New Moon in Cancer 2023 — Forecast

This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Cancer and important astrological events up to the Full Moon in Aquarius in early August. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The Summer New Moon in Cancer arrives on July 17th, 2023 at 2:31pm EDT. Cancer lunations are always great for diving into the body and nourishing the soul. Ruled by the Moon, these moments in astrology encourage us to come back to not just what our mind is bringing to the forefront, but what our body and intuition is feeling and understanding. Often there’s a disconnect in society between what’s logical and reasonable (our mind and thoughts) against what we are feeling and knowing deep within (body and heart). This New Moon offers an opportunity to reset any disconnection and find how the two can be reconciled.

The need for connection is supported by Neptune in Pisces, who is making a flowing aspect to this New Moon. Neptune, the God of the Sea, is all about dissolving boundaries between what is real and illusion. He’s not helpful for any practical matters because it can be difficult with Neptunian aspects to find logic and reasoning. But he is helpful for dreams, fantasies, and diving deep into the waves of emotion in the body and soul. This New Moon is beautiful for creativity, finding inspiration in nature, and allowing yourself a break from the heavier, more demanding aspects of life. Use this space to become more connected and in tune with your spirituality and how you define what makes life worth living.

This New Moon is also applying to an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn, which may intensify a feeling of separation between what you can control in your life against what’s out of your control but you must accept. Notice where your security and stability are feeling threatened, and allow space to reorient yourself to focus on only what you have direct power over. Try not to allow the intensity to be too overwhelming, and give yourself grace for what you’ve gone through. Mercury and Jupiter aspects today promote the ability to discuss and expand the vision for your life. If new information is rising to the surface, talk about it with others or write out new ideas to move around any roadblocks.

The Nodes also enter Aries/Libra today, signaling a shift of where eclipses will happen this fall. While we have one more eclipse in Taurus in October, the remainder will be in Aries/Libra. This brings new beginnings and endings in the area of our chart that contain Aries and Libra.

Mars now in Virgo makes a difficult aspect to Saturn in Pisces on July 20th. The shift of Mars into Virgo is extremely helpful for making a change or disrupting a pattern in your life, but the two malefics coming together always create tension and challenges. During this transit, we may be taking action and moving forward with new ideas that may suddenly hit a roadblock or boundary that causes us to stop and reevaluate. It’s important to work hard with Mars here, but not push yourself so hard that it feels like you are driving into a wall. The faster you hit the wall, the harder you will crash. There’s a need for balance by still putting in steady effort, but not feeling like you have to rush and completely start over. Saturn likes slow and steady drive and will reward you for consistency.

During this aspect, notice what heightened frustrations or difficulties come to light. Allow yourself a moment to pause without trying to make any dramatic fight if you feel stuck. After the aspect with Saturn, Mars will be applying to Jupiter, which will help us find a new avenue or route forward as well as give us some hope and inspiration to keep making our dreams a possibility.

The Sun in Cancer completes the opposition with Pluto on July 21st. Hidden information may come to light about your identity and what you’re trying to create or manifest under this New Moon. There may be some power struggles or a recognition of separateness between where you’re at and where you want to be. There’s a need to reach deep into yourself to find where you’re getting in your way and creating problems that are pushing you down from your power and ability.

July 22nd is a big day of planetary changes. Right before the Sun enters Leo, he will square the Nodes in Aries/Libra. This means we are directly in-between eclipse seasons, representing a turning point in our overall direction and life. Notice what has come to final fruition from the eclipses that have occurred during the Spring, what is still growing in this space. You may recognize how your overall direction is experiencing a shift in terms of what you truly want to focus on.

Venus also turns retrograde on July 22nd. Venus retrogrades occur in roughly the same area of the sky every eight years, so reflect on the Summer of 2015, especially in August, to what was coming up for you then. While Venus does review relationships, and Venus retrogrades can heavily bring up old connections, friendships, and dynamics from the past, it’s also important to look at the houses Venus rules in your chart (Libra and Taurus). Occurring in Leo, this retrograde will highlight themes of self-love and how we identify with being ourselves – where we live, how we self-express, display our beauty, and what it means to feel passionate about life. Venus will not leave Leo until October 9th. 

Throughout July 23rd – July 28th Pluto will be squaring the Nodes, otherwise known as being at the bendings. There’s an understanding of new information or a power dynamic in our life that may begin to change the path we thought we were on. It can be a week of leaving behind old patterns, which paves the way for us to undergo the process of transformation that Pluto represents. Also on July 23rd, Mercury and Uranus make a disrupting square. This day is great for powerful and groundbreaking ideas and conversations around any Plutonian developments in your life. If there’s a radical idea or change needed, Mercury can help you create a plan of action.

