New Moon in Gemini 2023 — Forecast

This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Gemini and important astrological events up to the Full Moon in Capricorn in early July. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The fresh New Moon in Gemini arrives on June 18th, 2023 at 12:37am EDT. In a way, this is a positive lunation for starting something new, like a goal that requires great planning, logic, and reasoning. Ruled by Mercury, who is also in Gemini and moving quickly, provides the means for information and knowledge to travel conspicuously, and ready to be picked up by whoever seeks the truth. If an idea or direction feels a little stuck, this is a great New Moon to pick up the pen or phone again, and see what new information starts to flow in.

Of course there is always a catch, especially with this current astrology. The New Moon is at 26° Gemini and forming a difficult square with Neptune at 27° Pisces. Gemini favors calculated information and truths, as well as being able to see the probability of each outcome. Pisces thrives more on beliefs, faith, and being able to trust the possibility over probability. Neptune especially presents confusion, escapism, and big-picture thinking and beliefs.

So while we may feel an increase of energy to deduct, reason, and find solutions as well as make goals and plans for our overall direction – there is still an element of doubt, uncertainty, and unknown that’s fogging up the path and vision. You may think you have everything down and every problem matched with a solution, but then a wave crashes higher than predicted and wipes you out. This may end up being a good New Moon for idealistic planning and potentially escapism, if you are able to balance it with the responsibilities, and leaning into the unknown. Set desires and expectations, then act later when you have more clarity and confidence. 

Luckily, a stabilizing aspect occurs on June 19th, as Jupiter in Taurus makes the first aspect to Saturn in Pisces since 2021. There is finally some reception between the outer traditional planets, and it provides a roadway for making great expansive growth with a solid foundation and boundaries in place. This aspect will help steady the uncertainty and confusion of the New Moon, and provide tools for you to actualize the goals you have in mind, but in a responsible and realistic way.

Summer Solstice arrives on June 21st as the Sun enters Cancer and we meet the longest day of our year. We are now preparing to bear the fruit of our labor, as well as celebrate how far we have come this year with our own growth and desires. Mars, Venus, and the Moon are all in passionate Leo, ready to set the stage for new ambitions and shine your inner light.

Tensions increase as Mercury makes the same confusing square aspect to Neptune on June 25th, which will push us back to the New Moon and ask us to deal with the mixture and separation between logic and reasoning against faith, spirituality, and heart desires. Conceptualize, but leave room for dreams and imagination to transpire.

Early on June 26th, Mars will also make a destabilizing square to Uranus. This may compel you to take big action, but this undertaking will go against the grain and be disrupting to potentially whatever status quo or tradition is set in place. It can feel extremely exciting and motivating, yet also heighten the uncertainty and unknown, but in the name of breakthroughs and becoming more powerful with yourself.

The gifts of this astrology are found in the stabilizing aspects we receive from Saturn the day after something disrupting or chaotic takes place. On June 28th, the Sun in Cancer will trine Saturn, and Mercury will also be entering into Cancer. This will help us poise ourselves and take responsibility for our actions, and be able to move forward in a way where we feel like we have more control and power over our life. This is a great day for cleaning up any messes and putting things back into place.

On July 1st, right after Mercury makes the same trine to Saturn, Mercury and the Sun will meet together in Cancer, signifying the end of the last retrograde cycle. This conjunction brings new information, understanding, and insights into your life and regarding what needs to be done to move forward. This cosmic meetup also takes place with a sweet sextile to Jupiter, which provides a dose of optimism, hope, expansion, and overall feeling of abundance and strength into your life.

Right before the Full Moon, Venus will make the same disrupting square to Uranus on July 2nd. Unlike Mars, this won’t be a one and done. Venus will be stationing retrograde this month, which means this aspect is only one of three. This will the Summer of messy and chaotic relationships, of finding yourself within these connections, and having the creative desire to change and breakthrough old patterns in life. Notice what comes up around this day, and it will be something that will be repeated throughout Venus’ transition.

Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


Who you are – your passions, your fire, your light and your love – is the focus of fresh growth and development under this New Moon in Gemini. You have recently gone through a journey of the underworlds of sorts, letting go of old parts of yourself, and letting different aspects of life end and be finished. This lunation encourages a fresh start, and a stronger period of growth and expansion. You’re asked to incorporate everything you’ve learned, and shape the new ideas of yourself around that experience. Your career is asking for a change as well, and Neptune may promote an idealistic path or fantasy. Allow yourself some time off to dream of what would be the most beautiful role and career path, and what position would ultimately help your own personal growth. Of course, you may be asked to come back down to reality and tend to current responsibilities – but having a vision for the future can inspire you to believe in the possibilities.

Jupiter in Taurus may provide a means for being able to ground and stabilize yourself, especially through inner work, mediation, and spiritual practices as well as just spending time doing things that are healing and regenerative for you (like therapy). Get out in nature or in your favorite space, and reflect on what it means to be alive. What challenges have you overcame this year? Where are you growing and thriving in your life overall? What wounds are coming up, asking you to address and heal?


This New Moon in Gemini pulls you inward, deep into the reflection of your mental health, spirituality, inner beliefs, and whatever enemies or hidden frustrations you’re dealing with behind the scenes. There’s a sense of something new beginning here, maybe a realization of what improved practices you need to implement to better take care of yourself, or an exciting idea that you’re ready to nurture internally before sharing with others. This may also initiate some sort of loss or letting go in different parts of your life, especially the casualties that will ultimately shape who you are yourself. The aspect to Neptune will promote daydreaming about the future and idealistic approaches to your long-term plans. Don’t get too caught up into the fantasies, but it’s helpful to have an inspiring vision that moves you forward. This is also a great lunation to nurture your spirituality and inner beliefs that help you feel more connected to the world. 

If life and this lunation feels a little more isolating, look to your friends and surrounding community for support and integration. Jupiter here can supply hope and optimism, or just an ear to listen and help problem-solve, as long as you ask for the help you need. Use your relationships to have a little more joy and fun in life, and also see what new ideas they can offer when you’re feeling stuck. Not everything has to be so serious or final.


Community, friendships, and the ways you have fun with other people are the focus for fresh and positive growth under this New Moon in Gemini. Things may’ve been changing here, relationships filtering in and out of your life, and this lunation provides a different direction and idea of how you want friendships and fun to grow. Look for exciting conversations, new communities, and different ways you can enjoy living and yourself. Try something new, join a new group, or take a long walk home – anything that puts you out in the orbit. This is also a great time to converse with friends and bounce new ideas off each other. Neptune may confuse some of your current connections, perhaps blurring the lines of people you are just friends with against what collaborations or work ideas are also growing. Practice putting boundaries in place for your relationships, and set necessary divisions between the time you spend on work and play. 

Jupiter in Taurus may provide some additional stability and confidence in your life, especially around work and career moves. Something may be growing or expanding with career and your public roles, so lean into that space, especially when it asks you to trust the process. What new things are amplifying in your career? How are you feeling more stable in that space, and where are you excited to see change? How is that helping you clarify your collaborations?


Your career and public roles are in for a new point of growth and rejuvenation under this New Moon in Gemini. Even if there’s not a dramatic shift, a seed of change has been planted and is well on its way for exciting growth to start to present itself. Be on the lookout for new opportunities, or just the ability to be seen and recognized for all the hard work you have been taking on. Relationships may confuse or disorient this direction for yourself, and you may be asked to discern between what the other (and equally important) people in your life have to say about your work versus how you feel about them. This may also be a time where you feel the need to separate from your work life and take more time to tend to your personal relationships and the magic that can be created there. Try to find the balance between work and play, and be sure to nurture the people and areas of your life that you truly value. 

If you need more help with feeling grounded and stable in your life regarding any relationships or work challenges, turn to your long-term plans and overall visions for your future. Jupiter here wants to expand your feeling of self-growth and power, as well as help you feel confident about your journey. How are your relationships helping you shape your future? What are your authentic values that support who you are as person? What do you want to nurture?


