Horoscopes for Full Moon in Sagittarius 2024

This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Sagittarius, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius marks a significant shift in terms of long-term planetary transits that are preparing to unfold in late May. Arriving on May 23, 2024, at 9:53 AM EDT, the first step we are tasked with before we begin a new cycle is to clear away the old projects, ideas, and beliefs that shape our current one. We’ve been experiencing a lot of Jupiterian themes lately, and this Full Moon ruled by Jupiter relates heavily to the beliefs, dogmas, higher minds, overarching religions or philosophies about life, and passionate bouts of information you love to consume. Some theme of your life is reaching its peak point, and ready to be released out into the public or cleared away so you can start to build anew. 

The reasoning behind this clearing away and expansion point is brought by the upcoming shift occurring when Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25th. Jupiter spends twelve months in each sign, so whenever the largest planet shifts across another sign boundary, it begins a new twelve-month pattern and period of growth for ourselves. As the Full Moon in Sagittarius sits opposite the sign of Gemini, this clearing away and releasing is needed so that fresh expansion and growth can unfold over the next year.

Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


Who you are, your sense of self, your appearance, and how you feel sharing yourself including dreams and desires out into the world are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Sagittarius. Even if it hasn’t been very public or obvious to everyone else, you’ve been putting in a lot of time and effort with your personal growth and development. There’s been more energy into discovering your likes and dislikes, and what’s truly a value or priority in your world. This Full Moon is a culmination of that introspective study, and potentially even a big release or display out into the world. You may find yourself more in the spotlight with this lunation, and don’t be scared to shine. If old parts of yourself come up that feel uncomfortable, learn to detach and release as you go.

Jupiter is ruling this Full Moon and has been in Taurus for the last year, expanding your daily work routines, focus on body health, healing, and potentially pet needs. The shift into Jupiter to Gemini appearing after this Full Moon will initiate a change with your focus on relationships, partnerships, and one-on-one connections. The first step then, is to be so clear and confident with yourself that the right and valuable people will want to fall right in. 


Your inner world, mental health, and past patterns of pain, frustration, and loss all reach a point of culmination and potentially healing with this Full Moon in Sagittarius. There’s been a lot of activity within your mind and inner world that can have you feeling more isolated or cut off from everyone else in your life. This lunation brings a peak expression of those energies, perhaps releasing the pressure for some relief or opening up the dark corners to receive light. This gradual process allows for greater clarity and the opportunity for you to be comforted or helped by others in your life as well. Something is shifting in terms of what has been a stressor for you.

Jupiter rules this Full Moon and has spent the last year in Taurus, which is all about expanding your creativity, fun projects, and the ways you find love and enjoyment in life. Right after this lunation, Jupiter will then move to Gemini, beginning another year-long expansion point, but as it relates to your daily work life, work routines, and body health. You may find your routines and schedules getting busier with this transit. Utilize this Full Moon to clear out any lingering pain points so you’re present for the next step.


Community, friend groups, and the larger network of people you spend time with are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Sagittarius. Something is coming to a peak point or even celebration here, perhaps a moment of recognizing and spending time with your greater community and appreciating them. Or perhaps this is more of a moment of awareness around who has stuck by your side through the thick and thin, allowing you to clear away any older or stagnant relationships. It’s important to stay flexible and open with your associations, as people change and so do you. Honor however your community looks to be now.

Part of this shift within your community is needed due to Jupiter’s upcoming sign change. Jupiter has been in Taurus for the last year, expanding your definition of home and family, perhaps drawing your attention more inward. Shortly after this lunation, Jupiter will move into Gemini. Fresh expansion will start to flow to your creativity, relationships with children, and inner artistic expression. The purpose of the Full Moon is to clear out space with others, relationships, and any judgments from them, so you can focus more on your inner creations and projects that will eventually expand outwards. 


