto will shift into Aquarius for a few months in 2023.
February 14th, or Valentine’s Day, is actually a sweet day to spend with loved ones or those you care about the most – perhaps dreaming up a future or just escaping from demands for the day. This is because Venus will join Neptune in Pisces, which is all about transcendence, deep connections, and being completely unrealistic. Perhaps hold off on any long-term commitments, but definitely take advantage of what is feeling right and cozy around this time.
The Sun does conjunct Saturn on February 16th, which is a better day for discussing structures, plans, and goals for the future. There is a feeling of understanding what has to be done and what is actually possible to achieve. This day may feel a little more somber and limiting in terms of how we want to shine and express our passions, but it provides us a roadmap and understanding of the work we need to do to get there.
Right before the Sun moves into Pisces, Mercury makes a cute aspect to Jupiter on February 17th, which helps to expand our minds, knowledge, and communication with each other. And as the Sun moves into Pisces on February 18th, we dive into the waters of connection, intuition, and understanding. Pisces is also a mutable sign, which symbolizes the end of a season and the hidden shifts that occur to prepare for the next great idea.
Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Who you are and how you’ve grown in the past six months is what this Full Moon is highlighting for you. What does it mean to be unapologetically and truthfully yourself? How has the vision and growth for your identity changed since last summer? This lunation really asks you to step into your power and be authentic, to be the example of what it means to be an individual, so that others can learn and grow from you. There is always a natural tension here, especially if who you are doesn’t fit with the societal norms. Be prepared to be that disruption, and shakeup the expectations of those in your life, which is especially true as Uranus in Taurus squares this Full Moon. There may be some challenges with presenting your true self against your career and public role needs. Try to stay flexible and trust that sometimes, an untraditional approach is needed in areas of life that you generally thought were stable and separate.
Healing and connection are still available, especially as Venus and Neptune come together. Look towards your close partnerships and relationships for little offerings of support and love, and maybe even dream up some new collaborations together or just receive blessings of income and gifts. Trust that those who want the best for you will always be in your life.
The Full Moon in Leo illuminates your inner world and secret spaces, including the ways you spend time alone, heal, and deal with loss. This may also include the ways you tend to undermine yourself, or get in your own way in your path for success. This is a time for deep inner reflection, but also deep healing. What have you learned about your inner needs and desires in the last six months? Have you been avoiding alone time or actively seeking it out, and how has that challenged or helped you? With the aspect from Uranus, there’s a potential for a shake up or disruption with this space. Maybe there’s been a shift in your long-term goals or overall beliefs about life that is conflicting with what you thought you knew at your core. It’s important to be flexible but also kind to yourself, and recognize that life is constantly asking you to learn and grow in unique ways.
Your one-on-one partnerships may be a space of healing and help for you, especially as Venus and Neptune come together in Pisces. While it may be hard to share this internal work with others, your close relationships are close for a reason, and they want to help. Open up to those you trust and accept the support when offered. It’s more healing than you know.
Community, friendships, and the people you have fun with is what this Full Moon in Leo is pulling your attention onto. It’s all about the relationships that encourage you to feel more authentic, and allow you to create a space to say what’s on your mind and experience life without your guard up. How has your friend group grown or changed in the last six months? What are you learning more about yourself within it? Uranus’ aspect to this Full Moon may ask you to look at your friendships differently or challenge the dynamic. Perhaps there’s a potential collaboration or group project growing within your community that’s asking for your input. Or an unexpected shift and shakeup with your partner and their money that puts you into problem-solving mode and pulls you away from having fun. Staying flexible with life will help you feel less concerned.
Overall, there may be more space in your daily work routines to help with any disruptions with your friends and/or one-on-one relationships. Venus and Neptune together in Pisces have been asking you to soften and sweeten your work life in a way that leaves more time for love and fun. This may also show up in the form of new connections with your coworkers, or just being able to escape from the work demands more frequently.
