Full Moon in Pisces 2022 — Astrology Forecast

This astrology forecast will discuss the Full Moon in Pisces and all the astrological events right up to the New Moon in Libra at the end of September. The first section will review the general astrology, followed by sign-specific horoscopes. These horoscopes are written for your rising sign, but please feel free to read your Sun sign and/or Moon sign. Learn how to pull up your chart here.

The Full Moon in Pisces, occurring on September 10th at 5:59 am EDT gives us a moment of sweet and blissful escape from the detail-oriented and practical problem-solving mercurial aspects we have been experiencing since the New Moon in Virgo late August. This Full Moon is conjunct Neptune, the planet of transcendence, intuition, dreamland, and escape. This opens up a moment in time for us to step away from the daily grind of life and into the mystic waters of Pisces, where we can imagine a perfect illusion of fantasy.

Venus is on the opposite end of this Full Moon, near the Sun, allowing us to feel a little more ease with our mercurial matters and create space to have some fun and see the beauty currently in our life. It’s important to be mindful that we don’t completely numb out or get too caught up in the fantasy, but this Full Moon is an important reminder that we don’t have to be ON all the time. We can also have fun, experience entertainment, and let go from all the issues for a little bit.

The day after the Full Moon on September 11th, the Sun in Virgo makes a flowing and helpful aspect to Uranus in Taurus. We may be moved to take some of the fantastical and imaginative aspects from the Full Moon and put them to practical use, especially in ways that are a little more disrupting and groundbreaking in terms of going against the grain and tradition.

It’s important to note that Uranus and Saturn are in a tight and conflicting square throughout this month, although they never reach an exact aspect, we may feel the limitations to our ability to create new structures and innovations against the long-term restrictions we are currently experiencing with Saturn in Aquarius. Be mindful, especially with the Mercury retrograde, that things may move a little slower than planned.

The week after, around September 16th, we are reminded of our practical needs and work in the world, as Venus in Virgo makes a difficult aspect to Mars and the Moon in Gemini, reminding us of what we wish to create and what we need to take action on may be at odds with each other. The same day, the Sun makes an opposition to Neptune, reminding us of our fantasy, dreams, and desires against what is actually possible and able to be fulfilled in our material world. Yet still, it asks us to not lose sight of the big picture we are trying to achieve.

On September 18th, Mercury now retrograde makes its second opposition to Jupiter in Aries. This is a good time to review and reflect on what new information you are receiving regarding your big-picture plans and the details you need to be more aware of, especially from the events that may have happened around September 2nd, when the first aspect was made. The Sun also makes a flowing connection to Pluto during this day, intensifying our spirit and motivation to go out and make movements in the world.

Venus makes the same disrupting and destabilizing aspect to Uranus on September 20th, and whatever we may have been working on during the Full Moon gets another lift and burst of energy. Although within our limitations, we may still be able to disrupt and put forth some serious change into the world and help solidify some ideas we had a week ago.

The Sun enters Libra late on September 22nd, signifying the official start of Fall. Early morning on September 23rd, the Sun and Mercury join together at zero degrees of Libra, the heart of the retrograde cycle. This conjunction with the Sun brings an insight and flood of new information or details that this retrograde may be forcing us to review and reexamine. Take note of what new ideas are revealed to you and what actions you have to initiate to move forward. Mercury will shift back into Virgo on the same day, picking up where we left off in August.

Finally, on September 24th, Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces and again, we may feel another one of those days where we need to pull back from the daily work grind and allow ourselves some time and space to dream and imagine, get lost in a bit of transcendence, and experience a new direction. This aspect occurs during the dark moon, right before the New Moon, and is a good time to give yourself some rest and regeneration before the new cycle starts.

Let’s look at where this is happening to you specifically.


Pisces Full Moon asks you spend some time with yourself and your own dreams, exploring the waters of who you are and who you wish to become. Virgo season has been all about the other in your life, other people, other relationships, and their needs. Use this Full Moon as an opportunity to escape into what you desire and what feels good to you. Spend time alone or with those that allow you to put yourself first. Reflect on how you have grown into the person you are now in the past six months.

