New Moon in Virgo 2022 —Astrology Forecast
This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Virgo and all the astrological events right up to the Full Moon in Pisces mid-September. The first section will review the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart and find your rising sign here.
The Virgo New Moon occurs on August 27th, 2022 at 4:14 am EDT. Planting a seed of the final harvest of Summer, this New Moon encourages us to refine our plans and goals after the lessons of the heavy Saturn aspects in early August. This New Moon is not without its own challenges, as Mars has recently entered Gemini and is squaring the Moon.
Mars in Gemini may motivate us to pursue new ideas and give us a little burst of inspiration, but it may conflict with the practical matters we need to pick apart with the New Moon. Both signs, Gemini and Virgo, are ruled by Mercury, who is currently in Libra and is slowing down to station retrograde. Mercury is the fastest planetary body that orbits the Sun, and when it begins to slow down, our conversations and pace of life begins to decline as well. Things that have previously been moving along quickly now get stuck or hit a tedious spot. Frustration and sluggishness can be an apparent theme with this New Moon but leaning into the energy can allow us to see how slowness can be beneficial.
On the same day of the New Moon, Venus in Leo makes a sharp aspect to Uranus in Taurus. Disruptions to our relationships or whatever comfortable aspect of life we may have took for granted gets shaken up. Practice being open to change, as Virgo is a mutable sign that encourages us to work with different energies or shift directions quickly, and being receptive to different routes can help ease some of the frustrations.
The next day on August 28th, Venus hits a tough opposition with Saturn, the grand finale to the opposing energies we have been experiencing in late July and early August. The overall theme for this Summer has been the tension between innovation and tradition, and our relationships and creative fun may hit a restrictive edge during this day and around the New Moon. What we want to create with ourselves or with others may receive some pushback to our responsibilities and work needs. But the lesson here is boundaries. Boundaries allow us to have both fun and work, just make sure where they are placed is reasonable.
September starts with a flowing aspect between Mars and Jupiter allowing for our actions to get some inspiration and a little more recognition and growth. On September 2nd, Mercury also meets up with Jupiter which can provide us with a little more optimism and hope that may have been lacking during the New Moon. However, this Mercury/Jupiter opposition will encourage us to pay attention to the details amongst the big picture hopes and dreams. Mercury is slowing down and reminding us to do our due diligence when it comes to taking great leaps of faith.
Venus joins the Sun in Virgo on September 5th, opening up the sign and placement of Virgo to receive little gifts and blessings of connection and beauty. There is also added emphasis on Virgo traits, the need to organize, analyze, reflect, critique, and realign focus onto the details of the daily life. Great time to clean the house and prep it for the transition to Fall.
We end this lunation cycle with Mercury stationing retrograde at 8° Libra on September 9th, where it will be moving backwards to 24° Virgo until October 2nd. The days right around the exact station Mercury hovers, at the same degree, for a few days. Our work, plans, conversations, writing and speaking projects may begin to slow down or start to reverse as we are beginning to review this work.
It’s important to note that during the beginning of September, Mercury is traveling in a close and harmonious aspect with Mars, but Mercury never reaches the exact degree to complete the aspect. We may feel like we are on track to accomplish a big project or goal, or take big action in an area of our life, but it will suddenly fizzle out or begin to slow down. Know that this doesn’t mean it won’t actualize, but that it may take more time and effort than we initially thought.
Let’s look at specifically where this New Moon is happening for you:
This New Moon plants a seed for your own personal growth and self-development, Virgo. Mercury transitioning this sign in August has provided you with some ideas of how you want to grow and change, and this New Moon produces an opportunity to initiate an action forward. Of course, Mars in your house of career may be demanding majority of your time and energy to focus on the goals and actions you are trying to develop there. This New Moon asks you to clearly define your public roles and who you are at your core, outside of those roles.
Venus has been digging around and providing little blessings within your hidden spaces, subconscious, mental health, and spirituality. There may be a bit of a disruption with this flow on the day of the New Moon, and Saturn will encourage you to focus more on your body health, daily work life, and structure instead. Be sure to carve out some quiet time to nourish these innermost projects when you can.
