Horoscopes for New Moon in Virgo 2023
This astrology forecast will discuss the New Moon in Virgo and important astrological events up to the Full Moon in Aries in late September. The first section reviews the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.
The earthy New Moon in Virgo arrives on September 14th, 2023 at 9:39 pm EDT, right at 21°, the same degree that Mercury stationed retrograde at on August 23rd. During this lunation, Mercury is now stopped in their tracks to station direct. All this information coupled with the fact that Mercury rules and is exalted in Virgo, this New Moon is extremely mercurial in nature.
A mercurial character is related to our thoughts, mind, internal processing, ability to think, reason, and logic throughout life. It’s all about our ideas, and in Virgo, it’s often the details we obsess over and pick apart, the plans that are mapped out to the minute, and the goals we have around our resources, money, and material objects. As this New Moon is so directly linked to the recent Mercury retrograde, this ushers in a new beginning or revived approach around what we have been reviewing in our minds and lives since late August. As Mercury is finally stationing direct, we may develop a more obvious path and plan to initiate. This New Moon gives sweet transparency after a long period of trial and error. There’s a deeper understanding of what works and what doesn’t, and we can now cultivate a renewed direction forward that will play out for six months under this lunation.
Uranus in Taurus is also making a trine to this New Moon that goes exact on September 15th, which pulls on the abundant and helpful presence of Jupiter, but also encourages us to formulate this brewing new plan in a unique and different mindset. Perhaps what we have tried before didn’t work because it was an outdated pattern or belief that had served us once but isn’t helpful moving forward. Perhaps by breaking free of traditional constraints and by attempting an unprecedented and exclusive approach to our material world, we can move forward in a stronger direction that feels more meaningful and powerful in terms of our agency.
Venus, now finally direct but lingering back in Leo, makes a beautiful and over-indulgent square with Jupiter in Taurus on September 17th. This is a day where we may overdo it in terms of pleasurable vices and desires. The two benefics coming together usually brings an over-abundance of fun, joy, connections with others, and money, but a square aspect can usually be too much of a good thing. Additionally, with Venus in Leo, we may doubt we even deserve this excellence. Accept the love and joy as it comes, remind yourself you are worthy of it, and that it’s equally important to love something in your life.
On September 19th, the Sun makes an opposition with Neptune which may confuse and cloud up the plans we started to forge under the New Moon. Neptune fogs up the horizon, making it seem unclear about what we are working towards. This can be a confusing and frustrating day, so stay away from any detail-oriented work or money needs, and stick to daydreaming or healing escapism. Anything that gives the body and mind a nice reset is helpful during this period.
The official start of Fall occurs as the Sun transitions into Libra on September 23rd, which can bring a shift in our chart, but also slow down some of the progress. The Sun prefers not to be in Libra, a sign so heavily focused on the “others” in life like relationships or social constructs. With Mars here as well, we may feel like we have to play by certain rules to get things done, and our ability to move forward regarding our needs is now thwarted by social games and graces. Leaning into the effect your actions have on the relationships in your life will help this make more sense.
We end this cycle with a positive aspect on September 25th as Mercury makes the final trine to Jupiter in Taurus. This is a great day for working through whatever plan you have created earlier and helps to assemble an execution of the previous New Moon goals and dreams. You may find a clearer path in place and have the optimism of believing that everything will work out for you in the way that it needs to. Great day for writing out your directions, needs, and goals forward.
Let’s look at where this New Moon astrology is happening for you specifically.
Who you are, your sense of self, your identity, and how you wish to be perceived by others is the seed that’s planted under this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury’s recent retrograde through this sign has forced a critical breakdown and evaluation of yourself, asking you to revisit every detail and analyze what it means for you to show up in the world with your fullest and unabashed expression. You may’ve spent time picking apart old beliefs and personality traits that seem outgrown and outdated, and wondered what to fill the space with instead. This lunation provides that sense of needing to start anew and supplies the clean slate for you to regrow and cultivate a refreshed vision of yourself. Recognize this is a process and not something that is curated overnight. Allow yourself some space to explore new variations without attachment.
Uranus in Taurus will be supporting this newfound self-discovery through expansion and disruption of your beliefs, philosophical foundations, and overall long-term direction. In what way has the new information or ideologies you've discovered helped shape who you are now? What about your future dreams, what do they look like, and what do you need from yourself to make them a possibility? Uranus may always bring a feeling of ungrounding and uncertainty, but through this destabilization, we can find a stronger sense of core self.
Hidden spaces, secluded ideas and dreams, mental health, and your connection to spirituality are the seeds of change planted by this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury retrograde has been traversing through your inner mind, formulating new plans of attack and ways to fight against your internal stressors and pressures. You may’ve been evaluating the old ways you have healed from past wounds and started cutting out the processes that no longer perform. This lunation encourages a fresh mental start, asking you to taper off the obsessive and highly critical modes of thinking and give yourself grace. Part of working through hardships and stress is removing your attachments to them. How can you create a new way to be alone and provide internal healing? What sanctuaries can you form, not just within your mind, but also externally in your home as a place of retreat and regeneration?
