Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 2022 — Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and important astrological events up to the New Moon in Sagittarius in late November. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse opens up on November 8th at 6:02am EST. This is the Full Moon event to the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse that happened on April 30th, 2022. Therefore, this Full Moon highlights the increased energy and growth we have accomplished, especially in the house/area of our life that contains Taurus, during the past six months. Because this is a Total Lunar Eclipse conjunct the North Node, there is an opportunity for great change and transformation, as well as a flood of new energy and shifts that may occur during this lunation cycle.
The Moon is conjunct Uranus, the planet of instability, disruption, innovation, technology, and breakthroughs in the most unexpected ways. While we may have a plan in place or an idea of how things are coming together, this Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse may shakeup that entire foundation and belief system we thought was true.
The week of the eclipse is a good time to be open to approaching life and your goals differently, and to not be too fixed on a certain direction or objective, because more likely than not it will be completely tossed off track. Look for different and innovative ways to proceed instead, and know that a change of direction may simply be placing you on a better path.
Another signature aspect of this Full Moon that will be felt a few days after, especially November 10 and 11th, is when the planets square Saturn in Aquarius. Whatever growth or direction we are seeking may hit a conflicting corner or limitation, and we may be pulled to deal with work and responsibilities in a different part of our life. This may feel frustrating, like all the growth we have achieved and have planned to accomplish hits a roadblock.
This is not a definite end, and there are ways around this constraint. Also on the 10th, Venus makes a sweet and supportive trine to Neptune. This may provide us with an opportunity to detach and relax in the midst of any disappointments. When the Sun makes the same aspect to Neptune on November 14th, we may be presented with an opportunity to move forward from Saturn’s boundaries in an unconventional way.
Neptune may confuse our direction, but through faith and trusting our intuition, it can show us ways to dissolve Saturn’s restrictions and move forward with our goals and plans with a different approach that we may’ve not have thought of before. This is further encouraged on November 15th, when Venus makes one of the sweetest aspects to Jupiter, opening up the potential for abundance and connection in watery, mystical, and intuitive ways.
Mars, who is retrograde, makes a frustrating and confusing square to Neptune on November 19th. Whatever actions we’ve been reviewing with the Mars retrograde may get bogged down by Neptune’s fog. Know that if you don’t have all the answers yet, it’s okay to wait until the mist clears and you receive more facts. If you feel pressured to make a decision, be sure to step back and pause.
The next day on November 20th, the Sun makes the same beautiful and helpful aspect to Jupiter in Pisces. In this supportive and illuminating trine, we may develop more faith and trust in our direction and ability to move forward. Neptune is present and can blur the facts, but it’s okay to make decisions based on what feels right.
The planets all shift into Sagittarius towards the end of November, ruled by the same Jupiter in Pisces. There’s much more optimism and hope in the air, along with excitement, as the shift from water to fire signs may motivate us to take action and make some changes from the prior eclipse.
Let’s look at where this astrology is happening to you specifically.
Your self growth and personal transformation are highlighted under this Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. You may’ve been moved to deeply revisit your sense of self, what motivates you, and how you wish to present yourself to the world in the past six months. Now, this Full Moon is celebrating what you’ve accomplished here as well as providing seeds of new growth and a path to continue your self development. The connection to Uranus may be groundbreaking and unexpected. Don’t be scared to shine your light in ways that are against the status quo and tradition. You’re asked to fully express yourself without fear of retaliation. You aren’t made to follow the steps of others, and especially with this Full Moon, you’re encouraged to make your own path however outside of the norm or comfort zone that may be for you.
Work and your career area may push back against your need to disrupt and come out of your old shell. Saturn in your house of public roles may feel limiting, asking you to show up for your work responsibilities and reel in your self expression to fit into the roles of others. Know that who you are truly and who you’re asked to be at work does not have to be the same person, but do not let one restrict the other. If it feels uncomfortable, draw a boundary and put your foot down. Seeking support and fun from your community and outside friendships may help you feel more like yourself when things are more frustrating.
The Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus brings increased awareness to your hidden spaces, mental health, and inner needs outside of what others may see. This has been an area of growth and attention, especially from six months ago, and this eclipse asks you to reflect on how you’ve grown spiritually as well as with your mental health and overall beliefs. The Moon’s connection with Uranus may throw you off whatever faith or foundation you thought was stable, and may ask you to look at the world a little differently than before. Allow yourself time to honor your beliefs and nurture your mental health, especially if there is any uncertainty or confusion in this area. Be open to reaching into the darker aspects of life, and confront the challenges head on, instead of pushing them aside and letting them fester. The Full Moon may highlight ways you are self-sabotaging, but also provide means and a path for you to heal.
The square to Saturn may show how your plans and goals for the future are not moving at the speed you wish, or are asking you to step into more responsibility with teaching or higher education, or just making time to adjust your future plans. There may be conflict with your inner needs and the direction you want to pursue, so try to find ways to honor both. Your career growth may be a way for you to see how you’re growing publicly, and can help you find ways to incorporate that abundance into your overall direction and inner spaces.
Community, friendships, and the ways you have fun with other people is highlighted under this Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This may be an area you have been changing and undergoing a transformation within, especially from six months ago, and this Full Moon shows the friends that have stuck by and grown to make a lasting community in your life. Even if this has been lacking, you are shown what you need from people and what you need your community to grow into during this lunation cycle. Uranus may provide you with friends that are disrupting the norm and pushing you outside of your comfort zone. As long as they are supportive and fun, it’s okay to hang out with groups you normally don’t associate with. Let yourself try something new and see how it influences your own growth.
Saturn in Aquarius may push back against this community expansion, asking you to also pay attention to whatever collaborations you have going on with other people. This may even involve your partner and their income, or any loans or other financial obligations. Notice what limitation seems to be apparent here, but know that it’s not the end. You can find ways forward with looking towards your long-term plans, spirituality, and religious beliefs, as well as finding philosophy or inspiration from outside sources. Lean into knowing whatever blockage is present is only temporary.
Your career, public roles, and work in the world is receiving a big push of energy and change during Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This area of your life may’ve been through some transformation, especially from the last eclipse six months ago, and now you’re finally receiving insight and motivation to move your career or work in a direction that feels fulfilling. Notice what offers or room for advancement announce itself during the eclipse, and be prepared for some shift that is unexpected and disrupting. Uranus may push your career in ways that are outside of the box and against what’s considered the norm, so be prepared to look at your work a little more untraditionally. Know that it’s okay to do life a little differently than how others expect you to – it’s okay to go against the grain and make a change that is more authentic and real to yourself.
Any one-on-one relationships or committed partnerships may pull your attention and focus elsewhere, or put a limit onto your spotlight with your career and how you’re seen in the world. They may have an opinion about your growth or being going through their own hardships that can distract you from your career needs. Try to find balance and attend to both, or set boundaries with your relationships as needed. If this feels frustrating, know that later on in the month you have the opportunity to receive abundance and expansion from your collaborations and hidden gifts from other unexpected sources.
The Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus highlights your long-term plans and overall direction and goals for the future. This may include long distance travel, going back to school, or just an overall change in your philosophy and belief system. Your future direction has been going through an overhaul, especially since the last eclipse in this sign six months ago. This Full Moon may provide clarity on your direction and where you need to pull your attention to, but the conjunction with Uranus may ignite a disruption to what plans you thought were solid and stable. Allow some fluidity in your direction, be open to changing your path or belief as needed. Uranus has the opportunity to show you ways to move forward that are unconventional and unexpected – a willingness to try something new and think outside of the box is necessary during this Full Moon.
