June 2022 Astrology Forecast
We are finally out of eclipse season and beginning the month with fresher energy that can feel a little jarring but exciting to grow into! June opens out by finishing what May started – Mercury went retrograde on May 10th and will station direct on June 3rd. For the past three and half weeks Mercury has been retracing its steps from 4° Gemini to 26° Taurus, requiring us to review our work, ideas, and conversations we had throughout that month. We may have experienced issues with technology, communication, and losing something or finding things we have misplaced at another time.
This Mercury stationing direct is squaring Saturn, the planet of limitations, restrictions, oppositions, and loss or feeling stuck. Here, we may struggle to clearly communicate our needs or lessons we have learned. We might feel an urge to work through an issue, and then unfairly get shot down and told “NO.” The trick to Saturn is time – knowing that time can heal through difficult situations and create opportunities that may not seem visible right when we want them.
These constraints are further brought to our awareness by Saturn stationing retrograde on June 4th. Outer planet (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto) retrogrades happen every year and usually cover a span of a few months. Saturn will be retrograde until October 23rd. These transits aren’t as harsh or discernable as Mercury, Venus, and Mars retrogrades, but Saturn will give us an opportunity to review our work, responsibilities, and goals we have taken upon ourselves this year.
Overall, the first week of June will feel slow. As planets slow down and change direction, it can reflect in our own lives. It’s a moment of deceleration, allowing ourselves to look at our achievements and goals we have set, reevaluate the progress, and perhaps rethink or refine our future course of action. Forcing something to happen when it’s not met to be will often create more work or disruption for ourselves in the long term.
By June 10th, Mercury will be moving forward and picking up messages from Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. Information hidden to us, secrets, or sudden displays of power dynamics may be revealed. An idea or process you haven’t been clear on since the end of April may finally reach a point of completion.
Venus has been in sweet and earthly Taurus since May 28th, and on June 11th she meets up with the unpredictable and erratic Uranus. Uranus often delivers shocking revelations, sudden events, and/or capricious situations. Whatever we have been trying to build or create stability within the past two weeks may hit a point where we have to rethink or repurpose our work. Be ready to make changes where they are needed – it’s often because of unforeseen disruptions we are able to create a unique and improved path forward.
On June 13th, Mercury reenters it’s home sign of Gemini. Our ability to reason, find logic, and problem-solve gets a boost. A Full Moon in Sagittarius greats us on June 14th, and it wants to create a little more joy and fun within our lives. The ruler of the Full Moon is Jupiter in Aries, who has been expanding our growth, spirit, and personal long-term goals since the beginning of May. In Gemini season, we have been doing a lot of analytical work, thinking through situations with more logic and reasoning, which is great for intellectual tasks but can often feel draining and sometimes unfulfilling. This Sagittarius Full Moon asks us to take a step back and look at the big picture of why we do what we do on the day-to-day. What is the ultimate goal or scenario we are striving for? And how can we appreciate the ways our overall life has changed since six months ago? Be mindful to not lean too far into escapism or disillusionment about the reality of the situation, but also try to equally see how letting go of stress is often necessary and cathartic.
Another important part of this Full Moon that we will feel more strongly the day after, on June 15th, is the planet Mars conjunct (joining together) with the asteroid Chiron. Mars is the planet of our actions, aggression, conflict but also how we get things done and achieve our goals. Chiron is an asteroid that represents our wounds – personal points of healing that we have to deal with in our life. During this moment, we may experience an increased sensitivity to our grief, pain, or trauma we are working through. It may provide us with an opportunity to address the issue head-on and make important strides towards healing.
This Full Moon also ramps up the enthusiasm and motivation. The Sun, which represents our vitality, energy, and spirit gets a supportive structural boost from Saturn on June 16th, although we might be dreaming or fantasizing about a different direction in life. Discerning between was is realistic and what is simply improbable can help us align our priorities.
Venus, wanting to create beauty, pleasures, and feel-good situations may get a boundary or restrictive No from Saturn on June 18th, but by allowing ourselves to tap into those fantasies and dreams again, we may be able to create a mystical way forward, as she receives a supportive sextile from Neptune on June 19th. It’s all a balancing act during these few days – what do want, what pieces of it is realistic to obtain, and what is better to leave in the dreamland (at least for now)?
Summer solstice greets us with the Sun’s entry into the cardinal sign of Cancer on June 21st. This official start of Summer season gives us a chance to tap into our emotional needs and find what is fulfilling to us, not just in our earthly priorities but also with our intrinsic desires and personal development. On the same day, and Venus and Pluto make a helpful connection – finalizing the growth Venus has pursued in Taurus and allowing us a chance to rebuild a sweeter power dynamic in our world.
Venus then enters Gemini on June 22nd, increasing our desire to socialize and engage with a community, or expand with intellectual developments and our communications, writing, or learning. We begin to seek a balance between amplifying our emotional needs and expanding our social and cerebral needs at the same time.
This last week of the month right before the New Moon is a great time to wrap up projects or goals that have been put off or cast aside as Mars and Saturn make a helpful sextile on June 27th. This is also the day right before the New Moon, where the Moon is in its last quarter and slowly decreasing light. The very end of the moon cycle is always a great time to finish something or find a good ending point to reflect on.
The New Moon in Cancer happens late at night on June 28th, and it’s another sweet and contemplative moment in time. With the Sun and Moon in Cancer, we may have the desire to really delve deep into our emotions and inner healing we have been pursuing. It may feel like this inner work is getting in the way of the major passions we are trying to initiate and manifest with Jupiter in Aries, and we might overdo it trying to tackle everything. However, a Venus and Jupiter connection really creates ease and brings gifts, perhaps in the form of relationships or people that want to help boost your aspirations or co-create a vision together.
Finally, on the same day, Neptune in Pisces stations retrograde until December 3rd. Neptune rules our untouchable fantasies, mystic probabilities, and deep spiritual connections. We will be reviewing our progress in that realm of life, slowly, for the next few months. Use this New Moon to reflect on those dreams and reveries, and how you would like to see them grow over the next six months.
Overall, June is giving us a chance to process what the eclipses and Mercury retrograde may have uncovered and brought into light in May, and to create defined and actionable plans for moving forward. The lunations during the month seek to bring joy and a little more lightheartedness into our situations, maybe even a new insight or revelation.
We are ending the month with a cliffhanger, however. July will start out with more friction and perhaps instability than we want to anticipate. Use this month to clean things up and clearly define values and goals so you’re ready when conflicts begin to arise between power structures and different groups.
Curious to how this month will play out for you personally? Using your own unique birth chart, we can look at the transiting planets and see what areas of your life you’re being asked to put more energy and time into using a transit reading. Request your consultation here.
Want to learn about what each of the signs mean and what their significations are? Check out this blog post.