Throughout this cycle, take notice of those important relationships you are cultivating that help fill up your cup, and how you can take some of that meaningfulness and keep it in your daily life and day-to-day rituals. What joys are you experiencing with your neighborhood, siblings, and close friendships? Where do you maybe need to ask for a little more help or support? Know that these blessings of assistance are there if you allow them to be.

Libra season is all about your partner’s resources, collaborations, and what they can bring to the table. This includes both business and personal, as Mercury’s retrograde has been reviewing this for you this month. It all comes back to alignment, is the growth and help they are providing in alignment with your own desires and needs? Or does there need to be revision?


Step into your hidden chambers, quiet spaces, and deepen your connection with spirituality and your mental health under this Pisces Full Moon. Work life has been growing and demanding so much of your time and energy lately, and this is a great time to pull back and go into your own mystical space away from the outside world of responsibility. Through rest and resetting, we are often able to find new ways to move forward with the problems and issues feel heavy.

Of course, it’s hard to ignore money matters and financial priorities under this cycle. And the days after the Full Moon may open up opportunity for you to influence your daily work life in a way that is profitable and sustainable for you long term. Virgo is not always about more, but it’s about doing more with less. Pick out what parts of your daily work life are not helping you and focus on clearing them out. More space will allow you to breathe.

Libra season is all about your partnerships, both business and especially personal. Mercury’s retrograde is reviewing the relationships that actually matter to you and asking you to take note what information you are receiving from the other people in your life. Are they aligning with your vision and dreams for the future? Or are you feeling pulled into another direction? And are you willing to take the compromise?


This Full Moon in Pisces is all about your friend groups, community spaces, and overall blessings you are receiving being with the people that ask you to dream big. You don’t always have to rely on yourself to feel motivated or inspired, sometimes escaping and creating new ideas with people that can see your vision can help open new doors you haven’t thought to be possible. This Full Moon encourages to have some fun and let loose with others.

Your creative projects, inspiration, and potentially children have been taking up most of your time throughout Virgo season, and it’s important to see how you are changing with your own inspiration. Your creativity and ability to seek fun outside of groups and other people is a reflection of yourself. What is making you feel more authentic as you branch out and find space for your own fun and creativity? How are you seeing yourself grow into the person you want to be in this cycle?

Libra season will shift your direction back into your daily work life, noting the employers and employees you work with. Mercury’s retrograde is all about refining your daily work environment so that it doesn’t become a drain to your mental health and actually aligns with the vision you have been growing behind the scenes. What outside work changes do you need to make so that it doesn’t feel like you’re living two different lives?


Your career and work in the world are highlighted under this Full Moon in Pisces, showing the ways you have been making waves and transforming this area of your life for the past six months. How have you reached a point of completion in your career, and are there more ways you wish to see it grow and develop, even if it seems too unrealistic? This year may have provided dramatic shifts in your work and home life, but know that not everything has to be set in stone for it to be a blessing or beneficial for your own growth.

Refining your home life and where you find some quiet space has been your focus for Virgo season, and this cycle brings opportunities for you to access a little more spirituality or healing with your mental health and hidden spaces. These flowing aspects with Uranus may show how you’re developing your own inner sanctuary, and what it means to keep that space sacred.

Libra season has the potential to bring a little more ease and fun into your life, lighting up your creative side and spending time with those you have fun with, including children if applicable. Mercury moving backwards here has been reviewing the ways you experience joy and let loose. Are your creative needs in alignment with your community and overall friend groups? Or are you having to find ways to balance out both sides, honoring your need to have fun but also enjoy the expansion that has been present within other relationships?


Your long-term plans, visions for the future, and even your philosophy and beliefs about the world are highlighted under this mystical Full Moon in Pisces. What are you envisioning for yourself and your future that may seem a little far-fetched or unrealistic? It’s okay to let those thoughts be explored and honored. Sometimes it’s helpful to imagine a goal or future for yourself if everything was perfect and possible, and then drill down into the reality of it later.

