New Moon in Aquarius 2023 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Aquarius and important astrological events up to the Full Moon in Leo in early February. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
Welcome to the Lunar New Year! The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on January 21st, 2023 at 3:35pm ET and marks the first New Moon of the year. With Mercury and Mars finally direct, this New Moon is a better marking for the New Year, especially in regard to goals or resolutions you wish to implement. This is the last New Moon with Saturn co-present in Aquarius for at least twenty-eight years, which is a foreshadowing of the changes that will occur this year as Saturn shifts in Pisces in March and Pluto dips into Aquarius for a few months. In a way, this lunation sets the groundwork and seed of intention for these larger shifts occurring throughout the year.
Overall, it is a helpful and optimistic New Moon. Venus is conjunct Saturn which softens Saturn’s edges, boundaries, and hardships. This can be a good time to take inventory and appreciation for the long-lasting relationships in your life, and further any commitments or promises that are sure to be held by Saturn’s word. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, is aspecting this New Moon through a soft sextile. This provides another layer of hope and promise with our intentions, and the ability to trust that things will work out for the better.
With the two beneficts in some sort of aspect with this New Moon, this a great lunation to manifest, planet seeds of growth, and tend to all money or abundant-related matters. Use this time to get your finances in order and set the dreams you wish to bring into reality for the Lunar New Year.
The Sun will complete the sextile to Jupiter on January 24th, which drives the optimism and hope further home. This is also a good time to have fun and put a little more play and joy into your life. While you’re setting a direction for this New Year, be sure to include ways you can explore a lighthearted path and let your joy and passions take the reins a little more.
Keeping the sweeter vibe going, Venus shifts into Pisces on the evening of January 26th. Venus is exalted in Pisces, meaning the helpful and connective qualities of Venus like love, friendship, beauty, and creating are further amplified. In Pisces, Venus takes on a dreamier approach, wanting to foster relationships and create a beautiful space, both materially but also within the body and finding comfort through oneself and intuition. Venus is only in Pisces until February 20th, so take advantage of this time while we have it.
On January 28th, we are perfectly in-between eclipses. The eclipse season this year is another shift, where we will start to bounce back and forth between the Taurus/Scorpio axis and the Aries/Libra one. This shift of eclipses signals an ending of one cycle and a beginning of another in different areas of our life. Now between the last eclipse season and the new one, this a good time to reflect back on the last set of eclipses that occurred in late October and early November of 2022. What big change happened during that time? What new information have you learned about those changes in terms of your overall life and self-growth? What did that teach you and how are you moving forward from it?
Two powerful aspects occur on January 29th, Mercury is retracing their steps and making the last disrupting but innovative trine to Uranus. The Sun in Aquarius makes a motivated and driven trine to Mars. As these Earth and Air signs connect, it’s a powerful time to tap into your desires and put them into a plan of action. This is a great day to find alignment with your intentions and your deliverables.
We start off February with a little more of a challenge that will linger over to the Full Moon in Leo. The Sun will make a destabilizing square to Uranus on February 3rd, perhaps throwing us off our path and maybe highlighting some challenges or roadblocks we are asked to work through and overcome for our goals. New information or a new problem may present in our life that we have to take the time to mend.
On February 4th, Venus in Pisces will square Mars in Gemini. This may be a little uncomfortable, but Venus does have the upper hand. This is a push-pull dynamic between needing to solve problems and take action in our life against needing to take care of ourselves and enjoy life, as well as not take it so seriously. This dynamic leading up to the Full Moon is the conflict between what we want out of living and what we have to do to get there.
Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Welcome to the Lunar New Year, opening out with the New Moon in your home sign. This lunation is really all about yourself, but in a way a celebration of how much you have grown and changed (albeit slowly) as Saturn entered Aquarius in March of 2020. Saturn may’ve created limits here, asking you to withhold some self-expression or transformation for the betterment of your healing and other outside needs. But this New Moon calls you back to your center and core. Who are you now? How has that changed over the last two and half years? What goals can you set for yourself this year that will help you feel more authentic and real? With Venus present, use her love and sweetness to explore creative connections and conversations with those that you can fully express yourself with.
This is especially important as Jupiter has been expanding your need to converse and share ideas, as well making your days a little busier and lively. Notice what daily rituals and routines you have that help you feel more like yourself, and notice where you’re giving too much of your time away. The most important thing with this New Moon is to find ways to tap into your individuality, and to enjoy the little moments in life more frequently. Time is fleeting and always changes, appreciate your growth and space now.
As Saturn wraps up his two and half year long journey in Aquarius, this New Moon highlights your mental health, hidden spaces, and spirituality. It shows how you deal with healing and loss, and how that process has changed since 2020. What challenges, both mental and physical, have you overcome? What are you learning about what you need from yourself and others to tend to your overall mental and physical growth? This Lunar New Year is a great time to set intentions and plans of action to make sure you continue to enforce your needs and healing even when things fall apart. The Venus and Saturn combination provides a lasting promise of love and hope to yourself, maybe opening up connections with others that can help you access what you’re hiding or pushing down.
