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Horoscopes for New Moon in Gemini 2024

The sweet New Moon in Gemini arriving on June 6, 2024, at 8:37 am EDT ushers forth the energetic shifts we’ve been experiencing the last two weeks. On one hand, this is a beautiful New Moon for setting fresh cerebral intentions that Jupiter will work to expand significantly over the following year. But on the other hand, this New Moon also sits in a square with Saturn. There’s a lingering sense of obligation and responsibility behind the New Moon, creating a dark corner in an otherwise bright and expansive party room.

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Forecast Maddie Sloan Forecast Maddie Sloan

New Moon in Gemini 2023 — Forecast

The New Moon in Gemini is quick, fast, and ready to move forward with action and excitement. With Mercury in the sign and moving along, we are ready to make some exciting changes in our life. However, the square from Neptune may confuse the outcome and path, leading us to an idealistic notion of how things SHOULD be. Finding the balance between dreams and reality is where the most growth is found. In the background, Jupiter and Saturn make a stabilizing sextile to help settle our foundation. Venus and Mars creep closer together in passionate Leo.

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