Horoscopes for New Moon in Virgo 2024

In some perfect, ironic, and causal astrological timing - the two Full Moons in Capricorn ended up clearing out my regular horoscope writings in favor of the next progression of my business… Of which I kept saying “I don’t know what that is!” while simultaneously taking steps forward to this new direction I claimed ignorance. Funny how we do that to ourselves, downplaying our efforts because we can’t zoom out long enough to see the full picture.

With the fun journey and growth of our podcast this year (Two Girls Talk Transits), Kaleigh and I are now launching the 6-month Two Girls Talk Transits Astrology Program. Side by side, you will be learning everything that I know about Hellenistic astrology, starting with the foundations of chart readings to introduction of predictions and timing of events. Kaleigh will be working with you on your chart to process and integrate the information so you understand how we both use astrology not just as a predictive tool, but also as a healing and personal transformation one.

This is a live program, calls will be held weekly with open sessions for practice and discussions as well as one-on-one calls with Kaleigh. We begin September 22nd! To learn more about this Program and discuss if it’s a good fit for you, fill out this form here.

This September we welcome energy we haven’t experienced in several months - the last and final return of Pluto to Capricorn (at least in our lifetimes) and a new eclipse cycle. Pluto’s revisitation to Capricorn is here to tie up loose ends around those practical life themes, and your duty will become more pronounced with this New Moon in Virgo that starts off the month on September 2nd. This Summer we experienced a lot of air and fire energy, the kind of excitement and flourishing that keeps us passionate about life, but also our heads a bit in the clouds. This return to earth signs will allow us to pull out the hammer and nails and make the vision a reality.

Not to leave you hanging, let’s look at what this shift into earth signs are asking of you… To dive into more of this eclipse season in your chart, book a Short & Sweet or Predictive Reading with me here.


After so much energy caught up around your work, career, and societal duties or activities, the New Moon in Virgo is asking you to ground back down into yourself, who you are, and how you wish to grow within this next phase of your life. Pluto’s return to Capricorn will help respark your creative expression and hobbies, helping you find the purposeful passion that makes your experience on earth uniquely yours. There’s been a lot of energy around the “others” in your world, but this Fall encourages you to refocus on yourself, your priorities, and your direction that’s more important.

Mars enters into Cancer on September 4th, and you’ll be more motivated to put your energy, drive, and time into your big-time aspirations, friendships, and community. Recentering yourself means going after what most matters to you as well, so see if your goals can be reframed to meet your biggest wishes. Invite your friends and close community along for the ride.


Virgo’s New Moon and the recent shift into earth signs this month encourages you to ground down to your roots, both literally and figuratively. This New Moon occurs in the recess of your mind and hidden spaces, where you may find yourself needing to retreat for alone time or out in nature. How are you finding the ways you can heal yourself, and work through periods of pain, frustration, and loss? Pluto’s return to Capricorn will wrap up loose ends within your home life, living spaces, and family relationships. The most important theme for this Fall will be ensuring you feel comfortable at home and with yourself.

Mars entering into Cancer on September 4th will prompt more action, energy, and drive around your career, public roles, and work in the world. You may feel compelled to make a change here, or rise up to some challenges that come to light. With Mars in such a watery sign, listening to your body, feelings, and intuition will be important.


Your big dreams, long-term hopes and aspirations, as well as the support and community that builds you up, is the focus for intentional growth under this New Moon in Virgo. You’re dealing with a lot of pressure and intensity around your life, your direction, and personal growth - this Fall hopes to help ease some of the tensions by inviting more fun, play, and relationships into the mix. By temporarily letting go of solving problems alone, you may see how solutions arise with external input and play. Pluto’s return to Capricorn will also want to remind you that this life is met to live for enjoyment.

Mars entering into Cancer on September 4th will put a lot more energy on your education, learning new beliefs, philosophies, religions, and also long-term travel and direction. You may be cutting away from old stories while also learning and stepping into new ones. All this may feel like a redirection, but you’re becoming more solid within the foundation that guides your long-term life.


Your career, work in the world, and public reputation in the community is in for new intentional growth and energy with this New Moon in Virgo. There’s been a lot of activity around your beliefs and your relationships, who’s important to keep in your life, and what they’re teaching you about yourself. Knowing this information, it’s time to become more firm around what you’re moving towards for career visions and your overall self-fulfillment. Pluto’s return to Capricorn adds to this, intensifying the focus and attention around your money, income, and resources - how supported you feel overall from your actions. 

Staying grounded with your purpose and long-term goals will help you as Mars enters into Cancer on September 4th. You may find yourself drawn to working with another person, entering into some form of collaboration, or becoming more clear around your work with other people. Stay mindful of what is yours to control and where you need to ask for more help.


Your long-term plans, big-picture visions, and overarching belief about the world and how it works is under an intentional period of growth and clean up with this New Moon in Virgo. Settling back into the earth energy means becoming more clear about who you are, how you want to change or transform, and the power you hold in your life and with your space. Pluto returning into your home sign will reinforce this practice of inquiry of self, and the New Moon in Virgo can help you solidify your updated or clarified beliefs and philosophies into an ongoing routine.

Mars entering into Cancer on September 4th will test the fortitude you build within your self-esteem, as your relationships and one-on-one partnerships will start to ramp up and demand attention. You may be taking more action on the behalf of another, or your own close relationships have a lot going on. Make sure your boundaries are strong before diving deep into everyone else’s needs.