In September, Mercury in Libra is all about your money and resources. There may be abundance and plans coming in from other people – perhaps help through their money or with a loan arrangement, but be sure all the details are in place with you and what your role is in the collaboration. Are you able to hold your own and generate your own resources without the help of another? With Mercury retrograde, you will begin to review how your career has been helping or hurting your ability to make income and value for yourself, and what your relationship with money has been thus far.
Virgo’s New Moon is all about your inner chambers, hidden musings, and spiritual connections you have been cultivating over August, now perhaps a new idea or belief has taken hold. You may feel a desire to spend more time analyzing this part of your life hidden from the public and outer world, but Mars in Gemini has pulled part of your focus to travel, higher education, philosophy and/or long-term plans. This New Moon helps to shed some light onto what you really desire for the future and how you’re able to communicate that to others.
Venus has been blessing and spreading some joy within your friend and community groups, although there’s been some disruption with wanting to enjoy that fun space against the needs of others, perhaps people you work with in terms of contracts and collaborations, or your partner’s resources. On the 28th, when Venus meets Saturn, you are reminded again of restrictions or limitations currently in place with your creative life, how you have fun, and/or children. However, there’s an opportunity to clarify which boundaries need to be solidified between those spaces.
Mercury’s retrograde in September highlights you, and the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs you’ve been learning and exploring about yourself. Jupiter has brought an expansion of close one-on-one partnerships, both personal and professional, but now Mercury has you analyzing and reviewing your role within those relationships. It’s a good time to explore what you have to offer and how much you are giving away, and if it aligns with the future you envision for yourself.
A new budding of energy is growing in your greater friend group and community under this New Moon, Scorpio, perhaps what has already been expanding in August finally gets a little more activity. Besides wanting to have more fun with others, Mars has been pulling your focus and energy into your resources with other people, including contracts and collaborations as well as your partner’s finances. There may be tension between your friends and these other collaborations you’re pursuing with another, so finding and holding onto your truth will be important.
Venus has been providing little gifts and blessings in your career, but that flow may be disrupted by your partner’s needs or changes within your one-on-one relationships both personal and professional. The day after the New Moon, you are reminded of the restrictions against your career from your home and family life. Some of the changes you have been pushing forward may get pushed back from traditional structures in your home life or with parents. However, establishing clear boundaries about how you wish to be seen in the world and how you need to structure your home life will be supported.
Mercury in Libra is traversing through your hidden thoughts, inner subconscious, dreamscape, and spiritual practices. With this retrograde, you’ll be reviewing your inner world and mental health and how it holds up (or falls apart) against your daily work routines and health needs of your body. Work has been expanding in your life, and it’s equally important to ensure your own needs and creativity is also growing.
Virgo’s New Moon plants a seed of fresh growth and expansion in your career, perhaps with a new job or a new role to fill, or a new idea of how you wish to expand your public roles, will be present during this lunation. Mars has been taking action and potentially digging up conflict in your one-on-one relationships, both work-related and personal. This New Moon may highlight conflict or tension with the career you are trying to pursue and the needs or actions within your close relationships. Deciding what is really important to you will help you manage your time.
Travel, higher education, expanding your mind, and your long-term vision for the future has been feeling a little more solid and stable lately as Venus has been moving through Leo. However, the New Moon may shake that foundation a bit, especially with the needs from your daily work routine. Saturn’s opposition to Venus the next day asks you to consider the limitations to your dreams and reminds you of the responsibilities you still hold in your daily life, routine, and relationships with siblings or close friends.
Mercury’s retrograde in Libra will involve your larger friend group and community you have fun within. Jupiter has been expanding your creative outlets (or children) this year, but with this retrograde you’ll be asked to review the balance between fun with your creative passions and fun with your community and friends, as both are necessary. Getting out into the community and seeking relationships will be important for your expansion with self.
This New Moon in Virgo plants a seed within your vision for the future, your long-term plans, goals, as well as higher education, advanced learning, and philosophy. Mercury’s passage through this sign in early August may have helped you start to drum up ideas, and this New Moon allows you to clearly set a direction in place. However, Mars in Gemini will conflict with some of these goals, reminding you of the responsibilities and discord you need to deal with at the same time, especially within your daily work routines, work structures, and daily work life.
Venus has been bestowing a few gifts and blessings with your partner’s resources, collaborations, and overall generating a little more stability with other people’s money you may be working with. This flow may get disrupted on the New Moon, and Saturn’s opposition the next day will remind you of your own monetary structures and limitations you may have with your role in these collaborations.