The helpful aspect from Uranus in Taurus will encourage you to disrupt any old patterns or beliefs you have about yourself and your abilities, and to also seek out help and support from those you are closest with. Virgo season can often be isolating for you, which can be both a blessing and a hindrance. Recognize where the boundary sits, and allow those you love inside — sometimes they may provide new ideas and ways to move forward.
Friendships, community, and the little moments of sweet luck and fun are the seeds of growth planted by this New Moon in Virgo. Since the end of August, Mercury retrograde has been reviewing this part of your life, evaluating the honest connections, and analyzing the more taxing people and energy vampires. After a thorough review, there’s a definite realization of who the people you need to keep in your life, what relationships you need to nourish, and what nuisances you need to remove. What does a friend mean to you? What does it take for you to trust someone completely so you can let your guard down and have some fun? This area of your chart also speaks to trusting in the goodness of life, and knowing that luck and karma can and will work for you. Can you find an increased ability to trust in the process, however obscure it may look?
Find support for developing your community through your one-on-one relationships, partnerships, and loved ones in your life who are continuing to show their love and offer unconditional loyalty to your well-being. Jupiter and Uranus in your chart have been transforming the way you form meaningful relationships, and what freedom and trust means. Use whatever blueprint that is working for you here as a guideline to build a lasting community.
Career, public roles, your overarching work, and how you are seen in the world are the seeds of focus and growth planted by this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury retrograde here has taken on the role of analyzing and scrutinizing your career and profession, or how you are visible and involved in the world you live in. New ideas may be floating around regarding a change or shift in the career space, especially if it involves finding something that feels more fulfilling to your own life and ambitions. While this lunation may not bring a definitive answer yet, this is a great moment to reflect on your career and what you would like to see develop. This can be as small as a shift in roles or a promotion, to as large as a new job and industry move. The point is to plant the seed of intention of what you wish to see grow, and in six months, this space may start to look completely different.
If you are in need of ideas or inspiration, Uranus in Taurus’ connection with this New Moon will encourage you to think about your career in the context of your daily life. What would be the most satisfying way to live out your work routines? What career supports that schedule, and which do not? Who are the ideal people you would like to work with?
Your long-term plans, future dreams, and the ways you expand your mind through self-discovery, philosophy, and observation are the seeds of growth planted by this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury retrograde has been reviewing your fantasies, practical goals, and subsequent blueprints of how you wish to see your life expand in the next five years. This may’ve been a process of reviewing old agendas and picking out the parts that don’t fit who you are anymore. Additionally, a passion for new studies or culture may’ve sparked your attention and focused your long-term thinking elsewhere. This New Moon is an ideal time to recenter on your continuing vision for your future, and what you wish to see flourish in your mind and with your intentions over time. What new direction have you been taking in your journey of self-discovery and growth? What plans are starting to unfold more clearly in terms of this orientation?
The trine from Uranus in Taurus encourages part of the inspiration for your future outlook to be shaped by your creative passions, projects, and people or practices that make your life fun. There has been an expansion in this area of your life, and designing an outlook or course of education that puts your creative inspiration at the forefront will feel fulfilling and nourishing to your sense of self.
Money and resources are the prospect of this New Moon in Virgo, but not simply your own income. This lunation pulls to your partner’s liquidity and any business or related collaborations that help you bring in financial security for yourself. Mercury retrograde has been evaluating these contracts and agreements, picking apart the loopholes, and potentially revisiting the balance of income flow between you and those important partnerships. Your partner may’ve revisited their work and fair pay needs, and that’s now having a roll-over effect onto your life. With this lunation, reflect on how you wish to see this area of your life transform. What does it mean to be in a secure and financially independent relationship or business agreement? What do you need from the other people in your life to feel supported and secure? What power plays have been disrupted?
Part of the encouragement of this change may come around the shifts and newfound expansion in your home life and living environment. The trine to this New Moon from Uranus in Taurus encourages you to review how your current untraditional and contemporary take on home life can be brought into all aspects of your personal life and relationships. The foundation for how everything grows directly influences your finances and ultimately what you leave for inheritance.
One-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds are the focus for fresh, inspiring growth under this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury’s recent retrograde here may’ve evaluated your close relationships and the role they play in your life. There’s an act of categorizing, understanding, and working alongside the relationship to comprehend what you truly need from them. At the same time, your partner(s) may be going through a review of themselves and their identity, or are experiencing a major external shift in their life that slowly filters into your world. Under this lunation, you’re asked to clearly define and be transparent about exactly what you want and need out of relationships, whether they be business or personal. How would you like to see these partnerships grow over the next six months? If you’re single, what are a list of traits and attributes you can become clear and firm on for your future connections?