Saturn in Aquarius may give a limitation to your forward thinking by pushing you to focus on your work and health responsibilities. Frustration or a disagreement with the people you work for, or those under you, may distract you from your dreams and goals during the Full Moon. Be prepared to create boundaries to help keep life and work separate. It’s okay to say no to extra work when you have other commitments. If these structures get to be too much, share your experiences with your relationships and one-on-one partnerships. They may help you find an inspiring direction forward.
Collaborations with your partners, both business and personal, are reaching a new point of growth under this Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This may involve contract work, connecting finances with someone else, or working with loans and your partner’s money. Whatever started in this area of your life six months ago is finally reaching a turning point and highlighting the progress you’ve made with another, as well as showing you what the next steps may be. Of course, with the Moon conjunct Uranus, you can expect plans to go awry. Whatever agreement previously laid out may get a sudden shift in direction or hit a bump in the road. Open up your communication with the other parties involved so that you’re not left holding all the weight of the work. Allow yourself to come back to the drawing board as needed, and look for unconventional approaches to move forward.
Your creative needs and/or children’s needs may be a point of responsibility you have to come back to, or your creativity may’ve been feeling blocked and limited by the square to Saturn. Inspiration and fun may be lacking lately, but try to make sure you’re still not overworking yourself. Saturn’s restrictions are temporary even if they feel heavy, and be open to looking towards finding joy in your daily work routines and daily work schedule to ease the load. Practice creating time for yourself to just have fun and not stress about the collaborations and work, and see if coming back to old creative projects helps you achieve that.
Committed relationships and one-on-one partnerships are reaching an important climax during this Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Your connections with others are highlighted here and this lunation shows how much they’ve grown and changed in the last six months. What are you learning about your relationships that helps you learn more about yourself as well? Who are you now saying “yes” to in terms of committing with them for the future? This includes both personal relationships as well as platonic and work-related ones. The Moon’s connection with Uranus may disrupt whatever harmony that has been flowing, perhaps giving your partner a challenge to deal with that also impacts you. Or Uranus may ask you to approach this relationship differently than you have in the past, taking a more untraditional and unconventional path. Not every partnership has to be a mirror of another, it’s okay to do things differently even if those on the outside don’t understand.
Frustrations or limitations in your home and family life may arise and pull you away from this focus on your partner(s). The square with Saturn may ask you to deal with responsibilities in your home or with your parents. Know that it’s okay to put up boundaries in this area when necessary, especially if family seems to be overextending their welcome. Look for ways around these restrictions by tapping into your creativity and fun aspects of life – either chasing what inspires you or spending time with those you love including children. Balance between work and fun is calling to you.
The Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus highlights your daily work life, work routines, and your overall body health. This may’ve been a place of great change and transformation, especially in the last six months, and it’s finally hitting a point of completion. Reflect back on how your work life and health has changed this year, and what goals you still have in this area of your life. The Full Moon’s conjunction with Uranus may shake up many of the plans you thought were fixed, asking you to revisit what it means to you to have a stable work/life balance. You may be asked to approach your work life in a more untraditional way – not everything has to be a solid 9 to 5, and you can also achieve your goals through different methods. Or there may be a sudden change in your overall work environment, asking you to evaluate that progress. It’s important to be able to go with the flow here, and not get overwhelmed when things move quickly.
The square to Saturn may feel limiting in terms of how you communicate with others and express yourself overall. It’s important during this Full Moon to let your voice be heard and to share your experiences with others. If it feels like no one is listening and you’re doing all the problem-solving, be sure there are boundaries in place so your needs are being met. If needed, you can find healing and recovery in your home life. Establish a place of rest and retreat so you can recuperate as things can get busy and destabilizing at this time.
