New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and important astrological events up to the Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in November. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The Partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio occurs on Tuesday, October 25th at 6:49am. The Sun, Moon, and Venus all meet together at 2° of Scorpio, just a few degrees away from the South Node, otherwise known as Ketu. The North & South Node are eclipse points, and New and Full Moons that happen near those points are eclipses. The North Node, Rahu, is the known as the Head of the Dragon and represents a big increase of energy or where energy is funneling into. The South Node, Ketu, is known as the Tail of the Dragon and rules over important endings in life and where we’re met to let go of energy.
New Moons generally represent the start of a new cycle – both within the 28-day cycle of New Moon to next New Moon, and also in the six-month cycle of New Moon to Full Moon in the same zodiac sign. However, when New Moons align with Ketu, the Tail of the Dragon, it is eclipsed and less about what we can manifest and more about what has been given to us by the way of letting things go.
We had a total lunar eclipse in this sign in the middle of May 2022, which represented a moment of purging our reality and expectations. With this New Moon, we are uncovering new secrets and understandings about how we’re asked to let go of our own beliefs and practice trust in the transformation process. Because this New Moon is eclipsing the Sun, we may not have all the information or understand why life is happening the way it is. Eclipses unfold over the course of the lunation cycle, and more information about this part of your life will be discovered when the Sun and Venus conjunct Ketu exactly, happening on November 5th & 6th.
Although the Sun is eclipsed and the Moon is in her Fall, Venus is also present (although in her Detriment in the sign of Scorpio). However weakened by the environment, Venus brings in some peace and faith in the process of trusting our intuition and relating with other people with their own hardships.
The day after the New Moon on October 26th, Mercury makes a helpful aspect to Mars. This is a good day to write out your feelings about the New Moon/Solar Eclipse and whatever motivations or desires you uncovered and what your plan is to take this inspiration of change and make it a reality.
On October 28th we begin another big shift. Jupiter, who has been in Aries since May moves back into Pisces, one of his home signs. The next day, October 29th, Mercury enters Scorpio. Now, four out of the seven visible planets are in water signs. Water is all about connection and emotion, in Scorpio that emotion is deeper and more intense, and in Pisces it’s more about community and wholeness with others.
Jupiter in Pisces brings us back to January 2022 – April 2022, what gifts or blessings of abundance have been received during that period? Connections, creating, and feeling more into our soul is valued during this time period. Jupiter asks us to really open up our hearts and emotions to trusting and belonging with the universe and our presence in the world. This trek through Pisces will only last until December 20th, when Jupiter will move back into fiery Aries.
Mars finally stations retrograde on October 30th and will remain retrograde until January 12, 2023. Mars retrograde are less common that Mercury retrogrades, occurring about once every two years. The process is similar to Mercury, but instead of a shorter period of time reviewing our conversations and sharing of knowledge, Mars is all about analyzing our course of action and how we actually put in change in the world. As Gemini is ruled by Mercury, Mars is overlapping the significations, asking us to express and share whatever we’ve been motivated to do. The retrograde will highlight if our actions have been mirroring our words. Be willing to backtrack and have several different paths to get to the same outcome.
We end this cycle with a reflection and repeat of the eclipse day, when the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all conjunct the South Node and directly oppose Uranus on November 2-6th. Whatever you may’ve touched on during the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse gets more intense. You’ll be asked to trust deeply and perhaps let go of something you thought was permanent. This may be brought forth by unexpected events or a shakeup of your own reality, provided by the opposition to Uranus.
Be willing to let go of control and allow yourself to ride out the events, even if you don’t quite understand the direction. Pressure to perform may be increased during this time, especially as the planets move into the square with Saturn. Again, the best way to work with these energies is to reflect and write down what is directly in your control, and what isn’t – therefore what you can worry about and where you have to trust completely.
Let’s look at where this astrology is happening to you specifically.
A push for personal rebirth and deep transformation is a need, not a want, during this New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse in your home sign of Scorpio. Since May, you’ve been uncovering the pieces of yourself that don’t quite fit anymore and learning how to discard them without remorse. What are you learning about yourself that isn’t actually you anymore? Perhaps these traits were picked up from society or expectations from loved ones, and after much reflection and pulling back the layers to your core, you realize it’s time to remove them. Personal change and growth is a journey, not a destination. Reflect how you want to be more real and authentic with yourself during this New Moon and eclipse cycle.
