Horoscopes for Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2024

This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

Eclipse season 2024 begins on March 25th at 3 AM EDT with a beautiful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. This Full Moon is paired with the first eclipse we had in this sign, a New Moon that occurred on October 14, 2023. However, these two lunations are vastly different, and in a positive way. This eclipse is ruled by Venus, and during October, Venus was in the sign of her Fall, meaning she did not have any resources to “assist” this lunation in a helpful way. Now, during this Eclipse, Venus sits in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation. This is a complete 180 flip from the energies of the Fall.

In Pisces, Venus is exalted to Queen status and has all the powers necessary to help the Full Moon in her home sign shine bright. Practically, we are being linked back to the eclipse in the Fall, but in a way that's much more whole, loving, and softer. There’s a big release because the journey has progressed, we have learned the lessons, and it’s time to let go. It’s not a release that was forced upon you, but one you may gracefully accept and embrace, as it allows for a big weight shifting off your shoulders. You may not see the effects immediately, as Pisces is technically “hidden” from Libra, but you may notice a more subtle flow.

How can you celebrate your growth this Spring, and let go of what's old and ready to be released?

Let’s look at where this Full Moon Eclipse astrology is happening for you specifically.


Who you are, your sense of self, and how others view you in this world is the focus of attention from this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since the last eclipse here in October, the entire foundation of your identity has been under a significant change and release. Perhaps the Fall had found you in a more challenging situation, doing the things that you don’t wish to do or in positions that didn’t quite fully feel authentic. This lunation brings those energies to a culmination point and asks if you're able to look back over the last six months and appreciate your growth. How have you let go of events, stories, or beliefs that were just an old expression of yourself?

With Venus ruling this Full Moon in the sign of Pisces, there’s a sweeter aspect to this lunation, potentially a point of celebration of yourself. You may find a solidifying of your self-expression through your daily work routines, pets, and personal care practices that keep you grounded and in touch with what feels the best in your life. Lean into where you find more ease and appreciation for yourself. Even if the change has been slow, it’s been powerful and necessary. What aspect of that can you celebrate for yourself this week?


Inner wounds, pain points, feelings of isolation, and loss, but also the flipside of healing, rebirth, and regeneration are all illuminated by this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. The first eclipse in October may’ve uncovered some deep personal wounds of life and pain points, or created the experience of loss and frustration in your world. For the last six months, you’ve been in an inner cocoon, wrapping yourself within the layers of understanding, healing, and eventually rebirth. This Full Moon eclipse may be a peak release of those painful energies, showing you the mountain you have climbed and overcome, even if not in the physical realm, definitely within the inner. This can be a moment of love and celebration for that growth.

Venus is ruling this Full Moon Eclipse and currently sits in Pisces, where your feelings may be more pronounced. Part of the healing and regeneration experienced in your life may also come in the form of your creative projects and relationships with children. Allow yourself to use your past experiences, pain, and inner wealth of feelings to help fuel your creative works and desires with more inspiration. People relate to overcoming and experiencing hardships, so don’t try to hide from the pain you’ve grown from. Use it as a part of your authentic self-expression. 


Community, friend groups, and all the ways you have fun with other people in your life are the focus of celebration under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since October, the people who surround you and uplift your work have been under a period of change and regeneration, perhaps old friendships falling away, new ones coming to light, or a change in dynamics and roles with how you show up in your community. If this has felt more difficult this past winter, you may experience a more celebratory moment with this Full Moon. Something is coming to awareness and understanding around who's actually in your corner and how you can best spend your energies with those you care about.

Venus is in Pisces, ruling this lunation, asking you to pay more attention to your feelings and little hints of information from your intuition. Part of what matters the most during this period of time is how you feel foundationally. Allow yourself to become clear on your values, beliefs, and what you need from others to meet you halfway. This may be a good time to spend with your home life and family, to help you recognize what you desire the most from other people. 


