New Moon in Taurus 2023 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Taurus and important astrological events up to the Full Moon in Sagittarius in early June. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The New Moon in Taurus arrives late in the season on May 19th, 2023 at 11:53am EDT. Mercury is finally direct, and Jupiter has just entered this sign, so there’s a burst of optimism and motivation to start a new and fresh venture here, especially after what may’ve felt like a long period of review and uncertainty. This lift is primarily supported by Jupiter, who’s main function as a planet is to affirm and inspire. Now in Taurus, we are encouraged to move forward in an area of our life that we may’ve been more hesitant and cautious with. It might finally feel like we have the knowledge and understanding about what we need to do next.
However, there’s a big potential to overdo or want to move forward too quickly and recklessly. This is brought by Pluto, who’s at 0° Aquarius, making a square (90°) aspect to Jupiter at 0° Taurus. Pluto brings intensity and magnifies each planet it aspects. So while it may feel exciting and encouraging to suddenly be moving into a new direction, it’s important to not be so blinded by the change that you forget to double-check the facts and information about what’s practical, realistic, or even necessary for you to take on.
A good way to buffer this sudden burst of energy is to listen deeply to your body and emotions. This lunation is ruled by Venus in Cancer, who’s helping us navigate the fresh start by asking us to slow down and pay attention to the underlying feelings behind the excitement of something new. It’s a good idea to pause and reflect, write out your thoughts, and really pay attention to what’s feeling “right” down to the core, not to what’s shiny on the surface.
The intensification will continue, as Mars enters Leo and makes an opposition to Pluto on May 20th. We are now entering into an aspect known as a “T-square” in astrology. Mars is sitting directly opposite to Pluto (180°), and both Mars and Pluto are making a 90° (square) aspect to Jupiter in Taurus. This aspect will peak around May 22nd, but will be in play all throughout the New Moon. Mars entering into Leo will add more fuel to the fire, encouraging us to take big action in our life and make bold changes. This initiative may be in an entirely different area of life than where we’re currently growing with the New Moon, and we may feel pulled in completely opposite directions. With the connection to both Jupiter and Pluto, it’s again very motivating and encouraging, but will also be moving too quickly for us to actually assess the situation. Keep the inspiration, but double-check the plan of action.
Luckily, the Sun will move into Gemini early on May 21st, and make a favorable connection to Pluto which is helpful in terms of logical thinking and understanding the details a little more clearly. This will assist us in taking some of the desires and actions we might’ve made on emotion and evaluate their practicality. Reasoning and planning are a little more heightened, so use that to your advantage. Now that more planets are in air and fire, the energy will feel more outward and expressive instead of internal and passive.
Venus in Cancer will make a sweet aspect to Uranus in Taurus on May 26th, which is great for relationships and taking a break from all the outward movement to pause, reflect, and rest. We reach the first quarter moon in Virgo on May 27th, so these two days are good for adjusting and reframing the plans of action as needed. We’re asked to be flexible and not get too stuck on one path. Returning back to the body, feelings, and internal “why” will help you see what matters the most.
This first quarter moon is the stickiest point of this lunation and astrology, where we may be faced with a difficult decision and have to change directions or beliefs. This is especially heightened as the Sun in Gemini meets Saturn in Pisces on May 27th – May 28th. A limitation or blockage to your pursuits may be showcased, highlighting some frustration or lack of information about what you need to continue forward. In mutable signs, it’s important to be malleable and look for pathways around the resistance that still get you to your overarching goals. Confusion or not perceiving things as they are is always the potential risk, so allow time to past before making a decision you are uncertain about.
June provides a new point of growth and excitement as Jupiter meets with the North Node on June 1st, giving us another boost of affirmation and hope to whatever we have wanted to start around the New Moon. Venus in Cancer will also make a dreamy aspect to Neptune in Pisces on June 2nd, which is great for art, creativity, escapism, and just having some fun and enjoying the connections of those that love and support you.
Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
This exciting New Moon in Taurus is all about who you are, who you’re discovering yourself to be, and what it means to love yourself faithfully and unconditionally. This past month has brought a review of your self-expression, asking you to reflect on what it means to share your beliefs with others. There may’ve been some retracing and redoing here, as you take the time to discover the right language and words that truly convey your needs. This New Moon with Jupiter in the same sign affirms your growth and expansion, providing the pathway for you to feel true alignment and excitement about your life. Put on your favorite outfit, make up your hair, dance, sing, whatever it takes for you to feel alive. Some tension may be brewing, especially around who you’re discovering yourself to be, and your career or public role needs. There may be some separation from your true authentic self, and how you’re being asked to show up with work and responsibilities. Recognize that there can be some detachment, especially if the need is survival, but finding ways to bridge the gap between the two spaces can also be healing.
Mars entering Leo will encourage you to take action and make change within your home and living spaces. Potentially a redecoration is needed, or some friction may start rise with those you live with, or with your family. What does it mean for you to stay true to yourself, even at times when that is challenged? How is doing the best for yourself also healing and helping your family and home life?
Hidden plans, mental health, spirituality, and how you take care of your needs is the seed of fresh growth under this New Moon in Taurus. This past month may’ve brought big review and reflection of your plans behind the scenes – perhaps you’ve been uncertain how life will all unfold, or there may’ve been so much review and redo going on that others aren’t quite aware of. With this lunation and Jupiter present in the sign, this may bring a new boost of optimism and inspiration flowing into your life. This all stems from trusting. Jupiter is big on trusting the process, the work you’ve done, and trusting your body and mind when it says something feels strong, stable, and right. Pluto may intensify this need to honor and respect the process that is unfolding, even if your long-term plans and goals for the future are feeling pressurized at this moment. Taking each breath as it comes, and living each moment as it arrives, will help regulate any fear and allow you to see the growth that is transpiring.
Mars entering Leo may increase the busyness of your days, filling up the schedule, and encouraging more action regarding your rituals, daily life, and any teaching activities. Friction or tension here may also arise, especially if you’ve been trying to nurture your inner world and mind more. What aspects of your daily routine can you intentionally slow down so that you can practice more self-awareness? What parts of your life are you realizing you need to put more energy and time into?
Community, friends, and having a little more fun with others in your life is encouraged under this New Moon in Taurus. Finding your external support and friendships may have felt a little shaky or uncertain over the past month, but now there’s new exciting growth and expansion occurring here. Jupiter brings affirmation, and loves being in the house of friends, so this may be a very beneficial time for you to go out and make new connections, as well as strengthen any old relationships that might’ve felt a little distant or discouraged. Some tension may arise here against other areas of your life, especially regarding money, collaborations, or shared resources. Notice when some relationships or people are expecting too much out of you, and you may feel like you’re giving up some of your freedom to help put out fires. Certain power struggles are only a projection of other’s needs, not yours. Learning the difference will show you when you really need to care.
Mars entering Leo will encourage action and growth around your own income, resources, and how you bring in money for yourself. Again, conflict or tension may also arise here, showcasing some resources that you may need to cut away or remove to feel more like yourself. Mars may also bring friction with the growth within your friend groups. How can you divert your energy to what is important, but also still have fun with life? Where can you give up a little control and just enjoy the space there is?
Your career and public roles have been going through a major revaluation and shift throughout the past month, and now this New Moon in Taurus plants a more defined seed of growth and path for you to follow. This is all about best finding your groove, what works best for you, what encourages you, and what excites you when it comes to your work in the world. Jupiter will be expanding and affirming this area of your life for the next year, so if you feel like a shift is needed, be on the lookout for new opportunities or areas of big growth. Jupiter will heighten your visibility and presence, so step out into the light when you can. Tension may arise around this growth and your close relationships, or even yourself. You may be pulled in different directions – being asked to tend to your career but also those important people in your life, and with your own new personal realizations. Recognize the balance and areas where boundaries can be solidified, so that everything and everyone doesn’t have to run together.
Mars entering Leo will continue to light your fire of self-expression, encouraging you to find the most authentic version of yourself and share it with others you love. This may also create a bit of natural separation – what aspects of yourself feel old and don’t quite fit anymore? What are you learning to let go of so you can better step into your needs and power? How are your career and relationships impacting or shifting that?
