Horoscopes for New Moon in Taurus 2024

This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Taurus, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

April’s astrology has been likened to being put through a cosmological madhouse, where pieces of our life that have been traditionally stable and consistent are no longer so. This sweet New Moon in Taurus occurring on May 7, 2024, at 11:22 pm EDT flips the script by providing a refresh of ease, beauty, and flow back into our lives. Although the recent chaos of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction still lingers, this New Moon has the support of both Venus and Jupiter, which allows us to build anew and restabilize the necessary safeguards in our lives that permit us to feel supported, loved, and comfortable. 

Essentially the best way to work with this New Moon is to imagine the areas of your life that have been gathering the most attention over the last month. Notice especially where you have uncertainty, fear, and confusion. In those spaces, visualize the area becoming more abundant, rooted in purpose, and grounded in sustainability. Saturn is providing a supportive sextile to this New Moon, meaning the fresh intentions planted here have the opportunity to explode in potential over the next six months, and even build into something that withstands time. But to get there, you must first create the intention, and build upon it with purposeful action.

Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


Who you are, your sense of self, and your overarching identity receive great blessings and expansion with this New Moon in Taurus. The very foundation of who you thought you were may’ve been cracked open from the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, which can spring forth exciting opportunities and chances for you to try something new with how you see yourself in the world. This New Moon is here to stabilize any chaos and help you formulate a clear, fresh, and beautiful beginning for you to shine your light out in the world. What are you learning that’s important for you regarding your identity and sense of self? How have you made changes to your appearance in the last couple of months, and how do you feel about yourself now? 

Part of this personal inspiration may come from your community, friend groups, and external influences. Saturn is helping you provide more support during this lunation, instead of just throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks, you’re given assistance, examples, and inspiration that may show you what doesn’t work and what you could step into instead. Don’t be afraid to experiment and how to have fun with it, and with others! 


Your inner world, mental health, and hidden projects or ways you heal yourself through periods of pain, loss, and grief are all in for a fresh beginning with this New Moon in Taurus. You’ve been challenged lately with maintaining a cool, calm, and collected demeanor in the midst of some very exhausting or chaotic events in your life, especially as it pertains to your overall comfort and inner mind. This New Moon helps to soothe the space, integrating all the lessons from the previous year into a fresh beginning that allows you to feel more stabilized, loved, and safe -not just externally but also within your mind and inner world. What have you learned about healing over the past year? How is this shaping who you are and how you express yourself?

Part of this stabilization also comes from Saturn, who has been delivering some challenges within your public roles or activities you have out in the world. However, things may start to fall into place with your work or obligations, and this ease can flow into your mental health and foundational spaces. Just because it’s moving slowly, doesn’t mean it isn’t moving at the pace you need. Trust the process, and trust yourself that it will work out. 


Community, friend groups, and your social environments are all in for a fresh beginning and rejuvenation with this New Moon in Taurus. Previously, there may've been much change and excitement around your community spaces and the friends that you keep in your circle. The recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction may’ve introduced a unique pattern of relationships and encouraged you to put yourself out there more. This New Moon acts as a stabilizer for those energies, grounding you into a core group of humans who love you and fill your schedule with plans, adventures, and new experiences. Look for ease, gifts, and little joys in this space. Allow it to flow naturally, nothing about this New Moon wants you to force it – if you’re not feeling it now, it will come with time.

Saturn is also supporting this New Moon, relating to your long-term plans, goals for the future, and overarching beliefs about life. There may be some recent alignments or perhaps clarity about your future direction and how you need to move through the world. Some of your friends may share the same sentiments. Use them for ideas, inspiration, or so just you’re not alone when working through the challenges.