Virgo season has been all about your daily rituals and people you interact and communicate with every day. This includes neighbors, siblings, close friends, and even those little rituals you partake in with your community. This cycle brings an opportunity for you to make some deeper connections with your overall friend groups and larger community through your daily wanderings. Be open to new relationships and interactions that bring a little joy into your life.

Libra season will redirect your attention to your home and family life, and the world you are cultivating there. Mercury’s retrograde is reviewing this aspect of your life, and if it’s in alignment with the expansion you’ve been experiencing in your career and public roles. How can you ensure that you’re providing yourself a space to relax and unwind in, even as your responsibilities seem to take up majority of your energy? Bringing in a little beauty and maybe even redecorating can help warm your heart this season.


Pisces Full Moon is all about the dreams and visions you are cultivating with those important to you, including collaborations and monetary blessings that may start flowing in from important relationships in your life. How do you want to see your collaborations with others grow and expand? Virgo season has had you working hard with your own monetary resources, and this Full Moon offers you a chance to release and let go, perhaps letting someone else take the burden from you for a bit.

Of course, your own money matters will still be the focus, but the flowing aspects to Uranus may allow you to make a change and transform yourself through your career and public roles. How have the blessings you’ve been finding with your resources support your career growth? This cycle is all about refining what is working in your career and monetary life, and what isn’t, and creating space so that change can be ushered in.

Libra season will shift your focus to your daily life, rituals, neighborhood, siblings, close friends, and communications in your life. Mercury has already been moving backwards and reviewing a bit of this for you, but the Sun’s entrance will bring another insight or idea in how you want it to grow. It’s important to take note if your daily life is in alignment with your expanding vision and dreams for the future, and if not, how can you start to bring it back to agreement?


Close relationships and one-on-one partnerships of all types are highlighted under this Full Moon in Pisces. This is a beautiful opportunity to allow yourself some space to dream and create with others, just for the sake of creation and mysticism. You have been analyzing and critiquing yourself this past Virgo season, now this Full Moon is asking you to let go of some of the practical needs and just experience a little more escapism. How can you let yourself have fun and dream with other people in your life that you love and support?

Your own growth and development are still of importance this cycle, and the flowing energy will allow you to also seek growth and expansion, maybe a little disruption, into your long-term plans and vision for the future. What have you learned about yourself this past month, and how does that transform or redirect your goals and outlook on life overall? Notice what is changing within you, and with your vision for yourself.

Libra season will be all about your money, how you make it and how you spend it. Mercury’s review through this sign during this cycle will have you reflecting and reviewing your money and resources, and if the path you’re on is feasible for everyone involved. Are you able to pull your weight in the collaborations with others? Or is there an imbalance with what they are expecting and what is actually possible for you?


This Full Moon in Pisces highlights your daily work life, the people you work for, your employees, and your overall body health. What new ways are you starting to imagine your daily work life develop into? What would be the ultimate space for you to be able to create and yet still accomplish the responsibilities in your life? Be open to fantasy and dreams about how you wish your work life to transform, and the ways that may be a little impractical but feel fulfilling and imaginative, and see what pieces of your dream you can make a reality.

Venus and the Sun in Virgo have been digging through your hidden chambers, dreamscape, and spirituality as well as your mental health, analyzing your thoughts and beliefs beyond the daily grind. This cycle presents an opportunity for you to share some of your hidden ideas and beliefs with those you feel close and safe to do so. Perhaps they will be able to collaborate and help you develop some ideas into a practical direction.

Libra season will shift focus onto yourself, reviewing who you are and how you wish to present yourself to the world. Notice what is shifting for you personally, and how you wish to see yourself grow over the next month. Is the expansion in your one-on-one personal relationships able to support this vision for yourself, or are you being overpowered by the partnerships in your life that are demanding a little more?


