Full Moon in Aries 2022 — Astrology Forecast

This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Aries and important astrological events up to the New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio in late October. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

We are deep into Libra season, and the Full Moon in Aries occurring on October 9th at 4:55pm EDT, brings a burst of fire and warmth into the cooling Fall vibes. Libra is all about the relationships we cultivate in life, especially as the weather draw us indoors and invites us to surround ourselves with people we love. This Full Moon asks we reflect on our own personal individuality, and how that we’re growing and shaping throughout this season. Where are we feeling the fire light underneath us? What are we trying to push forward that may disrupt the harmony we’ve been so careful to maintain?

The interesting aspect of this Full Moon is the Moon’s conjunction to Chiron, as well as the Sun and Venus’ opposition to this asteroid. Chiron is the wounded healer in our charts. In mythology, he was able to heal everyone in the village, but his own wound became his downfall. In a way, this Full Moon highlights our personal wounds and aspects of ourselves we are working to mend. It may feel separating, we’re asked to set ourselves apart from the group and look within and at our own unique journey, including what pieces of our heart feel a little tender and hurt.  

Libra wants harmony and views relationships as its own entity and likes to cultivate the careful balance of self versus other. Aries wants you to set yourself apart from the group environment and see your individuality alone. When we’re asked to be more minded about our needs and healing, it may disrupt the harmony and disconnect us from the relationships in our life. But this Full Moon reminds us of how that can be necessary, so we don’t get too lost in the needs of others. 

Whatever personal desire we’ve been pushing aside and not honoring will be highlighted and expressed during this Full Moon. The goals and intentions we’ve set six months ago will be brought to the surface and we’ll be asked to reckon with how comfortable or unsatisfied we are with our progress. The ruler of this Full Moon, Mars, is also in a strong square to Neptune, creating a sense of impossibility about what we’ve dreamed of and what we’re actually seeing manifest. It can be heavy, but allowing it to be expressed will unlock new doors for healing.

Mercury will reenter Libra the next day on October 10th, then clear its shadow on October 16th representing the official end of the Mercury retrograde review and refine. With Venus also here in her home sign, we may have more ease with smoothing over any difficulties we’ve been facing with this Mercury retrograde.

A few days after the Full Moon around October 11th and 12th, the Sun makes a flowing aspect to Saturn, Mars completes his square to Neptune, and Mercury opposes Jupiter. This is a good time to review whatever wounds have been uncovered and the vulnerability we’ve discovered about ourselves during the Full Moon. It still may feel more somber and separated from our dreams and fantasies, but there is a sense of completeness and finality with our plans and actions as Mercury makes the last aspect to Jupiter.

On October 17th, the Sun will make a flowing aspect to Mars in Gemini, allowing us to take whatever necessary structure we uncovered about ourselves on the 11th and make a solid plan of action to move forward in this lunation cycle. Whatever insight we received after the Full Moon, and when the Sun is connected to Saturn, allows us clarity on our structure and pushes us forward with a new plan of action, fresh motivation, and open goals. Venus will make the same aspect to Mars the next day, providing us with supportive relationships to move change forward.

It’s important to note that the Sun and Venus have been traveling closely together during this cycle — when this happens, the planet that is too close to the Sun is said to be in a cazimi. A cazimi means the Sun “burns” the other planet with its rays, making it difficult for that planet to fully express itself. Venus here may be overshadowed by the Sun, so our relationships may take the burnt end of things as we move forward with our own desires and needs.

The Sun and Venus will meet at the exact degree together on October 22nd, right before they both shift into the sign of Scorpio for the Scorpio New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse. Venus in the heart of the Sun will show us any conflict or discomfort there’s been with our own personal desires and the needs of our relationships, as well as the desire to keep peace and beauty in our lives. It may feel conflicting, but we can open up these feelings through the art of communication and sharing of experiences. This is especially true as Mercury makes the supportive aspect to Saturn, which allows us to communicate our needs and establish a sense of connection we may’ve been losing our grip on.

Let’s look at where this astrology is happening to you specifically.


This Full Moon in your home sign highlights the tremendous growth you’ve been taking on with your own self transformation, especially during the past six months. What goals have you started for yourself then, and how can you celebrate how far you’ve come? At the same time, you may be uncovering wounds with self-expression and your individuality. The Sun and Venus have been sweetening your one-on-one partnerships and shining the spotlight on them, but it’s important to not let their show overshadow your personal development. What have you been discovering about yourself through your close relationships? Where are you realizing you need to give more time into sharing your light? How does that feel scary or daunting?

