New Moon in Leo — August 2022 Astrology Forecast Part 1

This blog post will discuss the New Moon in Leo all the way up to right before the Full Moon in Aquarius in mid-August. The first section will look at the overall general astrology we may experience during this New Moon and the following two weeks. Then I break down the astrology by sign — it’s recommended to read the horoscope for your rising sign, but feel free to also read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign.


The New Moon in Leo opens up on July 28th, 2022 at 2:55pm EDT. New Moons are always marked as a beginning, when the seed of an event or idea is planted. This lunation has the opportunity to bring joy and lightheartedness in the midst of some challenging transits. Notice what inspiration comes up and try to find small ways to make the most of it. New Moons in Leo are often integral to the growth of yourself as a person and how you deal with conflicting energies.

On the same day, Jupiter in Aries stations retrograde. Jupiter has been expanding our self-growth, discovery, and personal ambitions since May and this retrograde will give us a chance to review the abundance we have encountered and pick out what works best for us.

Then the energy begins to pick up. On July 31st, whatever goals or dreams we have started to develop and communicate about during the New Moon will feel restricted by Saturn. We are reminded of our work and responsibilities that we have left on hold, even though inspiration and optimistic energies are pushing us forward.

The main focus for this New Moon cycle and August is dealing with the push and pull of different directions. We may be expanding and growing in one area of our life, but still left to deal with and confront issues in another area.

On August 1st, two planets meet the head of the dragon in Taurus. I talked about this a bit in my last post on July, but the North Node explodes and expands energies. We can expect a lot of time and efforts be drawn away from the “fun” parts of life into one area where we feel driven and pushed to tackle instability and erratic events. It doesn’t have to be all harsh or bad, however. On August 2nd, Venus brings an opportunity for redemption.

Mercury enters its home sign and sign of exaltation, Virgo, on August 4th. This gives us a problem-solving boost as we have better access to the ability to think critically and discern important details about our plans and our material life.

August 7th brings a mixed bag – on one hand we have a sweet opportunity to escape the daily grind and enjoy simple pleasures and dreamlike experiences when Venus and Neptune make a connection. On the other hand, we are driven to accomplish and get work done, and we may feel stuck again. Potential issues of frustration and delay may be present during this day and the few days around it, be kind to yourself and remind yourself what you actually have direct control over.

The next day brings us a sweet chance to heal an issue or problems we had expressing ourselves, but right before the Full Moon, Venus gets into a tight spot with the Lord of the Underworld. August 9th may uncover some hidden dynamics or problems within our relationships, or a power dynamic we are forced to work through and overcome.

Let’s look at specifically where this is happening for you:


This New Moon seeks to bring a fresh breath of air into you, how you see yourself, how you identify with your body, and how you want to grow and succeed within the world. Setting your long-term plans and goals in alignment with yourself will bring the best success. Jupiter has been expanding your five-year dreams since May, and now you’re asked to review your vision. What seems to still be an intense passion and priority for you? What is it perhaps time to let go of?

As we seek to grow and expand ourselves, we also have to keep in the mind the other parties that play a role in our life. What responsibilities and work do you owe to your partner or close relationships? Is there a way to focus on your self-growth and include a partnership, or is it best to be done alone? Around August 1st, your career will start to demand time and effort, or maybe even hit a shake-up and disruption. The first two weeks of August wants you to play a balancing game with your career, your own personal growth, and your one-on-one relationships.

Mercury entering Virgo on August 4th will highlight your money and resources. It’s a good time to analyze and work through financial plans as this will pave the way for Virgo season. Towards the Full Moon, tensions will begin to rise with your drive in your career and your current commitments to others. Although it may feel like you are dragging your way through mud to get things done, know that hidden gifts and sweet escapes are available to you in your internal and hidden world. Prioritize your mental health and body needs as the Moon grows.


Our hidden world and internal awareness are where things begin to grow and expand, and this New Moon places a seed in that part of your chart that is tucked away from visibility and external happenings. What are you working on through your hidden spaces? Perhaps it’s with mental health or past experiences. This New Moon asks you to reflect on what it means for you to pull away from the daily life demands. Jupiter has been expanding your collaborations with your partnerships and your partner’s financial resources since May, both professionally and personally. Now it’s time to review the work you’ve done together and explore what needs more attention.

