New Moon in Capricorn 2022 — Forecast

This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Capricorn and important astrological events up to the Full Moon in Cancer in early January. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The New Moon in Capricorn arrives right after the start of winter on December 23rd, 2022 at 5:17am EST. This lunation completes the shift of the inner planets from fire to earth signs, giving us the desire to ground our lives, set goals to surpass, and maintain responsibilities. There’s a big push to start something new and fresh under this New Moon, which asks us to take the initiative in our lives and overall direction. If there’s a new idea budding underneath the surface, this fresh start of winter is always a good time to plant the seed for long-term growth and structure.

The energic push to work with more and create a new path for yourself is further emphasized by Jupiter’s recent entry into Aries, who promptly squares the New Moon. While this aspect is generally harder, it doesn’t have to be unpleasant with Jupiter. However, we may have an overabundance of motivation flowing in from all sides. There’s a potential of wanting to do and achieve from two different and competing areas of life. You may be asked to choose one over the other, so be sure to commit to a direction. With cardinal signs like Capricorn and Aries, there’s a tendency to want to do too much and be stretched too thin to actually follow through and complete it.

Whatever change feels most enticing to you, select it and keep at it. Jupiter is only in Aries until May 16, 2023, where it enters Taurus for good. Use this New Moon and the following six months to make a lasting and powerful shift in your direction and personal growth.

Mercury and Venus make sweet and dreamy sextiles to Neptune on December 24th and 28th, respectably. Mercury is also stalling to station retrograde, and these connections with Neptune provide a moment of time slowing down to contribute healing and regeneration. It’s a good idea to take this moment of time literally – ease your work, let go of heavier problems, escape (within limits) as needed. Connect with others when it feels right.

Mercury stations retrograde on December 29th and is perfectly conjunct Venus at 24° Capricorn. Pluto is also in close vicinity, potentially intensifying the effects. Mercury retrogrades are familiar mishaps – we may say the wrong thing, misplace our items, and misunderstand context clues. Technology may function incorrectly or not at all. Money and commerce may experience a hiccup. With Venus present as Mercury stations, our relationships (both personal and romantic) may get dragged into the mix. It’s a good idea to be careful about what commitments are made to the other as these structures will most likely go into a review and revaluation.

Venus presses forward as Mercury turns back, and on January 1st Venus enters the heart of the Underworld as she conjuncts Pluto at exactly 27° Capricorn. Here, there’s a potential for power struggles and darker challenges to overcome in our relationships, or within the ways we relate to others and attract beauty in our lives. Proceed with caution as clarity may not be present yet.

Venus will then escape into Aquarius on January 2nd and come into a sweet sextile to Jupiter in Aries on January 3rd, which goes exact early the next morning. These are good days to have fun and enjoy time with others, as well as maintain some optimism and hope going into the calendar New Year.

Finally, the Sun in Capricorn makes a powerful trine to Uranus in Taurus on January 5th, right before the sweet Full Moon in Cancer. This connection to Uranus is disrupting, loud, and innovative – asking us to break free from the traditions and beliefs we have previously held about ourselves. This gives us the motivation to push forward and go after our intentions we set during the New Moon.

Let’s look at where this astrology is happening to you specifically. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.


Fresh self-awareness and your own personal development are brought to light under this New Moon in Capricorn. You may be motivated to make some personal changes, including adjusting your physical appearance, shifting your daily needs, or challenging your internal beliefs. Whatever obstacles the prior year has brought are ready to be integrated into your overall sense of self. Take what pushed you to your limits and cherish how you’ve survived. At the same time, Jupiter has just shifted into Aries, lighting a fire and passion in your home and family life. You may have increased motivation to take care of or change up your home, or spend more time with close family and relatives. Notice if your own identity is being challenged in these spaces, and see if you can practice maintaining your authenticity while still enjoying your inner sanctuary with others.

Mercury will have you reviewing your work here, especially regarding your character, body needs, and overall self-confidence. As Mercury stations retrograde on December 29th, notice what beliefs about yourself are thrown through the wringer. What is true and powerful about yourself that you must hold onto? Where are you perhaps being too stubborn and need to consider the relationships involved? Where is there work needed and where do you need to relax your grip?


The New Moon in Capricorn plants a seed of growth with your mental health, spirituality, dreamscape, and all the thoughts and actions that happen behind the scenes of your everyday life. While winters may be tougher for you, as a Saturn-ruled sign you know how dedication and structure can pull you through even the most challenging of moments. With this New Moon, reflect on what your mental health needs the most and what healing you can provide for yourself when you feel a little heavier with life. Jupiter will be entering into Aries and expanding your communications, daily life, rituals, and connections with siblings. Your days may become busier and more demanding of your time. It’s important to express this with those you care about and allow them to share the burden when possible.

