New Moon in Libra 2022 — Astrology Forecast

This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Libra and important astrological events up to the Full Moon in Aries in early October. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The New Moon in Libra, occurring on September 25th at 5:54pm EDT welcomes us to the official start of Fall season! Venus is ruling this New Moon and is still in the earthly and material sign of Virgo, so it’s a great time to finish any organizing, cleaning out, and redecorating that needs to be done to usher in the shift and changing of the season.

Mercury is still retrograde, but back in its home sign and place of exaltation of Virgo, which doubles down on the energy needing to critique, analyze, and pull back what hasn’t been working for you and what needs to be let go of. It’s important to remember that symbolically Fall is the season of harvest, which is about collecting the fruits of our labor from the Summer and allowing the old to die and decompose back into the Earth. In a way, the New Moon is setting us up for the things we also need to release from our grip and give back, so that we can reflect and learn from the experience.

This New Moon is opposing Jupiter in Aries, who has been encouraging us to push forward with our desires, personal growth, and abundance with intensity and ferocity. However, Libra is all about harmony and relationships, realizing the other in our lives, and creating balance between the different objectives we may have. The New Moon may give us a push-pull dynamic between what we want to go after, and the need to appease or relate to others. Getting what you want may disrupt the harmony in our lives, so it’s important for you to decide what is unnegotiable and what needs compromise.

Around September 27th and 28th, Mars in Gemini will make a supportive and helpful aspect to Saturn in Aquarius. Mars has been traversing the sign of Gemini, pulling apart things that we need to take action and focus on, maybe even creating intense conversations about our desires. And Saturn has been reviewing the structures and foundations we’ve been establishing in our lives. These two coming together offer an opportunity to make lasting change and/or push through an action that has otherwise been stagnant or slow moving, and create a framework with power and discipline.

Venus will enter her home sign of Libra in late September and hit the same opposition to Jupiter on October 1st. We are reminded of the familiar push-pull dynamic between the desire for our own growth against the harmony we are creating with others. However, these two always present an opportunity for fun and little more lightheartedness in our life. Take this time for leisure and enjoyment, just be mindful not to overdo it!

Mercury will finally station direct on October 2nd, almost in an exact opposition with Neptune. While we might want to be gaining clarity from the post Mercury retrograde, things will still feel confusing and foggy at first. Move slowly, take action cautiously. The fog will begin to clear within a few days and weeks, so if your direction doesn’t seem obvious yet, give it time.

The last signature aspect of this lunation comes to an apex on October 4th when Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus approach the final and closest square aspect they will have this year. We’ve experienced this Uranus-Saturn square all throughout 2021 with the new variants of COVID and the struggle to get our society back to “normal.” This year, the aspects have been pulling away but not quite apart. We can feel it in our lives as we try to return to some stability, but with a different and untraditional structure we haven’t pictured before. This final square will wrap up 2022, and we’ll start to move to another direction with Saturn in Pisces in 2023.

Let’s look at where this astrology is happening to you specifically.


This Libra New Moon brings an insight and deep development into who you are and the work you’ve been tackling for yourself mentally and spiritually. This lunation provides a push for you to cultivate your individuality, desires, wishes, and dreams along with the journey you’ve been taking with your mental health and self-work. There’s an opportunity for you to appreciate the work you’ve done for yourself, but also lay the framework for how you wish to continue to grow into what feels real and authentic. Notice if there’s any tension against this personal work and the important relationships in your life. Practice finding harmony, but still honoring what and who is integral to your sense of self.

Along with this self-growth, you’re also starting to imagine new actions and goals to take within your long-term plans and visions for the future. How are you envisioning your life in the next five to ten years? Saturn connecting to Mars provides an opening for you to lay down the groundwork for an original foundation you can build your life upon. Small changes in your day-to-day can lead to radical shifts in the years to come.

October will begin to bring to an end some challenges you’ve been dealing with regarding your creative pursuits against any conflicts from disruption or instability with your partner’s resources or your own personal collaborations. Notice what compromise you may be taking here, and where you’re asked to stand up for yourself at little more, even if the responsibilities in your life seem overwhelming.


