Horoscopes for 1st Full Moon in Capricorn 2024
This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Capricorn, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The first of two Full Moons in Capricorn arrives on June 21, 2024, at 9:07 PM EDT. Capricorn Full Moons are always more intense, as she now sits opposite the Moon’s home in Cancer. The Moon wishes to find comfort, stability, and consistency aka the “home” of self, but in Capricorn she is far removed from the home and placed out into the world, put to work, and asked to tend to the systems in place. And something about this assignment or structure is ready to be released, but slowly, and over time. We'll be asked to lean into this potential discomfort of being forced out of our shells well into July when we wrap up the second Full Moon here.
The other piece of this Full Moon involves Neptune, sitting at very last degrees Pisces and therefore forming a square aspect to this lunation. Neptune can be a source of inspiration, magic, and desire that shapes our inner reality. Perhaps this Full Moon release allows for a clearing away or redistribution of responsibilities so that you can step into your yearnings. But Neptune can also confuse the process and create more uncertainty or lack of clarity regarding the direction ahead. Make the plan, but progress slowly. If you don’t have an answer yet, the solution is to wait.
Let’s look at where this Full Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Who you are, your sense of self, aged identities, beliefs, and even old stories you hold about yourself and your life may be coming to a point of culmination, celebration, or big release with this Full Moon in Capricorn. Cancer season has you stepping more into your relationships, partnerships, and personal connections that help you feel whole, which may act as a mirror for your own actions. Utilize this Full Moon as a marker for a month of self-exploration. Who are you, truly? What do you wish to become or step into? These two Full Moons will create space to evaluate all pieces of your life and self so that you feel supported enough to build into the next chapter.
Neptune’s aspect here may have you reaching for these evolutions from your highest vision or point of inspiration for yourself. Whatever you imagine your ideal daily life to be can be possible with the foundational shifts you start personally - with your everyday actions and interactions. It’s important not to get too carried away, as these changes don’t happen overnight and there’s still a process that must unfold, but you can still feel inspired.
Your inner world, histories with pain, loss, and suffering, as well as spaces that allow for spiritual connection and healing, are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Capricorn. Cancer season will focus on your daily work life, but this lunation desires to address the softer aspects of your reality. This is an ideal time for space away from the busyness and listening to the inner workings of the mind, of what stories and beliefs you tell yourself that you may be ready to expand on or even discard. How we view the world through the lenses of our mind correlates often with our external reality. If something is desiring a change, it’s time to go deep within.
With Neptune squaring this Full Moon, part of the release from these old limiting beliefs and mending from periods of loss may encourage you to step into or rekindle your spiritual relationships. Neptune is heavy on faith, which can be extremely necessary for healing, especially if you’re releasing something and don’t know what’s next for your journey. Practice leaning into those beliefs and resources (both human and not) that help you feel taken care of and supported.
Community, friend groups, and relationships with the folks out in your external environment are reaching a peak point of celebration, culmination, and even release. Perhaps you have been creating something big that involves your overarching community, and this Full Moon may signal a release of letting it flow into the world. Or maybe there are some group dynamics and relationships that you’re ready to let go of and move away from, to find relationships that better flow and match with your sense of self. This is a long-term shift that begins with this Full Moon but will continue into July, so pay attention to the little social signals or interesting conversations that are coming to light in your life.
With Neptune also making an aspect to this Full Moon, you may want to become more aware of your biggest dreams, inspirations, and personal desires that are flowing into your reality. This can be in the form of new beliefs, spiritual connections, or just a fresh vision of yourself that's forming regarding how you see yourself and how you wish others to see you as well. Don’t be afraid to stay true to yourself in relationships.
Your work life, career, and/or public-facing image is reaching a peak point of awareness, celebration, or potential release with this Full Moon in Capricorn. A big project or moment of recognition may be coming to the surface, having you step more into the spotlight regarding your efforts and participation in society. And perhaps from this space, you find some old pieces of your career or public roles that you’re also ready to discard and move away from. Part of this shift may be from a refocusing or intensification around your home life, family, and overall foundational values that you hold. It’s okay to shift your priorities when you have new information, this is all just a function of growth.
Neptune’s aspect to this Full Moon may also encourage more retreat from external pressures or outside environments. This may be a time when you look more towards your spirituality, intuition, and inner voice for guidance as this can also promote a more spiritual and healing passage. You may desire time alone or in nature. Find a balance between meeting the external obligations and allowing yourself enough space to just dream.
Your long-term direction, higher education, overarching beliefs about life, spirituality, religion, and even major travel plans are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Capricorn. This can be a moment of peak awareness, when all the pieces and information you’ve been seeking fall into place and you’re starting to understand your future orientation and direction more clearly. Part of this awareness may also have you letting go of old beliefs, stories, or long-term projects that are finally ending their term so that you can clear out room for new information and philosophies.
With Neptune also making an aspect to this Full Moon, this can be an ideal time to question and reflect on many of the beliefs and stories that govern your life, and whether they’re in line with your spirituality and personal growth you’re undertaking. Neptune may also confuse this process a bit, but don’t be scared to examine different traditions and get input from your community. Everyone has a unique life experience that brings their magic and potential inspiration you can learn from too, so lean into the exciting discussions around this Summer.