Mercury and Venus retrograde meet together in Leo on July 27th. Mercury the messenger may provide information and generate fresh ideas regarding your relationships and what this Venus retrograde cycle is all about for you. Pay attention to conversations and texts or spoken messages today, as they may come under review or revisitation.

Mercury then moves into Virgo on July 28th, which is their place of domicile and exaltation. Virgo is all about working through the details and getting the facts exactly right. This can be a wonderful time to get things done, drill down into the details, and find what is missing. Here, Mercury wants you to get clear on what needs to be removed and challenged to better fit the goals and ideas you are trying to manifest. Mercury will station retrograde later in this sign, so more review may come to the surface later in August.

Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


This sweet New Moon in your home sign of Cancer is all about yourself, who you are, how you are growing and learning more about your inner needs, body health, and self-expression. The external world and material matters have been taking so much of your time, but are you also giving yourself the space to reflect internally? What has your body been telling or showing you lately? Where are you feeling more lack than before? Nourishment is not simply a desire, but a birthright, and we are asked to honor and respect that need. Something may be asking to change with your daily rituals and routines so that you can love yourself more freely and whole-heartedly. By learning to become more comfortable and loved within our body, we can help shape our outer direction and relationships. If we aren’t clear on what we need, everything else in our life will be equally as messy. 

Mars shifting into Virgo has the potential to make your days busy and active, adding more fire to daily routines, close relationships, and conversations you have around your life and what you are sharing with other people. You may find yourself with a lot on your plate or trying to make several things happen at once. During the opposition from Saturn on July 20th, this can become even more intense. Be mindful that there are boundaries in place for your work and routine so that you also have the time to dream, reflect, and still plan for the future or what you are inspiring to do for this summer and fall.


Your hidden world, inner workings, spirituality, and what you are letting go of in life is the focus for nourishment and regeneration under this New Moon in Cancer. This may be a time of retreat, of deep inner reflection, of coming to terms with what has transpired for you this year and accepting the process in its entirety. New Moons occurring in this part of the chart always plant the seed for complete regeneration and transformation of our core self. By acknowledging and honoring this time of inner knowing through withdrawal and self-reflection, we can uncover hidden information about what we’re learning about ourselves, and also the ways we tend to undo our success. What are you working on behind the scenes of your visible life? In what ways are you celebrating your inner growth, and finding ways to continue its presence in your life?

Mars entering Virgo puts great pressure and action on your resources, income, and money. You may feel driven to find new ways to make money and generate stability for yourself. In Virgo, there’s a sense of being picky and discerning what’s a useful way to spend your time. The opposition from Saturn on July 20th may heighten this need, and also create a feeling of restraint on your resources or any ability to find income from outside sources. You may hit a few rejections in the process but don’t take it to heart. The shutting of doors is to simply lead you in the right direction of where your worth and skills are truly appreciated.


Community and friend groups are the areas of new growth and beginnings under this New Moon in Cancer. This lunation wants to align you with the people that can help you grow and also have a little more fun. It’s a good moment to put any external pressures on the (temporary) backburner and allow yourself more space for exploration, imagination, and having fun with other people in your life. Find some space to get out into the community and see how nurturing can also come from the external. Who in your life provides the space to be unapologetically yourself? What does it mean for you to let your guard down when it comes to making new friends and building your support system? Sometimes opening up can feel like a risk, but it’s a necessary task and can be equally rewarding. 

The shift of Mars into Virgo promotes you to move in a more action-oriented fashion around who you are, how you present yourself to the world, and what you’re personally working through around your life. There’s a need to rediscover your passions and inner fire, and to grow in ways that can make others move out the way. During the opposition to Saturn on July 20th, your partner(s) and close relationships in your life may ask you to tone it down, or they may present their own problems and responsibilities that can overpower yours. You’ll be asked to find the balance of backing down versus standing your ground, and what conflict erupts from each choice.


An exciting and inspiring beginning is growing in your career under this New Moon in Cancer. It may bring a literal new job, promotion, or an overall new perspective on work and how your career is shifting in ways that are more nurturing for your soul. Your public roles and work in the world may also be asking you to come out of your shell and allow yourself to be more vulnerable about what's really right when it comes to the direction you are taking. Use this lunation to be as dreamy and idealistic as needed. What is the most inspired version of yourself at work? What would your ideal public roles look like? When we allow ourselves the space to dream big about our future, routines, and where we spend the majority of our life – it doesn’t mean that we will necessarily achieve exactly that, but it creates space to bring in something more in alignment.

