Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 2023 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio and important astrological events up to the New Moon in Taurus in late May. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The final Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio arrives on May 5th at 1:34pm EDT. The first eclipse we had in Scorpio was May 16th 2022, the second one was October 25th 2022, and this will be the final one in this sign – wrapping up a cycle of transformation, releasing, and clearing away in this area of your life. South Node eclipses like this are similar to a big purge of our system, and in Scorpio, it’s very much about death and clearing away an old pattern or system we have clinged to. Ruled by Mars, who’s in the Moon’s sign of Cancer, there’s a theme around emotional security and comfort, and letting go of something you thought helped maintain permanence in your life.
There’s a need remove attachment to stability because the foundation or the structures we thought supported us are actually cracked, broken, and rotting away. Uranus sits opposite to this Full Moon, promoting uncertainty as well as breaking free from constraints. In fixed signs like Scorpio and Taurus, there’s often resistance to change and fluidity, but that can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities. This lunation encourages you to take a risk in an area of your life you generally try to stay safe in, because it’s time to clear away some of the old, stale, and moldy water.
This Full Moon may bring up intense emotions that have been kept down or hidden from yourself. There may be tension that is felt, even if the source is unclear or unexplainable. This is a good moment to take some time off, reflect over the past year, allow yourself to feel all the feelings, drink lots of water, and nap.
Venus will enter Cancer on May 7th, which provides ease and softness back into our bodies. This shift will also increase connectivity with others, and that may be good for sharing whatever has come up during the last two eclipses, and recognizing that we aren’t necessarily fighting these battles alone. Great moment to take inventory of your support system and use it when it’s needed.
An aftershock of the eclipse occurs on May 9th when the Sun meets Uranus in Taurus. This brings up new disruptions, changes, and challenges that may be unfolding in your life. What is being uprooted? Where are you shaking up the expectations and norms that you have generally stuck to? Disrupt the tradition so that you can shine, realizing that change isn’t necessarily always a bad thing.
There’s a flow of helpful and harmonious aspects around May 12th that will ease this transition and provide a foundation to review our commitments and ideas we have been mulling over during this Mercury retrograde. Venus in Cancer will make a sweet trine to Saturn in Pisces, which is a beautiful aspect for long-term devotion and promises within relationships. You may be able to understand each other’s needs a little more clearly, and have a better grasp on what’s required to build the ideal partnership.
Mercury finally stations direct on May 14th, wrapping up the three and half weeks of mistakes, reviews, and overall slower movement with our goals and plans. Mars will trine Neptune on May 15th, which is a good day to take action regarding your fantasies, dreams, and idealistic aspirations that may seem impossible. There’s an increase of motivation to make those beliefs a reality, even if it seems a little impractical, because you are understanding more about what you’re capable of.
Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16th and will promptly square Pluto in Aquarius on May 17th. Jupiter is leaving Aries for good and won’t return for another twelve years. The shift into Taurus will be loud and visible, especially due to the square from Pluto. Again, the theme continues around the fixed and permanent areas of our life that are going through a change – but Jupiter will provide blessings of expansion and abundance throughout this upheaval. Whatever may’ve been disrupted here has the potential to be rebuilt back stronger than ever.
Let’s look at where this Full Moon and eclipse astrology is happening for you specifically.
Who you are, the challenges you have faced, and the new adventures you have embarked on since May of last year are illuminated under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Humans are fluid beings. Our own bodies completely reset and replace the cells every seven years. In the process of new growth, what is old and stale within ourselves must die so that space for new growth can be created. In a way, you are discovering old patterns and beliefs about yourself that are ready to be released and removed. How have you grown over the last year or longer? What accomplishments and challenges have you taken on? Where are you realizing how an older version of yourself, one that is more naïve and without these past experiences, is clinging on and needs to be shed so that true transformation and growth can occur? While nostalgia and regret can make this process difficult, remember nothing that lives is stagnant. We all must change so we are able to grow and move forward.
Venus moving into Cancer will bring sweet blessings and inspiration to your long-term plans, goals, and direction for the future including potential travel plans or learning new information. Look out for ideas blooming around your future, or boosts of inspiration to learn something new and have fun with it.
Loss, fear, and any personal ways you may self-sabotage or get in your own way is highlighted under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. You have been in a cycle of reviewing your past traumas and difficult experiences since May of last year, and this eclipse brings a final releasing and clearing away of people and events that hold you down and back from shining your true light. Who or what toxic mentality have you let go of in your life? In what ways have you discovered you get in your own way, and how are you learning to clear that? What new projects or hidden ideas are now forming? If you need inspiration, tap into your body and what routines seem to be necessary to keep you engaged and inspired in life. Let your ideal or changing daily work life and routine help show you what stagnation or old understandings you need to clear in your mental spaces.
