Horoscopes for Full Moon in Gemini 2023

This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Gemini and important astrological events up to the New Moon in Sagittarius in mid-December. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on November 27, 2023 at 4:27am EST in the early degrees of Gemini, sitting opposite to the Mars and Sun over in Sagittarius. The ruler of this Full Moon, Mercury, is also in Sagittarius and afflicted by Neptune in Pisces. While Full Moons usually mark the completion and peak point of some event, this one has a feeling of being unfinished which can distill some frustration. There’s a desire to keep working or moving forward but confusion around what exact path to take or what is truly missing. The big picture may be clear but the details are showing the holes in the plan.

Although tensions may be high, this is a better lunation to step back from trying to do everything all at once and allow things to just be. Sometimes by being too overly analytical or logical with our reasoning, we may find ourselves only seeing what is missing instead of trusting that pieces will fall into place in the bigger picture. The world is full of possibilities, and learning to trust that process will allow this lunation to move more smoothly, instead of trying to maintain an iron grip on the production.

Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


Happy Full Moon in Gemini! This lunation is all about yourself, who you are, how you have grown, your sense of identity, and how that has changed since mid-June. We are not stagnant beings but instead constantly influx and learning new directions, designs, and areas of our lives. Some part of your sense of self and authenticity is coming to light under this Full Moon, showing you the ways that you have changed, and what you can learn to love and appreciate about yourself. Lingering tensions or areas of doubt that can poke at your confidence are possible under these skies, especially around partnerships and close personal relationships. You are asked to discern what you know to be true for yourself in entirety, and what you know is not an actual fact of the matter.

Neptune adds further confusion and uncertainty with this lunation, especially in terms of how other people perceive your growth, your understanding, and your overall sense of self. This can be from people you work with or are just close to in general. The trick is to see through the illusions Neptune creates. What do you know to be true about yourself and who you are? What do you know is untrue or is a story that others say? How can you ground yourself within the truth?


Your mental health, inner world, connection with spirituality, and everything that is going on within your mind that other people cannot see is illuminated under this Full Moon in Gemini. The way you process pain and loss, but also experience healing and regeneration has undergone a change or period of growth since mid-June. Perhaps this has led to more therapy, finding new ways to work through difficult times, or also just working on old traumas in a new process that leads to tremendous growth. Whatever has been occurring here, give yourself glowing appreciation and grace. Even if lingering frustrations or difficulties are still present with work responsibilities or other obligations within your life, taking time alone and for yourself is necessary here. 

There’s another layer of confusion and uncertainty with this Full Moon as Neptune makes a square with the ruler, Mercury. If your long-term plans and future direction feel unclear or foggy, you are being asked to trust the process. Although sometimes we prefer it, not everything is clear cut and dry. Sometimes we have to believe that everything will work out without our complete control. Learning to believe that everything will be okay in the end and for the best will help you through this period, and of course, giving yourself some love within the process.


Friendships, community, and the ways you have fun with other people are illuminated by this Full Moon in Gemini. Since mid-June, this area of your life may’ve been under a period of growth and mutability, shifting into different directions and experiences with unique people. Now there is a point of culmination and celebration, or awareness around what has grown and changed with your friend groups and how you find fun and adventure within your community. There may be some lingering dissatisfaction with this point of completion, however, perhaps you feel like this isn’t exactly how you pictured your community to look like, or there's more stress and it's harder to enjoy the time with others. It’s important to honor what has manifested here but to also respect your feelings around the process and what still feels a little heavy.

Potentially the holdback from experiencing pure peace and happiness may be brought by Neptune in Pisces forming a square with the ruler of this Full Moon. There are still some commitments and arrangements that are left unfinished or have a murky outcome that can be a source of prolonged stress. Instead of trying to control what you can’t completely control, you’re invited to trust the process instead. Just because you can’t see the finish line or the clear-cut goal doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Believe it is unfolding.