New insights, visions, and goals for the future are shaping up under this exciting New Moon in Gemini. Mercury’s presence here encourages you to try out something new, expand your mind, or reshape your vision for the next five years for how you want your life to grow and change. This is a great lunation to branch out, open a new book, or expand your belief and mind in new ways. Neptune squaring this New Moon also prompts you to have more faith in the matter. While you start to develop a critical plan for moving forward and growing, there may also be some doubts and uncertainty. Neptune’s fog will cloud the path and prompt you to lean more on your intuition and inner knowing versus the logic and reasoning that Mercury so likes. Know that the outcome doesn’t have to be present right away. Sometimes continuing to take the step forward when the path is uncertain will help you build the best foundation that supports you.

Jupiter in Taurus may help stabilize and affirm your direction, especially if you feel a little ungrounded. Look to your collaborations or any work you are taking on with another person to help solidify your future goals. Financial matters may receive a boost as well, potentially around shared income flows or your partner’s own income. If all else fails, use the insight of others to help weed out the details of your goals and plans of how you want to structure your work and overall life.


Contracts, collaborations, and all financial matters than involve another person is illuminated under this New Moon in Gemini. There is something new beginning around your own work and growth with another – potentially also something unknown and unseen that’s developing around your own personal growth and expansion, and any financial arrangements that are tied with another person. What new contracts or negotiations are you stepping into around this time? How is your life going through a rebirth or regenerative change? Stay slow, steady, and take your time to read through every detail as you move forward, especially as this square from Neptune may blur the lines of reality. Notice if your ideals around creative life, passions, and children are shaping this new venture, or perhaps are pulling you away for a little bit of necessary escapism. While major changes and shifts may be unfolding, steady your nervous system by tapping into a creative and fun outlet when possible.

Stability and foundational growth can be found with close friends and one-on-one partnerships as needed. If you are feeling uncertain or hesitant about life, find what’s promising by expanding your connections with other people, and lean on them for help. You do not have to do everything yourself, and while there’s a need to take charge of situations, remind yourself that not everything is in your control, and it’s okay to let some things go and vent to others when needed.


Your partnerships and personal intimate relationships are in for an overhaul during this New Moon in Gemini. A fresh start is beginning here around one-on-one connections and those you spend the most time with – either perhaps a new relationship is brewing, or old ones are being rekindled with a different perspective and more insight. This is a great lunation to plan and appreciate your loved ones, and also see what is changing for yourself. How have you grown this year, and what does that mean for the people you keep by your side? Notice if there are some fantasies or idealistic dreams around your home life and family relationships that may be influencing these partnerships. Neptune is pushing you to formulate a beautiful imagery of what your inner world and home life should look like, and you have to make sure the close friendships and relationships are dreaming up the same vision. If not, something may need a compromise.

If things feel uncertain and unsteady, lean into your day-to-day routines and work schedule that helps keep you grounded and feeling valuable. Work life may’ve been expanding for you recently, and providing a sense of affirmation and abundance to who you are. Reflect on what needs to stay supported there, and then work backwards to your relationships and home. If all else fails, your coworkers are more than willing to listen and help you problem-solve. Sometimes when others are involved, it’s just out of your control. 


Your daily work life, routines, and responsibilities are in for an overhaul and fresh beginning under this New Moon in Gemini. Whether it be changing up your work structure, finding new routines, or just taking more time to nurture your body and physical health, this lunation challenges you to live out the exciting new ideas that are coming to mind around what your daily life should look like. It’s equally okay if it’s a little more idealistic and fantastical in nature. Of course, be mindful on where the balance stands. The aspect from Neptune may promote more escapism and tapping out of responsibilities, which can be great for healing and tending to your spiritual needs, but there’s always a risk of going too far in that direction. Perhaps see what elements of fun and sweetness you can start to incorporate into your daily routine, while at the same time still meeting your baseline of responsibilities. The right mix will look different to everybody.

If you need more help grounding yourself, look to the ways you can create and have fun. Jupiter in Taurus will help support your daily routines by encouraging you to add some joy and creativity into your life. What does fun look like for you lately? Where is inspiration growing, or what do you want to see develop as you tend to it? This summer is all about how you can enjoy and love life a little deeper, and it starts with the side of yourself that doesn’t equal productivity.