Venus entering into Cancer may bring blessings and support with shared resources, which is simply your resources combined with your partner’s or another collaboration either with work or personal. Notice if you start to find income opportunities not directly tied to what you bring in, and allow yourself to be open to receiving gifts when they are offered.
This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio highlights your friend groups, community, and those you hang out with for fun and adventure. There’s been a releasing in this area of your life since May 2022, and it’s finally coming to a point of completion. What have you been letting go of in regard to those you spend time with? What relationships have you simply outgrown? This is a great lunation to reflect on the ways have you changed as a person, and who you need in your friend groups and support system that encourages your growth. Removing yourself from friendships is never an easy task, but often times it can be felt as a relief, especially when you realize how certain groups have grown to be a heavy weight instead of a reliable structure. So much is changing in your own personal creative life that it would be helpful for you to nourish your own art and creations, and find like-minded people through those channels.
Venus entering into Cancer will help sweeten whatever changes are going on through your friendships, and provide deeper connections and blessings through your one-on-one relationships and partnerships. Utilize her ingress by reaching out to those people who love and care about you, and look for the opportunity of new personal relationships to develop, or old ones may be strengthened.
Your career and public roles are the topics highlighted under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Since May 2022, you have been undergoing a revision in this area of your life, letting something go, or releasing an old way you have previously been framed in the public eye and with your responsibilities there. There’s an unfolding and removal of an old job or position that simply no longer fits you anymore. What has changed in your career since last year? What are you learning you no longer want to have or pursue any longer? What new ideas need space to grow? Some of this purge and release may be situated around upheaval and transformation in your home and family life. Whatever you are learning about what you now need from your living environment and the people that raised you, or those you currently live with, is helping frame this career transition and release. If these cornerstones of your life feel a little unstable right now, just hang on. Everything is working out in the way it needs to.
Venus entering into Cancer will help provide some ease and relief regarding your daily work routines and schedule. You may find some work that’s enjoyable, a fresh routine that suits your needs better, or new coworkers that light up your daily grind. Take the little blessings as they come.
Long-term visions, higher education, philosophy, religion, and long-distance travel is the theme highlighted under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. There has been a clearing away of a vision or direction you thought you were pursuing since May 2022, and this lunation brings the beginning of the final ending. What long-term plans or goals you’ve previously dreamt suddenly feel stale or are no longer working out for you? What new dreams or visions are you releasing out to the world? Or is there something ending in your life around higher education, philosophy, and/or religion? Recognize that letting go of a vision or goal doesn’t mean you will be left without anything to pursue. Sometimes making space in this area will help you see more clearly what it is that you truly want, and what supports the growth you have been pursuing. If you need inspiration, look towards your ideal daily life and rituals you would like to nurture.
Venus shifting into Cancer will provide a boost of personal creativity and inspiration around art, fun, movement, and even children if applicable. If life has been feeling heavy, use this transit to get out and make some art or express yourself in whatever way feels natural. Allow yourself to pencil in more fun moments on your calendar.
Shared resources, financing, collaborations, and any work that involves you and another person is illuminated under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. There’s something you have been clearing away here, especially since the first eclipse occurring in this sign in May of last year. Perhaps you are removing yourself from old and stale arrangements that no longer support the growth you have been pursuing. Maybe your partners (both business and personal) piece of the collaboration is being reviewed or released. What is changing regarding income and money for you? Where are you letting go of a source of financing or support? Your own income has been going through an increase and change in the last year, and perhaps between these disruptions or breakthroughs you are being shown what needs to be let go of in regard to shared income. Loosening a grip on what must leave is often a learned skill.
Venus moving into Cancer will be sweet for your home and living spaces. This is a great time to reconnect with family, or beautify your own home so that it feels pleasurable to be in. Spring cleaning or a redecoration may be on the books. Or simply, with so much happening with work, it may be nice to have a space to retreat and relax.
Your partnerships and one-on-one relationships are highlighted under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. There’s a clearing and releasing here, from a cycle that started in May 2022, and this lunation wraps up and brings a finalization to whatever has been changing around your relationships, or with your partner(s) themselves. This may bring literal relationships ending, or a transformation around the people you choose to spend your quality time with. Potentially your own partners are going through a personal revision, either by letting go of a large part of their life, or switching gears and moving to a new direction. How have relationships changed for you since last year? What are you no longer available for within partnerships? What new relationships are now starting to bud within this space? So much of this change has been centered around how you are disrupting and transforming yourself. Find those people that support you.
