July 2022 Astrology Forecast
Tension has been building in late June as the Mars square Pluto aspect has been in effect, and this tension will boil-over on July 1st as the aspect reaches the zero degree point of exactment. Mars represents our desires and actions, how we go out into the world to achieve and conquer. But Pluto represents those power dynamics that are overbearing, insatiable, and oppressive. These two in a square alignment, which is 90°, is a corner of increased conflict and war between the two archetypes of our own willpower and societal power and restraint.
July is all about working through this conflict, the beginning of the month will feel heavy but will slowly begin to ease up, and then the end of the month will bring an explosive disruption to our society and the status we have been challenging and engaging within.
Part of the beginning of July, especially around July 2nd is recognizing how we can use our logical reasoning to find a rational step forward. Mercury is in Gemini, getting us to focus on order and intellectualize why things are done. With a helpful aspect to Saturn, we will be able to forge an obtainable idea to help dismantle the system we are going up against. This is a good wakeup call from the New Moon on the June 28th, Neptune will want escape, but we must be able to realize that is not the best path for right now.
The energy quickly shifts after the 4th of July, by July 5th Mercury will change signs into Cancer and Mars will also leave Aries for Taurus. This is a major shift from fire and air combusting with each other to water and earth slowing things down and demanding connection. These two will also connect with each other, encouraging us to talk about our feelings and take action in a way that is more thoughtful. Perhaps we will move slower, but with more precision and direction instead of fury and anger. This is a good time to evaluate all possible routes before proceeding, take inventory of what is there and the resources you have to utilize.
Around July 8th we will be forced into a period of recognizing and identifying our wounds and areas we need to heal, especially in regard to how we find inspiration and motivation to go about in life. Mercury will also being squaring Jupiter – if we can express our healing to help others, this is a good time to share and connect, but while still being mindful of the obstacles we may have to overcome. July 10th will give us an opportunity to put this inner work we have to actual use and disrupt or shakeup a process in our life that has been constraining our freedom.
The Full Moon in Capricorn greets us on July 13th. These Full Moons in this earth sign are always a little heavier because instead of catering to our feelings and emotions we are so used to doing in Cancer season, we are instead asked to look at the work and structures we are building in the material realm. Capricorn moons are about putting unnecessary emotion aside for the greater purpose of establishing the structures or foundations that are long lasting.
However, during this Full Moon we have Venus helping us to initiate boundaries and create our structures with a little more love, beauty, and harmony. Mercury has us sharing our wounds and points of hurt, so we can imagine a new way of healing. We have to be careful to not be too idealistic, with Neptune squaring Venus and wanting escape. There is a time and place for dreamland, but it is not during this Full Moon.
On July 16th the Sun meets Mercury in Cancer. This called cazimi, where planets are so close to the Sun they are in the heart of the Sun and burnt by the Sun’s rays. Our ability to find reason, intellect, or logic will be overpowered by our beliefs and own personal needs, and our desire to dig deep to find our sense of self. We will be ruled by our feelings as this cazimi takes place in Cancer, therefore we will be more drawn to our intuition and understanding the heart of the matter. This may be a day where we withdraw from our daily work and focus on what is being brought to the surface.
This continues into the next day, as on July 17th things get extra wet. Venus joins the party in Cancer, and both the Sun and Mercury in their cazimi trine Neptune in Pisces. So, if you’re feeling heavy and overworked from the Full Moon, this is a great time to find escape and peace through dreams and softening. Practice inner work, drawing into the body and loving its space, so you can process the outer world and be ready to move forward when we come out of this watery ocean cave.
Of course, we can’t hide out for long. On July 18th and 19th Mercury and then the Sun oppose Pluto in Capricorn. This is a reflection back to the beginning of the month, and we are pulled out of our dreamland back into the power dynamics of society and those that rule over us. This opposition is very literal, it is the distinction between who we are, our values, our dreams, and our beliefs coming up against powerful forces that remain out of our control and direction. There is our own power though, especially within the collective. Water is designed to bring us together, and through being together can we overcome opposing structures.
Mercury enters Leo first on the 19th, then the Sun comes home to Leo on July 22nd. As the Sun rules Leo, this is a powerful month for us to dive deep into the heart of ourselves and our core purpose or direction. Once we have processed our feelings in Cancer, we are ready to take action in Leo. This is supported by Jupiter on July 23rd, giving us a beautiful moment to receive inspiration, ideas, and insight to our desire to achieve growth and overcome oppression.
The next day and into July 25th, Venus will square Jupiter. We have to be mindful of our relationships and how we can balance the goal of expressing our true self and passions, while also nurturing and sustaining the separate entity of a union with other people.
The end of the month begins to pick up here, right before the New Moon. Our words may come back to bite us if we are too self-centered and self-focused on July 26th, as Mercury hits a rough edge with Mars. We may tend to forget the way our actions may bulldoze another person or group and can have unintended consequences. However, recognition of this and a chance to heal whatever pain is in our life comes around July 27th as Mercury makes a helpful aspect to Chiron, the God of our wounds and pain.
The New Moon in Leo greets us on July 28th. Whatever friction words that have been spoken and worked through the day before will be highlighted again as Mercury makes a jarring aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This New Moon in Leo is about the work we have to do for ourselves and what brings us a sense of optimism as Jupiter is there trying to uplift our spirits. However, Mars and Uranus in Taurus are seeking the opposite of stability within these fixed signs. This New Moon is about the battle against the growth we are trying to pursue as an individual, and the actions we need to take within the world to deal with the changing structures.
All of this gets pushed through and encouraged again as we hit the end of the month finale that pulls this drama into August. On July 31st, Mercury will oppose Saturn, Venus will square Chiron, and Uranus will conjunct the North Node. Our goals and plans we have been making the past week may hit a restrictive NO from Saturn, and Uranus conjunct the North Node is explosive.
The North and South Node are mathematical calculations of where eclipses happen, they are described as a dragon in Vedic astrology. The North Node represents the head of the dragon and the South Node represents the tail. The North Node is about a big increase of energy while the South Node is a big decrease or letting go. The North Node conjuncting Uranus is asking for BIG Uranus energy – disruptions, shakeups, and pulling apart systems to imagine one that is based on freedom, rebellion, and self-expression in the highest forms.
This will bleed into August 1st and 2nd as Mars will make the same aspect to the North Node. We are encouraged to take big energy and transform it, shape it, even though we may feel conflicted and distracted by our own individual life and goals.
Overall, July is about finding balance. The balance between ourselves and our own personal needs that allow us to thrive as an individual, and between the collective and the power structures that shape the society we live in. Learning to honor both and still ride the tides of change will provide us the biggest opportunity for growth.
Learn more about July’s astrology in your own chart and see how these cycles are impacting you directly through a transit astrology reading. Request your consultation here!