Your creative inspiration will get a new boost when Jupiter shifts back into Pisces on October 28th, providing gifts of love and abundance from your artistic pursuits and/or connections with children and loved ones. Use this short period of Jupiter flowing through the waters of intuition to trust more in your ability to create and bring in more beauty and fun in your life. This will feel supportive and needed during the eclipse periods, and help you understand more about your true identity.
Mars’ retrograde in Gemini on October 30th will review your work with others in the world, including business and personal collaborations. Whatever work you’ve been doing with another, and how you benefit (or struggle) with their resources will be under review until January. The lesson here is not put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your collaborations and connections, so if one person falls through, you’re not left stranded.
Scorpio’s New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse asks you to reflect on your mental health, how you’re supporting yourself and also getting in the way of your own growth. Have you been properly handling your fears and anxieties about the future, or have you been letting them override your own health and ability to trust the process of self-fulfillment? This is an important time for you to reflect deeply on your own expectations to yourself, and where you need to let go of harsh personal criticisms or perhaps develop a little more discipline. Be wary of keeping your feelings bottled up – loved ones on the outside may not see your own personal struggles if you don’t share them. Dispersing your feelings to others that care will help you lighten the load and find solutions.
Home and family may provide a source of healing for you, especially as Jupiter shifts back into Pisces in late October. Open yourself up to connection with your living space, either with your family or just cozying up the space you unwind and relax in. The expansion here will be short-lived, but make the most of it through redecoration or connecting with close family from the past.
Mars’ retrograde in Gemini on October 30th will review your personal relationships – romantic, platonic, and business. There may’ve been tension in this area of your life recently, but know that whatever actions or harsh words that’ve been thrown around by you or your partner is not permanent and will be revisited. This is the time to work together, but not make any set decisions that will alter relationships until you have all the facts.
Your community, friendships, and those that support you personally is the focus for the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. There may’ve felt a great loss or emptiness here, especially when the Full Moon and Total Eclipse in mid-May cleared out many of the friends and community support you thought was long-lasting. From this space, however, you’re asked to envision what it means to have unconditional trust and support from your friend groups. This eclipse cycle is all about showing you what or who doesn’t fit into your circle anymore. It’s time to be willing to cut ties from those who take more from you than necessary and reflect on those relationships (currently existing or yet to manifest) that actually support your growth and needs.
Jupiter’s reentry into Pisces on October 28th will bring abundance and relationships into your daily ritual and day-to-day life, expanding your communications and little gifts you can find with your siblings or close friends that feel like siblings. While your long-term direction and future goals may feel a little unsettled, lean into this increase of personal support and communicate more about your problems. Opening the door to deeper connections will be rewarding.
Work will still be a big focus, however, especially with Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini on October 30th. Here you’ll be asked to review your daily work routine and work life, who you work for and those that work under you, and how satisfying or frustrating that has been lately. While you may’ve made great progress in this area, you’ll be asked to reflect if the direction you’re heading is in alignment with your overall career goals and desires for the future.
Public roles, career, and your overall work in the world is pulled into focus with the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. There’s been a change in this area of your life, especially around the first eclipse in mid-May. Now you’re asked to review your career path and direction and how it’s been fulfilling to you, or not, and reflecting on what needs to be let go of completely. Perhaps a certain project or role hasn’t been as coming together as it should, or there’s a new idea you’re dying to explore but haven’t really received the opportunity to do so yet. Be willing to cut away what isn’t satisfying to your deep inner needs, and focus on that internal pull that brings you to the right direction.
This eclipse will be supported by Jupiter’s return to Pisces on October 28th, which brings blessings of abundance and achievement to your personal resources. Gifts of money and income may start to flow in with a little extra magic, helping you understand and shape your career direction so it supports this flow. Open yourself to monetary gifts and little boosts to your self-esteem when they appear, knowing your hard work has allowed this success to happen.
Mars’ retrograde station in Gemini on October 30th will ask you to review and return to whatever creative projects and inspiration you’ve recently been pouring your time and energy into. What have you been creating and does it actually feel authentic to you? Try taking a new path or seek creativity and inspiration from a new source during this retrograde. Communicate your creative process, needs, and desires to see if it’s truly right for you.