Mercury’s retrograde in Capricorn will have you reviewing your healing progress with inner spaces and the ways you may undermine your own luck. Be mindful of what you communicate to others about what you’re experiencing privately. Do you tend to default to the “I’m fine”? Are you scared of judgement or being a burden? Know that it’s okay to backtrack and speak your truth, and others will respect you for it.


Capricorn’s New Moon wants you to explore and create with your community, friend groups, and overall have some fun and luck with your life. If this area of your life has felt a little slow this year – maybe because you’ve been busy dealing with your own health – try to find some time or set an intention to get back out into friend groups and bring a little laughter to your winter nights. Practice finding those friends that support your overall need for structure. Jupiter will be fresh into Aries, which is great for you in terms of money and generating some extra income until May. The initial ingress may bring a potential to spend a little extra as well, but as long as it’s for fun and/or with others, you get a pass. Be mindful not to get too caught up with extra work and resources that you leave out the fun and connection aspect.

Mercury’s subsequent retrograde in Capricorn will have you reviewing this progress within your friendships and overall community. Notice where your thoughts or ideas may get overlooked or taken out of context during this backward trek. Are you feeling like you are heard within the group? Is there something you want to review and refine regarding the people you spend your time with? Reflection is necessary here, as well as talking it out with those who care.


Your career, work in the world, and overall public roles is the focus for this New Moon in Capricorn. There may be a seed of new growth planted here, perhaps reflecting through a new raise or promotion on the horizon, a new career change, or just shifts in your overall direction. During this lunation, it’s important to set strong boundaries and expectations so you don’t get pushed into something that is unfulfilling. Luckily, Jupiter returning to your sign of Aries brings the motivation and desire to stay true to yourself and your own needs. You may be challenged to balance the need to expand yourself versus focus on your career. Try to find the compromise between the two, and see how much of that raw authenticity you can bring into your public roles.

The Mercury retrograde in Capricorn will have you reviewing your career growth and progress. Minor inconveniences may occur, perhaps delays in your work and communications with coworkers, so be sure there is a paper trail for everyone involved. Are you feeling that your ideas are growing at work? Or is someone else taking the credit? Are you able to fully express yourself there or do you have to hide pieces of your true self?


The New Moon in Capricorn asks to expand your mind, philosophy, spirituality, and overall belief system. A seed may be planted to grow your mind through higher education or traveling to different cultures. Notice where you’re being pulled to advance and try out new experiences in life, and where you’re asked to also develop more structure in your beliefs. Jupiter’s movement into Aries will pushing you to look more internally and deeper within yourself to find what is healing and what is hurting you. There will be expansion in your hidden, inner mind, as well as your outer, visible practices and you may be asked to balance or compromise between the two. This is a good time to find what beliefs or practices you have and see how they can help you heal from the inside out.

Mercury’s retrograde in Capricorn will review your long-term plans and any travel ideas you have brewing in the distance future. With this backwards movement, you may have to postpone some big plans for a different date, or wait until you have more information before you press “book flight.” Where do you see yourself expanding to in five years? In two? How has that changed from what you believed in before? What are you seeing more clearly about yourself and your overall, long-term needs?


Finances, money, and one-on-one collaborations and any other resources you are working with or trying to generate with other people receives a seed of potential during this New Moon in Capricorn. You may find opportunities to work with new people and expand your resources through the help and knowledge of those you trust. Or you may feel the need to spend more time alone and process what this year has brought you through, including your history, past events, and whatever challenges you have faced overall. Jupiter’s shift into Aries will help you through expanding your friend groups and community relationships. You may feel pulled against the two, needing to work through your collaborations, money, or other needs against your desires to go out and have fun with your friends. Try to see how you can balance both.

Mercury stationing retrograde in Capricorn will review this collaborative environment and your finances, as well as how you’re feeling overall with the work here. Be careful to triple check your numbers, and ask for review as much as possible. Delaying projects may be helpful during this period. At the same time, reflect on if you’re being seen and valued during these collaborations. Is your work getting the credit it desires? Are you sacrificing too much of your time? Is there a way to bring in the community to help?


Your one-on-one relationships and close partnerships both romantic and platonic are the focus for this New Moon in Capricorn and shift this winter. Who are you finding is becoming more involved in your life? What are they bringing to a relationship that is a solid structure and foundation for you to build your own needs upon? Reflect on what new connections have been growing here and see what is asked of you to maintain these relationships so they can grow into something longstanding and stable. Jupiter’s return to Aries brings expansion and growth back into your career and public roles, maybe requiring you to pull away from partnerships and focus more on your work in the world. Be mindful of how you are managing your time and not letting yourself get dragged too far into one direction.

It’s equally important to focus on what is said and conveyed in your relationships and partnerships as Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th. It’s better to overcommunicate than under during this time period and be sure to clarify the hidden messages if they aren’t expressed clearly. How can you better understand yourself through your close relationships? What needs to be said in the relationship to make it stronger? What are you holding back because of fear?