Career, your work in the world, and public reputation is highlighted by this Full Moon in Gemini, lighting up the roles you play in the world and how you are seen and recognized for what you do. This cycle started in mid-June and is now coming to a point of completion and celebration – how different does your work life look now? What new roles are you stepping into publicly now? There may of course still be some lingering dissatisfaction or unfinished business, perhaps this role isn’t exactly what you thought it would be, or maybe there are other issues in home life and with your living space that are demanding more attention from work than you’re able to give. Finding a balance between these demands, also making sure your work is still fulfilling, is necessary under this lunation.

Neptune is also aspecting the ruler of this lunation, and also the ruler of your sign, Mercury. Here some confusion may be around what exactly you need to be doing, what you need to accomplish next, or what other people are exactly expecting of you. This is not the time to make any rash or quick decisions, but instead to allow life to flow where it wishes to right now. If the next steps seem unclear, practice taking a few steps back.


Long-term plans, future goals, long-distance travel, higher education, and anything that expands your mind through philosophy, religion, or more is the energy focused on this Full Moon in Gemini for you. Since mid-June, planning around your future and what you believe in for both yourself and your family may’ve been under the spotlight, trying to work through every which direction to figure out the best path to take. Under this Full Moon there may finally be some clarity or understanding of the direction you are a part of now, and how that is fulfilling to you in some ways. Of course, frustration and dissatisfaction may be a component of this lunation, especially if some of the direction and learning feels incomplete. What can you appreciate about your life in its entirety now?

The square from Neptune to Mercury may also create some confusion and annoyance around wanting to get a steady grip on daily work routines and your work responsibilities, what is asked of you, and what is unnecessary. Utilize this Full Moon to make sure not everything is a stressor, and you can still enjoy the little gifts of life within your daily schedule and work routines. This may also be a great time while thinking about your future to think about what would be the most ideal daily work life and structure for you.


Money, finances, shared resources, or your partner’s income and stability, as well as collaborations with others, are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Gemini. Since mid-June you have been building up your support system by working with your partner on your dreams and long-term direction, as well as developing stability and consistency within your life. Something may be coming to completion or a point of peak development now, either a collaborative work project or the work you are doing together with your partner. This moment deserves to be celebrated and appreciated, even if it’s not exactly on the timeline you pictured it to be. Notice if you are feeling frustrated with the process, or that you “should” be doing more to grow financially to help. Get curious about how much you trust that it will work out.

Questions or confusions may arise as Mercury is squaring Neptune, presenting an air of uncertainty or unclear direction, especially around your creative projects or relationships with children. The details of the plan may feel blurry - like you are working towards an end goal but unable to see what the final result will look like. If a serious decision has to be made, it’s okay to step back and wait for the fog to clear. Otherwise, how comfortable are you with the unknown?


One-on-one relationships, partnerships, and commitments of all kinds are illuminated by this Full Moon in Gemini. A relationship dynamic is coming to a point of completion or celebration, especially one that has grown since mid-June this year. This lunation may also highlight what is missing in these connections, what is feeling incomplete or more in lack, and where life is feeling a little more unfinished or unsatisfied. This Full Moon also has an element of feeling imbalanced or like you are pulling too much of the weight. Be mindful to not hold these frustrations in, but to also share them with others and your committed relationships. Working together will create more harmony and balance back into your life if it’s been feeling a little more distant.

As Mercury is also squaring Neptune during this Full Moon, matters may feel a little ungrounded or messy around home life, family, and even around old patterns or childhood memories here. Plans or goals around your living spaces, or even just trying to understand the future here may be difficult. Trusting the process needs to come from both sides of the relationship, and permit things to flow by working together and knowing that you don’t have to know every single detail for things to work. What are you creating with another person lately? What does home life mean for you, and how is that changing?


Daily work life, work routines, coworkers, body health, and work responsibilities are in for a high point or moment of celebration under this Full Moon in Gemini. Since mid-June this area of your life has been under growth and rapid change and is finally reaching a moment where you can look back and recognize the accomplishments you have made here, whether it be a new job, a consistent workout regime, or connecting with coworkers more deeply. At the same time, there may be a feeling that something is missing or not quite at the full moment of celebration that you pictured. Your mental health may have gone through some turmoil, and time for healing and alone time is also needed to be able to show up for work. Finding a balance between these two spaces will make the most of this lunation. 