However, Mercury’s retrograde in Libra will help you to review your career and overall work direction, and if it’s bringing in the money and structure that you need. On September 2nd, when Mercury connects with Jupiter, you’re reminded of the abundance and help you currently have in your home life, and now it’s time to find ways to filter some of that support into your public roles. Establishing a strong vision and goal for your career will help to align some of the work you’re already pursuing with Mars in your daily work routines and people you work for.
Collaborations, work projects, loans, and your partner’s own resources and your work with them may be undergoing a new idea or transformation during this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury’s journey through this sign in August may have brought up some ideas or helped to clarify and make practical any goals that may have been brewing, and now you’re ready to start a new project or collaboration with another. This may begin to conflict with your own creative projects and inspiration, especially as Mars starts to dig out what it means for you to create fun projects or enjoyable relationships in your life. Find the balance between what you wish to maintain and what you have to give for the betterment of the collaboration.
Little blessings and gifts have been offered through Venus in your house of one-on-one partnerships. Perhaps you have steadily been building close relationships, both personal and professional, but this New Moon may offer a little disruption to that flow, especially regarding a shake-up in your home and living situation. Saturn’s opposition to Venus the next day will highlight the limitations and restrictions you may place on yourself within the role of these close partnerships, and it’s a good time to reflect on what structure you bring to these dynamics.
Mercury’s retrograde in Libra will have you reviewing and analyzing your long-term plans, goals, and visions for the future, including any plans to further education or philosophy. You may come up against the expansion Jupiter has been bringing into your daily rituals, neighborhood, siblings, and close friendships, so early September will give you time to review how your vision and dreams can accommodate this new growth within your daily life.
Close relationships, one-on-one partnerships, both personal and professional receive a budding of new growth and life during this New Moon. Mercury’s previous expedition through this sign in August may have brought forth new ideas or the ability to analyze your current close relationships and what you seek to get out of them. Now there may be potential for a fresh start to begin here, but Mars may direct some of your energy and time to dealing with your home and family matters. Be sure to clearly establish what goals you wish to set in your home life, and how that translates to the roles of other people within your life.
Daily work routines and work relationships have been receiving little blessings and gifts from Venus in Leo, perhaps adding a layer of stability to your work structures. This stability may get a little shakeup from the New Moon, and Saturn will oppose Venus the next day, reminding you to take care of your own mental health as well as your physical body. Saturn has been laying foundations and structures for you to pay attention to within the realm of your hidden thoughts, subconscious, spirituality, and overall mental health. Be sure to honor that work as well as the work of your public roles.
Mercury’s journey in Libra will have you analyzing and reviewing your collaborations, loans, and the way you spend money with people, as well as your partner’s finances. You may have been experiencing growth in your own money and resources, and this Mercury retrograde will have you reviewing what and how much you contribute to these collaborations, and if there is balance in place.
Virgo’s New Moon plants a seed of growth within your daily work routines and work relationships, including the dynamic between your employers and employees. Mercury has been digging and cleaning out this space in August for you to envision a new routine and how you wish to grow your daily work career for the next six months. However, there may be some tension present as Mars brings up the need for action and potentially conflict for you to deal with in the world of your siblings, neighbors, close friendships, and communication. Be sure that you’re able to express when you need help or space, instead of letting problems and issues sit.
Venus has been able to help you grow and expand your personal creative projects and how you have fun with yourself and others. There may have been a little more stability in this area of your life that might get shaken up on the New Moon with your work and ability to generate money or resources. Saturn’s opposition will highlight the restrictions and limitations you have felt when it comes to growing your larger friend group and community this year. Learn to find what creative projects you can expand on and also share with others to create that sense of belonging.
One-on-one relationships and close partnerships both business and personal will be reviewed under Mercury’s retrograde in Libra. You have been expanding your view and vision of yourself, and how you wish to be seen in the world, and now it’s time to review how your partnerships either support or hurt that role you wish to grow into.
This New Moon plants a seed of growth in the area of life related to your creative projects, inventive fun, sex, and children. During August, you may have spent some time analyzing this sector of your life and cleaning out the old. Now it’s time to pick out the new ideas and what you wish to grow and expand into creatively for the next six months. Mars may make this a little more challenging, highlighting your resources and money and potentially creating roadblocks for you to overcome in terms of how you can support yourself while growing your creative endeavors.