The Full Moon in Leo is all about how you’re seen in the public, your work world in the world, and overarching career. What does it mean for you to have a job that is alignment with who you are? How does your career let you shine your magic and personality? This is also a time for celebration, to appreciate how much your work has grown and impacted others over the past six months. Recognize that being authentic and real in your career helps other people access that part of themselves as well. The square from Uranus in Taurus may create a little bit of disruption with this flow, however. You may be pulled away from your work to tend to your relationships, or your partner(s) may have their own challenges. Try to stay flexible with your work and personal needs, instead of fighting for one way only. Sometimes a change is needed.
Venus and Neptune in Pisces will provide some healing and a place for you to experience a little bit of escape, maybe with your kids or through your own creative projects and passions. Try to have fun and enjoy sweetening your life when you can, especially if career and personal needs are demanding a lot from you. Lean into a lighter time and joy the little moments. Escapism can be healing.
Your overall future, long-term goals, and current direction for growth is illuminated under this Full Moon in Leo. This lunation is asking you to reflect on your dreams and vision for the next five years, and how that’s in alignment with who you are and what you need out of life to feel satisfied and even excited. What has grown and changed over the last six months? What has stayed the same or grown in intensity? Whatever path you thought was solid and set in stone has the potential to be disrupted with this destabilizing aspect from Uranus. New challenges or shifts in your daily work routine and environment may ask you to rethink your direction and what your plan is. It’s easy to resist change, but it would help you to lean into it here, especially as this moment is teaching you or providing more information about what you really need.
If the outside and big picture demands get to be too much, Venus and Neptune in Pisces will offer a sweet and settling place at home. Lean into your living environment and family or people you live with that are supportive. Enjoy relaxing and retreating in this space when you can, and give yourself a reset from whatever challenges are pushing in.
Leo’s Full Moon highlights money, but more specifically the collaborative work you do with others to make money together. This can include any group projects at work or even just your partner’s money and how that has grown or changed in the past six months. What are you learning about what abundance means for you? How does your money play a role in other people’s life, and vice versa? If you are dealing with a loan or looking to borrow money, this Full Moon may also offer an illumination of your current position and direction. However, Uranus in Taurus may create some disruptions here as well. Whatever set plan in place has the opportunity to be challenged and flipped over, so having a backup in line is important. This distraction can be from your creative endeavors costing a little more money, or having to put aside fun for the focus of work.
Venus and Neptune in Pisces give you the opportunity and space in your daily life to manage whatever comes your way. This duo also sweetens the little nothings in your day-to-day, including conversations with loved ones or gentle support that helps you handle whatever is coming up. Spend time with those you’re closest with and try to sneak in moments of lightheartedness and gentleness when it’s available.
One-on-one relationships, partnerships, and those you trust and love the most are illuminated under this vibrant Full Moon in Leo. Who are the close people in your life, and how have they grown with you in the last six months? How has having close connections, platonic and romantic, helped you shape yourself over this period? In what ways are you becoming more visible under the light of others? Recognize that shining your own love and light is equally important, and how necessary it is to seek out the ones that encourage you to do so. With the Full Moon in aspect to Uranus, there may be some disruptions to your relationships or a conflict between them and your home life and/or family. Be prepared to work with these areas of your life, and be open to changing something that has been rather fixed. Sometimes a refresh in life and routine is needed.
If the more personal areas of your life are becoming more demanding, work and income may be an area of flow and support. Venus and Neptune in Pisces assist by bringing in little monetary gifts and income, and may help you feel supported overall as major areas of your life are challenged. It’s okay to lean into this space as long as you don’t get too carried away with unrealistic expectations.
Work schedule, routines, relationships with your coworkers, and overall work/life balance is illuminated under the Full Moon in Leo. What has changed with your daily work routines since six months ago? Is it feeling more in alignment with what you personally need? There’s an ongoing dynamic between needing to tend to your mental health and hide away against your outer world responsibilities – notice where the balance of power sits now. Uranus may create some conflict and disruption, especially with your communications and daily rituals that help you feel grounded. Is there something you need to say that you’ve been holding back? Perhaps it’s time to speak up, and know that the shockwaves are just temporary. This is also a good time to look at ways you can challenge the status quo and your daily schedule, especially if it isn’t working for you. Untraditional approaches may be necessary.