Pisces Full Moon highlights your creativity, creative projects, fun experiences, your children, and the growth that you’ve achieved in this area of your life in the past six months. Now is an opportunity to escape a bit from your outside and worldly obligations into a space of fun, creativity, rest, and enjoyment that you can cultivate here. How can you express yourself through your dreams, and create something that may be completely useless, but just for the sake of fun and love?

Your work during Virgo season has been about analyzing and evaluating your friend groups and overall community you partake in. What are you learning about yourself through your friendships, and how is it helping you develop closer relationships? Even if some of your personal partnerships may experience a disruption or destabilization, there is opportunity for you rely on your community you’ve been building through the past month.

Libra season will shift your focus inward and internally, deep within your hidden chambers and mental health spaces. What are you learning about yourself away from the daily world and life? Mercury is reviewing this aspect of your ability to pull away and focus on your secret visions and spiritual growth, especially as your daily work life has been expanding and growing heavily. How can you find balance of taking care of your mental health and still show up for your work responsibilities?


Your home and living environment, as well as your parents and childhood beliefs, experience a shift into the mystical waters of this Full Moon in Pisces. There may be some destabilization here, but within that uncertainty is the opportunity to dream of a new direction and movement that you wish your home life to grow into. If everything could be what you want it to be, what would your home life look like? Where would you move to or stay? Allow yourself to escape into this fantasy for a bit, and in this dreamscape, you may be able to find what is practical and what can be solidified.

Your career and public roles in the world have been your focus for most of this Virgo season, and now there is flowing energies allowing you to develop your daily work routines and daily work life into something that feels supported and constructive to your growth. What little gifts are you able to capture within your career and work in the world?

Libra season will shift focus to your community, friend groups, and how you have fun with others in your life. Mercury has been reviewing your friendships and the growth that has taken place there, and more information may present itself during the heart of the retrograde. How are you still able to have fun with others and attend to your creative projects and/or children? If there is imbalance, take note and find ways to bring it back to equilibrium.


Pisces Full Moon encourages you to find sweet escape with your neighborhood, daily rituals, close friendships, siblings, and communications. A new shift is apparent in your daily life, and this Full Moon offers an opportunity to really envision what it feels like to be free and enjoy a daily routine that allows you to tap into your dreams, fantasy, and imaginations. If you could have everything your way, what would your daily life look like? And how has it changed in the past six months?

Your long-term plans, goals, visions for the future, and even your philosophical outlook have been under scrutiny this Virgo season. You have been analyzing and evaluating how you see your future growing, and now there is an opportunity in this cycle to make those long-term dreams into reality. What can you create and develop that will put your goals and path into action?

Libra season will shift your focus to your career and public roles in the community. Mercury’s retrograde has been reviewing and evaluating what you have achieved and what your role is in life, and the Sun’s entrance will give you some insight about the work direction you need to take. Notice if what you wish to achieve is either in conflict or out of balance with your home life, parents, and living situation. What changes need to be made to bring that back to a place where everyone is satisfied, if that’s possible? Or do you need to compromise with your own work?


Resources, money, and personal financial projects are highlighted under this Full Moon in Pisces. You have been working hard with others, analyzing projects and collaborations with those you are close to, but now it’s time to dream about what you can bring in for yourself. How would you like to see the ways you make money develop and grow? If everything was possible, how would your finances look? What abundance have you experienced over the past six months? Envision your own development outside the structure others have been pushing through this Virgo season.

With Venus also in Virgo, there is a connection with the work you are doing with others and your own home life, and your ability to find structure and stability there. Maybe things have felt a little untethered and uncomfortable within your personal spaces, but the days after this Full Moon give you the opportunity to actually see what blessings there are within this uncertainty.

Libra season is all about your future and goals for the long-term. What are you learning about yourself in regard to your philosophy and outlook on life? What goals or ideas about the future have you been mulling about with Mercury stationing retrograde in this area of your life? Although your day-to-day and daily rituals have been expanding and growing, it’s time for you to reflect on what your goal is for the long-term future.

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