Career, work in the world, and your public-facing image are all in for a fresh beginning and reset with this beautiful New Moon in Taurus. There may’ve been recent shockwaves or disruptions in this area of your life, especially as it relates to what’s been stable and consistent regarding your public roles. Perhaps you are also feeling the need for freedom, to push against the traditional boundaries, and set out into the world to try something new within your work and field. Whatever the excitement, this New Moon provides a beautiful foundation to begin to grow on. Get clear about your intentions, pay attention to interesting relationships and connections, and watch the New Moon take your work to new heights. 

Saturn in Pisces is also offering additional assistance to this New Moon, perhaps in the form of partnerships, new business connections, or financial support through loans, arrangements, or ease of debt. The notion behind this lunation is that you can’t do it all alone, the greatest ideas still need supporters and someone to bounce concepts off of. Nourish those folks and other relationships that come into your awareness around this time, they may be more helpful than you know.


Long-term plans, big visions for the future, travel goals, and overall philosophy or beliefs you hold about life are the focus for exciting and intentional growth under this New Moon in Taurus. The previous Jupiter/Uranus conjunction here in April may’ve sparked some interesting thoughts or dogmas to explore, and now this New Moon wishes to solidify those intentions. Allow yourself a minute to slow down, and when feeling inspired, can you imagine what your life will look like in five to ten years? Where will you be, what will you do? Work backwards from the ultimate vision to see where the gaps are currently in your day-to-day life. This may also be a great New Moon to embark on an educational journey, whether through schooling, traveling, or learning new cultures. Expanding your horizons brings the sweetest little gifts. 

Additional support or assistance comes in the form of Saturn, giving you little boundaries or limitations to create a long-term plan that can last through all future earthquakes and downpours. Look to your relationships, partnerships, and other close friends in your circle who can help you iron out the details and fill in the gaps for your big dreams. 


Shared resources, loans, financings, mortgages, and all the above collaborations you hold with another are in for fresh and intentional growth with this New Moon in Taurus. Attention around the resources and balances of responsibilities within your life may’ve been shaken up or disrupted with the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. Perhaps there’s a desire to try something different or rearrange obligations in a way that allows for more freedom and flow into working world. This New Moon is a beautiful time to step back and truly look at the possibilities present. With Jupiter and Venus here with the New Moon, if it feels like you’re forcing something, it’s probably not worth continuing. We're seeking ease, love, and gifts in this space now.

Part of this transition of what's realistic and structural also comes from Saturn, who's building up the blocks of your daily work life, work responsibilities, and how you structure the routines, as well as practical matters such as body health. There is a link between the new dreams of finances and sharing support with another, and how you also wish to structure your daily responsibilities and workflow. Utilize the inspiration to create a fresh daily approach.


One-on-one relationships of all kinds and your close personal partnerships are in for a renewed beginning around this New Moon in Taurus. The recent alignment in April may have sparked a movement in this space – perhaps your partner is experiencing great expansion and disruptions to the normal course of their life, and your relationship is being taken along for the ride. With this New Moon, become more intentional about these deep connections, and reflect on what you need from them in your life so you can also feel supported and continue to grow. This is also a great time to purposefully begin to cultivate something together, whether it be a project, a home, or just the next stage of your relationship.

Saturn is also supporting this New Moon, which helps find some flow between these partnerships and your creative life, children, and how you experience ease and fun. If there have been some limitations or restrictions in this area of your life, the New Moon may help get the gears unstuck creatively. Look at your creations as a process of co-creation at the moment, seeing the equal weight your partner holds and how they can also be a source of inspiration for you. 


Daily work routines, day-to-day work life, relationships with coworkers, and your body health are in for a refreshed beginning under this New Moon in Taurus. With the last Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions, a “normal” work schedule may look completely different now and there can be a feeling of confusion around what you envision your ideal routine to be. As Venus is also with this New Moon, this is a great time to set intentions around a daily work-life schedule and balance that you most desire. And it can most definitely look like doing less and focusing more on your personal needs instead of serving others. Tapping more into your body health, fitness and exercise routines, or anything that keeps you healthy is also a focus.