Venus shifting into Cancer will bring sweet conversations and blessings to your daily life and rituals, making the mundane a little softer. Use this transit to see how you can beautify your daily routine and life, and take more space in your days for yourself and to connect with those you love. Nurture the important relationships in your life, especially siblings, cousins, and close friends.
Daily work routines, rituals, coworkers, and how you structure your daily life as well as the regular things you do to take care of your body health are illuminated under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This area of your life has been going through a transformation – since May of last year you have been clearing out the schedules and responsibilities that aren’t fitting you anymore, and this eclipse provides a final wash away of any stagnant or old routines so you can create new. What have you let go of regarding work and responsibilities since last year? What does your ideal daily routine look like now? How is that different than before? Hidden projects and ideas you’re brewing behind the scenes have been disrupting your standards for work life, and now it may provide some insight about the next steps you need to take regarding what must be removed and replaced. Listen to your body and emotions for additional insight as required.
Venus will then enter Cancer, providing sweet blessings and ease with your income, money, and overall resources you cultivate for yourself. Look for new connections or opportunities in how you make and earn money, and stay open to what feels comfortable and “right” in your own intuition when it comes to supporting yourself and your needs.
The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio illuminates your creative life, the ways you make art or create new ideas, and even your children or work with children if applicable. There has been a release and letting go of responsibilities here, especially around the ways you’ve used to have fun or express yourself. Perhaps there are hobbies that just don’t fit you anymore, and it’s time to move on from them. Maybe you are discovering new sources of inspiration for yourself, and you’re ready to create space to pursue them. What is changing around the ways you have fun and enjoy life? What creative projects have you released to the world, or ultimately let go of for the long term? What does it mean to just relax or have fun without work? Your friend groups and community have been going through a disrupting period of growth, so if you need support during this transition, see what fresh ideas can be found around the people you love.
Venus entering into your home sign of Cancer will give you a magnetic quality, and is great for spending time exploring yourself, who you are, and ultimately what motivates and excites you in life. Get comfortable with understanding your body and its needs, and allow yourself during this transit to be a little more selfish when it comes to nurturing.
Home and family life are illuminated under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This covers all themes of the family who raised you, the current family that supports you now, and your living environment. How has the definition of home changed for you since May of last year? What are you letting go of in regard to home life, or your relationships with family? What does your foundation look like now? This lunation may bring up nostalgia and past memories of an ideal home and quiet space, but recognize it’s history for a reason. Home is the foundation of which we grow upon, and as we change and discover more about ourselves, that foundation must also move and grow with us. To support that transformation, we may have to cut away old or dying aspects of home life that we thought were fixed or stable. It’s all about having a blank slate to create upon.
Venus shifting into Cancer will provide some personal healing and regeneration to your life, your mental health, and any behind the scenes projects you have been nurturing. If your inner mind has felt turbulent lately, or if you have felt like you’re getting in your own way when it comes to life, Venus will help connect the missing pieces and provide more ease and flow. Carve out some mediation and quiet time as needed – the answers are there.
Your daily life, rituals, things you consume or do every day, writing projects, teaching, and even life around your neighborhood and siblings or close friends, is highlighted under this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. There’s a theme around how your routine has shifted since last May, and over the past year you have been adjusting to your new schedule and changing how you approach the daily adventure of living. How has your day-to-day transformed? What have you let go of or released in terms of teaching, communication projects, or work? What routines no longer fit your life now, and what is that making space for? Disruptions or changes may be occurring with your long-term plans and expanding goals for the future, and that may provide inspiration for what needs to be adjusted in your day-to-day life. Lean into what is your ideal structure, and see what needs to be removed to create space for it.
Venus entering into Cancer will be great for all events and activities surrounding your community and friendships. She will bring connectivity and little blessings around your friend groups and people you have fun with. If daily life feels messy, seek out support from those you enjoy, and be on the lookout for new people that help expand your mind and daily adventures.
How you earn money, what your income looks like, and the overall resources you are cultivating for yourself is under a deep review with this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. You have been undergoing a process of letting go of old beliefs around money and income, and what you’ve been previously required to do to earn it. This cycle was initiated last May, and the grand finale and wrap up is occurring under this eclipse. What are you now clearing away regarding financial obligations and expectations? What is no longer worth your time and energy in exchange for currency? Where or how is your self-confidence shifting? The opposition to Uranus encourages this release through a change or disruption occurring with shared resources and your partner’s income. Something is shifting there, and it may help you create more space and remove the unnecessary burden within your own financial pressures.
Venus entering into Cancer provides some ease and flow regarding your long-term plans, higher level goals, and any new education or cultural adventures. There’s an increase in connectivity and with the ability to attract new ideas and relationships that help you see life a little more differently. This is all to assist you in exploring new avenues of growth and inspiration for your work and overall direction.
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