Career, work in the world, and your public roles are illuminated by this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since October, this may’ve been an area of more intense focus and pressure, perhaps switching roles within jobs, more demanding work projects, or changing careers altogether. Your efforts are paying off finally, and this lunation calls for a celebration and recognition of the hard work, time, and energy you’ve put into this space. Even through the process of cutting away what you don’t enjoy about work, you find what doesn’t fit, will therefore get you closer to the actual responsibilities that inspire you and makes life feel worthwhile. Take some time for this lunation to admire how far you’ve come.

Venus is also ruling this Full Moon, over in Pisces, and part of clearing away your career needs and public obligations has to do with what you want to create in your daily life. In the perfect world, what would your days look like each morning or evening? What sort of space do you want to cultivate for yourself to live within, and how does that help guide your career goals and orientation? It’s okay if that means less, sometimes it’s necessary. We are often taught that doing more is “better” but better for whom?


Your long-term plans, big overarching visions, and dreams for the future are illuminated by this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since October, the trajectory of your life may’ve felt more in turmoil, perhaps different ideas were cultivated but then fell apart due to no fault of your own. That’s okay, as there’s something about this Full Moon Eclipse that’s showing you the reason behind every “missed” opportunity. Perhaps there’s a new option unfolding that previously was hidden, or an acceptance and appreciation of the new beliefs, visions, and dreams you’ve stepped into instead. Can you celebrate this growth, even if it looks different from what was previously planned?

Venus is in Pisces and ruling this Full Moon, and she’s working diligently to sweeten up your income, finances, and money perhaps in the form of increased cash flow or new opportunities to feel valued in your life. Don't hesitate if it feels too good to be true. It’s okay to enjoy the blessings and bounty as it flows - money is like the blood in our body. It circulates continuously. If finances seem to be the thing that’s holding you back from your big-picture visions, see if you can reevaluate the actual priorities. What’s more important is how you wish to feel


Shared resources, collaborations, partnership arrangements, and financial obligations that involve other people are all illuminated by this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since October, there has been a lot of back and forth over agreements or shared responsibilities that you lack complete control over. This can lead to feeling more disconnected from your life, or ushered into a period of more intense transformation, as you try to find what issues are yours to hold onto and what's just simply in your life to accept. This Full Moon brings a period of resolution, or perhaps a feeling of more ease, in the parts of your world that felt a little harder to grasp. Perhaps you can celebrate the significant growth you’ve done with others at this time.

Venus is also ruling this Full Moon and sitting over in your home sign of Pisces. This adds an extra layer of sweetness and regeneration, especially for yourself. Who you are, how you are growing, and what you love about yourself and life are becoming of more importance. Lean onto what you value the most, and again what’s important for you to care about, and stop worrying about the rest. Your needs being met first will help everyone else around you.


One-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds, both romantic and platonic, are highlighted by this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since October, this area of your life has been going through a period of change and intensity - you may be coming aware of what you actually need in relationships and how you’ve grown away from old partnerships simply from life experiences. If there’s been tension between what you and another want, this Full Moon may bring some resolution, healing, and general acceptance about what simply is. The goal is never to force another person to fit your needs, but to let them be as they are, and see if that’s the energy you wish to spend your time around.

Venus is also in Pisces and ruling this lunation, which adds extra emphasis on the healing component. Tucked away in your twelfth house, Venus wants you to look at your relationships with introspection, perhaps through inner reflection, alone time, and through your historical patterns. How can you also see the role you play in relationships, and how that shapes the outcome? What patterns can you also heal and let go of to better be who you wish to be for others? You may find yourself through alone time, and this separation can equally strengthen your connections.


Your daily work routines, work-life balance, body health, and relationship with pets are all highlighted by this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since October this aspect of your life may’ve been under the microscope, showing the holes in your work/life practices and what you’re asked to do to take better care of yourself. There have been aspects of cutting away old routines and responsibilities that you simply don’t wish to continue anymore, or you’ve been asked to make space for other new daily tasks you’re taking on. Make sure as much as you’re being of service to others you are also being of service to yourself and your body. Find space to do what feels best for you, and try to cultivate some aspects of your day around that.