The best asset you have during this lunation and first part of February is to be truly and unapologetically yourself. Venus and Neptune together in Pisces gives you a magnetizing effect, and this is louder when you are being genuinely authentic. Recognize that putting yourself first doesn’t have to be a bad a thing, in fact it’s often a mirror that helps other people see themselves clearer as well.
The Full Moon in Leo puts the spotlight on your inspiration, sex, and creative passions, including the ways you have fun with life. This may even highlight your children and their needs, if applicable. What does it mean for you to actually enjoy life, without a goal? How has this grown or changed in the last six months? Reflect on the ways you can honor your wild side that helps you feel more authentic and expressive with who you are. It’s okay to be disruptive with your actions as well, especially as this Full Moon makes a challenging aspect to Uranus in Taurus. Perhaps work and the ways you bring in income are in conflict with the ways you have fun. Or maybe there’s suddenly a destabilization with your life that wasn’t present before, making accessing your creativity a little more challenging. Lean into more flow instead of trying to stay stuck in one spot.
If the outside world gets to be too demanding, try to give yourself some space to retreat and heal within. Venus and Neptune in Pisces offer a pathway to escape and rest with mediation, reflection, and pulling away from outside demands. Carve out some alone and offline time as needed, and within these quiet spaces, answers and creativity may emerge.
Home and family life is the area of focus under this Full Moon in Leo. It’s all about how your home life has changed since the summer of 2022, and how your new living environment is helping you tap into a greater meaning for yourself. What about home helps you access more of your soul? What are you learning that you need from your living space, or from the people that live with you, that can help you feel more confident in overall life? The home is all about establishing a stable foundation for the rest of your life to grow on. However, the aspect from Uranus may challenge this structure and create some hidden surprises, potentially within yourself. You may find what you thought you knew about who you are and what you need is no longer true anymore. You may learn new information about your goals that will challenge your consistent home life. Practice leaning into these changes instead of trying to stay still.
If you’re feeling confused or frustration with whatever new challenges are presented, lean into your community and friendships. Venus and Neptune have been sweetening this area of your life, and there’s space to find new ideas and waterways around the roadblocks by listening to your inner circle. Be ready to look outside yourself when you feel stuck.
Daily life and rituals, busy schedules, and deep conversations are highlighted under this Full Moon in Leo. What does it mean to align your daily life in way that supports you for who you are? What are you learning about yourself that helps you speak more clearly for your needs? This Full Moon shows how important it is for you to enjoy and love the little things in life, and share your light with others through teaching, writing, or spending time with your community and close friends. However, the square from Uranus in Taurus may disrupt this, asking you to separate from daily demands and bring more attention to your mental health and internal needs. There may be a conflict between tending to your inner needs and outer needs, as one will pull you away from the other. See how you can be more flexible in daily life to give space for both.
Luckily, work and career may be understanding if you need more space. Venus and Neptune in Pisces provide connection and healing with your responsibilities in public roles. Whatever you need out of life right now has the opportunity to be presented in the form of gifts or little blessings from those you work with. Accept them and know how meaningful your work is to everyone involved.
The Full Moon in Leo illuminates your money, how you make it, spend it, and grow with it. The lunation may also highlight how you feel supported in life, and how confident you feel about your overall direction and ability to reach those goals with the resources that you have. How has your income flow changed in the last six months? What have you learned about money and abundance over this time? This is a good moment to reflect on what it means to feel supported, and where you currently stand. The aspect to Uranus has the potential to create a disruption with your income, perhaps asking you to spend a little too much money or help out someone within your community or friend group. Keep in mind whatever presents itself is only temporary, and it’s all a teaching moment about what you need in your overall income structure.
Venus and Neptune in Pisces will help keep your mind focused on the big picture and overarching dream. These two planets together are asking you to fantasize and reach for the distant future, even if it seems a little unrealistic. This even may ask you to make some travel plans or a little getaway from daily demands. See how you can provide some escape from the material world when possible.
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