Jupiter’s aspect to this New Moon will show you how taking care of yourself and your mental health first impacts your material world as well. Making promises to keep your needs at the highest priority will have an overall positive impact on your money and finances, as much as society tends to push the other narrative. Knowing when to take a break or give work to another will keep your resources and income flow stable. Giving up one area of life doesn’t mean giving up the other – often it’s the opposite.
The Lunar New Year brings in fresh and revitalizing energy into your friend groups, community, overall space where you can have fun and create with others. This is good time to think about how you wish your relationships to grow and transform over this year, and who you want to keep in the long-term vision. See how you can create a year-long goal that puts your relationships and fun needs front and center. The Saturn and Venus connection really puts emphasis on what friendships are ride or die. Who is in your life currently that you’d like to grow and explore with over the next year or more? What relationships are more temporary and maybe need to stay that way? Evaluate how you want to spend your time with others – asking what’s important to keep and grow, and what can be moved to a lower priority.
This focus on relationships and community is especially important to your sense of self and how you feel seen within these groups. The Jupiter aspect to the New Moon is helpful for you to learn more about yourself and how you can be a vibrant part of these communities. How can you let these relationships help you grow personally? What relationships support who you are at your core and encourage you to be completely and unapologetically yourself?
Career, public roles, and overall how you’re seen in the world is the focus for new growth and structure under this New Moon in Aquarius and Lunar New Year for 2023. Your work in the world has been under the spotlight the past two and half years as Saturn has transitioned through this sign, perhaps limiting it in some ways or asking you to put more effort and time into it. How has your career grown and changed over this time period? What have you learned about yourself in the process? What are your new goals in this area of your life for this year? With Venus and Saturn here together, it promises to expand your connections and making a lasting transformation with how you’re making an impact in your field. People want your success, especially as you make a difference within your community and overall, with yourself.
This New Moon also has the potential to be extremely healing and regenerative for you. Jupiter has reentered Aries, expanding your focus onto your subconscious, inner mind, mental health, and overall personal healing. How has focusing on your career help you better understand your personal needs? Or feel more in alignment with your overarching life path? Notice if you need a balance and more space to pull away into mediation and retreat as your public life gets busier.
This New Moon in Aquarius and Lunar New Year wants you to think big picture about abundance and life. What new ideas are sprouting about your long-term plans, goals for the five-to-ten-year future, and overall direction in life? What are you trying to grow personally about yourself, perhaps through higher education, religion, or philosophy? This is a great lunation to dream up the ideal future you wish to achieve and set attainable goals or milestones to make it happen. Take the big leap of faith in this journey of life. The Saturn and Venus connection enforces the longevity and potential of these plans, and perhaps even providing the important connections or people you need in your world to make it happen. Reflect on not just what your future entails but also - who is in it with you?
If you need inspiration for your subsequent goals, look towards your community and friendships. This has been expanding since Jupiter returned to Aries in December, and may provide a source of fun and helping you personally see what relationships you need to keep or find for your future expansion. Use this New Moon as an opportunity to dream big and spend time with others that help you explore your beliefs and increase your optimism about the potential you have growing.
Collaborations, work with your one-on-one partners both business and personal, and any finances that you share with another is the focus for new growth and structure under this New Moon in Aquarius. As Saturn has moved through this sign, there may’ve been a limitation or a feeling that you are holding everything down yourself. With this Lunar New Year, it’s a good time to take inventory of the work, projects, and finances you share with the important people in your life and how you want them to grow or change. What is a dream collaboration that has been sitting in the back of your mind? How do you want for your relationships to grow? What are your goals regarding income and finances? The Venus and Saturn conjunction really pushes connection and sharing the love, as well as creating a lasting partnership that will withstand the test of time.
Jupiter in Aries has been expanding your presence in your career and how you’re seen publicly in the world. Use this growth to help shape how you want to continue to grow in your work life, especially leading up to May as it moves quickly through this sign. The connection to the New Moon will help bring in the right people for your projects, and promote ease and in growth in all your collaborations. Appreciate it, and ask for help when you can. It will be well received.
Relationships and partnerships of all kinds are the focus and intention for you under this New Moon in Aquarius. As Saturn has moved through this house, there may’ve been some limitation and restructuring of your relationships and who you allow close to your heart. It’s possible there’s been some isolation and disconnection from the close people in your life. But what has this taught you about who you want to be present in your future? What does a long-term partnership, both business and personal, mean for you? Even if this feels empty or limited, know that it’s simply a clean slate. Reflect on how you want your relationships to grow this year and what commitments you want to see support you and your needs. With Venus in the picture, trust that the right people will come to you as they should.