Libra’s New Moon is all about the healing you’ve been doing for yourself and your mental health — creating a safe, beautiful, and harmonious place outside of worldly influences. Your community you’ve been cultivating and the friendships you’ve been creating and/or spending time with may’ve helped you see what’s actually necessary and important in your life, while also providing the support for you to develop and heal where needed. Growth in your daily work life since May has been taking up most of your time, so try to find the ways you can balance the need for your healing and spending time with friends, along with the growth in your daily work grind.

The end of September shows the actions you’ve been taking with your partner in terms of developing resources together or working with their own resources, along with any collaborations you’ve been cultivating. The connection with Saturn allows you to establish structure with these newfound assets, especially within your home and living space. Notice what work still needs to be done and be sure there’s a plan in place, as much of this may come up for review during the Mars retrograde at the end of October.

The beginning of October will hit a finalization and potential ending of any tension between your home, living space, and family against the untraditional development with your one-on-one partnerships. A decision has been made in this area of your life, so be willing to nourish and honor it as you push through this last hurdle to reach stability.


Your community, friendships, and social life receive a seed of fresh new potential during this Libra New Moon. A recent surge in your career and public roles may’ve provided an opportunity for you to cultivate more relationships with your community and friend groups, which has been integral to your self growth. It’s especially important for you to find fun with others and groups, but you may feel pulled in the opposite direction with the expansion in your creative life and children. Practice finding balance in these areas of creativity and play. Where are you giving too much of your time, and how can you add in a little more fun?

Mars has been digging through your personal one-on-one relationships, perhaps creating a desire for action and change there, maybe even initiating conflict. At the end of September, you will have the chance to manifest something much more stable and solid, especially by being able to communicate your needs and what isn’t working. Sometimes the other party doesn’t know what we’re dealing with if it’s not clearly conveyed. Practice speaking your truth without fear of retaliation.

October will bring a closing finale to any tensions between your daily work life and your personal daily rituals and/or day-to-day routines. You may finally be able to create a routine for yourself that meets your own personal needs and work needs, but be mindful that you aren’t giving away the fun aspects of your life to make things work practically.


This New Moon in Libra plants a seed for renewed growth in your career and public roles, especially with how you wish to develop your career and where you may be called to put in more work, time, and effort. You’ve been learning a lot about yourself in terms of your beliefs and long-term future goals, now is the time to realize what steps you need to take with your work to make that future a possibility. Having a dream is half the battle, the plan of action is the other half. Expansion in your home and family life may be diverting your attention a bit, so your goal for this month is to find a balancing act between what you want your home life to grow into, and what you need from your work, career, and/or public roles.

Mars is also pushing through your day-to-day work life and work routine, perhaps separating out aspects that don’t fit, or creating conflict with those you work with. Towards the end of September there will be an opportunity for you to solidify some work structures to be able to create a financially stable and dependent life for yourself. You’ll have to review some these changes with the upcoming Mars retrograde, but be willing to create a plan in place that’ll help you develop resources for yourself long term.

October will bring potential resolution of any conflicts between your money and your creative endeavors and/or children. For you, it’s about picking out what’s important and necessary, and what needs to be let go of for the betterment of the long-term solution and stable direction.


A new seed of growth has been planted in your long-term plans, long distance travel goals, and/or your philosophy or overarching beliefs about the world. The Libra New Moon wants you look at the direction you’re going and evaluate your ideals, agenda, and overall dreams for the future. The work you’ve been doing collaborating with people important to you, and working with their resources, has been helping you shape the direction you wish to grow. What have the most valuable relationships in your life been showing you about the future you want to create for yourself?

Mars is traversing around your house of inspiration, creative projects, and potentially children. There may’ve been separation here or new awareness of what isn’t working, but in late September, you’re brought an opportunity to take the structure you’ve being growing with your own individuality and construct something meaningful with it. You have the potential to develop a course of action that’ll bring expressiveness and fun back into your life in a way that feels authentic to you. Allow this to be a process of trial and error, as Mars will still be reviewing this work during its retrograde in late October.