Long-term visions, goals, and dreams for the future receive a boost of inspiration and excitement from this New Moon in Taurus. If your vision board has been under review and reflection for the past month, some pieces may finally start to click into place and inspire you to start a change. This is a great lunation to learn something new, dive in deeper to philosophy or religion, and/or carve out your ideal long-term dreams and goals for the future. This boost may be intensified by a deeper understanding of what you desire from of your daily life – whether it be more time with friends, experiencing more freedom, or putting your body health at a higher priority. Ultimately, you should reframe your direction about what you need the most out of life to enjoy the little moments, and to not feel like you are constantly chasing a bigger picture. The grass is always greener where you water it.
Mars entering into Leo may pull some friction and tension within your inner mind, spirituality, and hidden thoughts or plans you are mulling over. It’s important to really pay attention to what your mind and mental health are telling you. Sometimes we paint a big vision for our life, but is it truly what we need at this moment? If sitting with your thoughts feels frustrating, try to understand why. What internal needs or desires are blocking you from your own growth? What are you realizing you need out of your daily life to better support your body and mind?
This New Moon in Taurus plants a seed of new growth around money and shared resources. Finding the right match of income between you and your partner, both business and personal, may have felt a little uncertain and unstable the past month, but there is finally affirmation and clarity around what is growing here. A new change or beginning may emerge regarding money and collaborations, surrounding who brings in what and the direction these arrangements are moving into. There may be a big push for growth or stability here, which is exciting, but tensions may also arise. Your own creative pursuits and passions are at the forefront, and these monetary agreements have to find a way to align with them for you to feel satisfied. Notice where compromise may be necessary, or where you are bending over backwards for another’s wishes. Breaking free from past traditions and old agreements may be necessary – sometimes finding a completely different approach will meet everyone’s needs.
Mars entering Leo will ignite a fire within your friend groups and communities, including the ways you have fun and enjoy time with others. This may encourage you to seek out more adventures and share your time with friends, make new connections, or just have a little more fun. Mars may also push separation — perhaps there are some relationships that aren’t working out for the best right now, and you may feel more inclined to work on yourself. What has changed in your life regarding work or connections with others? How are you having fun or expressing your creative side lately?
One-on-one relationships, partnerships, and the ways you are able to grow with others or outside of them are highlighted under this New Moon in Taurus. The past month may’ve brought some uncertainty within this area of your life, muddling some expectations or creating confusing conversations and signals between you and your partners, both business and personal. This lunation brings a fresh boost of energy, affirmation, and stability within your relationships. Whatever core element needs a little more support, this lunation wants to encourage it, even if it’s about your own ability to tackle life within your own means. Tension may arise between relationships against your own foundation, with includes your home and private, personal life. Your own priorities may be challenged at this time, because both areas of your life are important, but you may be asked to focus more on one rather than the other. Knowing that letting go of something or someone doesn’t have to be forever, and what’s met to be in alignment will always find its way back.
Mars entering Leo will encourage you to take more action and movement in your career, public roles, and how you are seen in the public eye. This may provide great growth and excitement, but also create some friction and tension as your relationships and foundational home needs are demanding time. Ignoring everyone else’s opinions, what is the most important thing for you to focus on right now? What area of your life is lacking the most, and how can you nurture it? What excites you right now?
Daily work life, work routines, and relationships with coworkers as well as your own body health is the focus of fresh growth and expansion under this New Moon in Taurus. If finding a consistent and satisfying schedule has been lagging lately, this New Moon helps clarify and affirm what you need in your daily life and what arrangement will work best for you. Reflect on what it means to enjoy the little gifts of living, and notice where work routines and schedules can flow a little lighter. Of course, there is also the potential for life to get too busy, and you may be challenged to find ways to express that and delegate tasks that are not on the priority list. Grind is not always alignment – doing more doesn’t always produce a better life. If it’s necessary, practice putting yourself and your body health first in your work life, and notice what really isn’t that pressing or important.
Mars entering Leo will encourage action in the area of your life regarding your long-term plans, goals, and visions for the future. You may feel more inspired to start looking at your overall direction and pick apart what you really want now that time has passed. This is also a good moment to learn something new that excites you, head back to school, or make some travel plans you’ve been putting off. What about your daily life is changing that you want to incorporate into your future? What do you want to let go of instead? If the day-to-day gets heavy, reflect on the distant goals and your “why.”
