Full Moon in Sagittarius 2023 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Sagittarius and important astrological events up to the New Moon in Gemini in late June. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives late on June 3rd at 11:41pm ET. This lunation is ruled by Jupiter, and the Sun is ruled by Mercury, and both planets are sitting in aversion to signs they rule. Aversion simply means that the planet cannot see those signs by aspect. If the signs represent different rooms of a house where there’s a unique vibe and expectation, having an aspect or line of sight to the ruler of the house will help the planet that’s currently in it. But the Moon here has no aspect to Jupiter and has to figure things out alone and without direct support.
So there’s a blind spot or uncertain position present. The Sagittarius room of the house encourages adventure, faith, and trusting in a higher position or power in life. The Moon currently ventures through this with little insight, just knowing that she has to trust. In a way, this Full Moon encourages movement and dedication even without a clear outcome or vision forward. Saturn and Neptune currently in Pisces may put more pressure on this lunation than needed, feeling like there has to be some level of control and responsibility here, but the path is unclear, murky, and confusing.
The most important thing to recognize during this Full Moon is that you don’t have all the answers yet. Jupiter promises abundance and growth, but you may have no idea where to find it. There’s an unstable and reckless feeling to believing in yourself and dreams, but leaning into that space will be more beneficial instead of trying to pinpoint details and plans that don’t quite exist yet.
To add chaos to the mix, Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus on June 4th. Mercury never quite reached Uranus’ point in the sky before they went retrograde, and this conjunction is a sort of completion to the entire Mercury retrograde cycle that transpired over the last month. While Uranus is definitely unstable and messy, there’s a fulfillment to this aspect. It brings the potential for a new breakthrough or deeper understanding of self and life. This can be exciting and powerful, especially after some review and revisiting the process here.
Venus enters Leo on June 6th, and promptly opposes Pluto in Aquarius during this transition. There is more fire and passion in the sky now — motivation and dedication to work and relationships. Venus in Cancer may’ve brought up many feelings about your life and overall direction, and now in Leo, she will encourage you to act on what you’re realizing needs to be changed. Pluto will only intensify this transition, and may create some initial challenges you’ll have to overcome.
Things slow down, and Mercury in Taurus will make a soft aspect to Neptune in Pisces on June 9th, which is a good day for writing or art, dreaming up something sweet and exciting, and for having more of a light-hearted experience with life. Not necessarily a great day for details, but good for escapism and big picture ideals.
The last quarter moon ushers in some bigger changes as Pluto reenters Capricorn and Mercury enters Gemini on June 11th. Pluto’s short stent in Aquarius is put on pause as he returns to Capricorn to wrap up unfinished business with restructuring society, government, and economical systems. Mercury finally departs Taurus after a long two-month cycle of review and disarray in this sign. Finally in a home sign, Mercury will gain speed and there will be an increase of communication, excitement, and planning.
Venus in Leo will also square Jupiter in Taurus on June 11th, which is a great few days to have fun, adventure, spend time with friends, and enjoy life a little bit even if there’s a slight potential to overdo it or take on too much.
Right before the New Moon, Mercury makes a challenging square to Saturn in Pisces as Saturn also turns retrograde on June 15th. This can be a frustrating experience as Saturn will challenge Mercury’s logic, reasoning, and rational mindset. This may cause us to question everything and be more self-critical about our plans. Trusting the process and recognizing where you might not have full control will be helpful.
Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Who you are, how you have been growing, and what you are uncovering about yourself is highlighted under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. In what way have you come to a point of completion with your own growth and self-development, especially within the last six months? What are you being asked to celebrate and respect about your journey, and what are you also being asked to let go of and remove from your self as it no longer fits you? This is the process of transformation, illuminated by this lunation. Sometimes the path is scary, especially when it’s occurring in the dark, and without a clear direction, goal, or support visible. The point of transformation is trusting in the unknown, and knowing that it’s all part of the rebirth. The reward of believing in yourself is much greater than having complete control over the journey.
Mercury and Uranus meeting in Taurus may bring a revelation or insight around your daily work routines and structures. You may experience disrupting conversations with your coworkers, or have a breakthrough with any realization or need to tend to your body health and personal needs more deeply. Look for new ways to structure your responsibilities and routines so there’s more space.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your mental health, hidden spaces, self-undoing, hidden enemies, and everything you have been working through behind the scenes of visible life. There’s a culmination and completion element here, especially around what has started six months ago and where you’re finally gaining an understanding of yourself and your inner needs. This may involve letting go of something or someone, or old habits that hold you back from your own growth. The potential for feeling isolated and alone is always possible with these lunations, but trust the fact that time will pass and more information will come to light when it’s available. Even if you can’t see the way out of any challenging situations, know that with astrology, nothing lasts forever.