Limitations or frustrations may come in the form of your daily life, rituals, commute, or neighborhood and local community. Neptune squaring Mercury during this lunation can create some confusion or uncertainty about how everything is going to work out in everyday life. Part of working with this aspect means leaning into the unknown and feelings of connectedness with spirituality or even with yourself. Deepening your faith and security in whatever way you love will help you heal. 


Creativity, fun, relationships with children, and self-expression through art and work are illuminated by this Full Moon in Gemini. Since mid-June of this year, you have been working through what it means for you to have fun and enjoy life a little more fully than before, as well as finding that creative self-expression that helps with your sense of authenticity. Finding this sense of personal creativity doesn’t have to be determined by the friends you hold or those you hang out with. Know that it’s okay to have a bit of a difference between these two groups, you can still have fun with others but also stay true to yourself and your passions. What lights you up outside of pure community and relationships?

Challenges or limitations to this creative and fun pursuit in your life may come in the form of money concerns or uncertainty. Neptune in Pisces will create a feeling of being slightly ungrounded or destabilized with money, income, and financial security, which may make these creative goals a little harder to actualize. Now is not the time to try and solve this problem completely, but to also make sure you don’t throw all caution into the wind. Find a balance between giving yourself what you need and also making sure you aren’t creating more issues down the road. 


Home and family life, relationships with parents and in-laws, as well as your childhood past and history, are illuminated by this Full Moon in Gemini. Since mid-June, something may’ve been slowly shifting in your home life, perhaps a restructuring of the home itself or with your family and the relationships cultivated there. This lunation brings a celebration and moment of appreciation, although it may feel like something is missing or you’re not completely satisfied in this space. Career and your work may be taking up a lot of your attention, and you may be asked to balance between both home and work life. What is shifting at home for you lately? How can you nurture it a little more, and also recognize how far you have come?

Neptune squaring Mercury during this Full Moon may add another layer of uncertainty or confusion to this lunation, especially when it comes to what you want or wish for yourself, what you are trying to create in your life, and how that is playing out or not. Allow yourself to explore many different possibilities instead of thinking that you must have all the answers now. What is the ideal home space for you? What are the things that you truly value right now and how you can bring them to the forefront of your life?


Daily life, local community, siblings, close friends that feel like siblings, and short distant travel such as commutes are all highlighted under this Full Moon in Gemini. Reflecting back to mid-June, this Full Moon brings a culmination point to your daily life and rituals that you partake in, the things you read every day, the conversations you have, and how connected you feel with your local community. How have you learned to appreciate the little gifts of life lately? What do you need in your daily schedule to feel fulfilled and excited about each day? There can be some frustrations here, especially if you have big dreams about the future and where you thought you would be right now. It’s natural to always want more for ourselves, but at the same time, sometimes we have to honor the space we are in right now.

The aspect from Neptune to the ruler of this Full Moon, Mercury, promotes sweet escapism and healing mentally by stepping away from heavier work obligations and responsibilities that may crowd your mind. If there are frustrations around planning or the future, allow some time out in nature or alone in your favorite cozy corner of the house to retreat and reflect on life. Not everything has to be solved immediately. Through some quiet reflection, we can find answers in our own time.


Money, resources, income, and all financial matters as well as your sense of security and stability reach a culmination point under this Full Moon in Gemini. Since mid-June of this year, money has been a big topic of reflection, time, and energy for you – potentially this has been obvious, or perhaps it has been more a flow and area of ease. This lunation speaks to a high point or peak of this work from this year, showing you where the fruits of your labor are finally paying off. There may still be some lingering frustrations and feelings that you aren’t necessarily where you thought you would be at this time, and it’s important to sit with that. If the pressure is coming from external sources, such as a partner or from money, loans, and other debts, make sure you’re also recognizing you’re doing the best you can.

Find grace during this lunation, especially with Neptune making a close square to the ruler of the Moon, Mercury. Although material needs and financial stability are still important, allow your mind to take a break and have fun with friends or out in the community. Not every problem has to be solved immediately, and by creating some space from the stress, you may find solutions you didn’t know existed. Stay open to all the possibilities the universe can bless you with.

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