Your creative fun life and any lighthearted or joyous relationships, including children, are the focus for inspired growth under this New Moon in Gemini. A new relationship or adventure is starting, and it’s asking you to open your mind and find sources of inspiration that help you love and enjoy life a little more deeply. What about your creative life do you want to nurture and grow? What is feeling a little dead and needs to be brought back to life? Of course, practicality is still necessary and the square to Neptune will have you thinking about your income and finances. Staying grounded with your necessary responsibilities will help your spending not get too out of hand. Money and work are still an important factor for personal expansion and growth, but finding a balance between work and play, spending and saving, is everything this New Moon wants.

If things are picking up and you’re feeling a little flighty about all the ideas you have and want to create, ground yourself through your home life. Jupiter in Taurus wants to remind of you the beautiful and expansive space you are creating at home and with your family. If you’re looking for creative outlets that save money, reflect about what you currently have and see how you can make it bigger. You only need to expand your mind, and there are many opportunities of fun waiting for you.


Home and family life is the place of new growth and intention under this New Moon in Gemini, and there’s a realization of what you need to do to inspire and expand in this sector of your life. Perhaps a new plan or idea is brewing around how you want to see your home and private space grow into for the next six months, and there’s excitement with this potential. You have the ability to envision the practical steps necessary to make your goals happen. Notice where the dreams border on idealism, however. The aspect to Neptune may blur the lines of real and fake, perhaps prompting you to believe you have a contract or plan locked in when in actuality, several pieces are missing. It’s also important to remember that your dreams may not mirror everyone else’s, especially those you plan to live with or your family. Receive input when necessary, and get clear on what is absolutely non-negotiable for you.

If you are seeking support and a steady ground for understanding these decisions, look to your community, close friends, siblings, and daily life. What overall rituals and practices must you have in your home life to help you feel stable and sustained? What does a sense of closeness and commonality mean to you, and how can you cultivate more of that? Seek out to those who you’re close to – they are ready to listen and help you see the entire picture.


Daily life, rituals, and the everyday busyness of running errands and exchanging information is picking up around this New Moon in Gemini. You may find your life has increased activity or new information and exciting conversations are making its way to you. Perhaps something is shifting in your daily routine, or you’re generating new ideas about what you need to ritualize in your life to feel more in love with it. The square to Neptune may encourage more escapism and checking out, however, and there’s always a possibility you’ll feel frustrated by everything else that’s going on in your life. The best way to work with this lunation is to give yourself plenty of alone time to dream and relax as needed, while still tending to your daily routine and structuring it in a way that best supports you.

If life is feeling a little more ungrounded, reflect more deeply on what is solid, stable, and consistent in your world. Jupiter in Taurus may be showing you dependability through income and your overall resources, as well as your self-esteem. How has repetition and steadiness in your routine help satisfy your need to tend to your personal dreams? Where are you able to find more flexibility in your daily life when you are feeling more abundant and supported? Appreciate the ebbs and flows of life, and know that success doesn’t have to be directly tied to your self worth.


Money, income, and the resources that support you are in for a new beginning and fresh start under this New Moon in Gemini. What exciting idea or plan is starting to unfold around how you want to make money and grow financially? Where are you feeling a little more confident in your ability to bring in an income? Notice what shifts or changes are also occurring to your self-esteem and internal needs. As this area of your life is ruled by a mutable sign, sometimes it’s helpful to not have all your eggs in one basket, and instead feel more supported through multiple streams of opportunities. The square to Neptune may confuse things a bit, especially around friend groups and your overarching community. You may feel like escaping from responsibilities to do something fun with them, and definitely allow yourself that space, but don’t get too carried away by the waves. A healthy balance between work and play will allow you to come to back refreshed and ready to move forward.

Neptune may confuse money matters as well, leaving you feeling conflicted over what exactly you should do, but also may be helpful for dreamy ideas about making money with friends or others. If you’re feeling a little ungrounded, tune in to your personal practices. What do you know is true about yourself? What feels right and exciting to you alone? Jupiter in Taurus wants you to expand yourself and follow your own truth, whatever that may look like.

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