Full Moon in Cancer 2023 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Cancer and important astrological events up to the New Moon in Aquarius in late January. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6, 2023 at 6:08pm ET opens up the New Year with a relatively quiet and sweet moment in time that encourages us to tap into the important Cancer qualities of comfort, intuition, healing, and emotion. The gentle and helpful aspect from Uranus may motivate a more untraditional approach with expressing our feelings and with how we usually structure the New Year. The Full Moon also marks the heart of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, where retrograde Mercury conjuncts the Sun. We may receive new information regarding our lives and what this retrograde cycle is bringing up for us.
With this Full Moon in Cancer, we will be asked to pull away from work and responsibility that Capricorn pushes and reflect more inward. It may be a good idea to spend time with your own emotions and body, especially in a place that feels comfortable to you — either at home or near a body of water. This lunation highlights a focus onto our own health and emotion, and how we have grown in this area of our life in the past six months. It also pulls in what personal healing and regeneration we need to tend to. This holistic aspect is supported by a soft trine from Neptune, which encourages spirituality, dreaming, imagination, and maybe a little escape from day-to-day structure and demands.
Mercury retrograde completes its harmonious aspect to Uranus on January 8th. Be open to forms of communication that involve speaking your mind and disrupting any traditional beliefs you may have. As Mercury is moving backwards, this may cause misunderstandings or technology to go haywire, so be prepared to clarify or over-communicate to get your point across.
Mars is still an important part of the astrology for this lunation, but luckily it provides more help than harm. Venus in Aquarius makes a sweet connection to Mars in Gemini on January 9th, which helps to connect our desires with our actions. This is a good day to find alignment with what you want in life, and to be motivated to make a course of action that brings it to physical reality.
This is further encouraged as Mars stations direct on January 12th. Mars has been retrograde since the end of October, slowing down our progress, asking us to review our actions and intentions, and potentially causing frustration and disagreements in our life. Finally direct, we may have a clearer understanding of the direction we need to take and what actions we need to implement to move forward. This will be felt in many different aspects of our life.
On January 14th Venus in Aquarius will make a challenging square to Uranus in Taurus. In fixed signs, we are more opposed to change and disruption, but it will be pushed on us here. Our relationships or desires in life may be facing a change and push to reorganize or become disrupted by an unexpected challenge. During this day, it will be more helpful to go with the flow of the disruptions rather than trying to dig your heels into the earth.
Mercury will finally station direct on January 18th and the Sun will conjunct Pluto. This may present more of an intense day where new information from the underworld will be dragged to the surface, or we may uncover something that was previously hidden. Mercury going direct will provide us an opportunity to clarify and move on, but be aware of any lingering issues that need to be fixed.
And finally, the Sun shifts into Aquarius on January 20th, signaling the heart of winter and occurs right before the New Moon in Aquarius which is also the Lunar New Year. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, encouraging us to leave the material realm into the world of new ideas, spending more time with others, sharing beliefs, dismantling systems, and exploring a different form of self-expression. Saturn is co-present in Aquarius season for the last time for about 29 years.
Let’s look at where this astrology is happening to you specifically.
The Full Moon rising in your own sign of Cancer illuminates the inner healing and emotional work you’ve been doing during the last six months. Our inner needs are often a direct reflection of our work in the outer world, and listening to our body can often show us if we are in alignment or not. Is there a piece of you that feels like it has been neglected? Or left behind? Your own needs are especially important as Mercury and the Sun meet in the sign opposite. One-on-one relationships and partnerships have been the focus for this Mercury retrograde, and more information may be revealed during the conjunction. More importantly, this Full Moon is asking if you feel like you are being seen and represented in these partnerships. Are you giving too much here? Are there boundaries needed between the you and the other so you can feel more emotionally secure?
Mars stationing direct will double down on your own personal needs and help bring some clarity with your mental health, spirituality, and personal healing. There may be fresh awareness and a new purpose or direction arising regarding your career, public roles, as well as any creative and fun needs including children. What are learning about your work and creative life that need to be adjusted so that your own needs are being met as well? How can you make a little more space for you in your life?
Mental health, spirituality, dreamscape, and your life and thoughts outside of the public eye is what this Full Moon in Cancer is highlighting for you. What have you been struggling with outside the normal day-to-day visible challenges? How have you learned to heal and work through it, particularly during the last six months? The Mercury retrograde and Sun conjunction in Capricorn may bring a lot to your plate, especially in your work life and daily responsibilities, including your relationship with your employer and employees. Notice how you can make space for your own healing and regeneration outside of the work duties demanded from you. Prioritize your emotions and body health over the needs of others. They will benefit when you have created the necessary boundaries between the two. If this Full Moon starts to shift your priorities a bit, reflect on it and why it may be necessary.
Mars has been reviewing your actions and presence in your friend groups and overall community you associate with. Finally stationing direct, there may be more clarity about the people you want to spend time with, and perhaps even a better understanding about the direction you’re taking in life overall, and with your home and living environment. This is a good time to reflect on how this Mars retrograde has reshaped your future goals and who needs to be in or out of your life to make it happen.