Mars has been drawing a lot of energy into the way you communicate your needs and live out your daily life authentically. This may grow into some tension or conflict with the time you’ve been spending with your inner spaces, mental health, and spiritual practices. Find ways to share what you’ve been discovering about your inner world and your beliefs that doesn’t feel so intense, and knowing that a little more grounding in practicality is needed so people can understand you.

Towards the middle of the month, you have the opportunity to feel more solid about yourself and your role within your close partnerships. With this increased energy, allow yourself to feel supported with your friendships, both the close relationships and those more on the outside of your community. Who are you discovering matters most in your life? And supports your dreams and goals? Practice expressing yourself truthfully with them, and you will be rewarded.


The Full Moon in Aries illuminates your inner world, spiritual beliefs, and even the ways you may hurt your own self growth. There’s been so much movement and activity in you daily work life and day-to-day work routines that sometimes you may lose sight of your own inner needs. This Full Moon reminds you to come back to an inner space, mediate a little more, and perhaps discover a wound or ache that you’ve been neglecting about yourself. It will feel a little more personal, a little more tender. What have you been uncovering about your spiritual beliefs and practices that is working for you? And what hasn’t been working? What needs more attention or a change?

Mars has been forcing your hand and time in your house of money and resources — asking you to take action to maintain income for yourself, even at times when it’s been pulling away. The square with Neptune will require you to be more grounded about how you can make money from your community. Perhaps there has been expansion and growth with this area of your life, but how practical is it as a source of income? Be open to revision during the days after the Full Moon.

Towards the middle of the month there will be great relationships and energy cultivated in the area of work, employees, and employers. These connections will help solidify the foundation and overall structure of your career. Listening to the people you have in your daily work life will help you find success, and even bring in a little more stability to the resources you need.


Community and your extended network of friend groups are highlighted under this Full Moon in Aries. Libra season has been all about the needs of your creative life, whether it be art, projects, sex, fun, or even your children’s needs. This Full Moon draws you back into your community, and refers to the ways you can cultivate fun with other people that pull you out of your comfort zone. A wound may be illuminated here, perhaps about how you’re able to express yourself authentically with your friend groups. Or the people within the group may be going through their own hardships, and you have to find what line you can walk, and the ways you can support them while still honoring that boundary.

Mars, the ruler of this Full Moon, has been pushing through and separating out the aspects of yourself that you thought were stable, fixed, and foundational. There’s a whole process of undoing and redeveloping happening here, and you have to be mindful that you don’t get carried away with any idealizations you have about your career or your role with the public. Know that it’s okay to be seen in your career differently than who you actually are. Although we don’t want to mask ourselves, how can you find a balance between the real you and your roles at work?

Towards the middle of the month, use whatever fun and creativity that has been expanding in your personal life and apply some of that inspiration to your goals and visions for the future. Be open to approaching your long term dreams with a fresh mindset, and it will help you feel more sound and structurally supported overall.


Aries’ Full Moon highlights your career and your public roles, and whatever growth has taken place there – perhaps in a form of a new job or changing roles within your career. Your home and family life has been majority of the focus for Libra season, but this Full Moon pulls you away from your private life and out into how you’re seen in the public eye. There may’ve been a feeling of discomfort or even a wound here as you’re asked to express yourself through your career and work in the world. What has been an issue or discomfort about your work in the past? What is Full Moon highlighting for you that you’re asked to deal with and confront? This is good time to review how your career reflects, or doesn’t, you own vision for yourself.

At the same time, Mars has been stirring up conflict and tension in your inner mind, spirituality, and overall mental health, perhaps asking you to deal with more than you have the time or energy to do so. Be mindful of any dreams or fantasies of how you see your long-term plans unfolding, especially if you’re placing those goals onto healing your inner world. Be okay with learning how to make peace with what your life is like now, and trust the process that healing doesn’t have to come from outside achievements.

Towards the middle of the month, warmth and connections within your home and family life will pave the way for collaborations and future resources from your family or your close partnerships in life. Open yourself up to your close connections, especially within your family space, and allow some help, stability, and structure to flow in when offered.


Your long-term plans, goals, visions for your future, and five-year direction are highlighted under the Full Moon in Aries. There’s been a lot of growth and expansion in this area of your chart, allowing yourself to pave a way for a new direction with your life, or expand your mind through philosophy and higher education. The Full Moon may also uncover a wound here, perhaps showing you how your intention and future hasn’t panned out the way you initially thought it would, or there’s been many bumps in the road to get where you’re at now. It’s okay to practice awareness of this loss, but also realize the new path you’re on, and how it’s been integral to your self growth and authenticity. Are there any changes you can make to your goals that brings them back to alignment with your overall vision?