Scorpio’s New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse reflects on your future goals, long-term plans, direction for life as well as any desire or current study of higher education, and your overall belief system. The total eclipse in mid-May allowed a clearing away of energy in this area, perhaps involving you letting go of a direction or plan that you thought was solid and dependable. This upcoming New Moon eclipse asks you to reflect on what hasn’t worked out and what that means to you. Is there a change or a different shift in direction you can pursue instead? Practice diving deep into your intuition and whatever beliefs that help you feel grounded and supported as you revisit your dreams for the future.
Luckily, Jupiter’s reentry into Pisces on October 28th will help you gain a footing onto yourself and your needs, desires, and how you wish to appear to others authentically. Open up to exploring your feelings and what makes you happy – this will also help you gain clarity on your life direction and what you need to focus on for the future and during eclipse season. Express yourself and connect with others that assist that expression when possible.
The Mars retrograde in Gemini on October 30th asks you to review your home and family environment, where you are living and how that is changing or being pulled apart. What action or plans have you made regarding your home life? This retrograde will review that progress, so be ready to revise your plans for your home and living situation. Even if you know you want the same outcome, it’s okay to look for different paths to get there.
Deep connections and collaborations with other people in your life, and other people’s money and your relationship to them is what the Scorpio New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse brings to light. Whatever finances you have been pooling together with another, either within your personal life or with business connections, gets the spotlight with this eclipse. This area may’ve been lower in activity, perhaps the pressure has been on you alone to provide for yourself and get the resources you need. You may’ve let go of working with others temporarily, but this New Moon will bring some collaborations back on the table. Reflect on the arrangements you have released, and why, to make sure whatever exchange you’re entering into can be trusted and solid for the long term.
Jupiter will shift into Pisces on October 28th, bringing more emphasis on your hidden spaces, mental health, and spiritual practices. This may be a good time for you to retreat from your public roles and carve out a space where you can unwind and deal with your needs and health behind the scenes.
Mars’ retrograde in Gemini on October 30th will have you reviewing your daily rituals and life, and how you communicate daily with others. This has been an area of increased activity, but the retrograde will ask you to analyze whether you’ve spoken your truth and expressed your needs like you’ve been asked to. What actions do you need to take or change in your daily life that feels necessary to you? Be willing to try different approaches as things get tripped up.
One-on-one relationships and partnerships both romantic and platonic are the focus for this New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. There is a need arising to center on the important people in your life and what their desires and dreams are as well. You may feel drawn to create more with other people and to lean on them when it comes to sharing the burden of responsibilities. There may’ve been some clearing out and emptying of this area of your life, especially in mid-May, reminding you that it’s also okay to let people go when the time comes. What have you learned about your lasting relationships in the last six months, and how is that drawing the people that value the most to you?
Your larger community and friendships will also get a boost once Jupiter moves into Pisces on October 28th. Here Jupiter will bring gifts of abundance, joy, and expansion in your overall community and friends you can count on. Bounce ideas off of them when you need, allow them to be of assistance when the time comes. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when it’s there.
Seeking support from your community and relationships will be helpful as Mars stations retrograde in Gemini on October 30th. With this retrograde, you’ll be asked to review the ways you are making money and generating resources, and if that has been stable and consistent or if there’s a change needed to be made. Don’t be afraid to try something new and approach it differently when things feel stagnant.
The New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio pulls the energy back into your work life, daily work routines, and the people you work with. There may have been big shifts in your work life this year, especially since mid-May, and now a new environment and routine may be starting to take form this month. Notice what interesting information you’re uncovering about your employers and employees, and where you can shape your work routine so it feels fulfilling and less draining. Reflect on the environments you have stepped away from previously, and the reasons why, so you can make sure your current work goals are in alignment with your future dreams for your career and overall direction.
This is heavily supported by Jupiter’s reentry into Pisces on October 28th, which brings abundance and growth in your career and public roles. Here you may receive increased recognition for your hard work, or maybe a shift in roles or a growth in your current role. This may bring more responsibilities, but nothing you aren’t able to handle. Let yourself shine in the spaces where you’ve earned it.
Mars’ retrograde on October 30th in Gemini is all about you and your roles outside of work – who you are as person and human being. You may’ve made changes to your personal beliefs and what is important to you, and this retrograde will have you reviewing those shifts and if they are fitting properly. Don’t be scared to try on different hats and change up your appearance during this retrograde, it’s all about figuring out what authenticity means to you.