Career, public roles, and your work in the world are lit up by this Full Moon in Sagittarius. Your efforts, projects, and leadership, or even just the consistency you’ve been putting into your outward-facing jobs may finally be recognized and celebrated, or perhaps you’re finding yourself changing positions and being placed more in the spotlight. Whatever it is, make sure you soak up the celebrations. Don’t try to hide away from the limelight, you’ve put a lot of work and time into your career, so take the excitement and opportunities as they arise. Full Moons are also a wonderful time to release something big out into the world, especially if you work for yourself. 

Jupiter is also ruling this Full Moon and has spent the last year in Taurus, expanding your day-to-day life, routines, and presence out in the community. This period of time has had your schedules filled with appointments and little coffee chats with close friends. Jupiter's now moving into Gemini, which will shift the expansion onto your home life, where you live, and relationships with your family. In order to make sure you have enough time at home, this Full Moon will want to clear away the finished elements of your career. 


Long-term plans, overarching visions for the future, and your beliefs, religion, or philosophies around life are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Sagittarius. An initial plan or goal you had may finally be reaching the finish line and is ready to be celebrated and acknowledged. Or perhaps, there’s more of a clearing away of old directions, beliefs, and visions because of how life has unfolded instead. Whatever is calling you, spend some time under this Full Moon examining the values and priorities that shape your life. You may find some old limited beliefs to clear away, and new directions you can now align more clearly with.

The ruler of this Full Moon, Jupiter, has been expanding your work, money, and finances over the last year. This flow of income may’ve shifted your overarching direction as well, linking to the Full Moon. Right after this lunation, Jupiter will move into Gemini, and a shift of expansion will begin to occur within your day-to-day life, communities, neighborhoods, siblings, and close friends that feel like siblings. Utilize the Full Moon to clear away the big-picture visions so you can zero more into your daily living and routines. 


Collaborations, group projects, and finances you share with another (including loans, mortgages, and arrangements) are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Sagittarius. Something is coming to peak awareness in an otherwise more hidden dynamic of your life, and it may involve letting go of certain collaborative projects or shared monetary issues that connect you with another. It may also show you the culmination of sharing resources, and how the efforts you’ve been working towards are finally paying off - perhaps literally. Pay attention to people and interactions that come into your sphere around this Full Moon, they may be more valuable than you know.

Jupiter has been in your first house of self and has been teaching you a whole lot about who you truly are and what authenticity means to you. This can lead to more experimenting with your self-expression and inner passions. After this Full Moon, Jupiter will move into Gemini, which will shift your focus onto your money, income, and resources more intentionally. Therefore, the first step to that path is to utilize this Full Moon in Sagittarius to clear away the lingering attachments, debts, and areas where your money is tied up. 


One-on-one relationships, close personal partnerships, and deep connections of all kinds become illuminated under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. An aspect or certain relationship may be reaching peak awareness in your life, perhaps this marks an important achievement or milestone within the partnership. Sometimes the Full Moon can even represent a clearing away of old, stagnant connections so that you’re left feeling a little lighter. Ultimately, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will show you the folks who are dedicated to your cause and excited to propel you forward, as well as the relationships who’ve been the supportive backbone for the last year.

The support in relationships has been big, especially since Jupiter has been moving through your twelfth house of hidden loss, pain, and mental health. You’ve learned a lot about the inner dwellings of your mind and how you heal from moments of inner turmoil and frustration. Now, Jupiter will be moving into Gemini, which will expand your overall self, how you’re seen in the world, and your search for deeper authenticity. This Full Moon paves the way for that shift by making sure there’s enough space from who’s currently demanding your time and attention. 


Day-to-day work life, work routines, relationships with coworkers, and daily responsibilities including things such as body health and pet needs, are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Sagittarius. This may be a point of celebration, perhaps something coming to a resolution regarding certain roles at work or relationships, or even a body health goal. This can also equally be a point of releasing and letting go, whether good or bad, of specific roles within your work or service, pets, or your old daily routines and responsibilities. The Full Moon here is a good time to look closely at your schedule and see what has a little more room for flexibility. If it’s not feeling expansive, can you discontinue?