Big focus and energy has been apparent in your overarching community and friendships as Mars has been digging through this area of your life. This Full Moon may start to shine light on tension between your desire to be a part of your friend groups, and the needs, dreams, and wishes of your one-on-one relationships and their resources, or your collaborations with them. Be mindful of how much time you are giving to another and their work, and if it’s in congruence with you and the action you wish to take with your friends.

Mid-month will bring an opportunity to solidify your daily communications, daily life, and rituals in a way that is supported and sustained by your close partnerships. Whatever relationships you’ve been cultivating in your daily routine has the ability to become something sound and dependent in your life, just be mindful of the boundaries you may need to set with these connections.


The Full Moon in Aries highlights your collaborations and resources you’ve been working with, especially your partner’s resources or loans, inheritances, and money that flows to you unconventionally. The Sun and Venus in Libra have been putting more pressure and energy into your own money and finances and how that has been changing and growing — but this Full Moon wants you to look at the work and resources you cultivate with others, and your role in them. There may be a wound uncovered here, perhaps through a point in tension in these arrangements, or a concern or worry they may not work out the way you planned. Communicate and express these concerns with the people you’re working with and be open to new ways of approaching the issue, maybe even trusting the other to pull their weight as needed.

Mars has been putting pressure in your career and public roles, asking you to step up in this area of your life, maybe even creating conflict and uncertainty there as well. As the ruler of this Full Moon, there might be some tension with your career and the wishes or expectations from your partner and/or one-on-one relationships. Be mindful that you can’t please both. Where can you set some boundaries with these other opinions and your own goals for your career?

Towards the middle of the month there will be an opportunity for you to solidify the work you’re doing developing your own resources and money with your day-to-day work life. A new career opportunity or change in your work environment may present itself, allowing you to bring in some stability and maybe a little extra cash.


Aries’ Full Moon illuminates your partnerships and close one-on-one relationships you hold in your life, both platonic and romantic, and what you’ve been cultivating there for the last six months. The past Libra New Moon and Venus’ entry to this sign has really pulled the focus on you and your self-growth and development. This Full Moon asks you to see how you shine in relationships and Chiron will want you to review what may be missing here. There’s potential for a wound to be uncovered, perhaps highlighting how past relationships haven’t worked out for you and the ways you’ve been hurt before. What have you learned about yourself recently that can help you feel more solid and trusting in your current partnerships? Lean into the love where it’s provided.

Mars has been pulling a lot of your energy into your long-term plans and visions for the future, maybe separating out some aspects of things you thought were already determined. Be mindful of any tension that may be highlighted during the Full Moon, especially in regard to your daily work life and work routine. It’s easy to imagine and desire a work environment that is everything you want, but is it setting you up for future you’ve also been working towards? Consider what needs to be more grounded in your daily routine to feel like you are actually making long-term progress.

Mid-month will bring the energy back into you and have you feeling a little more stable, especially with how you wish to spend more time creating and generating fresh moments of fun in your life. Find new ways to express yourself authentically and it will help bring structure to your sense of self.


Your daily work life, work routines, employers, and/or employees are highlighted under this Full Moon in Aries. There’s been great expansion in your work life and with your energy here, maybe feeling fulfilling and even a little draining. The Moon with Chiron may uncover a wound with your work structure, perhaps the ways that you stretch yourself too thin, or feel inadequate with your duties. Recognize that you can appreciate the growth and expansion in your work without putting so much pressure on yourself to perform perfectly. Draw boundaries where you can and make time to detach and unwind – find ways to nourish your mental health and relax when the pressure gets to be too much.

The ruler of this Full Moon and ruler of your chart, Mars, has been pushing energy and time into your collaborations and work with other people, especially with their money and time. This may mean working with your partner’s resources, both business and personal, and/or loans or other financial obligations. Notice any tension that may appear with this exchange of resources and the ways you wish to create and grow artistically, with fun and play, or even with your children. Again, boundaries may be needed so that there’s balance with what you imagine you can do creatively, and what’s possible with the resources you have.

Libra season has been all about your inner spaces, mental health, and even your spiritual practices. Towards the middle of the month there’ll be an opportunity for you to find some balance here and with your home life. Create a space at home for you to fully release yourself and unwind so that healing can happen.