Your fun and creative life is highlighted and emphasized under this Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This includes the way you seek inspiration, have fun, including sex and even your children’s needs if applicable. This area of your life has been through an overhaul during the last six months, and this Full Moon shows you how you’ve changed and grown through your creative projects and ability to find joy in life. Uranus present with the Moon may throw you off the stable and solid path you’ve been on, asking you to approach fun and creativity a little differently than before. You may be asked to try new methods or projects you haven’t attempted, or seek inspiration from a new source that’s a little unconventional. This can be a fun Full Moon for you, and don’t be scared to try something new. There’s no “failing” with the ways that you can enjoy life, just find whatever feels authentic and exciting.
Saturn may be limiting your income and money, or there may be debts that you’re paying off that can restrict whatever fun money you have left. The square here will ask you to make sure your finances are in order and you’re able to meet those needs while still having a little more fun in life. Put up a budget and boundaries in place so you’re able to meet both. Don’t let any limitations to your resources drain you emotionally. Seek out friends that can support and understand your needs, and communicate with them for ideas if needed.
Home and family life is the theme for this Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. How you spend time at home, and who you spend it with, may have shifted and changed since the last eclipse in this sign six months ago. There’s been new growth in this area of your life now, maybe calling for a redecoration or inviting someone else as a permanent addition to your home. Or maybe there’s been a reconnection with your childhood and past, older family members, or a literal move to a new place. Whatever it is, expect a shakeup to shift that stability as the Moon makes a conjunction with Uranus. You may discover something new about your living environment, or uncover a disruption to whatever harmony you’ve cultivated there. Be okay with a little change and know that it’s only temporary.
The square to Saturn may have felt like a limiting factor to your self-expression, or asking you to deal with body and health issues. Try to find ways to be comfortable and feel safe at home, even when you’re working through your own authenticity and self-development. Put up boundaries if people or family are asking too much of your time when necessary. Luckily, the connections to Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces may provide some blessing in the form of income, money, and more resources. Be careful not the overspend, but be sure to enjoy yourself when you can during this lunation cycle.
The Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus places the spotlight on your daily life and communications, how you are living out every day and sharing your information and knowledge with others. This may be in the form of new teaching, writing, or speaking projects or just reconnecting with those close friends and siblings by sharing ideas. Whatever change in your daily life and communication you’ve made since the last eclipse six months ago is coming to a point of completion and celebration. With the Full Moon’s connection with Uranus, know that it’s okay to speak out and share your voice in ways that are a little against the grain and more on the untraditional side. You have things to say and share with others that may disrupt the status quo, but that’s what you’re here for during this lunation. It’s okay to be the voice that breaks the tradition and teaches someone else something new, often times it’s just what they need to hear.
During this period, notice if any fears or self-doubt arises with your self expression as Saturn squares the Full Moon. Saturn may’ve been putting more restrictions and blockages for you work through in the area of your mental health, spirituality, and beliefs about yourself. It’s okay to have some doubt about your work, but don’t let it limit or prohibit you from at least trying. Expressing these fears with others, and coming back to what is authentic and real for you own growth, will help you through this limitation.
Your money, income, and resources are the main focus for this Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This may’ve been a big focus in your life, especially in the past six months, and now the ways you bring in money is finally reaching a point of completion and regeneration. You may have new inspiration in terms of how you bring in more income, or even get that raise you’ve been pushing for. Money may be flowing out as well, so take notice where you’re asked to spend more of your resources. The connection with Uranus may destabilize a lot of your income that you thought was constant, and ask you to look for new ways to balance out the flow. With Uranus, you’re pushed to look into technology and innovation, and approach how you make money in a completely new fashion. It’s okay to do things a little differently here, especially if it feels right in your gut. Pay attention about what income and money focus arises here and be able to act on it if needed.
The square to Saturn may’ve been limiting your time with your friends and overall community, asking you to spend more time with work and responsibilities instead. If this period of time feels a little lonely, try to lean into that space. It’s okay to be a bit of a recluse during this lunation, and create a healing and quiet domain for your mental health. When the time is right, the restrictions will ease, and you’ll be ready to spend more time with those friendships and be a little more social.
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