Horoscopes for New Moon in Gemini 2024
This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Gemini, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The sweet New Moon in Gemini arriving on June 6, 2024, at 8:37 am EDT ushers forth the energetic shifts we’ve been experiencing the last two weeks. Both benefics (“good” planets) are sharing space with the New Moon in Gemini, with Venus also sitting right at the degree of the New Moon herself. The ruler of Gemini is also here, facilitating the flow of information, fresh ideas, and exciting new insights that help us approach this season differently. On one hand, this is a beautiful New Moon for setting fresh cerebral intentions that Jupiter will work to expand significantly over the following year.
But on the other hand, this New Moon also sits in a square with Saturn. There’s a lingering sense of obligation and responsibility behind the New Moon, creating a dark corner in an otherwise bright and expansive party room. This can often work one of two ways. If you have been intentional with your time and ensuring that the most pressing responsibilities have not fallen in between the cracks, Saturn can help you build a powerful and lasting structure with your intentions. It will just take the necessary time and work. However, if you’ve been casting off necessary tasks in favor of fun time and escapism, Saturn will make sure to collect his dues.
Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Who you are, your sense of self, identity, and fullest self-expression is in for a sweet refresh and reset with this New Moon in Gemini. You’ve been coming out of a period of time heavy in the internal world and inner corners of your mind. This New Moon wants you to put yourself back out into the world with your fullest potential by sharing your newfound insights with everyone who will listen. It can be a feeling of regeneration for yourself, of coming back alive when things have been difficult and unstable. This can also be a beautiful time to try on new identities or refresh your appearance if you feel called to do so. You can truly do no wrong, so it’s worth embracing the experiment.
Saturn is still squaring this New Moon, which unfortunately does put a bit of a damper on your fullest potential. It can lead to a lingering feeling of dread or uncertainty, perhaps distracting you a bit with work and other responsibilities. However, Saturn can also help you build a powerful structure for yourself by reminding you that great change and growth also takes time. It’s okay to go slow and know the overarching change will last.
Your inner world, mental health, and deep healing through past wounds and suffering are all in for a sweet refresh with this New Moon in Gemini. While this area of a chart can be an isolating space, this is also one that generates the most healing and deep change if you allow the time to be aware of the energies. Venus is also present with this New Moon, meaning this may truly feel sweeter and more necessary, a welcoming escape to experience and tap into the softer corners of your mind. This can be an extremely creative space as well, one that allows you to explore new possibilities that you haven’t been aware of before. Trust the softer, imaginative dreams and how they flow into the world.
Of course, Saturn is still squaring this New Moon, meaning you’ll be drawn out of these meditative states to focus more on your ongoing obligations and responsibilities that still take up your time. These may be from your long-term plans, overarching direction for the future, or just external obligations that require you to be more physically present. Learn to balance space and time for both, as equal attention will be necessary. Boundaries can always help here.
Your overarching community, friend groups, and how you have fun with others out in the world are welcoming in a refresh and new beginning with this New Moon in Gemini. You may notice a lot more activity lately within your social sphere, with new messages, exchanges, and connections lighting up your inbox. This can be an exciting time to venture out into new avenues and create an entirely new perspective on your community practices. With Venus in the mix with this New Moon, it’s truly all about the relationships. As with all New Moons, be intentional about the community you wish to create for yourself, and others, so that the right people can find you too.
As with most astrology, there’s a little catch to all the fun and socializing. Saturn continues to square this New Moon, pulling you away from connections to deal with certain one-on-one collaborations and shared resource obligations. You may find yourself having to choose between going out into the community and staying in with close personal friends. Strong boundaries between the two are necessary so that you don’t feel too overwhelmed, so don’t be scared to say No when you feel strongly about a certain plan.