Venus is in Pisces and ruling this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which adds some additional emphasis to having more fun in your life, especially concerning friends and your overarching community. If you need inspiration for restructuring your schedule, look to your community and how you wish to cultivate time with them. It’s okay to reprioritize so you have more space for those you love and how you enjoy spending your energy. Give yourself extra love and nourishment to your body.


Creative projects, the ways you have fun, and relationships with children if applicable are highlighted by this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since October, finding true carefree fun and enjoyment has maybe been slipping away from your reality, or at least more on the back burner of your life as you focus on heavier aspects. With this Full Moon, however, there may be some ease from the pain points and hopefully an opportunity for you to truly enjoy the pleasures and creativity in your life that's ready to spring forth. Spend time with children and activate your own child-like play and excitement. It’s okay to let your guard down occasionally.

Venus is also in Pisces and ruling this Full Moon, and perhaps some of the opportunities for you to focus more on fun and play may center around increased ease and flow within your work life and career. Venus here may bestow little gifts and moments of recognition for your efforts, which can help you let go of some of the more intense feelings around work and embrace a little more release, playfulness, and creativity. What does it mean for you to find pleasure even if the old methods of fun are no longer calling to you?


Home, family, childhood past, and the private aspects of your life are illuminated by this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. October may’ve brought more upheaval in the relatively consistent and stable part of your life ruling over your home, living environment, and family. Something may feel like it’s coming to an ending here, perhaps a certain era of your life, a relationship with family, or even the physical place you live in. The first part of clearing away can always be a bit of a jarring experience, but this lunation may provide more comfort and home in the process. You may start to feel more clear about the reason why you are clearing out the space, and what beautiful new growth you’re stepping into.

Venus is also in Pisces during this lunation as the ruler, which is extremely helpful in terms of providing ease. Additionally, more emphasis may be placed on your overarching direction, long-term plans, and the future you wish to create for yourself. Allow those big visions and what feels attractive to you to help you see what you’re making space for. You may feel more comfortable around letting go of these foundational aspects of your life knowing you’re creating a long-term vision that’s greater than the past. 


Day-to-day rituals, your routine outside of work, your neighborhood, siblings, close friends, and communication projects are all brought to light under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since October, finding a stable ground on how you wish to spend every day and truly enjoy it may’ve been a little more challenging as you work through the old routines you’re being asked to let go of and clear away. This Full Moon packs a little more promise, however, and you may be able to see all the letting go and frustrations have paved the way for you to create the daily living you’ve always envisioned. Trust the process under this Eclipse, and celebrate the ways you’ve nurtured your home and local community so far.

Venus is also in Pisces and ruling this Full Moon Eclipse, which adds another layer of trust, faith, and ease into your world. More attention and help may be found in the form of collaborations, or fun with your work with other people, or perhaps little blessings and financial gifts from your partner. The purpose of this lunation is to remind you that you aren’t completely alone in your pursuits for life. Lean into the people and love in your life who also want to see you flourish. 


Money, resources, income, and everything you feel you need to support your life is illuminated by this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Since October, this area of your life may have garnered more attention and importance, perhaps having you analyze your finances in excruciating detail and work through the money you’re receiving and money that seems to be falling away. The lesson here is that money flows, it comes and goes, and to not get too attached to a moment of time when things seem to be more scarce than they really are. This Full Moon may be a peak point of whatever struggle has unfolded around feeling abundant. Perhaps you’ve overcome a big financial stressor and you’re able to step back and see things as they truly are.

With this Full Moon being ruled by Venus in Pisces, a water sign, we are reminded that feelings of wholeness and abundance, as well as loss and scarcity, are just that - feelings. We can allow ourselves to get swept away in the reality of our inner mind, or allow ourselves to create a new one. If you need inspiration, look towards your partnerships and one-on-one relationships. Venus is here, reminding you that these concerns don’t have to be dealt with alone.

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