While you dig in deep into your inner sanctuary, your body and daily work routine will demand its time and responsibility. Respect the duty of taking care of your body and its everyday needs, as it also directly supports your mental health. At the same time, you will be pulled and driven to plan out the future, long-term plans, and goals for yourself including higher education and/or long-distance travel. On August 1st, many of those distant plans may be separated or disrupted, so be willing to find a point of compromise or adjust the plans as challenges arise.

Mercury will enter your sign on August 4th, the ruler of your chart. You’ll be driven to express yourself and your needs, analyze how you’ve grown but also how you want to grow moving forward. Here, the work you’ve done during the New Moon will become visible. As you work through reestablishing your goals and dreams to better align with your internal and physical needs, be sure to reach out to your friends, communities, and one-on-one relationships for support. Allowing others to help can help you clearly see the best path for healing.


New communities, new friendships, new groups of people to explore yourself with is what this New Moon is budding for you, Libra. This lunation encourages you to get out into your world and adventure with the community and larger groups of friends. At the same time, Jupiter has been growing and expanding your one-on-one relationships since May. Now that it’s retrograde, it’s time to review those relationships and evaluate which ones are with you for the long haul.

Of course, as you reach out into the world of friendships be mindful of the work and responsibilities you have with your creative life and/or your children. There will pressure for you to find balance between growing your social needs and your creative needs that also sustain you. In the midst of that dynamic, August 1st brings intense energy into your partner’s resources or your collaborations with people. You may be working to obtain a loan or have to work with other people’s money. Things may not go as planned, so be prepared to work with others to find a solid and stable resolution.

Mercury in Virgo will start to have you pull away from the social dynamics into your own hidden space. Here, you’ll be analyzing and processing your mental health and also hidden goals or developments you are nourishing behind the scenes of daily life. As social energies can be draining, you are offered to find escape and ease within your career and daily routine. Lately you’ve been able to receive some personal and emotional fulfillment from your career, so don’t be scared to tap into that when working with your partnerships and greater community friendships become tense.


This New Moon is all about your career and the way it’s beginning to grow and develop in a unique fashion that best represents who you are. Noting new passions, new creativity, new goals in how you do work in the world is the best way to manifest with this New Moon. In the same way, your daily work life and routine has been expanding and growing since May, and now the Jupiter retrograde is asking you to review this part of your life and see how you best place it in alignment with your growing career needs.

As you begin to expand with your work vision, be mindful of the responsibilities and perhaps restrictions in your home life that may be drawing your energies away from your personal goals. August is all about how you can manage these competing areas of your life without growing too thin. Restrictions and limitations in your home life is nothing new, but they may appear to give roadblocks for your future career goals. At the same time, on August 1st, you’ll be pulled away to deal with one-on-one relationships. This has been an area where you really want to focus on, but may have been experiencing conflict or sudden disruptions in your partnerships, both business and personal. Your goal is to find stability, but be prepared to change your plans or make adjustments as needed.

Seek assistance and communicate your stress to your friendships and community, especially as Mercury moves into Virgo on August 4th. Find sweet escape and joys with your creative life and children, even as frictions begin to rise between your one-on-one relationships and home and family life. This may be challenging month for you, Scorpio, but don’t be afraid to ask for help as you navigate this pivotal time.


Leo’s New Moon asks for you to dream of inspiring long-term plans and visions for your future. Even if nothing seems realistic or set-in stone, it helps to have a dream to motivate yourself to pursue. You could be planting a seed for long distance travel or even returning to school. Your creativity and creative passions, perhaps even involving children, have been expanding since May and now it’s time to review what fulfills you the most. This New Moon is all about where you find your joy and your excitement to go after life with a fresh perspective.

Of course, dreaming for the big future often gets pushed aside for the daily responsibilities and grind in your life. How can you honor your current duties but still allow yourself time for fun, rest, and play? At the same time, and especially beginning with August, your daily work routines, work life, pets, and the people you work for or under you are demanding majority of your attention. There may be tensions in the workplace, or a sudden shock or shift that will cause changes.

