Horoscopes for New Moon in Cancer 2024

This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Cancer, starting with the general astrology and followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The early Summer New Moon welcomes us on July 5th, 2024 at 6:57 PM EDT. This New Moon in Cancer is a sweet one, right in the middle of the season, and marks the halfway point between the two Full Moons in Capricorn. Sitting opposite the sign of Saturn’s rulership, this lunation acts as a balancing point between what we're clearing away from Capricorn so that we can nurture a more personal dream and connection in our own life. This New Moon functions as a marker for this shift, asking you to become more intentional about what structures you’re removing so that you have space for this refreshed intention to blossom. 

This New Moon is also in a supportive sextile with Mars in Taurus, who's making the final waves in that sign this month, creating a theme that will feel similar to the major conjunction in April. An internal shift that's happening for you under this New Moon is also affecting the way you take action and make change out in the world. It’s not something that happens overnight, but a steady application of adjusting, refining, and clarifying what's truly worth your time and energy.

Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.


Who you are, your sense of self, inherent identity, and your physical appearance and/or body are all illuminated by this New Moon in Cancer. There’s a need to truly become more selfish under this lunation, not necessarily in a way that’s a pain to others, but to draw your senses and awareness internally to how you’re feeling, what your body needs, and what lingering shifts you are noticing that need to take place in your life. You may’ve recently been experiencing some external changes, and now it’s time to pull the energy back into yourself and your needs, who you want to become, and how you want to handle the feedback you’ve received. This is a wonderful New Moon to become more intentional about yourself.

These personal shifts will not just impact you, either, and you may be inspired through some motivation and support from your friend groups and external communities. As you set fresh intentions for yourself to grow into, it may be ideal to evaluate if your current friendships hold the same values. Mars in Taurus has been activating this reflection, and potentially allowing for some cutting away or refining from old relationships as needed. Community and connection can be an extension of self.


Your hidden inner world, mental health, inner reflections, and past experiences with pain and loss are all illuminated by this New Moon in Cancer. The recent astrology has you evaluating your day-to-day work/life balance and if you feel that you’re giving yourself enough time alone to cultivate what you truly desire. This New Moon is an ideal time to become more clear on how you need to take care of yourself and if that’s in balance with the practices you currently have in place. Don’t be afraid to pull back into your hidden little world for a bit, as there may also be suppressed projects and ideas that are waiting for an incubation place to be fostered. This sheltered period of time feeds directly into your yearly rebirth.

Part of this intentional retreat is somewhat related to the actions you desire or are creating in your career. Mars in Taurus has been ramping up the tensions in your workplace, and perhaps there are some projects you’re finally cutting away from and others you wish to move toward. As you map out your plan to foster your hidden desires and plans, also make sure they have some work space to grow and transform in the external environment.


Friends, community, and social spaces that are grabbing your attention and energy are coming to focus under this New Moon in Cancer. This Summer may’ve been about moving away from work and isolation to seeking more connections and relationships in your outer world, both online and in-person, that help you feel expressive and supported. You may also be in a place where you’re sharing your art and creations with others, or at least reprioritizing what it means to have fun and feel loved by your chosen relationships. With this New Moon, become intentional about the people who matter the most to you and nurture those connections. For the rest, don’t be scared to implement strong boundaries for your protection.

Whatever intentional decisions you make around those you choose to spend fun and quality time with may develop a ripple effect on how you approach your long-term plans, higher education, or even beliefs you have in the world. Mars in Taurus has been encouraging you to take action by expanding your mind and experience in the world through schooling, travel, and philosophies. Whatever you learn about your values when it comes to nurturing yourself should be applied to these efforts, recognizing the slow and steady path is sometimes the best one. 


