Summer Solstice Skies
Here we are, having to hold two truths in one hand. Two experiences that hold paradoxical relationships but could not exist without the other.
Like this past month, for example. All the beautiful gifts I’ve received. I got to feel expansive and loved by a new community being created in my life, and felt the heartwarming connections that reminded me that I have a place here, too.
So very Jupiter in Gemini, no?
Yet the flipside is to see that expansion manipulated and distorted to plutonian horrific truths of genocide, death, and horror upon on our own human beings.
And the lies being fed to hide the truths.
Here we are asked once again to hold space for hope yet watch pain unfold. It’s so uncomfortable, but you’ve been here before. It’s not new. And you don’t have to deny it.
You just learn to hold space for two truths… That’s the reality of the astrology of this Summer.
We get to experience the dichotomy of Jupiter in Gemini, a planet in its detriment, a planet that wishes to expand and push against the boundaries has now been tasked with expanding the tiniest of details.
There’s a lot of Air in the sky at this moment. It can feel highly analytical and overwhelming, asking us to detach from our bodies and usual methods of comfort.
And if you aren’t feeling ungrounded yet, this Summer also brings two Full Moons in Capricorn. Also the sign of the Moon’s fall. Where our comforts are pushed aside for the greater needs of the collective or our responsibilities.
These Full Moons will usher in a massive clearing away, to the point that the Capricorn area of your chart will be almost empty.
It may definitely be uncertain, but it can also unlock some powerful creative potential in your life as well.
After the clearing away, Pluto will dip back in Capricorn for just short burst of time starting in early September. The underworld intensification will remind us intense passions and desires we’ve forgotten about in that area of our life.
But, it can be so alchemical.
To facilitate your own progression, introducing my offering for this season: Summer Solstice Skies.
This reading utilizes your natal birthchart as well as my arsenal of predictive techniques to dive deep into the Summer season for you (the next three months). We will touch on what themes will be arising for you, and opportunities to use this energy for your own creations.
This reading is an online, one-on-one consultation through Zoom. It’s 45 minutes for $80, which includes a PDF and recording of the reading.
Limited availability until June 21, 2024. Book here to get yours!
Blessed Solstice!