Your community, friend groups, and the ways you have fun with others is highlighted under this sweet and nurturing Full Moon in Cancer. This is a good time to reflect on the people you spend time with and how that may’ve changed or transformed in the last six months. What about your friendships supports your personally? How have you found the groups that help you feel more emotionally loved and cared for? Mercury retrograde and the Sun in Capricorn have been pulling you a little more out of the public spotlight and into your creative pursuits. You may gain some new information regarding how you create and have fun through your own magic, and know that it’s okay to share that creativity with others. There’s a great opportunity to take this work and share the joy with other likeminded people who can appreciate the art, and maybe help you find a space that feels comforting and supported.
The recent Mars retrograde has been providing a big review and restructuring of the actions you take in your career and work in the world. As this planet finally stations direct, you may be able to find some clarity and a stronger direction with your work and how you want your career to advance. This may also help bring coherence to your collaborative projects and finances as well as within your communications and community. Understanding your overall direction with your world will help you flow that energy into your day-to-day rituals and life.
Career, public roles, and how you are seen in the world through your work or through your role in the community is illuminated under this sweet Full Moon in Cancer. How has your work and public identity changed in the past six months? Do you feel like you are recently in a place where your career is enlightening and fulfilling to you, not just financially but also emotionally? It’s important to reflect on what it means to feel emotionally secure at work and how that’s playing out for you. The Mercury retrograde and Sun conjunction in Capricorn pulls your focus and attention onto your home environment and living space, maybe bringing new information to light there. While having a sweet and connected home is important, it’s equally important when your career is growing in this light as well. This Full Moon may also bring up the need for some boundaries and separation between your work and your home life, especially if that has been feeling blurred lately.
Mars finally stations direct in Gemini, bringing a little more clarity and overall stronger understanding of the direction for your long-term plans, visions, and goals for the future. Recognizing your overall life path may also bring a little more transparency to your relationships and highlight those you want to bring into the future with you. Money and resources will get noticed here, and how you need your income to grow or change to support the future you envision. Use this shift in direction to help you feel a little more supported and excited about the upcoming year.
Your long-term dreams, goals, and visions for the future including any core beliefs and/or desires to travel are highlighted under this Full Moon in Cancer. What new insights are you receiving about how you want this year to grow and develop? How do you envision your life in five years? Ten? Try to imagine a future that supports you emotionally and provides an encouraging level of comfort and expansion. As the Sun and Mercury retrograde come together in Capricorn, empowering conversations may arise that provide you with new information about your future and your current daily life. You have been living more in the present during this season, even if it’s been busy, so take the pieces of your continuous day-to-day and structure your long-term dreams about what you want to keep active in your life and what it’s time to let go of.
Mars stationing direct will help provide more clarity and information regarding your partner’s income, shared finances, and any collaborations you may have. You will have a better understanding about what you both need from each other to support one another in the future. This stationing direct may also provide you with more knowledge about your goals and motivation to make changes with your own identity and authenticity. These personal beliefs will pour over into your day-to-day work life and work routine. You will have a better grasp of yourself and your needs, and what dreams you wish to accomplish this year.
This Full Moon in Cancer highlights your hidden and intimate sides of life, including your mental health, but also any growth and attention with your collaborations, shared finances, including loans, inheritances, and your partner’s money. It’s important to reflect on how emotionally supported you feel and how materially stable you are with your shared resources with the other, whether it be your partner’s income, a business collaboration, or loans and financing. How has this grown or changed in the last six months? Mercury retrograde and the Sun in Capricorn will bring a new insight and new information regarding your own income and how you bring in money on your side. But are you feeling emotionally and materially supported with the other people in your life that may receive benefit from your resources? Is there a boundary that needs to be made, or a clarification about who brings in what?
To further support this, Mars will station direct in the area of your life dealing with partnerships and one-on-one relationships both business and personal. This has been under great reflection and review since the end of October, and now a resolution may be on the horizon with what you need in your relationships and how you can make that happen. This direct movement may also bring clarity with your own mental health and healing as well as your creative side and/or children’s needs. How do these important relationships in your life support your own growth?
One-on-one relationships, personal partnerships, and connections you make with people individually, both personal and romantic, is what this Full Moon in Cancer is highlighting for you. What close relationships in your life bring you comfort and security? Who are you finding in your life that helps you feel a little more secure in your overall direction? Mercury retrograde and the Sun have been traversing through your house, asking you to set goals and make changes for you own needs and how you wish to be seen in the world moving forward. Their conjunction may bring new information about yourself or what you’re asked to work with. This Full Moon then questions, who in your life can help support this personal growth and development? Are you leaning too far into these people, or perhaps not at all? Find where the boundaries lay and what may need to be challenged and changed here.
Mars has been reviewing your actions and conflicts in your day-to-day work life, work responsibilities, and relationships with your employer and employees. As this planet stations direct, you may gain more clarity about your daily routines and how you need to structure your work days to best suit your needs. This change may also help bring lucidity to your home environment and living situation as well as your friend groups. How can you structure your daily responsibilities so you can enjoy your home space and have more fun with others?