If you need inspiration for what relationships you’re asked to create or review, Uranus in Taurus makes a helpful connection to this New Moon, encouraging untraditional and freedom-loving conversations in your life. Look to where you have a little more leniency and flexibility in your daily rituals and routines. Who would you like to share this space with? Or is this something where you truly value your own time?
Your work life, responsibilities and duties each day, and relationships with your boss(es) and/or coworkers are the focus for fresh growth under this New Moon in Virgo. The Mercury retrograde here has reviewed your work routines and body health, the ways you find balance between work and taking care of your needs, and overall the responsibilities and burden you hold with your daily tasks. There’s always a possibility of this being a trial and error – taking on too much and having to let go, or neglecting one or more areas for support in another. This New Moon encourages you to take everything you have learned and develop a vision of what you wish your daily work routines and schedule to resemble. What would be the ideal? How would you spend each morning, evening, and free time? A lunation here always incites an evaluation of balance in your life.
Uranus in Taurus makes a connection to this New Moon, further emphasizing the way you have been making disruptions in your work and career life, and challenging the status quo when it comes to earning income and stability for yourself. Utilizing some of the disruptive yet freedom-loving energy in your work routines and rituals will help you feel more in alignment with the shifts you are experiencing financially and with your sense of security.
Creative life, relationships with children, and your ability to pursue fun, art, and inspiration through the heavier and more ambiguous periods of time are the focus of this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury retrograde has been reviewing your exchange with life and creative passions, perhaps prompting you to revisit old avenues of pleasure or reconnect with the children in your life. After some trial and error, this New Moon invites you on the path of satisfaction and admiration of your abilities to envision something out of nothing. Even if life feels ungrounded, how can you still find the little moments of joy and child-like curiosity? Where can you rediscover a passion for life by creating something new, perhaps even something that generates a little flow of income? How have you been too hard or serious in your life?
If you need inspiration for what new creative projects you’ve been called to pursue, reflect on your own identity and self-discovery. Jupiter and Uranus have been expanding and disrupting your sense of self, urging the old, unstable patterns and dying beliefs you have clung to as the law to be let go of. You have the potential to shape and design yourself in a way that truly highlights your freedom and agency. Explore this self-expression through your art and play.
Home life, your living environment, and relationships with family are the focus for fresh growth under this New Moon in Virgo. The previous Mercury retrograde has been reviewing your definition of home, what it means to construct an enjoyable living environment, experience protection and love from family, and honor your past experiences with this foundational area of your life. Now shifting forward in direction and under this generative lunation, what new structural support to wish to see develop for your home and family life? What does it mean for you to honor the hidden corners of your private world and make sure you have enough space there to feel secure and sustained? This New Moon is all about building yourself up and making sure your self-expression is reinforced, starting with where you live and how you can nourish yourself.
New ideas and goals about what you wish to build for your home space may come from the expansion and disruption of Uranus in Taurus. Deep in your mind, digging through your mental health and spirituality, what are you learning about being alone that is important for you to continue to nourish either spiritually or internally? How can you cultivate a living space that encourages inner retreat and space to heal from past wounds?
Day-to-day rituals, interesting conversations, connecting with your neighbors, and spending time with siblings and friends that feel like relatives is what this New Moon in Virgo brings forward. Mercury retrograde here has been revisiting this space and what it means for you to enjoy everyday living. What little chores or tasks have you taken on that are just no longer worth your time and sanity? What do you need to change about your routine to feel more in love with daily life? This lunation encourages a reset and a reappreciation of what your close, inner world looks like and the ways it can bring nourishment and fulfillment to you. If it’s not currently doing that, Virgo will ask you to critically review and remove those pieces that don’t fit. Perfection isn’t obtainable, but in sweet moments of bliss and pleasure with living, we can get pretty close.
Uranus in Taurus has been disrupting and shaking up your community, friendships, and relationships with fun. The connection he makes to this New Moon encourages you to spend more time with those friendships that light up your sky and emboldens you to branch out. Who in your community can help you recreate and transform your inner circle? Where can you start to prioritize fun and adventure so you can bring some external excitement into your day-to-day?
Money, income, resources, and your sense of security and stability are the focus for rebirth and fresh growth under this New Moon in Virgo. Mercury’s retrograde here has been painstakingly analyzing and critiquing your money flows and sources of income, looking at gaps among the expenses and revenues, and formulating new ideas about what works here and what doesn’t. This New Moon takes in all the information and helps you begin a unique and original plan on how to move forward. What about money have you found has been working for you lately? How can you continue to encourage the flow? On the flip side, where has money been more frustrating and fractious? Where can you make a shift in your life to remove or transmute this discomfort? Sometimes, it takes what feels like a risk, and to believe in yourself that you are capable of finding solutions.
If you are seeking inspiration on what changes to make, Uranus in Taurus provides a flood of resources. Here, Uranus has been breaking free of old career and work beliefs and structures, challenging the norm for what public reputation means to you, and asking you to be open to disrupting what has been laid traditionally. Look at how you’re being a pioneer with your work and overarching vision, and utilize those same tools to generate stability and financial blessings.
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