The Blog
Astrology 101: The Houses Part 2
Learn about the houses in astrology, which represent different areas of our life! This blog post explores Houses 7 through 12, relating to the other people in our lives, what they bring to the table, our mind and future, career, community, and our mental health.
Astrology 101: The Houses Part 1
Learn about the houses in astrology, which represents the different areas of our life! This blog post explore Houses 1 - 6, relating to our identity, resources, rituals, home, creativity, and daily work life.
Astrology 101: Day or Night Chart?
Were you born during the Day or at Night? With this Astro 101 post, we will explore the different free resources you can use to pull up as your chart as well as how to understand the basics of your chart. We review the doctrine of Sect, and how different planets are on different “teams.”
Astrology 101: The Thema Mundi
The Thema Mundi is the Birthchart of the World. Learn how the planets got assigned rulerships to their respective signs and why. We also discuss detriments, exaltations, and depressions of each planet.
Astrology 101: The Planets
In the second Astrology 101 post we learn about the ten major planets, their meanings and significations, and what role they play in our life and our birth chart.
Astrology 101: The Signs
All twelve signs of the zodiac have a reason and story. In my introductory blog series, we break down the technical significators of the tropical zodiac, what each of the signs mean, and how they apply to your chart as a whole.