Jupiter has spent the last year in Taurus, where it’s been expanding your community, friendships, and the ways you have fun with other people. You may have been more social, jumping around different communities, and meeting new people who can teach you fresh experiences. As Jupiter shifts into Gemini, this expansion will turn more inward, to the inner mind, mental health, and the ways you heal. Socially you may desire more time alone and inward, so utilize the Full Moon to make sure your schedule allows.


Your creative projects, ideas, inspiration, personal self-expression, and experiences with fun including relationships with children are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Sagittarius. A special project or hobby may be reaching its peak performance, and you’re adding the finishing touches, getting ready to release and share its beauty out into the world. Or perhaps certain old hobbies or previous points of inspiration aren’t hitting the same notes anymore, and it may be time to let go of them so that you can clear out more space for fun. Whatever is flowing through you, there’s no wrong way to go.

Jupiter is ruling this Full Moon and has been in your house of career since last May, expanding your voice out in the public sphere and creating more demands for your career roles. This has been an expansive period, but Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini will demand more fun now. The growth will shift to your friend groups, communities, and relationships you have out in the world, and with those that inspire you and lift you up. So clear out your old projects that don’t feel like fun, and pay attention to the new connections arriving in your path.


Home and family life, living environments, and past childhood relationships or memories are being lit up by the Full Moon in Sagittarius’ spotlight. A certain cycle or prolonged event taking place in your home and living space finally reaches peak energies - it can manifest as a literal move or more softer feeling of finally accepting and feeling at home in your current environment. This celebration within your inner foundation is linked to the expansive growth you’ve also been experiencing during the last year with your overarching beliefs, philosophies, and long-term direction. Whether you’ve been learning new practices, exploring exciting information, teaching others, or connecting deeper with your spirituality and/or religions, you may now finally see the hard work and dedication paying off.

Jupiter shifting into Gemini next will carry forward this expansive personal growth into your outer sphere, including your career, public roles, and how others see you out in the world. This Full Moon wants to first clear away any lingering fears, doubts, or hesitancy internally. You’re prepping to make big waves out in the world, and it’s time for you to feel secure to do so. Make sure your home is the safe and sanctuary space it needs to be for you. 


Your day-to-day life, routines, daily conversations, and relationships with your close community, neighbors, and siblings/friends are all lit up by this powerful Full Moon in Sagittarius. The mundane practices and joys that you find yourself knee-deep in every day become more heightened and obvious to what’s desirable and brings fun versus what's old, stagnant, and ready to clear away. Anything that feels heavier or boring is ready to be tossed out with this Full Moon, as the sign of Sagittarius always desires a little more excitement, adventure, and lightheartedness in the day-to-day. How can you cultivate this for yourself? Especially if it just requires a small change.

Jupiter is also gearing up to move from Taurus to Gemini. For the past year, you’ve been exploring and expanding the more hidden avenues of your life, especially as it pertains to money, financing, and shared responsibilities or resources. This work was to make sure the financial and material foundation is solid before you move on. Jupiter entering into Gemini will start to expand your bigger vision, long-term dreams, and extend your mind through learning new things, philosophies, and beliefs. Utilize this Full Moon to make space in your day-to-day life so you can then explore and learn the unknown!


Money, finances, and your income are all lit up under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. As with most Full Moons, there may be an element of clearing away or purging of this excessive energy, stress, or perhaps a literal spending of money. It can feel frustrating having to let go of these comforts and resources, but this lunation may also show you how this release can be freeing. Your relationships not just with money, but also with your self-esteem and overall confidence to take on any journey, will become heightened under this Full Moon to show you the old patterns, beliefs, or actions it’s time to release your grip upon.

Jupiter has been expanding and growing your one-on-one relationships and partnerships over the last year, showing you what true love and connection ultimately means. Right after this Full Moon, Jupiter will move into Gemini, and the next stage of your relationship begins. This shift into Gemini will bring the attention back onto finances, but not just your own. This will involve shared resources, your partner's income, loans, and financing. Jupiter will offer some help and assistance, even if it feels like your own pocketbook strings are a little more tight.

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