The New Moon in Capricorn plants a seed of growth in your daily routines, day-to-day work life, your body health, and overall schedules for work and life balance. There may be increased focus here, asking you to work more or play around with different schedules that fit your life better. Practice setting work boundaries when needed and make sure your body gets the movement and health it needs as well. Jupiter’s movement into Aries until May will encourage you to expand your mind, philosophy, spirituality, as well as new growth with traveling and exploring other cultures and beliefs. Be sure to tend to this side of your personal development as work needs also increase and see what you can give and take as needed. 

Mercury’s retrograde in Capricorn will be reviewing your daily work routines and structures, as well as any interactions at work with your employers and employees. Document everything if needed, and if something gets misunderstood, clarify and move on. Don’t let miscommunications ruin your day – but don’t say hurtful things without regard for consequences. Additionally, this retrograde may have you reflect on what it means to have a solid work/life balance. Are you giving too much away without being compensated for it? Are you asking too much of yourself? What would you say if a friend was involved?  


Creativity, fun, sex, and even children is the focus of fresh growth for this New Moon in Capricorn. Whatever fun projects you have been thinking about in the back of your mind get a chance to be executed and established, ready to be created with a strong foundation. Whether this means picking up the paint brush again, going on a date night, or spending time with those you love, take advantage of it. You’re asked to find what sparks your creative light again. Jupiter’s return to Aries will be expanding your collaborations, focusing on shared resources including any partner’s money, and other hidden ventures. Income and money may take some of your focus, but be sure you don’t fall into the all work and no play mindset.

These creative endeavors are likely to be under review when Mercury stations retrograde on December 29th. Or whatever projects you have panned out need a little extra time and patience. How can you practice creating or having fun for just the pure joy of it, not with a need to actually accomplish or achieve anything? How can you create a little more lightness in your life? How can you create without judgment of the outcome?  


Your home and family life, including your childhood past and relationship with relatives and parents, is the focus for this New Moon in Capricorn. There may be a seed of fresh growth planted here, showing you how your home environment has been undergoing a transformation especially during the past year. How are you creating a home that feels warm and welcoming to you? This is also a good time to set an intention for how you want your home life to evolve into if it’s not quite there yet. Jupiter’s transition into Aries pulls focus onto your one-on-one relationships and partnerships, creating some growth and expansion there. You may spend more time with them, or they may be experiencing increased activity in their life. You may be asked to balance your private inner time with their needs.

Mercury’s retrograde in Capricorn will review your progress at home, maybe including any conversations you have with family members or relatives. Be mindful to clearly speak your intentions when it comes to placing boundaries with family or other needs around your home. How you can still host a space for everyone that also holds your intentions in mind? How can you still make sure you’re taking care of yourself during this holiday season? Reflect on what needs to be said or let go of.


Busy schedules, sweet daily routines, soft conversations, and spending time with your close friends and loved ones is the intention this New Moon in Capricorn wishes to set for you. While your day-to-day schedule may get full, try to use this lunation as a tool to create a daily ritual that fits your needs and puts your own health first. Look for little, sweet joys in life like cuddling with a pet or reading your favorite blog. Opening up with your conversations and shared experiences will help you find the support you need. At the same time, Jupiter will be expanding your daily work schedule and work routines, and keeping your plate full in that area of your life. Balance the two by still respecting your health and needs, and getting assistance from others when you can.

Keeping the lines of communication open is important as well, especially as Mercury stations retrograde on December 29th. Watch out for misunderstandings, misspoken words, and confused meanings. Try to clarify your intentions when the language is uncertain. Notice how others respond to your communications. How can you better express yourself this season? What are you needing to say that you aren’t? Are you expecting others to understand your inner needs or are you meeting them halfway? 


The New Moon in Capricorn pushes forward an increased focus on your income, money, and overall resources you have to support yourself with. Under this lunation, you’re asked to find ways new ways to make money, or perhaps take a fresh approach with the income you are generating and how you’re spending it. The goal is to find a lasting foundation and stable structure to support yourself with, and feel comfortable and not drained while doing so. Jupiter has also recently moved into Aries, which will help expand your creative projects and ideas, ways you have fun, sex, and even relationships with your children if applicable. This may conflict a bit with your money needs, so you’re asked to find ways to have fun and enjoy life that don’t deplete the wallet and keep you with your goals.

This becomes equally important as Mercury also stations retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, asking you to review your hunt for resources. You may experience money drains or costly fixes with this retrograde, but know they are only temporary, and you may benefit from waiting a bit and asking around for other alternatives. The Mercury retrograde may also bring up issues not necessarily about materials – how has your self-esteem been lately? Are you confident in your ability to support yourself? Do you feel lack, and if so, how do you handle it? Where in life are you equally abundant?

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