Your creativity, inspiration, the ways you have fun, sexual experiences, and potentially even children is the focus for this New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. There may’ve been less activity here, especially as more energy has pulled you to your friend groups and social settings, and even problem-solving with work. The eclipse here asks you to come back to your creative life and the ways you find inspiration in the mundane. How do you like to have fun for yourself? What have you let go of creatively that you’d like to bring back, perhaps in a different style or way? Be willing to explore and create from the deepest parts of yourself, allowing this form of self-expression to put into words what has been hard to say.
Jupiter shifting back into Pisces on October 28th will bring more abundance and expansion to your long-term plans, future goals, and as well as any growth you’re seeking through expanding your mind and long-distance travel. This is a short transit, but it’s helpful for you to map out any future goals you’ve been thinking about, as well as learning anything new that allows you to feel excited and engrossed with what life has to offer.
The Mars retrograde on October 30th is all about your mental health, hidden life, and behind the scenes projects. Whatever healing work you’ve have been doing with yourself and outside the public eye will be highlighted during this retrograde. It’s important to make sure you are supporting your needs and not letting yourself get in the way of your own growth. Reflect on what measures you have taken here and perhaps where you need to give it more time.
The New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio brings a new energy into your home and living environment. Mid-May may have brought forth a cleansing energy, pulling you out of what has been comfortable and into a freefall of trying to figure out your home and family life. This New Moon brings fresh growth into this space, perhaps in the form of a literal new home or through new connections with your childhood, past, and/or birth parents. Open yourself up to approaching home life differently, but also reminding yourself of what works here and what doesn’t. As everything starts to rush in and change, be sure that you hold onto the personal space that is fulfilling and meaningful to you the most. Set necessary boundaries and enforce them as you need.
Jupiter’s reentry to Pisces on October 28th will help bring in some money and resources from your collaborations or from your partner. There will be a flow of abundance and help where you need it, just be sure to ask for it. Connecting with your close relationships and people that want the best for you is important during the short dive into this water sign, so open up your connections and allow things to flow as needed.
Mars’ retrograde in Gemini on October 30th is all about your friend groups and larger community and the relationships you’ve cultivated there. This has been an area of action in your life, maybe even some separation and frustration. This retrograde will have you reviewing who you spend your time with and if it’s helping or hurting you, and what changes you may be making within these friend groups and overall community.
Scorpio’s New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse brings increased attention to your daily life, daily rituals, relationships with close friends and siblings, as well as any communication or writing projects you have. This may come in the form of reconnection with siblings or close friends that have been separated, as well as new changes your daily routine and rituals. The eclipse in mid-May may have cleared out this area of your life, but the New Moon in Scorpio will bring the energy back in, keeping your days busy and full. Be sure to take what you learned about letting go of this space in May and be particular about what you let back into your daily routine. Does it feel fulfilling and exciting? Or is it draining?
Jupiter will enter Pisces on October 28th which brings abundance and growth in your one-on-one relationships and personal partnerships, both business and romantic. For this short period until the end of December, it’s a good opportunity to spend time with those you love and cherish the most. Open yourself up to new relationships if that feels right to you, or nourish the ones you already have.
On October 30th, Mars will station retrograde in Gemini and you’ll be reviewing your overall career and public roles. You’ve been putting a lot of time and energy into this space, but now you’re asked to retrace some steps and see if this extra energy has been the right move for you. Is there conflict in your work, or is it feeling energizing? Be willing to shift roles or responsibilities just to try something different.
Money, resources, income and how you spend money is the focus for the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. There’s been big shifts in this area of your life, perhaps taking place in the form of new jobs, sources of incomes, and different contracts. While the eclipse in mid-May may have cleared out this space, this New Moon can bring in different opportunities and chances to change up your income flows. Don’t be afraid to be selective about what changes you make and be mindful that you don’t overload your plate. It helps to get all the details about these arrangements, and with this eclipse in Scorpio, be mindful that not everyone may be upfront about the full picture. Dig deeper when your intuition tells you to.
This work dynamic will be supported by Jupiter’s shift into Pisces on October 28th. Back in one of his home signs, Jupiter will bring abundance and expansion in your daily work routine and the people you work with. This shift may come in the form of flowing work connections that help you feel more at home with your work life and overall work/life balance.
Finally, the Mars retrograde on October 30th will have you reviewing your long-term plans and overall goals in life. There’s been a lot of action and motivation in this area of your life to figure out the next steps for your five-year goals. But whatever direction you thought you had in place will be revisited and subject to analysis. Be willing to shift your plans and play around with different ideas during this period.
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