Your career, work in the world, and how you’re known out in the public sphere receive a fresh seed of intentional growth with this New Moon in Gemini. You may be creating an exciting new project or carving out a new role for yourself or with your work that’s truly getting into the details and information of what you're here to do. This can be a very creative and cerebral time for you to try out new techniques and processes at work, especially if it’s calling for a shake-up from the exhausted or worn-out traditions. With Venus close to this New Moon, this may also manifest in the form of exciting work connections and new relationships that help make work more enjoyable.
Of course, Saturn is still squaring this New Moon, and lingering responsibilities or obligations may be a bit of a distraction to your workflow, especially as it relates to other people in your life and your relationship with them. Perhaps they’re experiencing some challenges or limitations to their needs, and it’s impacting your ability to show up fully. As with all Saturn transits, practice setting and maintaining your boundaries, as a way to show you still care for them, but also yourself.
Your long-term plans, future orientation, long-distance travel plans, and beliefs or philosophies you hold for yourself are all under a refresh and exciting shift with this New Moon in Gemini. This is a wonderful New Moon to open up the books and learn new information, take classes, or allow more time for self-reflection and inquiry around your beliefs and practices. You may also feel inspired to travel or expand your mind in other avenues as this Gemini lunation is about incorporating more fun and learning into your life, all for the purpose of self-expression and exploring other experiences in life that don’t relate to work, home, or family.
Work and body health obligations may still demand your attention, however, especially as Saturn squares this New Moon. Your schedule may not allow extra time for exploration of the mind or new beliefs, or you’re busy taking care of necessary health appointments and protocols. While it’s important to make sure you have adequate rest and time, utilize necessary boundaries to say no to the responsibilities that can wait. There’s a balance of being of service to yourself and of service to others. It’s time for you to put your adventure at the forefront of your life.
Shared resources, collaborations, financial obligations, and your process of transformation and rebirth are all the focus of refreshed intention under this New Moon in Gemini. Although this area of your life is more hidden and will be more subtly felt, there’s a notion of being able to feel more supported and loved through those you hold close connections with. Venus with this New Moon initiates a new cycle of appreciation and beauty in your life, perhaps becoming more centered around your innermost healing and close, deep soul connections. Those you love also want to love you and lift your needs higher. And this transformation begins from within.
Saturn is still in a close square aspect with this New Moon, not letting you forget about the obligations and responsibilities that still linger with your home life, family, and relationships in that space. This can create a notion of fear or uncertainty around an otherwise more optimistic lunation. You may still be feeling limited around your creative potential or connections with children. Utilize this time to share the burden with others, sometimes we are reminded that not everything has to be our task, even if it holds our responsibility in name.
One-on-one relationships, partnerships, and close connections are all in for a fresh beginning with this New Moon in Gemini. There's a sweetness in the air, and your favorite humans want to interact and learn more from you. Something around these close connections is helping you feel more inspired, loved, and ready to start new adventures. You’ve been doing amazing work for just yourself, now it’s time to share the blessings and experiences with another. This is a wonderful New Moon to refresh your work schedule and community outings so you’re more open to new relationships.
There's a lingering sense of frustration or slowness with this New Moon, however, as Saturn still sits in a close square with the Moon. Although you desire and crave more connections from others, you’re still asked to tend to obligations and responsibilities at home, with your family, and living environment. This can leave you feeling pulled in every which direction or way and can be a bit overwhelming. The best way to work with Saturn is to put the necessary boundaries in place. What time and energy can you allocate to your home? And can you save some for your friends, partners, and relationships as well as yourself?
Day-to-day work life, daily work routines, rituals, and practices as well as your body health and relationship with pets, are all for a restart with this New Moon in Gemini. It’s important to take a moment to reflect on your current work schedule, the people you work with, and how you're in service to others, to make sure these are all still things you wish to continue. If not, this New Moon is an ideal time to analyze and pick apart the obligations that no longer fulfill you or just feel like a waste of space. With Venus in the mix, there’s a desire to create more ease, fulfillment, and love so you can truly appreciate your day-to-day.