This Full Moon in Aries highlights your creative projects, sources of inspiration, how you find fun and enjoyment, and even the needs of your children if applicable. Over the past six months you’ve been expanding this area of your life quickly, and it’s time to appreciate that growth even if there’s a wound uncovered. Perhaps your creativity hasn’t gained as much visibility or success as you thought. Maybe you feel insufficient to others, falling into the comparison trap. Or maybe the needs of your children have been overriding your needs for fun and play, and it’s been impossible to balance both. Although your community and friend groups have been growing this Libra season, it’s important for you to analyze your own ways to have fun and create, and make sure your needs are also being met.

Mars in Gemini is all about your partnerships and one-on-one relationships. Perhaps there has been some separation or conflict here, or these relationships have been taking most of your time and energy. With the square to Neptune, it’s important to recognize any tension with your loved ones and your home life. You may have a vision or dream for how you wish your home life to flourish into, but is it in alignment with your partner? Take note of what is or isn’t working for both of you.

Mid-month you’ll be able to seek help and refuge with your friends and overarching community. Allow them to help you make a plan for communicating about your needs and desires, especially when it comes to the conflicts you’re tackling. Talk out your issues and let other people bring in their insight – sometimes a fresh perspective is what you need.


Home and family life is illuminated under this Full Moon in Aries for you, highlighting the ways your home life has grown and transformed over the last six months. Even as your career and public roles have been the source of your time and energy for Libra season, it’s equally important to acknowledge your home and places you can recharge. Be aware of any wounds or areas of hurt that could be discovered during this Full Moon. Perhaps your home life isn’t what you planned it be six months ago, or maybe there are expectations from your family or those you live with that are creating conflict. Give yourself time alone and away from the daily grind of life to unpack what “home” means to you and how you wish to see it transition.

Your work routine is still a large focus of your life, especially as Mars makes his way through the area of your chart regarding your daily work schedule, employees, and employers. Be mindful of any tension that may develop here as you work through challenges and separation of your work environment, and how it can conflict with the dreams or visions you have about your daily life. It’s important to plan a few days for escaping, then come back to the structure you need for your responsibilities.

The middle of the month brings an opportunity for you to take the work you’ve been doing in your career and establish a strong foundation and lasting structure with your resources and finances. Money may’ve felt limited lately, but for good reason. How you’re earning income will help solidify your career direction and help you find the balance you need in your work life.


Aries’ Full Moon is all about your daily life and rituals — what you do everyday that brings you a sense of satisfaction, and your daily communications with close friends, siblings, or others dear to you. There’s been great expansion here in the past six months, but the Full Moon may uncover a wound or area of tension in your life. Perhaps your experience with your daily routine has been chaotic and more demanding than you wish it to be. Maybe the way you’ve been communicating your messages hasn’t been reaching out like you’ve expected, or comes across in a way that doesn’t feel authentic or how you intended. Reflect on this, but realize that whatever growth there’s been here has a long term impact on your life.

Mars has been pushing you towards your creative side, asking you to explore life with more inspiration and develop more fun there, or even consider to have or spend more time with children. As the ruler of this Full Moon, there may be more tension developing against any idealizations or dreams you have with your income. Maybe you have a creative idea but not quite the resources to make it happen. Ground yourself with more practical goals and desires as you move forward with this transit.

Mid-month will provide some insight to your long-term plans and goals for the future, and/or any desires to head back to school and expand your mind. This will feel supportive to you as an individual, providing yourself a chance to align your personal goals with the future you envision. Dream big.


This Full Moon in Aries highlights your money and resources, how you bring in money, and how you spend it. There’s been growth here over the past six months, perhaps in ways you haven’t thought possible, and now it’s time to review and celebrate what you’ve accomplished in terms of generating your own resources and supporting yourself. There may be a wound uncovered as well — perhaps the income you have isn’t what you expected to be. Maybe the jobs and career role haven’t brought in the resources you’ve anticipated. Or there’s a sense of inadequacy with your own self-esteem and ability to provide for yourself. Recognize what is true and where you’re being too hard on yourself, and nourish those wounds as needed. It’s all part of your own development.

Your home and family life have been receiving increased attention with Mars pushing through and intensifying the energy and dynamics here. Around the Full Moon, be mindful of any tension between home life and your own wishes and development of yourself. How do you envision yourself, and is self-expression allowed to be shared at home? Sometimes we grow into different people than how our family once knew us, and that’s completely okay.

The middle of the month presents an opportunity for your collaborations, or any work you’ve been doing with your partner, to provide some relief and healing with your own mental health. Sharing your experience with others will help you work through the issues you’ve been dealing with behind the scenes. Be open to any support when it flows in.

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New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022 — Forecast


New Moon in Libra 2022 — Astrology Forecast