The connection with Jupiter in Aries gives a little more optimism into your life, especially regarding your long-term plans and overall direction. You may also feel moved to explore different beliefs and expand your mind through higher education, philosophy, and religion. Plan your future, and see what little steps you can implement for this year to make that dream more of a reality. Reflect on what the ideal partnerships would be that may help you expand your overall life direction as well.
Daily work routines and schedule, as well as your employers and employees, is the focus and place for new growth during the Lunar New Year and New Moon in Aquarius. This is a great time to really sit with your work/life balance and see what you wish to change and accomplish under this New Moon and for this year. Take note of your body health as well – is there stability between work and your physical needs? If not, how can you create that again? The Venus and Saturn conjunction will pave the way for you to forge lasting work relationships and connections, as well as helping you establish a routine that you’ll stick to. Be realistic about what boundaries need to be made, and Venus will encourage a little more fun and sweetness into your daily life.
Establishing a strong routine will be helpful and further supported by Jupiter in Aries, which may be increasing your collaborations and work you do with other people. Finances may receive a boost under this lunation, as well as your partner’s finances or any work that you’re collaborating on together. How can your daily work life support this growth? What may be feeling more financially abundant lately through gifts or connections, and how can you continue this progress?
Your creative expression is calling, and this New Moon in Aquarius asks you to tend to it. The Lunar New Year is a great time to examine your creative life, how you have fun, make art, and explore your passions in a new light. How are you pursuing leisure or taking care of the life (physical or material) that you create? What would you like to see grow or expand this year that isn’t work related? The Venus and Saturn conjunction offer an ability to create a stable path for change. Developing your creative passions doesn’t have to be immediate, and Saturn doesn’t ask for that. Saturn and Venus support slow but steady growth. What little things can you do each month that help you branch out and bring more joy into your life?
This New Moon is supported by Jupiter in Aries, which helps expand your one-on-one relationships with people that may also support your quest for exploration and creativity. Who are the close people in your life that encourage you to let go a little? How can you have a moment of that during this New Moon? Experiencing joy and connection with others is healing in its own way, providing an opportunity to let our minds and even body relax and take a needed breath of space.
Home and family life is your focus for new growth and transformation under this New Moon in Aquarius. Over the past two and half years, there may’ve been some limitation and restriction — maybe you have not been able to find a real space that feels like “home” or had trouble accessing comfort and healing there. With this Lunar New Year, notice how this has shifted, and perhaps those challenges have taught you what you really need and desire in a home and living environment. What are your goals for your home life this year? What would you like to change or develop? What does your home space feel like now? With Venus and Saturn here together, it’s a great time to sweeten your living space, beautify, and spend time with your family. The bonds forged here are determined to last even during the most challenging of times.
Curating a home space that is healing and welcoming to you is especially important as Jupiter is expanding your work life and daily work responsibilities. Your days may start to get a little busier now, filling up your to-do list or asking to spend more time moving your body and taking care of your health. Having a space to come home to, relax, and replenish within is important. If you also work from home, see how you can create a separation between the two.
Your daily life and routine are the highlight and focus for this New Moon in Aquarius. Long-term changes to your direction are made through small, consistent transformations. How can you start to structure your daily routine in a way that is supportive to yourself and helps you get one step closer to your overall goal? This Lunar New Year is asking you to look at the details, and even appreciate how much that has changed over the past two years. Saturn may’ve been limiting your joy and asking you to stay busy and get work done to support your close relationships. Now it’s time to shift the focus more onto you, and see how you can bring in a little more fun into your daily rituals, readings, and conversations with close friends and siblings. The Venus and Saturn conjunction will support this, and maybe even provide deeper connections for you to bounce ideas off of and grow personally.
The sextile to Jupiter to this New Moon pushes more fun and lightheartedness into your life, asking to see how you can create and enjoy living a little more than before. Tending to your creative passions and ways you seek joy will be beneficial to work towards, especially if you can find small ways to make it a daily ritual and something you can look forward to after a long day. How can you take life a little less seriously?
The New Moon in Aquarius plants a seed of growth regarding your income, money, and overall resources. As Saturn has moved through this sign since 2020, this space may’ve felt limiting or restricted, like you haven’t been able to fully get a grasp on your material flow and money may’ve constantly been moving out. This New Moon offers an opportunity for you to restructure your finances with the new information you’ve learned over time, and make lasting changes that will create a strong and stable income. What have you learned about money over the past two and half years? How do you create a stable life for yourself? With this information, how do you want to see your money grow over this new year? With Venus in the picture, there’s space for blessing and abundance to flow in, even if it’s slower.
Security and comfort are the underlying themes for this New Moon, especially as Jupiter has been moving through the area of your life ruling your home and living spaces. This may’ve been expanding lately, perhaps family is growing or you’re spending more time with them, or home life has felt more comfortable and attainable. Use this time to really understand what safety and stability at home and with the material world means for you, and how you can continue building it this year.
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