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Horoscopes for New Moon in Aquarius 2024
The start of the Lunar New Year, the New Moon in Aquarius, occurs on February 9th, 2024 at 5:59 pm EST. With Pluto’s entrance into this fixed air sign, there’s already been a significant amount of change this year but this New Moon tips the scale with a square from Uranus. Somewhere in our lives there’s been a discontinuity, separation, or disruption from the norm that’s forcing us into a new beginning whether we necessarily wanted it or not. This unexplored direction we’re facing centers around trying out new technologies or innovating the old systems that no longer meet our needs. This New Moon shows the ways our foundational beliefs and understandings of how our material world works must be challenged and transformed to be ready for the next installment of our lives, coming this Spring.
New Moon in Aquarius 2023 — Forecast
Happy Lunar New Year! The New Moon in Aquarius welcomes us to 2023 with a fresh restart, and a reminder of how things are quickly changing this year. This is the last lunation with Saturn co-present in Aquarius, and his conjunction with Venus has us reflecting on the journey through this sign since 2020. Jupiter makes a helpful and optimistic sextile to the New Moon, giving us a little joy and feeling of abundance during the heart of winter.