Collaborations and shared resources or responsibilities are coming to light with this New Moon in Virgo. There’s been a lot of attention around your relationships and creative projects, and now the movement may be taking those up-in-the-air ideals and grounding them down to a solidified vision and project. You may also be learning the ways you’re relying on others in your life, and how they’re helping support your creations. Pluto returning to Capricorn will ask you to pull back behind the scenes of life a little more, and focus on your mental health, inner wellness, and connection to your spirituality, dreams, and beliefs.

Finding balance in your life will be extra important as Mars entering into Cancer on September 4th will increase your daily responsibilities, activities, and attention on pets and your body health. Your schedule may start to get a little busy, and you’ll have to cut out time to make sure you’re also taking care of yourself. Here’s where delegation to others may be necessary.


One-on-one relationships and close personal partnerships are the focus of intentional growth under this New Moon in Virgo. There’s been a lot of energy and focus around your home life and work routines lately, and this New Moon invites shifting energies to what relationships and connections are most important to you. Pluto’s also returning to Capricorn, which will intensify the relationships within your community and friend groups, but also inspire you to go out and do more with life. And do that, you need to have a solid and grounded support network.

Mars entering into Cancer on September 4th will ask you to have a little more fun and play in your life. You’ll be driven to create, return to old hobbies, and have more play time with socializing and out with others. The movement to this earth energy is to remind you what’s most important to prioritize, and how relationships of all kinds can keep you sane when everything else gets too complicated or serious.


Your day-to-day work routines, coworking relationships, daily responsibilities, pet needs, and body health is under intentional new change with this New Moon in Virgo. There’s been a lot of activity around your relationships and partnerships of all kinds, but the earth energy wants you to ground down to your practical and committed work efforts. You may find your days becoming more busy as you put yourself in service to others. Pluto’s return to Capricorn will also intensify your overall public reputation and career role, helping you reclaim your power in this space.

Mars entering into Cancer on September 4th will ask you to balance out the time between home and work, as Mars will want you to put more action and attention to managing your family, living environment, and overall home life. There may be some conflicts that arise here, or tensions you have to manage. To make this easier on yourself, ensure you have a solid work structure and routine that doesn’t take any extra time.


Your creative life, hobbies, and relationship with children are all under an intentional beginning with this New Moon in Virgo. There’s a need to create, to prioritize your creations, hobbies, and inspiration that comes from being authentically yourself. You may be on the verge of some next big release that transforms not just yourself but also your work and money. Pluto’s return to Capricorn will also intensify your needs, your focus on the future, your long-term plans, travel, and overall philosophies that govern your life. You’re wrapping up those loose ends on your beliefs and truths that help you feel more grounded and supported.

Mars entering into Cancer on September 4th will fill your schedule and plate with to-do lists, errands, and running around town as well as consuming new information and working more in your local community. Your days will become more active and filled, and it’s important you balance this time with the same play and creativity invited by the Virgo New Moon. 


Your home life, relationships with family, and your living environment are under an intentional rebirth with this New Moon in Virgo. This all involves your foundation and hidden life, the parts of yourself that pull back from the world and allow for rest and healing. There’s been a lot of energy around yourself and your work and relationships that has been keeping you busy, but the shift to earth energy will encourage you to slow down and ground down to your support structures, both physical and mental. This can feel like a slower period of time, and that will be important to embrace.

Mars entering into Cancer on September 4th will return the energy to your work, money, finances, and resources. You may find yourself in situations where money has to be cut away or resources are used and severed, or you’ll be asked to take greater action and responsibility regarding your income and money. Don’t obsess over the ins and outs as they come, it’s just the nature of the flow.


Daily rituals, routines, everyday errands, and communications out in your local neighborhood, as well as relationships with siblings come to intentional fresh growth with this New Moon in Virgo. With this New Moon, you may be thinking of ways to restructure your daily routine, cutting out the obligations that no longer inspire you and putting more effort into things you enjoy. You may also notice your daily schedule getting busier with more activity. Pluto’s return to Capricorn also invites the intensity and attention back onto your one-on-one relationships and close partnerships of all kinds.

It’s necessary to iron out your daily life and close connections, because as Mars enters into Cancer on September 4th, you’ll be in the process of refinement and change with yourself. You may be taking more direct action on your needs, or working with your body health and wellness, and needing to be clear on what’s important for you to give attention to. Ensure your daily to-do list allows time for this exploration. 


September’s Virgo New Moon invites a renewal and refresh around your income, money, finances, and overall feeling of resourcefulness. With Pluto entering back into your sixth house of daily health routines, work responsibilities, and how you structure your work days – there’s a big review pushing through all elements of your work and material world. It doesn’t have to be a significant change, but sometimes a mindset reframing around what’s truly a priority for you can help you manage your time better. Are your work efforts actually aligning with your goals, or is there an energy waste occurring somewhere that can be put to better use?

Mars returns to Cancer on September 4th, and this will invite you to pull away from those unnecessary demands and tackle more of what goes on behind the scenes, with your mental health, and spirituality. You may be more driven to spend time alone or out in nature, as you work through your inner conflicts, fears, or methods of self-undoing.


Mars Retrograde Through the Signs


Horoscopes for 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn 2024