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Forecast Maddie Sloan Forecast Maddie Sloan

Horoscopes for Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2024

Eclipse season 2024 begins on March 25th at 3 AM EDT with a beautiful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Libra. This Full Moon is paired with the first eclipse we had in this sign, a New Moon that occurred on October 14, 2023. This eclipse is ruled by Venus, and during October, Venus was in the sign of her Fall. Now, during this Eclipse, Venus sits in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation. This is a complete 180 flip from the energies of the Fall. Practically, we are being linked back to the eclipse in the Fall, but in a way that's much more whole, loving, and softer. There’s a big release because the journey has progressed, we have learned the lessons, and it’s time to let go. It’s not a release that was forced upon you, but one you may gracefully accept and embrace, as it allows for a big weight shifting off your shoulders. You may not see the effects immediately, as Pisces is technically “hidden” from Libra, but you may notice a more subtle flow.

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