Mercury meeting Uranus in Taurus may give you a break from the harder parts of life and provide some release and fun within your creative projects and ways you enjoy living. Look for breakthroughs and revelations regarding inspiration and insight, and give yourself space from constantly achieving to trying something different that’s fun and releases energy. Both are equally important and needed to maintain balance in life.
Friendships and your community are highlighted under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. There’s something you may be letting go of or an experience that’s coming to a point of completion around your external relationships and acquaintances. The people you seek fun adventures with and support from may be changing, or new connections may be coming into your life. What has transformed within your relationships over the last six months? What or who are you celebrating that has stuck by your side? If it feels a little lonelier or isolating right now, it’s important to recognize that you may not have the full picture. Life is about enjoying living, even if that means with yourself for the time being. How can you have a little more fun this weekend?
Mercury will meet Uranus the day after, wrapping up and putting an exclamation point on the review and restructuring you have been doing in your home and family life. A disrupting new piece of information or shockwave revelation may be unearthed about your family or living environment. Be open to changing your plans or taking a more untraditional approach to your private and home structures.
Career and public roles are illuminated under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. This lunation may highlight a point of completion and celebration with your work in the world — potentially a new role or promotion. It may also bring a shedding away or a removal of certain responsibilities that no longer support your needs and growth. How has career and work changed for you in the last six months? What does it feel like you are leaving behind and asked to step into instead? If there has been a loss or uncertain feeling about your career direction and where you’re being asked to move into, trust the process even if it feels like you can’t see the road ahead. Leaning more into your intuition and what feels right, even if it isn’t practical, will give you a starting point.
Mercury and Uranus meeting together in Taurus may encourage a shift or change in your daily routine, rituals, teaching projects, and any local presence or practices you have. You may have a breakthrough conversation or a new insight through discussions with your close relationships and connections. Try taking a different route to work, or break free from your traditional structures, and see what excitement and newness emerges.
Your long-term direction, plans, and visions for the future as well as any overarching beliefs about life are highlighted under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. There may be an element of completion with this lunation – something coming to a point of celebration and appreciation that begun in the last six months. Perhaps a new milestone or goal has been reached, or some plans have been solidified. At the same time, you may be asked to let something go or remove a belief or dream you had that just isn’t working out any longer. If the overall direction and life feels a little too uncertain or scary, you’re asked to trust the process and take risks where you see fit. Sometimes not knowing the journey is the whole point, because if we did, we wouldn’t take the jump that could ultimately be the best thing for us.
Mercury and Uranus meeting in Taurus may bring a breakthrough and/or disruption in your life regarding money, income, and resources. Your sense of self-stability and support may’ve been under review and reevaluation over the last two months with the retrograde here, but this aspect brings insight and a deeper understanding of what it’s been all about. Take the untraditional path, and know it’s for the best.
Shared resources, collaborations, and all things financial that involve you and another person are illuminated under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. There’s a new growth highlighted here, perhaps around your income or your partner’s income, that has been changing and transforming in the last six months. What exciting things have you been creating with another person? How are they growing, or are there some collaborations and group work you’re being asked to cut away or let go of? If making this adjustment seems scary or uncertain, this lunation will give you the courage necessary to dive into the unknown. Even without the finish line in sight, you will be asked to put your trust with yourself or this collaboration, and at least know you are not alone. Finances may seem scary at times, but they aren’t always what is real.
Mercury and Uranus meeting in Taurus is a powerful combination for yourself, and may result in breakthroughs and new information about who you are, your needs, and how you are being called to present yourself to the world. Be the voice that speaks loud and clear about who you are and what you are called to do. Other people will look to you for inspiration and to break free themselves.
Relationships and partnerships of all kinds are highlighted under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. This is a point of development here — potentially reaching a new milestone with your loved ones or finding new one-on-one relationships that support your vision for yourself. How has your support system changed in the last six months? Where are you learning you’re able to lean into more help or finding that you take on more challenges yourself? If things feel rather isolating and lonely, or that the close relationships in your life aren’t understanding what you are truly experiencing, know that it’s only temporary. Assistance may feel hidden right now, but simply asking for help when you need it can show you the people who are willing to step up to the challenge.