Saturn is still squaring this New Moon, however, and there can be some annoying obligations or frustrations you may not be able to escape from. In your daily life, there are still some necessary errands, routines, and practices that you can’t cut out. The work here is to determine what you’re able to let go of, what has to stay, and what you can do to accept that. Create strong boundaries so the necessary responsibilities don’t take up all your time or mental processes.
Your creative expression, children, and the ways you have more fun with life and living are the focus of fresh growth with this New Moon in Gemini. There’s been a shift away from a more practical, earthy focus on life to one that promotes fun, childlike curiosity, and creativity. You’ve done the necessary work, now it’s time to enjoy yourself. Utilize this New Moon to cultivate a creative space and mindset within your life, dusting off your old hobbies or perhaps experimenting with new ones. The possibilities are endless, but with Venus in the mix, it is all about your fun and enjoyment. Look for ways to express yourself that words can’t contain.
Saturn is still squaring this New Moon, of course, so you’re not completely free from lingering responsibilities or obligations with your money, finances, and overall feelings of security. However, this lunation still encourages you to find a balance in whatever way possible. Sometimes we have to be intentional about the boundaries we need with Saturn, so allocate the necessary time for your work, health, and financial cleanup while still giving yourself permission to make a mess and access your inner child.
Your home and family living, those you live with, and relationships with your parents or childhood past are in a fresh beginning with this New Moon in Gemini. Jupiter seeks to make this space feel more expansive, prominent, and open to opportunities for you to create a whole new take on home and living, especially if the old one feels stagnant. Venus in the mix with the New Moon can be a fun time to decorate or refresh your space, or spend time with those in a way that it helps you feel like home. This is all about falling in love with your foundation again. Whatever fresh intention you create here can carry forward into the next year.
Of course, it doesn’t all feel like fun and games at all times. Saturn still in the sign of Pisces leaves you with a lingering sensation or feeling of utmost responsibility to maintain. Or perhaps lately you’ve been feeling yourself be more limited, contained, or restricted in terms of your self-expression. You can still have fun at home while also meeting the standards and obligations you have for yourself. This may also manifest in the form of needing to pay more attention to your body and health.
Your day-to-day life, neighborhood, relationships out in your community, as well as relationships with siblings and close friends are all in for a refresh with this New Moon in Gemini. This can be an exciting time when your schedule becomes more active with exciting opportunities to explore your local community and create new relationships, share ideas, and put yourself out there. You may also find yourself adjusting to the flow of life, and finding little new joys in your everyday mundane processes. This New Moon is an ideal time to refresh your daily rituals and add in new elements of love and pleasure.
Saturn is still squaring this New Moon in Gemini, meaning there may be a lingering melancholy or feeling of isolation, even as your schedule gets busy on paper. You still hold a necessary responsibility to yourself, your mental health, and ways you can heal. Saturn will ask for your time and energy in this area, so the best way to move forward is to make sure your boundaries are strong on the things you do and don’t want to do. Allow yourself space to be with the feelings, but don’t get stuck there. The world can also be a sweet adventure.
Money, finances, and income streams are all for a sweet refresh and intentional beginning with this New Moon in Gemini. You may’ve noticed an increased desire to focus on the more material items in your life, including how you can feel resourced and have value for yourself. This New Moon helps you establish an intentional reset on your money and resources, helping you set the stage for a sustainable year. Pay attention to the flurry of ideas or new information you have around supporting yourself. With Venus in the mix, it’s important whatever you choose to focus on also feels good to you, your heart, and your soul. Even if it means accepting a new mindset around abundance for your future.
Saturn is still squaring this New Moon, meaning you may have a feeling of limitation or obligation to attend to that can conflict a bit with your focus. It may also manifest as a feeling of self-doubt or fear to promote your efforts and focus into the community. Or perhaps you have plans with others that eat into your resources. Whatever comes up, you’re encouraged to honor the feelings of duality. Space for both will naturally emerge.
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