Mars in Virgo takes you out of the public vision into the quiet corners of your mind, life, and intuition. Notice if there’s an increased need to work through hidden problems or fight battles no one else can see directly. You may also be working through some mental health concerns or cutting away hidden ties that are holding you back. The opposition to Saturn on July 20th may bring tensions between this space and your responsibilities at work. There will be a push-pull dynamic between tending to your personal projects and mental health against growing work responsibilities and potentially pet needs. Giving yourself grace during this week is important.


Your long-term plans, future goals, and overall vision for life is asking for you to dream big and get clear on what you wish to manifest in this space. The New Moon in Cancer encourages you to visualize your ideal future and what you want to bring into your life, whether it be a new home, a career, children, or a creative venture into the world. Allow yourself to believe in the possibilities of living and what excitement can be brought forth in this space. While there are obvious power struggles and other dynamics that may feel like this future is not practical, the New Moon encourages you to believe in yourself anyway. This is also a great time to reflect on what nourishment, security, and safety means to you. What does your future need for you to feel stable, secure, and loved? What fears hold you back from believing in this vision?

Mars in Virgo is great for taking action with friend groups, community, and overall putting your time into having more fun and loving your life. Put yourself out there in places to meet new people and have more exciting adventures if you feel up to it. Mars can also cut away from friendships that no longer serve you or people who aren’t willing to help you grow. During the opposition on July 20th, be mindful of when this action with friends overlaps with your responsibilities either with children or your creative needs. Boundaries between these two spaces are needed so that one doesn’t fully crash into the other.


Collaborations, external finances, and your partner’s income is the area of new support and shifts under this New Moon in Cancer. An exciting arrangement may be transpiring, where you are working with another person to create something that nourishes your soul. Perhaps your partner is finding a new job or money flow that’s equally supporting you as well. This area of life also deals with the themes of death and transformation. Do you allow yourself to be supported by others or are you more concerned with being able to make it fully by yourself? Is there some old aspect of yourself, or even material aspects of your life, that you are ready to let go of? Opening ourselves up to nourishment from other people also always brings the potential risk of getting hurt. Oftentimes the benefits outweigh the risks, but we have to be willing to take the leap.

Mars entering Virgo brings extra attention and fire to your career, work, and public reputation. You may feel inspired to take action here, to find a new job, leave your current one, or make some intense change in how you are seen in the world. This can be a time of great excitement and movement, but the opposition to Saturn on July 20th will remind you of your persistent responsibilities at home. You may have to slow down your momentum to be able to meet your current commitments. Allow yourself time to set boundaries between what must happen versus what can wait.


One-on-one relationships and partnerships are in for a refreshing point of renewal under this New Moon in Cancer. Something may be beginning here around your important connections, either a turning point in a current partnership or a new relationship beginning to bloom (either romantic or platonic). There’s a need to put your energy and attention onto others, not to just simply give out your time but to also be in reception to the love others have for you. There can be moments where we are and feel completely alone, but with this lunation, we are reminded how everything is ultimately connected and interlinked with those in our lives. What does it mean for you to put your heart out there to others? Where do you need more nourishment in your relationships?

Mars entering Virgo adds more pressure and fire to your long-term goals, directions, visions, and potentially need to expand the mind through learning, philosophy, or traveling. You may find yourself going back to school or booking a flight to a new location. Or you may simply have more energy to sit with your five-year goals and see what needs an adjustment. The opposition to Saturn on July 20th creates a push-pull dynamic between these dreams and current daily life. You may feel busy trying to handle the responsibilities and also pursue the big-picture changes you want to see manifest. Create boundaries between the two spaces so one doesn’t override the other. You need time to dream, but also to continue to work through mundane challenges and needs.


Dreamy revelations about your work life, daily routine, schedule, and how you arrange your days is what this sweet New Moon in Cancer is ushering forth. There has been a shift this Summer around your overall day-to-day structure and how you spend your time, and this lunation seeks to solidify the new direction. Whether it be implementing different core working hours, a consistent exercise routine, or rearranging your priorities so you have more time for yourself and pet needs, you are asked to find what nourishes you. It all comes back to stability and security with Cancer moons. What does it mean for you to feel established and supported in your daily life? Too much structure can harden us and remove creativity from ourselves, but too much freedom can demolish all boundaries and prevent anything sustainable from growing. What does that balance look like for you?