The beginning of October and the final close aspect of Saturn and Uranus may bring a path of resolution for the work you’ve being doing with yourself and your own individuality, and the potential disruption or instability in your home and family life. What have you been learning about yourself that should be applied to how you want your home and family life to transform into?


Libra’s New Moon brings a new insight regarding your collaborations and resources you cultivate with other people, especially your partner’s resources or with those one-on-one relationships. You’ve been learning a lot about your close partnerships and friendships this past month, and this New Moon presents a burst of ideas and situations for you to explore how you want to create and grow together. Your own money and resources you develop have been expanding since May, and this next month asks you to reevaluate the role you play within these collaborations, and what the end goal may be.

Your home and family life has been undergoing change and separation as Mars rummages through the sign of Gemini. There may’ve been action you’ve been motivated to take regarding shifts in your home life. In late September, Saturn will make a helpful aspect allowing you to manifest a plan for the future, and help you establish structure and space you need to have in your home life to feel fulfilled and excited.

The beginning of October will bring a finale to the tension you’ve been dealing with during 2021 regarding your mental health and spiritual spaces against your communications and daily rituals. You’re finally starting to see how you can convey and share the work you’ve been doing within your inner spaces and self-healing. Be willing to address any doubt that still lingers, and allow yourself to explore the process of trusting fully about what gifts you have to share with others. 


This New Moon in Libra plants a seed of fresh growth in your one-on-one relationships and personal partnerships you’ve been exploring and developing, as well as the opportunity to learn more about yourself through them. This past month has brough growth and expansion into your daily work routines, and this New Moon provides some insight about how and who you want to spend the time you have left. You’re asked to explore how the self growth you’re achieving is helping you cultivate and draw in the people and relationships that matter the most.

Mars has been encouraging you to speak more freely and take action with your daily rituals and routines. There may’ve been conflict with realizing that you haven’t been able to speak your full truth or live out the life you want to have, especially regarding your daily rituals. The connection to Saturn in late September will invite community and friendships, allowing you to open up and develop a structure in your daily life that feels exciting and satisfying for you. The growth may be slow, but it’ll lay the foundation down in your life so that a lasting imprint can be established.

Early October may bring a resolution to any conflict you’ve been dealing with over 2021 with your larger community and friendships against your resources, finances, and the way you make money. Perhaps income and resources have been unstable or unclear, but there’s finally certainty about what you need to maintain so that you can still have fun and create with others in your community.


Libra’s New Moon is all about the growth and direction you wish to take in your daily work routine and work relationships. This past month you’ve been growing and reviewing your inspiration and what brings you joy in terms of creating and expanding, and the New Moon provides opening for you to incorporate that influence into your daily work routines. New employees or employers, or shifts in your daily work grind may be present, but you’ll be asked to balance this attention against the amplification you’ve been experiencing in your mental health spaces and personal healing. What needs to give so you can grow with your career, and what needs to give so you can grow with yourself?

Mars in Gemini may be increasing the attention in the area of how you generate money and obtain resources. It may feel a little conflicting here, but the end of September allows you to establish a strong foundation and stability within your career, and in return, how you make money. Consistency is the goal, but be willing to make little changes as needed so you can keep the income flowing.

The beginning of October will start to wrap up any tension you’ve been experiencing over 2021 with your disrupting self growth and the limitations that may be present in your career. Now there’s an opportunity to see how you can remain authentic, but still be a source of authority and structure in your public roles. Lean into the untraditional and what feels genuine to you.


Your creative projects and fun aspects of life receive a boost of inspiration and a fresh start under Libra’s New Moon. This may mean reviving an old hobby, spending more time with children, or getting out and having fun with yourself and diving into your passions. Virgo season was all about your home and living environment and how you wish to cultivate a life there. This New Moon asks you to notice what you’ve learned about life at home, and see how you can bring in more fun and enjoyment. Be open to any inspiration for you to start a new creative passion or outlet, even as your community and friend groups have been expanding and taking up a lot of your attention since May.