Work life, body health, your day-to-day schedule and responsibilities, as well as your relationships with your employers and employees are illuminated under this Full Moon in Cancer. Here, you’re asked dive deep into your daily routine and find what is supporting you emotionally and physically with your body health, and what feels a little more insecure or sticky. How has your daily life changed in the last six months? Are you feeling comfortable with your days or dreading them a little more? These questions are equally important as the Sun and Mercury retrograde meet in Capricorn, bringing to light some information regarding your mental health, spirituality, and inner needs. You may be asked to find a daily work life balance that helps you get everything you need done, but also leaves space for taking care of yourself and your body.
Mars stationing direct in Gemini will help bring a clearer direction on your action and goals regarding your creative pursuits, including the ways you have fun and seek pleasure in life. This could include your art projects and even relationships with children. You may have a better understanding about what you need in this area of life, and it may also bring clarity with what you need in your career to incorporate a balance of work and play. How can you express yourself through your art and joys in life but also with your work in the world? How are they connected, or not?
Creativity, sex, fun, magical experiences, and potentially even children is highlighted under this Full Moon in Cancer for you. How have you been able to have fun with life, and create experiences that bring joy and more play into your world, especially within the last six months? What are you learning about yourself emotionally through having fun and existing just for the sake of pleasure? Do you feel emotionally comfortable with just enjoying life? The Sun and Mercury conjunction in Capricorn will bring in more information regarding your friendships, community, and those you have fun with as well. But this Full Moon wants you to explore your own creative needs outside the friend group, and what it looks like to feel supported there. Know that it’s okay to retreat and pull away from constant gatherings if that need is present.
Mars finally turning direct will bring some clarity and resolution with the actions, changes, and reviews that have been occurring in your home and family environment, as well as your living situation and relationship with parents. Understanding how you want to change your home and living space may also bring clarity and discernment with how you much money or resources you need to bring in, and your overall long-term future goals and what you want your home life to look like in five years. Reflecting on this will help give you a direction to strive for this year.
Home and family are the themes for this sweet and nurturing Full Moon in Cancer. This illuminates your current home life and how it has changed in the past six months, as well as any relationship or connection with your parents, in-laws, and extended and close family. What are you learning about your home life that is healing and regenerative for you? Where are you finding comfort in your life outside of the public eye? This is especially important as Capricorn season is all about your work and career, and the Sun and Mercury retrograde conjunction may bring in more information regarding your role and what is expanding or changing there. With this Full Moon, see what boundaries you can put in place for your home and career and how you can continue to carve a space outside of work that is healing and comforting to you.
Mars stationing direct will help bring more clarity and understanding with your conversations and day-to-day routines. If that has felt messy in the past few months, it’s for a good reason. Now you may have a better comprehension of how you need to structure your daily rituals in a way that supports who you are and prioritizes your own needs. Also notice what intimate goals or conversations you’re having with your partners (both business and personal) about shared finances or collaborations, and what is finally making a little more sense.
Getting out and connecting with your community, coming together with close friends and siblings, as well as sweet coffee date conversations is what this Full Moon in Cancer wants you to seek out. This lunation is all about the sweet nothings in your daily life, and how you can feel a little more at home with your neighborhood and the people you share your heart with. You may also reflect on how much (or little) your daily life has changed since six months ago. The Mercury retrograde and Sun conjunction in Capricorn and overall Capricorn season has been pulling your attention to your long-term goals and responsibilities you want to accomplish for the future. While the mid-retrograde conjunction may bring some new information here, this Full Moon reminds you of the importance of just enjoying the present moment and the life you have already cultivated.
Mars has been reviewing your actions and goals regarding your income and how you make money. As the planet finally stations direct in mid-January this area of your life may gain a little more certainty and clarity. Income flows may start to make a little more sense, or you finally have an understanding of how to move forward to gain stability. This direct motion may also bring a little more healing with your mental health and hidden spaces, as well as your relationships and what you need to feel supported emotionally, not just financially. Use this new grasp of income to help you bring in the partnerships that will support this vision and you overall.
Money, resources, your income, and even your self-esteem is what this Full Moon in Cancer is shining the light on in your life. How have your streams of income changed since six months ago, and how have you been feeling about it? Are you feeling emotionally secure with your finances and overall resources you have to support yourself, or is something missing? Emotionally connecting with how you feel about your self-esteem is important under this Full Moon as well. Mercury and the Sun have been tucked away, pulling you to focus on more deeper and intimate parts of life, and maybe even creating new collaborations or work to do regarding your partner’s income (business or personal). With their conjunction, you may receive more information about what you need to bring into your life to help you feel more at home, stable, and secure financially about also emotionally.
Mars will finally station direct in your sign of Gemini, bringing to an end a several months long reflection and review about what actions you’ve taken regarding your vision for yourself, how others see you, and how you take care of and move your body. The change and motivation on how you wish to grow yourself moving forward may bring some clarity and overall a new direction to the people you want to surround yourself with that support your growth, and how you want to structure your day-to-day life in a way that helps you continue this personal development.
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