Hidden and darker aspects of your life, like death, loss, and transformation but also including practical issues such as resources that others share with you and collaborations, are all within the focus of attention under this Full Moon in Capricorn. As we prep to have two lunations in this sign, you may feel like the pressure of more hidden and disappointing matters are slowly starting to be released. This Full Moon can help you clear out contractual obligations and frustrations that no longer meet your needs or allow you to finally release big projects that have been taking up so much of your mental energy. This may also be a needed period of rest and downtime as you work through heavier energies.
Neptune is also squaring this Full Moon, meaning there’s still a pull to be responsible and put efforts into your work and career life, but it’s also okay to closely evaluate those aspects of your life as well. If your work or public roles haven’t been as inspiring, see what you can do to bring that spark back, or maybe it involves part of what you’re releasing. Rest can heal here too.
One-on-one relationships and close personal partnerships of all kinds are illuminated by this Full Moon in Capricorn. The shift into Cancer season has you paying more attention to yourself, who you are, and how you wish to grow throughout this season. Behind every growth of self are the relationships that support or distract us. This Full Moon may encourage a release of old, stagnant partnerships that don’t feel as exciting to you anymore or show you with great clarity those souls who always have had your back no matter what. Take some time to reflect on your overall alliances and how they can help support you in this next stage of life.
Neptune is also squaring this Full Moon, and part of the reason to evaluate your relationships and partnerships may stem from realizations around your long-term dreams or overarching beliefs in life. You may be going through a period of growth, expanding your mind and long-term visions to new horizons, and it’s important that you also feel supported during the journey. Utilize this Full Moon to ensure those relationships mirror that for you.
Day-to-day work life, daily responsibilities, relationships with your coworkers, pets, and body health are all illuminated by this Full Moon in Capricorn. Some tasks or obligations you hold in your life may be reaching a point of release or removal, perhaps finally wrapping up the large project or changing workdays to better align with the Summer. This may be a release of tension around work matters, as the Cancer season wishes you to pull back from external obligations and pay attention to your innermost self more deeply. What tasks or responsibilities can you pass off to another? Or which ones can you let go of altogether to better focus on your health?
Neptune is also squaring this Full Moon, meaning some of the parsing through the task list can feel a little unclear or uncomfortable. Neptune and Saturn in Pisces reminds you of the duty you still hold to your partnership or agreed-upon collaborations and contracts, so you still have to work through those obligations. Or trust your partners when they say they can help you. It’s okay to let go of control in your daily life every once in a while.
Creative projects, how you have fun, and relationships with children experience a release or peak moment of awareness with this Full Moon in Capricorn. Something about your creative potential and expression is a necessary experience for you, and may even tie into the work you do in your life. This Full Moon will bring that necessity into awareness, perhaps delivering little messages and nudges that yes, this creative expression and need is the right direction or no, it’s time to begin the process of letting go. Allow yourself space to freely express what's hard to put into words - your body and art will know the truth.
Neptune is also squaring this Full Moon, meaning that if you need some external support, push, or guidance around your release and redirection creatively or with your daily life, pay attention to your partnerships and important relationships. If it all feels overwhelming or overbearing, they may be able to offer some ease and escape, or remind you of what the whole dream is for anyways. It doesn’t have to be something that's accomplished alone.
Home life, family, relationships with your parents or those you live with, and also your childhood past or memories may come to a point of awareness or peak culmination in your life. With Pluto out of the sign since January, there may’ve been some release of intensification or control, and you may feel like changing homes or clearing out old past relationships is now possible and even necessary. With two Full Moons in this sign, it will be a much longer process than just a quick release, but it’s worth initiating the experience and feeling what burdens are ready to assume a different outcome.
The square from Neptune can leave you feeling a little more impractical or ungrounded about your decisions, perhaps having to trust more into the magic of the universe to bring about your desires. But you may also use this moment to imagine a refresh and new life for yourself - one that doesn’t have the same restrictions or limitations as others. This includes not only your home and living space, but also your day-to-day work responsibilities and routines.
Day-to-day life, rituals, local communities, sweet conversations, and relationships with siblings or close friends that feel like siblings are illuminated by this Full Moon in Capricorn. Old, tired routines and boring daily activities are asking for a release or removal from your life, so you can feel more inspired around your long-term plans and future directions. The important thing is to clear away the tasks that feel like work and dread in your life. It doesn’t have to be an immediate shift, but it’s definitely something worth planning for, as this is the work that will continue for the next month. The astrology lately wants you to open up to something more fulfilling and worthwhile, to examine your everyday life with intentionality.
Neptune is also squaring this Full Moon, perhaps these decisions you are faced with stem from your long-term dreams and innermost longings. These dreams may feel a bit overreaching, but sometimes those impractical desires are what springs us into action. Passion and excitement are not tangible or practical, but are what initiates the events that are long-lasting. Utilize your creativity and childlike curiosity throughout this process.
Money, resources, income, and feelings of financial security are illuminated by this Full Moon in Capricorn. Cancer season will always pull you more deeply into yourself, your shared resources, and how provided you feel from your collaborations and partnerships. This Capricorn Full Moon will begin the process of clearing away stagnant forms of income, old resources that have dried up, or encourage you to reevaluate what it means to feel resourceful and cared for. Perhaps some pieces of your work are actually an overall drain on your life. Or maybe there are some that need more attention. This shift will start for this Full Moon and continue for a month.
Neptune is also squaring this lunation, perhaps clouding some of the judgment or even inspiring you to make a financial shift based on your highest most dreams and desires. This may evolve your family and/or home life, or relationship to what your foundation and soul most desires. It’s okay to pursue the great big thing, even at the expense of some discomfort in resources in the moment, especially if you truly trust the process.
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