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Forecast Maddie Sloan Forecast Maddie Sloan

Horoscopes for New Moon in Taurus 2024

April’s astrology has been likened to being put through a cosmological madhouse, where pieces of our life that have been traditionally stable and consistent are no longer so. This sweet New Moon in Taurus occurring on May 7, 2024, at 11:22 pm EDT flips the script by providing a refresh of ease, beauty, and flow back into our lives. Although the recent chaos of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction still lingers, this New Moon has the support of both Venus and Jupiter, which allows us to build anew and restabilize the necessary safeguards in our lives that permit us to feel supported, loved, and comfortable.  Saturn is providing a supportive sextile to this New Moon, meaning the fresh intentions planted here have the opportunity to explode in potential over the next six months, and even build into something that withstands time. But to get there, you must first create the intention, and build upon it with purposeful action.

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Forecast Maddie Sloan Forecast Maddie Sloan

New Moon in Taurus 2023 — Forecast

The New Moon in Taurus is finally eclipse-free and ready to give all the gifts of love, abundance, and affirmation especially as Jupiter is now freshly in this sign! Ruled by Venus in Cancer, we get a loving connection to our emotions and body. Of course, there is a catch. A T-Square aspect is activated this week between Jupiter, Pluto, and Mars which may force some heavier decisions and frustrations out into the open. Leaning into the uncertainty will be healing.

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