Your career, work in the world, and also public reputation are coming to a refreshed light under this New Moon in Cancer. Something you have been clearing away or shifting from in your home and family life is now impacting the direction you envision for how you’re known out in the world. This may look like an actual career shift or new role, or just a mindset adjustment around how you approach your work and your reputation. This is an ideal New Moon to become clear about what aspects of your notoriety you wish to nurture for the next six months or more. It may also show you the elements of your work that are draining more so than they are sustaining.

The refocusing or decisions you make around your work and career with this New Moon are also important to your collaborations or shared financial resources. Mars in Taurus has been inspiring you to take action on debts, financing, or getting additional funding from others as well as any group projects you have. Your intentions around this New Moon will support that journey, and help you feel more secure in the long run not just by your own resources, but by others as well.


Your long-term directions, five-year goals, new things you’re learning about the world, and overarching beliefs or philosophies about life are all being nurtured by this New Moon in Cancer. Under these Capricorn Full Moons, you’re clearing away aspects of your daily routine and living that no longer bring you the same joy or support. This New Moon in Cancer wishes to invite in a point of comfort and stability in the form of learning new information and planning for your future pursuits. This is an ideal lunation to cultivate those longer visions and the steps it takes to get there. The goal is to have a vision to nurture and put into practice, even if it doesn’t manifest immediately.

This planning and vision-boarding also directly affects your one-on-one relationships and close partnerships as the New Moon makes a sextile to Mars in Taurus. Whatever you’re doing or creating is not something that needs to be done alone, and there's some collaboration or awareness of others that helps form your long-term goals and planning. Although there may need to be some compromises to iron out, the New Moon's intentions in this area of your life will also help clarify the growth you’re taking with another. 


Shared resources, collaborative efforts, and financing or money contracts that involve other people are coming to light with this New Moon in Cancer. This area of your life is one that’s not the most visually prominent or the one you have the most control over, but it’s a place that’s aspiring to be nurtured and expanded upon over time. What close partnerships are starting to form that are generating ideas about projects or desires to consolidate resources? How do you wish to feel supported by another in the next six months, or at least know that you aren’t alone in this process? Seek out that external comfort as needed, while still honoring your own space.

These New Moon intentions will directly affect your day-to-day life, work responsibilities, and potentially even relationships with pets and your body health as there’s the aspect to Mars in Taurus. As you iron out the new collaborations you’re embarking on, prepare to make some physical adjustments to your daily routines and work schedules so you have time for everyone. You may utilize this New Moon to cut away old obligations or unnecessary work so that you have enough space to dream up the ideal arrangements and work on new projects with others. 


One-on-one relationships and close personal partnerships are all illuminated by this New Moon in Cancer. The recent Full Moons have been asking you to take a closer look at yourself, who you are, and what you wish to start letting go of or changing as an identity. This New Moon in Cancer shows those changes may be in part due to the important relationships that are developing in your life, both romantic and platonic. What are you learning about yourself that's shifting or changing so that you can better show up for the most meaningful people in your world? What's starting to become necessary for you to nurture within relationships, and what do you expect or need from others in return?

These are all important intentions under the New Moon in Cancer, and the sextile to Mars will also encourage you to evaluate the fun and enjoyment in your connections and relationships. Mars has been inspiring you to put your energy into creative projects, having fun, and even sex and play. This New Moon is an ideal time to also shift the energies of relationships so they can have more fun, help you feel inspired to be yourself, and also allow you to let loose for the sake of enjoyment. 


Day-to-day work life, daily routines, coworkers, those you work with, pet needs, and even body health are all illuminated for intentional growth under this New Moon in Cancer. Something is shifting in your everyday routines, perhaps a disruption, or a new summer schedule that's having you reevaluate how you truly want to spend your daily life and work obligations. The goal with Cancer New Moons is to always ask for more comfort and nurturing of your body and health, so this may be a moment where you take time off or rebalance your life so you feel more supported internally. The comfort here allows your work to be sufficient and sustainable. Lean into where you can also create a little more ease.