Venus in Leo has been helping to sweeten and provide little blessings of support within your home and family life, although this stability may be disrupted a bit under the New Moon. There may be some discomfort around your current home and living situation regarding what you wish for it be and what is actually possible. Additionally, Saturn’s opposition will remind you of your work responsibilities and public roles you take on, and how to you can meet those expectations against the growth in your home and living situation.
Mercury’s retrograde through Libra will be reviewing your daily work routines, structures, and daily work life and how you can cultivate a better experience to ensure growth and long-term health for you and your body. Jupiter has been expanding your hidden world, with your subconscious, mental health, and spirituality, and this season will ask you how you can bring some of this new enlightenment into your daily work life, so it doesn’t always have to stay in a hidden place.
Your home and family life, as well as relationships to your past and your parents, receive a new seed of growth under this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury has been traversing this area of your life, helping you to analyze, pick out, and clean out your home life so you know what is necessary and fulfilling to you personally. Now a new idea or new way you wish to see your home life grow in the next six months is present under this New Moon. However, Mars has been digging through your sign, your first house of self. You may feel more motivated to make personal changes, especially regarding how you wish to be seen in the world and the self-growth you want to do. It’s important during this New Moon to establish what role you’ll play within the changes of your home life.
Venus has been providing little gifts and blessings into your neighborhood, daily rituals and routines, as well as siblings, close friendships, and communications. This New Moon may shake up that foundation that has been growing during Leo season, and Saturn’s opposition to Venus on the day after the New Moon will remind you of limitations and restrictions that still feel present in regard to your long-term plans and visions for the future. Reminding yourself of what truly is important will help this transit past smoothly.
Your creative life, creative projects, sex life, and children will undergo a review and change during Mercury’s retrograde in Libra. Jupiter has been expanding your friend group and overall community, now it’s time to review how you’re growing with your own creative needs and how that can support your friendships as well.
Virgo’s New Moon highlights the little things in life, your daily ritual and routine, your conversations and communication projects, your siblings and close friends, as well as your neighborhood. The changes you have been making in this area of your life in August are now more pronounced and visible under this New Moon. However, Mars is now digging through your house of hidden thoughts, projects, dreams, spirituality, and mental health. Problem solving and dealing with the daily life is necessary, but be sure you’re still giving time and space for your own self work and healing.
Venus in Leo has been expanding your own personal resources, money, finances, how you make money and how you spend it. During the New Moon, this flow may get disrupted and overturned. Saturn’s opposition to Venus will highlight other people’s resources, their money, and how they are working with you (or against you) in helping you achieve what you need. Be mindful to set boundaries regarding finances and resources where they are needed.
Home and family life will come under review during this Mercury retrograde through Libra. While your career has been expanding and growing, changes in your home life will draw your attention to more personal matters. How can you align the growth in your career to also ensure you have a safe and comfortable place to relax and unwind within? Use this Mercury retrograde to better focus on your health and the things that help you deal with personal growth.
Money and finances, how you make money and how you spend it, is the seed planted under this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury in August had you exploring how you make money and the ways this process can be refined and cleaned up. Now a new idea, vision, or way to grow income is flowing through with this New Moon. However, Mars in Gemini will be taking a lot of your time in energy and focusing it onto your friend groups and overall community. There may be more motivation to spend more time in this area of your life, or conflicts you have to deal with regarding friends and community. Be mindful of how you can balance supporting yourself but still have fun during this New Moon.
Venus has been growing and lighting up your sense of self, who you are and how you want to be perceived in the world. This flow may get disrupted under the New Moon, and on the day after, Saturn will remind you of the restrictions and limitations you may be experiencing with one-on-one relationships, both personal and professional. Perhaps there’s been a lack of people you feel extremely close and connected to, and this dynamic asks you to notice how you can support yourself without relying on or seeking validation from another.
Mercury’s retrograde will review your neighborhood, relationships with your siblings, close friends, and communication projects you are working on. Your long-term plans, higher education, philosophy, and visions for the future have been expanding rapidly this year, and now Mercury wants to review how you can make some of those big ideas a reality, by drilling down the details and implementing them into your daily life.
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