The New Moon in Taurus brings sweet inspiration and affirmation to your fun, creative, childlike, and pleasurable side of life, however that may look for you. If the past month has brought difficulties in terms of how you experience enjoyment and express yourself through laughter and art, this lunation may provide healing and clarification. Jupiter will bring the big YES to whatever needs a little boost of encouragement and support. If you’ve been feeling inspired to create something new, whether it be something you’ve been working on or just thinking about, this lunation brings the energy to move full-speed ahead. Some doubts may arise regarding money, and material concerns may linger during these moments. While there’s still a necessary responsibility about maintaining sufficient resources, recognize where attachment to this is also draining you. The balance between work and play can be delicate, but it’s never permanent, and leaning to one side won’t always hurt the other.
Mars entering Leo will encourage more action and inspiration to living a life that feels in best alignment with yourself, but may also create some tension and friction within group projects and collaborations. Other people may start relying on you for your income or resources regarding any shared projects or arrangements, and you may have to be the one to pump the brakes. What group work or shared aspects of life need a revaluation? Where are others stealing too much of your time, especially when it comes to you having a little more fun?
Your home and family life receive a burst of encouragement and optimism under this New Moon in Taurus, inspiring you to plant a seed of fresh growth here. It’s all about how you can implement what you’ve been learning regarding having a nurtured private life and living space. After much review and reflection, you may start to feel more confident and deeply understanding what must change within your home life, especially as you begin to unearth your own needs and desires. A change or intensification around your personal actions, beliefs, and even body health may start to appear and demand these shifts in your own foundation so you can better support yourself. Our home and living environment is the ground floor of where everything grows, and if that is cracked or broken, it will start to expose our own pain points. To really find true and beneficial growth, we have to have a supportive place to begin.
Mars entering into Leo may encourage action and growth within your one-on-one relationships and partnerships, or create some tension there. Your own relationships may be experiencing some friction and need attention, and you may feel pulled in different directions trying to mend those connections and still ensure your foundation and home feels stable. This astrology ultimately will encourage you to review your priorities. What do you need within your relationships at this time? What do you desire within your home and living spaces? Where can you compromise, and what is more important to your own life right now?
Your daily life, routines, rituals, conversations with loved ones, and any teaching projects or ventures receive a fresh seed of growth under this New Moon in Taurus. If finding a fixed routine has been a little difficult in the past month, this lunation provides some clarity and more stability around what you need in your life to find more fulfillment and enjoyment. Lean in the little joys and moments of living, a cute text message, a good cup of coffee, or a short walk around the block – anything that helps you feel personally expansive but also enjoy the sweet nothings. Tension may arise between this focus against any previous loss or hardship that’s lingering, or perhaps a need to tend to mental health. Your days may be getting busier, but there can also be heaviness with this or feeling like you want to isolate from life. During this lunation, it’s important to recognize that friction is also growth, and pulling yourself out from the depths doesn’t have to be done alone. And if you need some space to tend to your inner mind, it doesn’t have to be permanent.
Mars entering Leo will continue to increase the action and motivation around your daily life, but especially in regard to work routines and tasks. More work opportunities may be presented, and you may feel a little stretched thin between everything you’re asked to do. What is exciting and motivating for you to pursue in life? What can you cut away from instead? Where is the balance sitting between your physical health and your mental wellness?
Income, money, and resources are the areas of fresh exciting growth occurring under this New Moon in Taurus. This part of your life may’ve been under change and review over the last month, leaving you uncertain and conflicted about how to the support yourself. Under this lunation, and with Jupiter’s ingress into this sign, there’s an opportunity for excitement, inspiration, and also clarity around how you make money and feel more stable within yourself and your life. This is the time to really trust and lean into what is your ideal way of supporting yourself, what does your income flow look like, and how your overall foundation feels. Tension or pressure may arise between this deep need to be focusing on your own life and self against outside community and friend groups. Recognize the ebb and flow of life, and how it’s okay to pull back from the external world when you feel to the need to nurture the internal. Not everything has to be done or given attention to at this moment.
Mars entering into Leo will encourage more action and time spent with the ways that help you express yourself, including creative movement, play, artistic expression, or just enjoying life and time with others. Mars may also encourage you to cut away some part of your life that really doesn’t satisfy you anymore. Where is there give and take between what’s changing with your work/money and yourself? What parts of your fun life are you wanting to change or remove? What tension is arising there?
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