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Horoscopes for New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Aries
The New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse occurs in Aries on April 8th, 2024 at 2:20 pm EDT. This eclipse will appear over the United States, with complete visible totality stemming from Texas to Maine. Astrologically, this eclipse highlights wounds, pain points, or potential frustrations in our life with the presence of Chiron right at the exact degree of this New Moon. Chiron is represented by the myth of the wounded healer and tends to highlight the deeper injuries or pain points within ourselves that we hide from others and our own awareness. This eclipse is also ruled by the fiery and go-getter Mars, who is currently in between a rock and a hard place sitting next to Saturn in Pisces. Typically eclipses like to rush in changes, new beginnings, and great endings, but we may feel a little more stagnant during this period of time with the slowdown from Mars.
Horoscopes for New Moon & Total Eclipse in Libra
On October 14, 2023 at 1:55pm EDT the first total solar eclipse of the season arrives at 21° Libra. While this is a New Moon, which plants a fresh seed of intention, this is also a South Node (Ketu) eclipse which encourages releasing, letting go, and removal of stagnant energy and old processes in our lives. Whenever we are having the first New Moon/South Node eclipse in a sign, it speaks to new origins, but those that unfold in a way that may ultimately end, or be a phase where you release and share all the understandings you have been accumulating in this area of your life.
Total Solar Eclipse in Aries 2023 — Forecast
The first eclipse of 2023 is here at 29 degrees of Aries! This eclipse initiates a brand new cycle of beginnings and endings, as well as challenges we will overcome to better understand ourselves. The New Moon is squared by Pluto, which may uncover power dynamics and where we have to let go of control. Mercury will station retrograde in Taurus right after the eclipse, providing a possibility for miscommunications and misunderstandings.
New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022 — Forecast
The New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse opens us up to Scorpio and eclipse season. Here we are asked to start new in an area we have previously cleansed and let go of. This Scorpio New Moon may uncover some secrets or hidden information in our life, asking us to find the balance between control and trusting the process.