The conjunction of Mercury and Uranus the day after the Full Moon may bring revelations and unexpected breakthroughs regarding your own mental health and inner healing work. Whatever challenges and isolations you’ve been going through have all been for a reason, and this aspect will highlight new insights and knowledge about yourself, your patterns, and what you need to do to better nurture your mind and soul.
Work routines, schedules, responsibilities, relationships with coworkers, and pet needs are illuminated under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. What has changed with your daily work life and rituals that may’ve started six months ago? What are you celebrating here in terms of growth, and what work responsibilities are you letting go of so you can nurture your own needs and body health? This lunation is all about how you can structure your days so that you feel more in alignment with yourself and able to feel more connected to what you truly value. If there’s a change occurring here, be mindful if it feels a little scary or uncertain. This Full Moon asks us to have faith and trust the process, even if we aren’t able to see the overarching impact yet. Putting your needs first and listening to your intuition will help you find the best path forward.
Mercury and Uranus conjuncting in Taurus may bring excitement and transformations with your communities, friendships, and the ways you have fun with others. Be open to unexpected conversations or invitations to do something outside of your comfort zone. If work has been demanding, use the days after the Full Moon to let loose and let things be.
Your creative projects, inspired actions, and any art or magic you love to make and share with the world is highlighted under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. There’s a point of celebration and appreciation, of how your creative work and the ways you have fun are reaching an exciting point of growth. This lunation may also highlight what you have let go of in this area of your life, perhaps removing it from your routine so that there’s space for something new to grow. There’s always a potential to struggle to tap into a little more fun and adventure during this Full Moon, especially if other pressing matters seem to be begging for your attention. Nurture yourself and recognize that play is equally as important as being responsible. We cannot tap into one without the other.
The conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in Taurus may bring a breakthrough or breakdown from some matter related to work, career, and how you support yourself. Notice what exciting conversations you are having regarding your public reputation, or where you’re having a realization about what’s actually important for you to be focusing on in this area of your life. Breaking the traditional structures and expectations is necessary.
Home and family life is the locus of attention under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. There’s a culmination occurring here around what has changed and transformed in this area of your life over the last six months. What are you celebrating and appreciating regarding your home life and family? What have you let go of or removed in this space as well? Notice if there’s some fear and uncertainty about what is to come, especially if you’re trying to make adjustments here, and know that the process is unfolding in way you may not be able to see clearly. If you are feeling isolated from your family or parents, nurture your space and take care of yourself, trusting that you are still supported and loved. Sometimes the changes that occur out of our vision are the most profound.
Mercury and Uranus conjuncting in Taurus may bring new insights and revelations with your long-term plans, goals for the future, and overall life direction. You may also feel the need to learn something new, expand philosophy or religion, or anything that helps you feel more connected to the world. Look for ways to break free from your traditional views and thinking, and chase after what is exciting to you.
Little rituals, soft conversations, and sweet parts of your daily life are highlighted under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. This is a good time to slow down and reflect on how your everyday routine has changed in the past six months, and where you’re able to carve out new adventure and excitement, as well as softness and comfort, in this space. What challenges or structures have you let go of and found no longer fit your needs? What new practices are you implementing that feel more in alignment? There may be some unknown or uncertainty around what the overall outcome or life direction is, and other capitalistic needs of money, security, and stability. But taking this time to just enjoy the part of living, and nurturing your inner needs of learning and growing, will help ease some of the unknown.
Mercury meeting up with Uranus in Taurus brings new insight or an unexpected transformation around money and shared resources, potentially around your own partner’s income and finances. Loans, inheritances, and other collaborations or agreements are in the ring for a disruption or shakeup, so stay flexible with the arrangements and be open to different and unique paths forward in your work and life with other people.
Money, income, and your resources as well as your sense of security and comfort is highlighted under this Full Moon in Sagittarius. This may be a point of celebration, especially if your career has been experiencing growth in the last six months, and you’re asked to appreciate and honor yourself for your hard work. This may also be a point of release or letting go, perhaps of different income flows that no longer fit you, or of a chunk of money in exchange for security and stability. Whatever financial matters arise, notice if there are any other points of fear and apprehension around this area of your life. It may feel unclear and risky at times, but trusting the process when you can’t see the full picture is part of this lunation. To truly keep something, we have to be willing to let it go and stay unattached.
Mercury meeting Uranus in Taurus may bring a disrupting conversation or breakthrough with your relationships, partnerships, and one-on-one connections. This may’ve been a big period of review around what is stable and consistent in your life, and there’s finally a revelation or understanding between one another. Be sure to speak your mind when the need arises, and stay open to untraditional paths as they align.
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