Part of this evaluation of the routine and restructuring of your day-to-day may also stem from your at-home needs. Mars in Taurus has been increasing your drive and motivation at home and with your family, perhaps putting more attention on your home and living spaces. As you work through your daily work routines and responsibilities, also see what changes to further improve your comfort can also be made at home or with your living environment. Sometimes the smallest things can make the most impact.


Creative projects, relationships with children, and how you have fun with self-expression and play are the focus of nurturing growth with this New Moon in Cancer. This is a very deeply felt New Moon for you, wishing to tap into how you can further support your identity and authenticity through creative art, hobbies, or getting out of your comfort zone to have fun and experience child-like play. This lunation is also an ideal time to start dreaming or exploring new avenues of creation that you’ve thought about but haven’t tried before. The whole purpose is to move away from stressors or work and exist in a realm that’s just about the joys of life.

To further this journey of creativity for you, the New Moon is also applying to a sextile to Mars. Mars in Taurus has been ramping up your daily routines, day-to-day rituals, conversations, and your local errands and travels. Perhaps the first start to the Summer season is to create more fun in your everyday practices. Prioritize your favorite coffee or drink each morning, move slower throughout the day, and cut out those unnecessary errands that feel like more of a drain on your energy in favor of more lighthearted expression and exploration. 


Home and family life, living environment, and your overarching internal foundation that supports the overall growth of your life are the focus for intentional refinement around this New Moon in Cancer. This may be a more interior time, where you pull away from the external world obligations and focus more energy on your home, beautifying your living spaces, and nurturing those familial relationships that are the most important to you. This is also a good time to become more intentional about how you wish to see your home life and inner world grow and evolve. What's most important for you to have at home? How can you start to create that for yourself now?

There’s a continuous theme of building up your support and self-esteem, especially as the New Moon makes an aspect to Mars in Taurus. Mars has been in your second house of money and resources, potentially increasing your spending and dispersing of income, but in a way that may be necessary and ultimately helpful. If you need to spend a little to get the home situated in the fashion you need, or to support other loved ones, do it. Money comes and goes, and it will flow back when you feel more energetically stable. 


Daily routines, day-to-day rituals, relationships with your siblings, mundane conversations, and how you get around town running errands and out in your local community are all related to this New Moon in Cancer. Your everyday actions and intentions from the moment you wake up are asking for nurturing and refocused growth. It may be time to clearly evaluate what old routines are ready for a refresh so you can truly appreciate your daily life and all the little nothings that support you. It’s okay to slow down and prioritize more body needs and receiving energy than constantly achieving or doing. This New Moon in Cancer is all about romanticizing your everyday life again, because that's where we grow from.

The New Moon in Cancer is also making a sextile to Mars in Taurus, who has been in your first house and encouraging a significant change and revaluation of your sense of self and identity. You’re becoming more clear about who you are and the actions you want to take out in the world, even if that means cutting away from values that don’t inspire you anymore. By nature, these personal decisions will flow into your daily life as well. So make sure you’re feeling authentic with your living. 


Your income, money, and resources of all kinds are asking for nurturing by this illuminating New Moon in Cancer. Something is shifting financially for you, and it may be time to pull out the budgets and reevaluate your income and expenses with a little more detail. The purpose of this New Moon is to not be so analytical about the process, but to pay attention to what expenses generate the most feelings. There’s a level of using your intuition to trust the money flow, and to know the most important use of your resources is to support yourself and the beings that you love. And no one can tell you what that support necessarily looks like. Do you need more indulgence or fun in life? Write those in the budget. 

This New Moon is also forming a sextile with Mars in Taurus, who has been traveling through your twelfth house, stirring up the last remains of hidden, behind-the-scenes projects, and challenges or growth with your mental health. Part of this financial rebalancing and nurturing may be from previous pain points or stressors that have been present in your life. You may want to make sure you’re prioritizing your mental health and internal needs as you work through more tangible resources. 

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