Some support with this New Moon may come from looking towards your home life, living environment, and the comforts you hold in that space. Slowing down your external demands and appearances so you can focus more on your inner foundation may be necessary. The restructuring may not just be around cultivating an enjoyable work environment but also around all aspects of your day-to-day mundane life. You have to double-check that your needs and priorities are respected first and foremost.


Your creative life, the ways you have fun with hobbies, exploration, and even sex, as well as relationships with children (if applicable) are all illuminated by this New Moon in Taurus. Finding comfort in your creativity and fun spaces may’ve been more difficult as of late, especially if there’s been a major disruption from your initial activities or plans due to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April. This New Moon seeks to restabilize this area of your life, even if that means having an entirely new approach to what it means to have fun. It doesn’t have to be complicated either, just come back to the basics - what excites you? What do you have passion for that is just easy? Allow a new adventure seed to be planted in your life. 

The ability to focus more on fun may come from a sudden decrease or easement of obligations, errands, or frustrations that may’ve been apparent in your life lately. Instead of being a roadblock or dead-end, Saturn will now start to offer support by clearing out your schedule and giving you a little more freedom to pursue your self-expression and fun projects with more fulfillment. Find a way to bring that fun into your everyday life as well. 


Your home life, living environment, family, and overall internal foundation that stabilizes your life are in for a refreshed beginning and restart with this New Moon in Taurus. A recent disruption, change, or destabilization may’ve taken place here in April, challenging the traditions of your home and family relationships. With Venus now in Taurus and present as the ruler of this New Moon, you’re invited to sweeten the space, filling it with fresh decorations, a cleaning, or deeper connections with your family and loved ones. This is a beautiful opportunity to become more clear with what you need from your home space so that it can be restful, comfortable, and a place of healing from the outer demands.

Some of the ease that may now be flowing into your home may be assisted with money, income, or resources that are now available. Saturn is providing some structure financially for you, and this may allow you to be more practical about the new changes you can make regarding your home and living spaces. Even if it means you’re asked to cut back on spending for a bit, you’ll find little hidden gifts that create the space you need. Allow yourself to slow down a bit more.


Your day-to-day life, routines, errands, local neighborhood, siblings, and close friends are all under a refresh with this New Moon in Taurus. Your traditional and consistent routine around life may’ve been disrupted and challenged with the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April, but this chaos allows you to clear away the obligations or activities you no longer desire to spend your energy on. Now, we reach a New Moon phase, where you have the opportunity to set fresh intentions in this space. How do you want to spend your everyday life? What or who do you enjoy talking to each day? How can you bring more of that into the present? Especially with Venus attending, lean into the space that feels effortless.

Ideas and information around what or how you can create a refreshed daily life and routine involves you paying attention carefully to yourself. Saturn has been moving your first house, reflecting on what structures you’ve been building regarding how people see you, and your own personal identity. Apply what you’ve learned about yourself to your daily life so it acts more as a mirror. You’re in full control right now, take your power and make a change if it’s needed.


Your money, resources, income, and overall self-esteem recieves a sweet boost of love and flow with this New Moon in Taurus. The flow of consistent money may’ve been a little irregular the past month or so, especially with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that took place in April. This fresh New Moon with all the help from Venus seeks to restabilize and soften this area of your life, giving you little gifts of honey, income, and other little blessings that make you feel full. This is also a great time to get clearer on your finances - to sit down and clean up the budget, or pay off anything that has been lingering. Don’t forget to treat yourself (and maybe some loved ones) after!

Part of this restructuring in your material world stems from your own inner needs, mental health, and any projects you are dreaming up behind the scenes. What lingering shadows or fears have been in your mind lately? Or perhaps there’s a new project you’re excited to get started on that requires some financial backing. There’s some connection here with healing around this New Moon, even if it’s just the expansive feeling of more confidence in your ability to move through life. 

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