Mars has been reviewing your sense of self, who you are, and how you present yourself to the world. You’ve been discovering what feels authentic to you, even if that means separating from different or old aspects of yourself. Saturn in Aquarius may still be limiting your long-term plans and directions, but the end of September provides an opening for you review what you’re learning about your individuality, and to take and apply that information to building a foundation for your overall direction and philosophy about life.

The beginning of October will lead to a finale of any conflict or tension you’ve been feeling with your spirituality, mental health, and overall vision for life. Listen in to the quiet spaces of your mind and take what you’ve been mediating on to see how you can apply it to your future through trust and intuition.


The upcoming New Moon in Libra plants a seed of a fresh start and new growth within your home and living spaces, asking you to cultivate a space that feels beautiful and refreshing – a place for you to feel comfortable and able to recharge. Your career has been expanding rapidly since May and it’s equally important for you to find space to heal and regenerate after time in the public eye. You’ve been reviewing your important and close relationships, as well as your daily rituals and how you communicate with others, and this New Moon asks you to incorporate aspects of those rituals into your home life, making the space work for you in times when it may’ve felt a little more distance from yourself.

At the same time, Mars has been pushing through your mental health, hidden spaces, and spiritual practices, asking you to review how you spend time alone with your thoughts, and if it’s been helpful or harmful. In late September, you’ll be asked to explore this in more depth, perhaps uncovering a new sense of self and what you have to offer to your relationships and collaborations with people important to you.

Any tensions or conflicts you’ve felt from your work collaborations and work with other people against your friend groups and larger community, especially in 2021, may finally start to come to a close in early October. What have you learned about what works (and doesn’t) regarding your relationship structures with others? Integrate and know that growth and change may take time, but it’s well worth it.


Libra’s New Moon plants a seed of fresh growth in your daily rituals, routines, as well as your communications, close friends, and/or siblings. After spending so much time reviewing your resources and personal finances, and the ways you make money or spend it, this New Moon provides an opportunity to take what you’ve learned and integrate the helpful pieces into your daily life and routine. Especially as your long-term plans and visions for the future are rapidly expanding, it’s important for you to solidify a daily routine that will support those future goals, and still be able to create harmony and peace within your life.

Your overall friend groups and community you surround yourself with has been going through an overhaul as Mars makes its way through Gemini. Here, you may be exploring what friendships are important and necessary for your life, and what hasn’t been working out too well. In late September you’ll be more motivated to create a lasting structure and find long-term stability within these groups as well as your one-on-one relationships. Who is important for you to keep long term? And who or what feels frivolous and shallow?

The beginning of October may bring a finalization and path to resolution with your career that has been going through structural instability, and your one-on-one relationships that’ve felt increasingly limited and perhaps a little restricting. There’s always a compromise between your roles in the world and personal relationships, but now you may finally begin to see where each can hold an equal and balanced role in your life.  


The New Moon of Libra begins a revitalizing start to your finances and personal resources, perhaps creating a new way to make money, or a path to how you spend money, to create beauty and harmony in your life. You’ve been reviewing the structures of yourself and your individuality with this past Mercury retrograde, and this New Moon presents an opportunity for you to realize those beliefs in the form of resources and ways you can support this vision materially in your life. With the recent expansion in your collaborations and work with other people since May, it’s important to ensure you still have your own value and worth present in these projects as well.

At the same time, your career has been going through an overhaul with Mars making its way through Gemini, inviting you to take action and make changes regarding your work in the world. There may be some separation there with what you thought was your goal and what ends up being true and authentic to you. In late September, allow yourself time to establish a day-to-day work routine and work life that feels structurally sound and energizing for you at the same time.

In early October, any tension experienced between your daily work routines and your overarching vision for life, especially throughout 2021, may begin its path to resolution. How are you seeing the actions you’re making in your daily life start to shape your future and long-term plans? Find what small steps you can take now to really start to develop your goals for next five years.

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