Whatever shifts begin to happen with your daily work grind, you’ll be able to analyze and communicate about when Mercury enters Virgo, highlighting your overall career. Perhaps this New Moon will have you evaluating your current career direction or just picking out the parts of it that need a change. Finding alignment with your vision for the future and your career is important. As tensions rise, find peace and a little healthy escapism with your home life and those that feel like true family.


This New Moon is all about your partnerships and their resources, money, and collaborations you are taking on with them. Even if you currently don’t have a partner, a seed is planted that may grow into hidden resources and helpful financial situations with another person. Jupiter has been expanding your home and family life since May, but now it’s time to review that growth and work to determine what is actually necessary in your home life.

The work with other people’s money may hit a point of friction if you aren’t being responsible about your own resources and your piece within it. Collaborations involve two parties, and your own work and resources will be pushed against with this New Moon. Stand your ground and draw clear boundaries where they are needed. Adding to this friction of money, loans, and resource work, you still have a lot of energy and drive to creative and express joy, or work with your kids, that has you feeling pulled in multiple directions. It may be difficult for you to have fun right now, but it is still a priority for your life.

Then Mercury moves into Virgo, and you begin to communicate about your long-term plans, visions, goals and dreams for the future. How can you use these resources you’ve been working on and growing with others constructively? What would you like to go after for the future? If things are feeling heavy, rely on your close relationships and one-on-one partnerships for support, and don’t hold back or be scared to vent and release to them.


A birth of new relationships and partnerships is the seed that is planted for this New Moon in Leo for you, Aquarius. Leo is the sign opposite to you, and is all about your personal partnerships, one-on-one relationships both professional and romantic. Jupiter has also been expanding your relationships since May, but focusing on those that are closer to home, like the neighbors and siblings. Now you’re reviewing that growth, and also those people that you may make long-term commitments to.

Growing in a relationship often has you evaluating yourself and your own beliefs and identity. Saturn transiting your rising sign has put more emphasis on your responsible and long-term, structured growth. There may be tension that develops from this New Moon into your life and how you see yourself or the structures that you placed within your own life may be challenged. On August 1st, an intense disruption to your home and family situation may pull you away from relationship dynamics and into problem-solving mode. You have been driven to work on your home life, but it also equally may be a place of a friction and possibly frustration.

Mercury entering Virgo will have you working on collaborations with your partner or whatever relationship you began to develop over the New Moon. And when interactions between yourself and others become heavy, find smaller blessings in your daily life and day-to-day work routines. Work and money have been a place of more movement and ease for you right now, don’t be scared to lean into it when you need to.


A new daily work routine, a new daily grind, or even new pets may become in fruition for you under this New Moon. How do you shine in your daily work life? How can you make your daily grind feel more in alignment with yourself? Jupiter has also been traversing through your second house of money since May, perhaps increasing your opportunities or the way you bring in resources, and now it’s good time to review that progress and note how your spending habits have changed over time.

As you focus more on work, also keep in mind the health of your body and mind. Doing more every day may come at the expense of your mental health, so be mindful when body cues come up and remind you that it’s time to take a break. Additionally, August brings an increase of activity into your daily life, neighborhood, communication, and siblings. Is there conflict with siblings or what you need to communicate about regarding your daily life and health needs? Be sure to make yourself heard when it comes to putting yourself out there.

Mercury moving into Virgo will lighten up your one-on-one relationships, both personal and professional. You may reach into new insights with your partners or be more open to receiving a partnership as we move closer to Virgo season. Small blessings have been flowing through your creative life as well, so find time to create, and have fun. Expressing yourself artistically will give you a moment of escape when you need it.


This New Moon ushers in a new burst of creative energy and inspiration, and/or energy around sexual partners and/or children. How you create, what you create, and making time to do so is important for your self growth and sense of purpose. Jupiter has also been working its way through your first house of self and identity since May, expanding the way you see yourself and how you want to grow throughout the year. Now you have the opportunity to review what you’ve learned about yourself and how you want to move forward with it.

You may feel more drawn to pull away to your own private, hidden spaces to make some magic and art, but also be mindful of your responsibilities and work within your greater community of friendships. There may be tension between your desire for self-exploration and the current needs of your larger friend group as a whole. On top of that, and especially into the first week of August, a lot of your focus will be drawn to money and resources, including how you make it and spend it.