Mars in Virgo has been promoting action and drive with your collaborations and how you make money with other people. This may even bring your partner’s income and stability into the picture. You may feel more inclined to work on growing any shared abundance, perhaps through projects with another person, or with your close relationships. The opposition to Saturn on July 20th may highlight some difficulties with those desires. There can be a limitation around your income, what you’re able to bring to the table, or the responsibilities you have to maintain. Time can feel very limited. Know that the projects can move slowly or even pause, especially while you establish your reservoir.


Your creative life, relationships with children, and all the ways you have fun are asking for nourishment and attention under the illumination of this New Moon in Cancer. There’s a need to be able to honor the parts of life that are not directly tied to productivity, and allow yourself space to just exist and enjoy what life can offer you without feeling like you have to do something. It’s a beautiful time to create something new in your life, anything that feels like it nourishes your heart and soul. What does art mean to you? What are your current sources of joy and fun? Creativity is often one of the more potent forms of self-expression. Utilize this time to reflect on your vision and desire for yourself. If there are parts of you that feel like they are being repressed, this is the ideal time to find ways to honor and expose them. 

Mars shifting into Virgo lights a fire and attention spark to your one-on-one relationships and intimate partnerships. You may feel compelled to spend more time with the important people in your life, or they may be taking big action and changing their life direction. Mars in Virgo also likes to cut away or remove what isn’t working in this space anymore. During the opposition from Saturn on July 20th, there may be some conflict with your needs against your partnerships. You may find yourself having to limit or restrict any overpowering demands. Strong boundaries are needed between what others want in their life and what you are seeking for yourself.


Nurturing your home life and family connections is the calling of this New Moon in Cancer. There may be a renewed shift or beginning around this area of your life, perhaps a fresh perspective on what home truly means for you, a redecoration in the works, or connecting with family again. The Cancer Moon seeks nourishment and security, however this is defined for you. Having a cozy home and shell to crawl into is how we can do the most healing and regeneration with ourselves. What does your private time and space look like? What does it take for you to feel comfortable enough to share and also understand what’s happening within your body and what your intuition is telling you? While everyday pressures and responsibilities are demanding attention from us, it’s also important we have time set aside to honor and nurture our life and inner needs.

Mars’ shift into Virgo brings more action, attention, and demand around your daily work routines, work life, pet needs, and body health. Your days and responsibilities may feel busy and demanding at times – everyone is asking for something. But here, you’re tasked to only give what’s necessary and directly important. This may be especially heightened around the Saturn opposition on July 20th. If you are putting in too much time for others and work, you will feel extremely drained emotionally and mentally. Prepare yourself by putting the necessary boundaries in place and sticking to them. Our work is only valuable if we are in the space to give it.


This cute New Moon in Cancer wants you to romanticize your daily life, nourish your rituals, and take each day slow and steady. There’s an aspect of stepping away from the bigger and more pressing issues of life like work, money, and home and simply appreciate what’s here and present currently. This is a great lunation to write and share the ideas that are coming from simply just being. It may also be a time for you to (re)connect with your siblings or close friends that feel like your other half. Often, external societal pressures can dominate our sense of how we define security. But external validation is not what this New Moon needs. How do you know when you truly feel secure and loved in your life? Where do you gain value in your heart that others may not quite understand?

Mars in Virgo has been firing up your creative and passionate life, driving you to take action with your personal projects and relationships with children if applicable. Notice what you’re feeling called to do or share with others, and where your energy is going. Mars here may also encourage you to have more fun with life, or it can feel like it’s cutting the joy away to focus on work and internal matters. During the opposition to Saturn on July 20th, make sure the balance between responsibility and play is realistic. Working too much on creativity can also cause those projects to become work – you need to leave space for enjoyment and pleasure as well.


Money, income, and resources are the focus for nourishment and attention under this New Moon in Cancer. There’s something beginning and shifting around the ways you feel supported, not just practically and materially, but also emotionally. Lunations in this area of our chart can often speak to our self-esteem and the overall sense of security we experience living our lives. Do you feel safe within your skin? Are you proud of the life you have created so far, or do you feel a lack? If there’s a gap between where you are and where you wish to be, allow yourself space to envision and imagine what the ideal would be, even if it involves a different career path or a more subtle change. You are allowed to feel significant and valued in your life.

Mars in Virgo invites you to spend more energy with your home life and/or family relationships. This can be a great moment to take action, redecorate, or make a foundational change within your private life. Mars may also cut things away – if you’re looking to get rid of stuff or reconfigure familial relationships, that’s another manifestation of this energy. During the opposition from Saturn on July 20th, you may feel pulled in two different directions between work and home life. Career demands and responsibilities can cut off your personal flow, so make sure strong boundaries are in place between the two, especially if you work at home. Recognize the border of when one ends and the other begins, so you can enjoy both spaces.

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