There may be feelings of conflict and instability with the monetary aspect of your life that grinds against your friend groups and community, but Mercury entering into Virgo will help you analyze your daily work life to see if your current routine is meeting your needs. Adjustments into your daily routine can help you manage money and time with others. Little blessings in your home and family life have been a source of comfort, and don’t be hesitant to tap into your hidden secret places of peace and solace when the outside world gets too loud.


Leo’s New Moon asks you to bring in new energy and motivation into your home and living environment, perhaps offering a change of scenery or a new adjustment to your family and home situation. Having a place to call your own is important, especially as Jupiter has been working its way through your hidden subconscious, expanding your mental health and secret projects you’re working on away from the public eye. Jupiter has been moving through here since May, now that it has stationed retrograde, it’s time to review these concealed developments.

As you focus more on your personal needs, home life, and hidden aspects of yourself, be mindful of the equally important and perhaps more pressing work and responsibilities in your career.  There is always a natural tension or conflict between home life and career, but August will make it more pronounced for you. On top of that, you’ve been really driven to work through things with yourself, how you see yourself, your body, your identity, and how others perceive you. New information or events may have disrupted your vision and identity of yourself, and you may feel the need to really find the root of who you are.

Mercury shifting into Virgo is all about your creative projects and endeavors. How can you express creativity with what you have been learning about yourself personally? As things begin to heat up between your own needs and the needs of your work and career, find peace and joy within your smaller community, small groups, neighbors, and siblings as well as communication. Express what you are going through and allow others to help and learn from your process.


What have your daily rituals been like, Gemini? Leo’s New Moon is all about the minute, tiny things within your life, like your morning routine, and your smaller community like your neighbors, siblings, and very close friends. There’s potential for new forms of communication and self-expression that can help you feel authentic. Jupiter has been expanding your larger group of friends and community since May, and now you’re reviewing those relationships and picking out the ones that are the most fulfilling and meaningful to you.

As your daily life takes focus, be mindful of the restrictions or limitations you may be placing unconsciously onto your long-term plans and overall goals for life. We may tend to limit ourselves to the smaller aspects of life, but having an overarching goal and dream can be important too, just to ensure we are in alignment with our self-growth. Around August 1st, your mental health and quiet time will be demanding most of your attention. Beliefs surrounding who you are, what you believe to be true, and how you process life may be shaken up and disrupted. There may be conflicting thoughts and feelings about things you are trying to grow behind the public eye. Be prepared to work through this privately.

Mercury entering Virgo will bring emphasis onto your home and family life. What needs a change, a shift, or a new creative possibility surrounding your home? Communicating about those needs will help ease you into Virgo season later this month. Venus has been providing you will small monetary blessings and work life may feel like it’s flowing, so don’t be scared to tap into what is comforting and easy when your foundation feels a little unstable.


This New Moon is all about your desires and potential growth to manifest money and resources. Perhaps this will be a start to a new way you make money or how you’re planning to spend your money this August. Jupiter has played a role in this, expanding and growing your career since May. Now you’re asked to review your public roles and how they have helped to shape your identity and provide you with the resources you need. Is this the career you dreamed of? Or is there something you want to look into changing?

While you’re putting more emphasis on your current money and how you spend money, be sure to communicate those ideas and changes to your partner or whoever’s money is also in the mix. There is a need for resolution between collaborations with whoever you’re also working with, and a need to clearly define whose money and resources is going where. August 1st’s big conjunction is all about your larger community and friend group, however. You’ve had increased drive to engage with your friend group, but at the same time there may have been conflict and/or instability in that area of your life.

Mercury entering Virgo on August 4th will bring emphasis to your communication, and you may have the desire to start writing or vent to friends about ongoing work or money issues. Analyzing and picking apart your daily routine will help align you with Virgo season coming up in late August. As things may begin to feel heavy throughout these two weeks, don’t forget to show up for yourself. Venus has been working its way through your first house of self, so remember to practice authenticity and loving yourself, so that people who want to truly be with you will be able to find you.

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